Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45


Well-Known Member
I like the choreography and that's all I hoped from this outing. There's work to be done on it, of course, especially the 'Come What May' part. One thing I've noticed is that with the Tango at the beginning, there's a lot that hinges on the performance. If they miss out on selling the first half, that will make the entire program look a little flat. Their movements have been choreographed to follow the music with precision. Something went wrong in the beginning that threw Tessa off.

They did look far better in practice I think. That third set of twizzles had a larger gap between them then I've seen before. They didn't have that issue in practice. I do love, however, how the twizzles sequence starts at one end of the rink and ends at the other. Actually, the entirety of 'Roxanne' is wonderfully choreographed IMO. They need to find a way to connect it to Come What May better, else it ends up feeling like two different programs.

If they can build this program to its full potential, I think we'll all get that masterpiece we all want. The pieces for it are all there. I think VM knew it didn't go the way they wanted it to as well. They didn't look entirely satisfied in the K&C.

As for the costumes, I would like to see Tessa in red, but then Scott needs to bee in black. The red with the gray against the white ice, makes them look a little peaky. Not a look you want for this program.

I like Tessa in red but I don't like the cut of the deckline..I does not do anything for her. I like the lines of the practice costumes.


Well-Known Member
They best thing about this FD is that they love it. It's so much easier to focus on something and make it work when you love it so much.

ETA: not getting all the concern about recycled lifts? As far as I can tell, only 1 lift is really the same as before (in the SD). All the others have variations to them. Why are other teams allowed to do exactly the same lifts year after year but if V/M do one that is only half same, it's an outrage?

Totally agree.. Every year they invent new lifts to expand the excitement and artistry of their programs and the next yr others try to copy their lifts and that is great..Nobody says anything about that. this is their final yr so maybe they are putting in their fav.lifts from the twenty yrs they have been skating together with a bit of variation. What is the problem?


Well-Known Member
I like Tessa in red but I don't like the cut of the deckline..I does not do anything for her. I like the lines of the practice costumes.
Same here :) I read somewhere that some mentioned about the percentage of torso to be covered. As Though it wasn't enough. I don't see it. It's pretty covered up front. The back (curved) open shapes. That's it. It looks stunning her. And works for MR.


I don't like the blue dress because it has nothing to do with the characters they are playing. Satine in that dress? :lol:
Also I hate Scott's outfit for the FD. It seems to have little to do with what the Ewan McGregor character would have worn. I like the the costumes to be authentic to the source. It helps establish the characters and tell the story. I think Tessa's red dress is perfect.


Well-Known Member
well, i confess, watching Moulin Rouge i feel scared by them. there's an other guy who scares me with his abilities and that is Yuzuru Hanyu. anyway its still different, there are other men who can jump multiple quads in a program, etc. but no one in the world can do what Tessa and Scott do in that frigging program. is it the most difficult program ever executed, or does Carmen still hold that record? anyway, to my eyes its Moulin Rouge. they dance a tango spinning from one side of the rink to the other and then run at the highest speed and then she jumps on his shoulders and they spin again. come on, they're not competing against anyone. they are once in a millennium. i'm unable to figure how they do it. Tessa can do anything and be anything. in the second part her inner ballerina comes out, so we have ballet after tango. how many women can dance a tango like she does and then produce such exquisite balletic moves? and its not just an astonishing work full of difficulties. the emotional component is equally huge. they are two brave people who lunch themselves in risky elements because they want to tell a story at the best of their abilities, the best of themselves. to see them so sincerely committed to this story is touching and i feel privileged to be in their audience. its such a stroke of luck to live in their era because there will never be a couple like this.


Well-Known Member
Same here :) I read somewhere that some mentioned about the percentage of torso to be covered. As Though it wasn't enough. I don't see it. It's pretty covered up front. The back (curved) open shapes. That's it. It looks stunning her. And works for MR.

the top of the dress IMHO is shaped like a tank top I might wear to bed. (and I am no fashioniste). Maybe if it had sleeves and an opening between sleeve and shoulder and then the neckline needs to be shaped with a V or cutouts as Tessa's arm movements are so beautiful it will stand out more..They may be enough but I think I would like the torso black and the skirt black with a few bits of red shot through it..OK I will shut up now.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the blue dress because it has nothing to do with the characters they are playing. Satine in that dress? :lol:
Also I hate Scott's outfit for the FD. It seems to have little to do with what the Ewan McGregor character would have worn. I like the the costumes to be authentic to the source. It helps establish the characters and tell the story. I think Tessa's red dress is perfect.
But what's the requirement? Do they expect people to have seen the movie (the source) to get their program or should the story be obvious with their performance alone. If that's the case I don't think they need to replicate costumes from the movie verbatim. Or how about the shape of the blue dress in a shade of red and embellished? I agree with Barbara not feeling the neckline of the red one.


Well-Known Member
As Tessa has pointed out in her Instagram, this is Moulin ROUGE! It also gave her the opportunity to use the red dancer emoji. :D

Don't need to be completely literal, but I don't think blue fits that setting. The red dress is beautiful, but I feel like I've seen it before on her.

In terms of structure, I get an Umbrellas of Cherbourg vibe. The beginning tells you what the story is about, and then you look back at the couple and how they got torn apart. (I know that's how the movie actually plays out too....) Just saying that I think they will flesh out the ending so the story will be more clear.


But what's the requirement? Do they expect people to have seen the movie (the source) to get their program or should the story be obvious with their performance alone. If that's the case I don't think they need to replicate costumes from the movie verbatim. Or how about the shape of the blue dress in a shade of red and embellished? I agree with Barbara not feeling the neckline of the red one.

I think the many people who have seen the movie would be confused by the choice of the blue dress. It is so not Satine. For those who have not seen the movie I suspect the blue dress would have them thinking of a much more 21st century story, and I guess that's okay, but for me it would not work. If they're doing MR then do MR - including the costumes. I found nothing notable at all about the neckline of the dress Tessa wore, except that it copied a red dress Satine wore in the movie, so I don't get all the comments about it.

My biggest concern is that the ending is not powerful enough, or clear enough - it just peters out. I've noted other Gadbois creations that do this. It doesn't work for me.


Active Member
I love a blue dress so much in fason (not sure in my English, in how does it looks by form), but if it will be the same look but red - i think it's fantastic.
But to be honest for me it's not so important which dress is, much more fantastic how do they skate, how fantastic technique they have and how connect it with emotions. :)


Well-Known Member
I love a blue dress so much in fason (not sure in my English, in how does it looks by form), but if it will be the same look but red - i think it's fantastic.
But to be honest for me it's not so important which dress is, much more fantastic how do they skate, how fantastic technique they have and how connect it with emotions. :)
A red dress just like the stunning blue will be wonderful. Or even a red dress like any one of her Carmen dresses will be great as well. We are always used to stunning outfits from T and want the tradition to continue.

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