Vaytsekhovskaya's interview with Pogorilaya


Cats and garlic lover
Elena Vaytsekhovskaya's interview with Anna Pogorilaya for
(please click the original article....)
EV: In the time that had passed since the Nationals which you did not participate I received numerous emails with the question where is Anna? When will she come back? When will she skate again?
AP: I received such emails all the time. I really want to skate. Frankly, I even went on the ice, but all I could do was just gliding and the basic spins. Even after such a practice my back hurt. It's a constant unbearable pain. When I lie down or swim it becomes better, but I can't really spend all the time flat or swimming.

EV: Are there any improvements in the treatment?
AP: No. I am not even yet diagnozed. One doctor says one thing, another - another, third - something else. The doctor I went to in Germany found an old injury. Said 4 years ago I broke my spine at the upper part. But the pain is not there. It's my lower back that hurts, hence the muscles are inflamed and it spreads on the whole back. I can't bend at all. In the Russian Cup in Yoshkar Ola I did a layback spin and in the end had to withdrow from the LP. Things were so bad that the coach had to help me undress and give me injections so I could move a bit. Then when we went to the GP in Canada I decided to sacrifice the spin and make an easier one with a lower level. I hoped it would allow me to be semi-decent in the LP. But the back still hurt and the LP was a disaster.

EV: When I was planning a talk with you I didn't think I'll gather a courage to ask what did you feel when deciding to give up the Olympics. But it seems it was really a relief?
AP: It was in the books. This season was mentally hard. In August we were getting more and more in shape. At some point I was doing 6 runthroughs in the morning and 6 in the evening. In one practice. Perhaps even more, I don't remember. But mentally I was off at that time. The first two run throughts I was trying to do to the top of my ability, be focused and concentrated, but then I would make mistakes. And at the same time I was pushed all the time: get up!!! get up!!! I was first crying when something went wrong, but then at some point I started laughing. Hysterically. I realized it was wrong, but I couldn't change a thing by then.

EV: I.e. you felt you were overloaded and yet you kept going?
AP: Yes, I was hoping and keeping it till the very last moment. I was chasing away the thoughts all these little girls are stronger and I have an ill back. That you can't even skate for 2 weeks in a row because your back will hurt, but how do you do a layback?

EV: When the last season you failed the Worlds some coaches were explaining it for a huge competitive stress which you couldn't take.
AP: You know what, if you tell a person every day he is stupid he'll become stupid. I was told daily am hysterical, even though am not at all in the real life. When I told the German doctor about my reactions he was quite surprised. He said `you suffer a terrible back pain all the time, of course you are nervous, it's quite normal'

EV: In the GP in Canada you and your coach Anna Tsareva looked as if you were having a fight of tour life and will never speak again.
AP: It's a usual. In the past when something didn't work it was all thunders and lights... It's just hard not to give in to your emotions when you are in pain all the time. I understand perfectly well how much the coach counted on me, that she had so many hopes hence she was so upset. We are in a good terms again, happy to see each other and talk a lot.

EV: And what have you decided? You'll become better and go back to training?
AP: It's a tough question whether I'll become better. I really want to and to skate again. I didn't throw the skates away, I actually have 2 pairs of new boots. Just that right now I don't really understand what to do about my back. The usual physio and massages are not helping anymore.

EV: Were there thoughts to be hospitalized?
AP: We tried. It was decided I would come for the treatment and go back home. But they got something confused at the reception and I was told to register, then to check in my stuff and when all was done the nurse asked me where are my shoes. At that moment I was really afraid that I'll never get out, it was like getting into a prison. Fortunately it was fast figured it was a mistake. The doctor, a fun dude was asking before whether we can get married right now, so he approached again and asked a shame we got it all mixed up and you are not in our department.

EV: Were you following the Nationals in St. Petersburg?
AP: Partly. I was not really following the results, but when opened the instagram I saw who finished where.

EV: Were there any thoughts about what is going on with the Russian ladies skating?
AP: More like just registered at the back of my mind the skating became less feminine. It is not as important anymore. On the other hand I didn't really think about it.

EV: It was probably hard training every day sharing the ice not only with Medvedeva and Zagitova, but a smaller girls who are chasing you?
AP: We hardly ever saw each other on the ice. You must be able to adapt - my coach keeps repeating. And I agree with her. If my back should be ok am sure I can come back and skate. Getting the jumps back should not be a problem.

EV: But there is a chance there will be no other Olympics in your life.
AP: So? Think it should be taken easier.

EV: Agree, just that it doesn't work that way. More than that, if you don't retire the Olympics in the sport are a highlight of your career. During the nationals I was talking to Evgenia Tarasova, who said she is willing to climb that mountain even if she would be completely broken. That she is willing to suffer whatever it takes.
AP: And what, I wonder, will happen to the athlete after, if as broken as they are they will remain disabled after the Olympics? Yes, the Olympics are the highlight and it even opens some doors. Just that not so many can find their way after the Olympics in real life.

EV: Not long ago the Olympic champion Sikharulidze was asked why did he retire so early even though he could have skated for many years. He said he didn't want to prolong the agony: at some point he would have to start a new life and the later the person retires the harder that moment would be. I guess he is right. I know many female skaters give up having children in order to keep skating. When they slow down it's too late.
AP: Guess it can be explained: people are trying to get back into those times when they were the winners and feel that drive again. Hence a lot are unable to stop. Though each has a different destiny.

EV: Do you imagine your life after the sports?
AP: Not yet. I certainly plan to have children. For a woman, I think, it's one of the main goals.

EV: You grew up a lot recently.
AP: Guess it's just that I was always more in touch with the adults, since the school. When all my classmates went somewhere I would stay in some extra lessons. It was interesting talking to the literature or history teachers. Guess they liked talking to me as well. Perhaps now it's just such a time when I can see things from the outside. When you change the perspective it's easier to understand how the things should be done. When you are involved it's hard to make a right decision. Though it's hard to say which decision is right or wrong.

EV: What about the shows? Would you participate them?
AP: All that new year's stuff- now. As for the serious ones- I participated the Art on Ice in Switzerland and Japan. I loved both. Just that now, after missing the whole year no one would invite some Anna Pogorilaya from the last season. There are other stars.

EV: If it will turn out you can't skate anymore what will you do.
AP: I didn't even think about it. What do you mean - I won't be able to skate. I think we'll find a solution in the end.

EV: I don't get it, you want to come back so badly because you love skating or back in your mind you want to win what you haven't won yet?
AP: I feel I can do more, I want to do more, I want to recover not even as an athlete, but mentally.

EV: Aren't you afraid even if you recover and come back the ladies skating will become different by then?
AP: Well, am not living under a rock, I know what is going on, so no.

EV: What if you have seen the little girls were landing the quads in the Nationals? Would you reconsider?
AP: But I do see the little girls landing those jumps. It's temporary while they are small and thin. Hence am not worried. It's a rare if a girl makes it through the puberty. And that doesn't happen there is something wrong with her body and it will happen later and even worse.

EV: Is that why you like Carolina Kostner so much?
AP: Yes.

EV: What do you think when you see her skating?
AP: That the ladies skating still has a chance.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
You know, for her theatrics during a bad skate and her whole drama with her coach at Skate Canada, she constantly comes across as one of the most realistic and well-spoken skaters. After her meltdown at Worlds, she was asked in an interview something along the lines of whether she continued to dwell on it or think about it daily and she said she forgot about it right after it happened.

In any event, I hope they are able to figure out her problem so that she can come back healthy and be competitive once again.


Active Member
I love her comment about Carolina Kostner and why she likes her so much. I feel the same way
"the ladies skating still has a chance".
I hope they find a way to help her with her back problems and get a diagnosis at least. How hard and tough for her to not know what is wrong and causing the pain.


rising like a phoenix
@Tony Wheeler It's disappointing that after reading a whole interview about her months of persistent back pain which makes it impossible for her to skate, you still accuse her of "theatrics" when she struggled, in addition to your previous charming comment about sulking round the ice at Skate Canada, when it was evident to everyone watching that she was in tremendous pain.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
@Tony Wheeler It's disappointing that after reading a whole interview about her months of persistent back pain which makes it impossible for her to skate, you still accuse her of "theatrics" when she struggled, in addition to your previous charming comment about sulking round the ice at Skate Canada, when it was evident to everyone watching that she was in tremendous pain.

:eek: I’m a huge, HUGE fan of Anna’s. The post you are referring to, I was using the sulking around the ice as an example of when the skater really let the performance go PCS-wise because we don’t typically see such a drastic difference from competition to competition and that was the question being asked.

My point was that she has an amazing star quality about her but I wish she wouldn’t give up so easily when things go wrong. Skate Canada wasn’t the only time that it happened, and sure, her back could be to blame for the early 2016/2017 Worlds skates as well, but it’s frustrating to watch when you know she has the ability to sell just about anything and do it very well.


Let the skating begin
Oh, Anna. I hope there is a solution for her. She's so creative. I'm not typically a fan of exhibition programs, but Anna has had amazing concepts since she was just 16. If it works out that she cannot be a competitive skater going forward, I hope she would consider choreography or some form of creative input. I miss her.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Thanks for posting and translating.

Was very nice to learn more about her and what she has been dealing with! And also the sniplet about Caro!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the translation, TAHbKA.

I like the way she looks on her world and the world around her, hasn't lost her spirit. Hopefully she finds the right treatment for her back, at least she has swimming and lying down, which eases the pain.

Love the part about Carolina. Get well, Anna! Soon!


EV: When the last season you failed the Worlds some coaches were explaining it for a huge competitive stress which you couldn't take.
AP: You know what, if you tell a person every day he is stupid he'll become stupid. I was told daily am hysterical, even though am not at all in the real life. When I told the German doctor about my reactions he was quite surprised. He said `you suffer a terrible back pain all the time, of course you are nervous, it's quite normal'

Poor Anna. This makes me so angry. How do coaches not know basic ---- like this?


@ruffledgrouse I completely agree. I'm glad she has the presence of mind to realize this, but jeez....Tsareva, get a grip!!! And I'm glad the doctor said what he said.

PS - I love your name!

I'm thankful for that German doctor, too. Anna has a good head on her shoulders from the sound of it, but even so you can get worn down. :( I hope she heals well and can make the comeback she wants.

(I love your name, too!)


Well-Known Member
12 run-through per day?? No matter she is all broken down. Recuperation & regeneration are integral parts of training. A great training plan monitors your work load. I know they want to be competitive against the little pre-pubert wondergirls, but they won't make it this way. Smart training brings you much further than constant heavy training. I wish her a quick recovery, she is the Rusian lady I have appreciated the most the last three years.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Pogo's back situation sounds awful, it's hard to function on daily basis with such pain, never mind skating, and hopefully she finds a doctor to help her. Since she already tried Russia and Germany, maybe she can try Israel, they have health treatment programmes for Russians.

Tsareva's put-downs did not help, so it seems... Skate Canada incident was so telling. But she is staying with her so it sounds.

Anna's style and performances never had "wow factor" for me, she is not my cup of tea as a "persona", but i always cheered for her, and was happy when she placed well. But i really don't like her comments about "jumping beans pushing her out"... And her cracks at younger skaters. She is not being truthful or simply deceiving herself by blaming the "younger generation for pushing her out".

She, overall, was never as good as Sot, Tuck, Rad, Med, Lip, and few int'l skaters. At best she won few GP 1st places, 1 time 2nd at Euros, 1 time 3rd at Worlds, and at the rest of major events she had occasional 3rd place finishes or below.

She was also 13-14-15 as a Junior, but never won ANY Gold at JR Worlds, GPF, or Nationals..... she was supposedly a "jumping bean before puberty" where is her Gold?
When she transferred to Senior, she was also skating against girls SAME age, or much older.... So why when she was 15-16-17, when she was a "jumping bean" against Wagner, Tuk, Kostener and girls her OWN AGE did she not win any major Gold?

Maybe she is just not that good, to have "solid Gold runs", like other girls... Younger girls are not at fault here. Pogo is bitter, and lashing out unjustly... she lost my pity.. (except for injury part).

2012 Junior Worlds she was 3rd, after Lip (same age), and Rad (same age)
2012 Junior GPF – she was 3rd, also behind Rad (same age)
2012/13 Russian SR nationals, she was 5th, behind Rad, Tuk, Sot (last 2 older than her).
2012/13 Russian JR nationals, she was 6th, behind Rad, Sakh, Sot, Med, Lip, all older or same age as her.

2013 SR Worlds, she came in 4th, behind Asada (8 years older), Lip (same age), Kostner (11 years older).
2013/2014 GPF, she came in 6th, behind Asada, Lip, Wagner, Rad, Sot (all much older or same age)
2014 Russian SR Nationals, she came in 8th, behind Sot, Lip, Rad, Proklova, Leonova, Sakh, Med (only one younger, by 5 months).

2015 SR Worlds, she came in 13th, behind ALL girls older than her, few her age, and few Ancient Ones – Tuk (1st) and further down Wagner…
2015 GPF – she came in 4th, behind Tuk, Rad, Wagner…. Ancient ones.
2015 Euros, she came in 3rd, behind Ancient TUK, and same age Rad.
2015 Russian Nationals, came in 4th, behind Tuk, Rad, and 5months younger Medvedeva.

2016 Worlds, GPF, Russian Nat. She was 3rd in each one, again behind girls Older or Same Age. Med, Wagner, Rad,
2017 – she was 13th at the worlds (a total disaster) and 12 girls ahead of her same age or older (check wiki)
2017 Euros, she was 2nd behind Med (same age), and beat Kostner (an Ancient Woman).
Etc….. the rest is recent…. and we know it.

By the way, we have another "complainer", Ashley Wagner.... same to her, where is her GPF and Worlds Gold, when she was 15-16-17?

There is an old saying in Russia "a bad dancer always complains that his own balls get in the way"..
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Simply looking
??? A lot of skaters would kill to have results as good as she has had, so I'm not sure what the point of that whole long post is.

Her skating at the junior and first year senior level very much spoke about how really much her skating really was reliant just on the jumps. Despite good skating skills and speed her artistry at that time was severely lacking. From her second year as a senior and beyond, she has improved year by year in that area. When she has had disastrous skates, yes even that part has fallen by the wayside, but she's not the only skater to have allowed that to happen.

I just wish her good health. Regardless of whether she is able to return or not, her long term health has to be her first priority, and it sounds like she realizes that.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
When she has had disastrous skates, yes even that part has fallen by the wayside, but she's not the only skater to have allowed that to happen.
Her disastrous events have NOTHING to do with "youngsters with quads stepping on her toes" as she is implying... She was also a "youngster" 14-15-16.... she had her opportunity to "do quads" and step on the toes of "older skaters".


Pitkeev's back problems couldn't be cured, he was in so much pain, then he had to retire. Pogo's back they've been trying to cure, but no luck yet, the poor girl, she's in so much pain, even when just walking. What's with the young Russians and back problems? All fingers crossed that Pogo is able to find the right treatment in the end!


Values her privacy
Pitkeev's back problems couldn't be cured, he was in so much pain, then he had to retire. Pogo's back they've been trying to cure, but no luck yet, the poor girl, she's in so much pain, even when just walking. What's with the young Russians and back problems? All fingers crossed that Pogo is able to find the right treatment in the end!
That’s weird, I was just thinking about Pitkeev’s back problems too. It would be so much easier if she had something like broken bone or torn cartilage, but back pain, that can be very hard to diagnose and even harder to fix. If it is possible to fix it at all.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Pitkeev's back problems couldn't be cured, he was in so much pain, then he had to retire. Pogo's back they've been trying to cure, but no luck yet, the poor girl, she's in so much pain, even when just walking. What's with the young Russians and back problems? All fingers crossed that Pogo is able to find the right treatment in the end!
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm do you see what they are all doing? That would be the problem. The human body can only take so much pounding.


Her disastrous events have NOTHING to do with "youngsters with quads stepping on her toes" as she is implying... She was also a "youngster" 14-15-16.... she had her opportunity to "do quads" and step on the toes of "older skaters".

I don't know how you got the feeling that she is implying "youngsters with quads stepping on her toes." I don't see how she is bashing against the youngster as you're implying. She simply states that it's easier for younger girls to jump quads when they're small and skinny, but a lot of them could not make it through puberty, so she's not that worried about competitions with them. In her opinion, figures skating is appearing less feminine, but she still has faith in woman's skating as she watches Carolina Kostner. It sounds to me that she just wants to focus on healing and keeps skating if possible to fulfill her definition of feminine skating.

It is rare even for youngsters to jump quads, and so few can win golds at any age, so what's the point of saying that a girl with a broken back and a broken heart, that she's never that good? All I see is how she has matured, improved artistically, touched my heart and many skating fans' with her performances over the years, and now I see how she has struggled and suffered physically and mentally to accomplish what she has done, and her desire to keep pursuing her skating career despite the pains. All I have for her is respect, admiration, best wishes and good luck!

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
Man, I hope she can recover, (a) for her own personal health and happiness, and (b) selfishly, she’s one of my favorite skaters, and I want to see her on the ice again.

More like just registered at the back of my mind the skating became less feminine. It is not as important anymore.

I think there are a decent amount of parallels between Butyrskaya and Pogorilaya in terms of skating style and temperament, but this quote made me really grin because we heard the exact same thing from Maria in just about every interview she did in the 98-02 quadrennial!


Well-Known Member
This thread...

Already dissecting Anna's BOW after an untimely injury/setback..

Can't a girl catch a break? ;)

Here's hoping Anna feels much better, very soon.
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