Tchaikovsky Competition 2023

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
Is anybody watching?

It has started on the 20th already.

I just got around to it due to my mom (a professionally-trained pianist) being a huge fan of it (she compared it to the Olympic Games) and I watched some of the piano competition and when the stream broke down today I also watched some of the singers.

It's amazing what these musicians are capable of.

If anybody is interested:

We are rooting for Sergei Davydchenko and Angel Stanislav Wang (that name is so great) in the Piano competition.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
No. Some of us have principles and don’t want anything to do with genocide sponsoring regimes.
So being a fan of good music and culture is automatically being a fan of "genocide sponsoring regimes"? Good to know.

Tell that to all the non-Russian musicians who participate in this competition and have made it there because of talent and hard work.


RIP D-10
No, competing on Russian soil in a Russian competition is supporting a genocide-sponsoring regime. The Soviet Union/Russia has and has continued to use arts as a calling card for supposed cultural superiority, and anyone who participates has signed onto being part of that propaganda machine, which is using the arts to try to whitewash military crimes. They use Tchaikovsky as a prop, yet he'd face prison today for being gay.

There are other competitions on the planet to watch, and so great musicians to listen to that there isn't enough time in the day. We have choices.


Active Member
With the goings in the world at present, the exclusion from WFIMC and the overall difference of response and recognition of the event, I can't say I've been following the the competition with the same enthusiasm and anticipation as previous iterations, though part of me is mildly interested to see if something like Van Cliburn in 1958 manages to happen amidst the current climate.
I did have the chance to listen to George Harliono's Petrushka, which I must say was an absolute delight.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
With the goings in the world at present, the exclusion from WFIMC and the overall difference of response and recognition of the event, I can't say I've been following the the competition with the same enthusiasm and anticipation as previous iterations, though part of me is mildly interested to see if something like Van Cliburn in 1958 manages to happen amidst the current climate.
I did have the chance to listen to George Harliono's Petrushka, which I must say was an absolute delight.
My dad is a huge fan of Van Cliburn's and we still have some of his vinyls at my parents' house.

Didn't see it, but my mother did and she also likes Harliono a lot.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
I don't know how you feel about it but I always get goosebumps when I hear the opening of Tchaikovsky's 1st piano concert.

Now eagerly awaiting Davydchenko's performance.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
Mama Astra and I got our wish: Sergei Davydchenko won! At the tender age of 18 and despite not being from Moscow or having been taught by the Muscovite teachers.

Here is his interpretation of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1.

This kid is going places and I am looking forward to it!

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