(Updated) Denis Ten Murdered: was stabbed in the thigh


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning to the news that Denis was murdered. I still can't believe it and I am devastated. I have been a fan of his since I first saw him skate when he was 15. Such a beautiful skater. I just can't wrap my head around this. Rest in peace, Denis. My prayers go out to his family.


a monkey stole my title
I was stunned to read the news when I got to the office; I recall scrolling past a post or 2 that mentioned Denis before finally seeing one with a headline that screamed out the awful news. While at work today, this tragedy weighed heavily on me. Every time I had a break, I'd check this thread and twitter; I guess it was comforting to know that so many other people were feeling similarly stunned and saddened. But I was busy which distracted me to an extent, and also made me keep my emotions in check. Now I am home and the tears are flowing.

Words feel so inadequate. I never met Denis and I do not think I ever saw him skate live. And yet I feel the loss because he was part of this relatively small community of ice skaters of which I sit on the fringe. My heart goes out to all of his friends and family.


Active Member
I had a conversation with my about to be 16 year old skater girl this morning. I told her, even though you are a black belt, if someone has a weapon and wants to rob you, just give them the watch/car/diamond earrings. Things can be replaced. Your life can't. Obviously, if they are trying to abduct you, thats a whole other thing. Poor Denis. To die for a car mirror. The world is a poorer place. Safe travels and smooth ice....


Retired by Frank Carroll
At first I thought this was a messed up joke. I don’t even know what to say, love and good thoughts go to all of his loved ones and fans. Hugs and love also go out to the out to all of the FSUers who also carry a heavy heart now. Thank you Denis letting us witness what a beautiful talent you processed.


The "NICE" Admin
Staff member
I saw the headlines at work and wondered who it was. Very, very heartbroken. Hope they catch the bad guys.


Well-Known Member
Unreal. I’m in shock and am saddened for his family and the Skating community he so talently represented. RIP D10.


Past Prancer's Corridor
Shock, dismay, anger, and great sadness on learning of Denis Ten's tragic and senseless death. Such a great loss for his family, friends, fans, sport, and country. I am finding it very hard to process.


Well-Known Member
Every time I see this thread title it's like a gut punch. Impossible to even comprehend that this could be true. The only thing that compares is the day Sergei died. I'm just so sorry for him he's lost his life so young, and for his family and friends too. Never met him but he always seemed like such a good kid, hardworking and talented, being a trailblazer for his country. You just never know :(.


Well-Known Member
How horrible, senseless and tragic. He was far too young to die and it's moments like this that makes one remember just how precious life is and to live every second of it

Dennis lived life to its fullest, dreamed big and went for it, brought joy and excitement to many skating fans around the world and served as an inspiration to the many people in his country. It's a beautiful legacy.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. I can't begin to imagine their heartache at this moment but I know that they have many great memories of him and in time I hope it gives them comfort.



Well-Known Member
I’m still in disbelief. And am still having a difficult time comprehending this. Seeing this on the top of my Facebook feed this morning was unbelievable.


Anti-quad activist
This has been on my mind all day. It's such a senseless tragedy, and I cannot begin to imagine the pain his family and friends are feeling. Denis was a skater whose potential was evident from the beginning. I can remember telling my mother in 2010 he would be someone to notice in the future.

I rewatched his 2013 Worlds Programs earlier, and those two programs were just brilliant, a joy to watch, even though I teared up while watching them.

I hope those who killed him are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Well-Known Member
I am still in shock and just so very, very sad. My brain keeps saying, "this just couldn't ... shouldn't ... have happened." But, yet it did. I can't even begin to imagine the pain his family is going through. My heart & prayers are with them. And, on my .... the tears just keep coming. RIP, Denis.


Well-Known Member
Tears. I don’t know what to say. I can’t read the thread yet because then more tears.

I’m sure people have said most everything so I will try to just share one of my personal memories.

For those of you who don’t know, Denis is one of my favorite skaters of all time. He is my favorite men’s skater of all time. After many, many years of staying off FSU, Denis’s performances during the 2014-2015 season are why I returned to posting here. But this memory is from earlier.

My memory:
-I first saw Denis at the 2009 Worlds. It was a long competition. There were no world minimums, and we saw a lot of singles skaters. There were a lot of rough skates in the men’s competition, per usual, and we sat a long time. In events like these, the crowd really is dying to stand up for anyone who goes clean. But there were not a lot of clean skates in the men’s event. And then this young kid from Kazakhstan came out on the ice for his free skate, and we really didn’t think anything about it.

By we, I mean my mother & I or anyone close by. Mom and I watch a lot of skating, but those were the days when you generally couldn’t get more than the top 5 athletes in any competition on U.S. television, and you sure couldn’t get anything with juniors.

So out Denis goes, and he knocks off a clean triple axel and whee, we’re in the game. He’s clean. He holds his landings. We’re happy.

And he has Yagudin’s low sit spin, which is the point at which I remember saying, “Oh, he can spin.”

Then he’s still clean. And he has a tano position on one of the jumps (back when 99% percent of the athletes never did a tano position). Which makes the crowd gasp.

And at this point, we really, really want him to go clean. And he lands the last couple jumps, and tops it off with a frigging Plushenko biellman spin, and at this point everyone in the audience is in love.

We’re clapping clear through the footwork sequence and standing up. Not because it was a clean skate but because it was an awesome skate. Because he had all the pieces. Everything we were looking for in a champion skater at that time but in this young kid from a country far, far away with no obvious record of skating champions.

Of course, then we realize he’s with Tarasova. ;)

Denis went up relatively early. A lot of athletes skated after him.

But I remember walking back to our hotel with a group of other skating fans afterward & discussing the great performances from the event. We remembered Evan’s, of course. He had won.

Mother & the other ladies were thinking & thinking.

And I said, “And Denis Ten.”

“Denis!” Everyone in the group said. “Denis was wonderful!”

None of us had known who he was prior to the event. And I would wager no one in the arena ever forgot.


Elena Radionova was at his last show and posted a heartfelt message:
I don't believe it! That was exactly a month ago... We sat at the press conference of your ice show and all listened to you carefully, because in addition to being an outstanding athlete, you were still an erudite, intelligent, well-read and intelligent person to whom we always wanted to listen. I've known you for more than 10 years and all this time you've been a ray, from which came only warmth, kindness and positive! You always were. You have always supported me in any period of my life and helped. In a personal conversation, we shared plans for life and they were so Grand that I always wondered how one person can do it all! You were a workaholic! You have a TALENT! You were A man with a capital letter! You were talented in everything! And whatever you did, it started to Shine with different colors. How much you could do for your country... You were a patriot and loved Kazakhstan. You were a man of your word. I was proud to have such a friend! I always looked up to you! And I'm not just thinking... You were an idol of millions! I have a lot to say, but I wish I could tell you in person... It hurts!... You will always be in our hearts, because there are not many like you! Why is heaven taking the best? My friend, Rest in peace. Let the earth you rest in peace #RIPDenisTen the Sky is also weeping with us...


Ilia Averbukh
A terrible and unimaginable tragedy. It's hard to believe. Always delicate, intelligent, airy, with strong and a real fighter. Proving more than once his superiority over those who did not believe in him. A man with a capital letter. Remember those who are gone. Memory, Denis Ten. #rip

Tatiana Totmianina
Denis... RIP... 21st century!!!wild, cruel injustice! God,give strength to the parents to survive what happened!

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