The Shibutanis Thread 6: Paradise Found


Well-Known Member
I mean, it’s not like they haven’t already tried. Multiple times. And failed to make them go away every time. At this point I literally have no worries on that front anymore and the judges should just give up on that hopeless cause :lol:

The Shibs will go away (from competitive skating) when they want to go away and not a moment sooner.

You're right! In that case, I won't worry so much then. :)

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I really hate to be a wet blanket. But does anyone think it's possible now that the Shibs have an Olympic medal, the judges will drop them if they stick around for next season? I know that sort of happened with Linichuk & Karponosov in 1981. This is just something that popped into my head suddenly and it has me kind of worried for them. I really hope it doesn't happen.
I am not afraid for them either. They are too good and too determined. But I would very much like to see them reaching out to work with a new choreographer who can see them in a new light and help them go to the next level, the way Aljona and Bruno did. I know it meant a lot to them to have artistic control of their programs the last few seasons, but ultimately, unless they turn out to be genius choreographers themselves, they will get the best programs by using the best choreographers (for them), IMHO. They will definitely have to keep moving (growing) artistically. It will be exciting! Especially if they get to do DWTS and come back with new outlooks that can expand their capabilities even more.


Banned Member
Have they definitively announced they are coming back next season, and have they committed to attending Milan Worlds?


Well-Known Member
Have they definitively announced they are coming back next season, and have they committed to attending Milan Worlds?

Alex was very cagey about Worlds in the video interview I saw where Tanith asked him about it. He was like Worlds is next as in it’s definitely the next thing that’s scheduled to happen, and he laughed and made a face. I haven’t seen where they received a direct question about their intentions moving forward.


Well-Known Member
On the Olympic podium podcast which they were on after winning their individual bronze, I remember them saying they hadn’t decided yet if they would go and they would think about the decision after the Olympics are over.


Well-Known Member
They probably have to decide whether they'd be trained enough to go to Worlds depending on the post-Olympic period and if there are new opportunities opening up for them.


Well-Known Member
So what are the chances the Shibs get the DWTS gig? Adam is a shoo-in, but IDK if the Shibs are. The brother/sister thing seems to put a lot of people off, even if they wouldn't be dancing with each other on the show.


Banned Member
Well they've got a slew of U.S. Nationals medals since the time they began competing, including 2 senior National championship gold medals; plus a World silver medal, two World bronze medals, two GPF bronze medals, one gold - two silver - one bronze 4CC medals, Olympic bronze Team and Olympic bronze individual medals, a slew of GP series medals, a Junior World silver medal, and a bronze Junior GPF medal, etc.


Well-Known Member
So what are the chances the Shibs get the DWTS gig? Adam is a shoo-in, but IDK if the Shibs are. The brother/sister thing seems to put a lot of people off, even if they wouldn't be dancing with each other on the show.

I don’t know why it would put anyone off if they’re dancing with different partners :confused:. You think the American public won’t even be able to handle a few fluff clips of their ice dancing career? There hasn’t been any issue with the giant spotlight of the Olympic Games on their performances, don’t know why you think DWTS would be different. :rolleyes:

That said, I don’t think they’ll have both the Shibs and Adam. Either one or the other (or no figure skaters at all).


Well-Known Member
I don’t know why it would put anyone off if they’re dancing with different partners :confused:. You think the American public won’t even be able to handle a few fluff clips of their ice dancing career? There hasn’t been any issue with the giant spotlight of the Olympic Games on their performances, don’t know why you think DWTS would be different. :rolleyes:

That said, I don’t think they’ll have both the Shibs and Adam. Either one or the other (or no figure skaters at all).

It put some idiots off but the vast majority of people who paid attention and wrote about the Shibs during the Olympics were incredibly positive (one just has to look at all the social media reactions to them, the tens of thousands of new followers they received, and all the positive media attention they received). They were clearly one of the most talked about Olympians at these games.


Well-Known Member
It put some idiots off but the vast majority of people who paid attention and wrote about the Shibs during the Olympics were incredibly positive (one just has to look at all the social media reactions to them, the tens of thousands of new followers they received, and all the positive media attention they received). They were clearly one of the most talked about Olympians at these games.

Totally agree. The few immature people who were “turned off” were pretty vastly outnumbered by the countless viewers who fell in love with them and became new fans. I don’t know if they’ll be invited to DWTS, but if they are their storylines and personalities will definitely be a hit.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree. The few immature people who were “turned off” were pretty vastly outnumbered by the countless viewers who fell in love with them and became new fans. I don’t know if they’ll be invited to DWTS, but if they are their storylines and personalities will definitely be a hit.
I've noticed that the DWTS series starts usually between the 15-22 of March, maybe that's why they didn't say anything about worlds (Starting the 18th) ?


Well-Known Member
I think the Shibutanis are more of a shoe-in than Adam. They medaled twice and were featured on NBC more. They were in all of NBC’s wrap up videos I saw during the closing ceremony and they were interviewed too. The brother/sister thing is actually fantastic because it’s a new and easily packaged story where they’ll be forced to dance with new partners and do romantic story lines for the first time. Plus they have the right agent to make this all happen. The fact that it’s an all athlete season and the US is shorter than usual on standout Olympic stars probably helps.

DWTS starts so late this season because of American Idol, so if that’s why they aren’t sure about Worlds they can easily do both.
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i'm sorry but i'm really getting annoyed by anytime the shibs upload anything or they have a released video interview we get 63549203 comments at people whining about their family "I can't stand being with my bro in the same room for like two seconds LOL" "me and my bro hate each other lmao" "sibling goals" "if only I was like Maia and Alex with my bro" ugh. they are exaggerating for sure because so i have met so many siblings that claim they hate each other but they are nowhere near it. and for some reason they think it's funny complaining about their sibling life? it's like following a married couple and most of their comments are complaining how their love life is in the trash. that's not very supportive that's just annoying....


Well-Known Member
i'm sorry but i'm really getting annoyed by anytime the shibs upload anything or they have a released video interview we get 63549203 comments at people whining about their family "I can't stand being with my bro in the same room for like two seconds LOL" "me and my bro hate each other lmao" "sibling goals" "if only I was like Maia and Alex with my bro" ugh. they are exaggerating for sure because so i have met so many siblings that claim they hate each other but they are nowhere near it. and for some reason they think it's funny complaining about their sibling life? it's like following a married couple and most of their comments are complaining how their love life is in the trash. that's not very supportive that's just annoying....

But you should understand that many of those comments are from new fans or people who did not know them. I mean, I've been their fan for years and it still surprises me when I see a cute video of them :lol:. And it is super common doesn´t stand your brother/sister, it is great that you have a good relationship with their siblings but it is relatively rare. I can´t stand my brother for sure, and we are not kids. I prefer to read those comments than the others saying ¨ugh, they are so weird¨, ¨incest¨ or ¨Why they choose mostly Asians to represent America?¨ :rolleyes:.


But you should understand that many of those comments are from new fans or people who did not know them. I mean, I've been their fan for years and it still surprises me when I see a cute video of them :lol:. And it is super common doesn´t stand your brother/sister, it is great that you have a good relationship with their siblings but it is relatively rare. I can´t stand my brother for sure, and we are not kids. I prefer to read those comments than the others saying ¨ugh, they are so weird¨, ¨incest¨ or ¨Why they choose mostly Asians to represent America?¨ :rolleyes:.

i mean i understand siblings not getting along but actually hating each other???? i dunno i could be the outsider on this for sure because there are times when i say something casual about my brother and my friends are shocked when it's so regular for me...i guess it depends on circumstances. my family was very tight together because we were loners (we moved in from another state) and never had friends that stuck around so we had to depend a lot on each other for fun. in case you are wondering why we didn't make any friends in school at least it was because we were homeschooled and as a friend recently mentioned siblings usually part ways when school and friends are involved. we never had that until the oldest went to college 4yrs ago.

yeah true, those comments about incest are not only annoying but disgusting. almost forgot about that. as a matter of fact i was thinking about ranting about that a couple days ago haha...

sorry about you and your brother, you still have time to patch up i hope :)

Yeah, but after all the Olympic excitement dies down so will those comments.
yeah you are right about that.


Well-Known Member
i mean i understand siblings not getting along but actually hating each other????

no, do not take that literal, most people just use it as an expression, I do not hate my brother, but I can be a whole year without seeing him and not miss him as I miss my sisters.

By the way, I am similar to you but about my sisters. I find so strange hear friends say that they envy or are jealous of their sisters because they are prettier or thinner or getting better notes, and I am like ¨what? how? why? ¨ :huh::lol:
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no, do not take that literal, most people just use it as an expression, I do not hate my brother, but I can be a whole year without seeing him and not miss him as I miss my sisters.

By the way, I am similar to you but about my sisters. I find so strange hear friends say that they are jealous of their sisters because they are prettier or thinner or getting better notes, and I am like ¨what? how? why? ¨ :huh::lol:
i guess it's just because of, as i said, different situations. anyone can go on all day long about siblings and how they should work and all but in the end they are relationships, which are very personal and don't have a one way road of being "right". since you have multiple siblings there is sure to be a person you are closer with than another.

okay now i am going to ask a very stupid question and no-one will probably know what i'm talking about. i am trying to find a particular moment of the shibs when they are walking down a hall and they are holding hands, and the narrator was talking about how close they were i believe. it was an interview of theirs but i can't seem to find it. i even searched in my YT history (when i tried find in page i got over 400 hits lol). if no-one understands me that's fine, i'll just find it myself.


Well-Known Member
Someone knows when we will know if Maia and Alex are going to Milan?. I guess there a dateline deadline.


If Maia and Alex and C/B (because the injury) skip Worlds, there is no problem to get those 3 spots, right?
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Well-Known Member
Someone knows when we will know if Maia and Alex are going to Milan?. I guess there a dateline deadline.


If Maia and Alex and C/B (because the injury) skip Worlds, there is no problem to get those 3 spots, right?

In the "Who will Opt out of Worlds" thread Sylvia said last year the deadline was 3/6/17 and the list was published on 3/9/17.

So we will know pretty soon. I just have a gut feeling that they are not going to do
Worlds of course being selfish I hope I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
i guess it's just because of, as i said, different situations. anyone can go on all day long about siblings and how they should work and all but in the end they are relationships, which are very personal and don't have a one way road of being "right". since you have multiple siblings there is sure to be a person you are closer with than another.

okay now i am going to ask a very stupid question and no-one will probably know what i'm talking about. i am trying to find a particular moment of the shibs when they are walking down a hall and they are holding hands, and the narrator was talking about how close they were i believe. it was an interview of theirs but i can't seem to find it. i even searched in my YT history (when i tried find in page i got over 400 hits lol). if no-one understands me that's fine, i'll just find it myself.
Maybe it was the NBC fluff?

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
i'm sorry but i'm really getting annoyed by anytime the shibs upload anything or they have a released video interview we get 63549203 comments at people whining about their family "I can't stand being with my bro in the same room for like two seconds LOL" "me and my bro hate each other lmao" "sibling goals" "if only I was like Maia and Alex with my bro" ugh. they are exaggerating for sure because so i have met so many siblings that claim they hate each other but they are nowhere near it. and for some reason they think it's funny complaining about their sibling life? it's like following a married couple and most of their comments are complaining how their love life is in the trash. that's not very supportive that's just annoying....
Their unusually close sibling connection was heavily promoted throughout the Olympics, so I don't find envious comments on that strange at all. I am close to two of my siblings but not THAT close. Alex and Maia are such ideal siblings it's not funny. I don't know many like them... OK, any!

The comments protesting too many Asians as if the Shibs weren't real Americans, now those I find offensive. But the internet is where you see the worst of people IMO. Only in relatively small circles do anonymous posters conduct themselves well, IMO.


Well-Known Member
If Maia and Alex and C/B (because the injury) skip Worlds, there is no problem to get those 3 spots, right?

Of course, getting three spots could be a problem if two of the top U.S. teams don't go.

You've got 2 Italian teams, 2 Russian teams, 1 French team, 2 Canadian teams.

Those teams probably a lock. Assume Hubbell & Donohue are a lock too.

Then you have Coomes & Buckland, probably finish above Hawayek & Baker.

Then Fournier-Beaudry & Sorenson. Probably competitive with Hawayek & Baker. (And maybe the Spanish. I would say definitely the Spanish if it was Hurtado & Khaliavin, but assuming Spain doesn't swap, I'll say the odds are better for Hawayek & Baker).

So, yeah, if you want to control your own destiny for next season, you go to Worlds. That's how you earn GP spots and the three World berths. It's also how you make your argument to compete at Skate America or go where you want to go on the GP next season.

The U.S. can finish with under 13 points with Hawayek & Baker.

But there's risk.

For example, if Hubbell & Donohue were to come 4th behind the French, Bobrova & Soloviev, and Cappellini & Lanotte (who will be skating at home), then Hawayek & Baker would need to finish top 9. That would mean defeating Coomes & Buckland, whom they have never defeated.

Worlds is in Europe. It's not neutral territory. The U.S. teams won't get the benefit of the doubt. But it would be possible for H&D and H&B to get the job done. A 2nd place finish for H&D and an 11th for H&B would do the job. Or a 3rd place and a 10th.

Those are doable.

But there's risk.

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