Survivor S42


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Popping in to read any comments on the last episode. Just watched and rewatched that tribal council to really soak it in. Very powerful, I hope fans out there (and Jonathon) really listen and hear what was said.
And :( to Rocksroy leaving, I will miss his talking heads, just something about him that made me want to listen to him talk. After I collected the firewood and water of course ;)


Fan of many, uber of none
I won't miss Rocks or Tori (thank goodness she's finally gone!) But BOO to Jonathan acting like a neanderthal much of this episode. I had liked him previously, now I'm not so sure. I do like Drea, and I hope her other advantages take her far. It's a shame that she and Maryanne both had to use their immunity idols, but it was a smart move for both of them. I'm liking Lindsey more, she seems smart and under-the-radar so far.


Sugar Slut
Staff member
Yikes, Jonathan's #Survivor audition tape includes him working for notorious groomer and sexual predator Roy Moore. I've supported players that were Republicans (though it gets harder and harder to do so), but a Moore supporter is a non-starter.
I read a couple of Tori's boot interviews and found her much more likeable than I found her on the show. But I read a tweet on that thread there that says that Tori is an anti-vax/anti-masker. This does not surprise me, given her religious background, but I wondered what the evidence was and went down quite the rabbit hole.

All I can say is, if you have a lot of favorite players from years past, you might not want to look into their politics. :scream:


Well-Known Member
TC was wow. Being a white person, I didn't see it at first, but was so intrigued with Drea's reaction as I realized what happened.
Watching Drea process it was something to see, real and raw. Drea and Maryann both were articulate and the body language they conveyed was powerful in such a few minutes. As much as this show is tv/entertainment - at times it really captures the human moments of this social experiment in an illuminating way.
And I watch BB and saw their amazing season from last year. Wonder if this cast had seen that, I know last seasons Survivor had not.
But RocksRoy was not a reliable player - thought it was great the guys voted him out after her tried to form an all guys alliance.
also the comments about all guys alliance not being performed - yea - not in name, but it has happened many times.
Glad Tori is gone, I was getting mean girl vibes from her. Jonathan can be a jerk.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I wondered what was up when the immunity challenge was like 10 minutes into the episode. And I really, really wanted Lindsay to win, sigh.

TC #1 - I have always noted with dismay that POCs, particularly Black players, are often voted off early even when they are in dominant alliances, and even on seasons where white players were not in the vast majority. But TBH I have thought this whole season that Mike was a very light skinned Black man, and I figured that the first TC was going to result in another POC boot based on how the tribes were split. Based on the season up to now, it was more satisfying for Rocksroy to go than Romeo. Both Hai and Omar giving essentially the same confessional about Rocks not speaking to them until now was sorta funny.

Random: The director(s) of this ep had to have been sooooooo happy that the 2 potential bootees' names started with the same 2 letters, for :drama: so they could show the beginning of Mike's vote.

Tribe #2 - all season I've been like, man I totally assumed Jonathan was going to be a particular kind of person and he really defied all my expectations. Until tonight, when we finally got the Full Jonathan: mansplainy, controlling, cocky, dumb (I was expecting crickets edited in when Lindsay pointed out that both Drea and Maryanne have idols), and in the end, the perfect picture of whitesplaining. UGH.

I've admired Drea's game the whole time, and she was just amazing here, and Maryanne, for all her bubbly chatterbox ways, showed her serious side. Her speech that left Jeff agape was just incredible.

I can't remember the last time I yelled at my tv (er, laptop) willing Tori's shot in the dark to fail. She managed to only give us one epic eyeroll during that TC, but she's still terrible.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
man...I get why getting rid of Hai was a good move for all involved, but I'm bummed. He's been a favorite since the beginning, and I continue to worry about wasting opportunities to get Jonathan out. As Jonathan's strategy, or lack thereof, is revealed, however, I no longer think he has a great chance to win, unless it was a F2 with Romeo (who nobody but Omar even seems to bother talking to).

My current rankings for the end game:

Drea - she is playing so well, I only worry that she doesn't seem to have a super tight connection with any specific person
Lindsay/Omar - either of them could make a surge to the top, the way they are playing hard right now. Omar is being so sneaky, this could end up biting him in the ass, so edge to Lindsay - who for more challenges than just this ep has been the only person close to Jonathan's physicality in the game, in addition to her strategy.
Maryanne/Jonathan - Maryanne with an edge because I think she could make an excellent case for herself at a FTC, although Jonathan might get some pull for how he singlehanded won pretty much all team challenges in the first half.
Mike - people are playing his loyalty like Richard Hatch played Sean's alphabet voting strategy in S1. Great guy, but he can't win.
Romeo - has been on the bottom for so long he's now a great option to take as a goat. Playing for 3rd place (assuming it's a F3)


Well-Known Member
Genevieve - excellent summary
I like Drea alot - but worry about the social game for her. I already liked her, but after last week's TC - she was so real - rooting for her.
But I do like Lindsay & Omar as well. They are both smart and playing
Maryanne - deep down is a sweet girl, I think she would annoy me if I spent too much time with her - but she is wizwig - what you see is what you get.
Mike - nice guy, but not that great of a player.
Jonathan has gone down a bit for me, he is getting cocky.
Romeo - he is still there?
As of right now, as long as Mike, Jonathan or Romeo do not win - I will be happy - I like 4 players.
But if Jonathan did win - I could not complain as he did well in some areas.
I am enjoying this season.

But I hate when Jeff talks about the monster. Didnt this past week - but it is so dumb - they are trying too hard to get a new brand. And at every comp, in my head I am yelling 'shut up probst' as he provides narration.


Fan of many, uber of none
Maryanne is growing on me. I'd still be annoyed by her on a regular basis, being in a Survivor setting with her. But good for her finding another Immunity Idol and not sharing that knowledge with anyone.


Well-Known Member
Maryanne - I agree with others comments and she has been growing on me, and yes she is growing up before her eyes.
The best thing would for her to be gone soon, have people think she is not the best player, and come back in a few years - older and wiser and win the whole thing as others will underestimate her.


Sugar Slut
Staff member
man...I get why getting rid of Hai was a good move for all involved, but I'm bummed.
He took his boot so well! I don't think I have ever seen someone enjoy being blindsided quite so much.
He's been a favorite since the beginning, and I continue to worry about wasting opportunities to get Jonathan out. As Jonathan's strategy, or lack thereof, is revealed, however, I no longer think he has a great chance to win
I wonder if that is why they aren't taking him out--because while they all acknowledge he can go on an immunity run to the end, they never seem to talk about him as a threat to win the game.
Maryanne/Jonathan - Maryanne with an edge because I think she could make an excellent case for herself at a FTC
Maryanne seems to have settled down quite a bit now that she's hungry and tired and has been at it a while.

Omar has quite the social game going on--everyone seems to like him and no one knows that he's sneaky. Hai had no idea about Omar's lie until he saw the episode, which means that either no one told him (unlikely) or no one knew.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Omar has quite the social game going on--everyone seems to like him and no one knows that he's sneaky. Hai had no idea about Omar's lie until he saw the episode, which means that either no one told him (unlikely) or no one knew.
Hmmm...I've been thinking that Omar should be angling to take Mike to the F3 with him - for one, to keep him from having a vote (seeing as he's all about the loyalty and is likely to be a very bruised jury member), and for two, to keep that lie out of Ponderosa. Take that as you will.


Well-Known Member
Wow! What a great tribal!
Bummed for Drea- but best exit evah!
True gameplay and respect.
If only she never told Omar!

Omar is great
I am torn between him and Lindsay as the best of remaining players.

Did you catch Maryanne doing one of her mouth wide open reactions and with her hand close her mouth. LOL

This is a great season. Over 40 seasons and still entertaining.


Sugar Slut
Staff member
Bummed for Drea- but best exit evah!
That was amazing!

Drea: Did you vote for me?
Mike: Yes! (jumping around hugging and squealing). Did you put an extra vote on me?
Drea: Yes! (jumping around hugging and squealing)


Interesting that she told Jonathan he was never on her radar; I really think that there must be a consensus that Jonathan cannot win the jury and that's why he is still there.

And she outed Omar as untrustworthy, which seems to be a theme next week.


Well-Known Member
That was amazing!
I thought so too!
Drea: Did you vote for me?
Mike: Yes! (jumping around hugging and squealing). Did you put an extra vote on me?
Drea: Yes! (jumping around hugging and squealing)

I was :rofl::rofl::rofl: at that exchange, too. I felt the same way that Jeff did, that they were playing hard but still showing great camaraderie. I had been thinking they had to vote Drea out; she had so many advantages, if they didn't do it then, they might not be able to. I also thought Mike was doing a great job of acting as Drea was reading her steal-a-vote advantage, like, oh-woe-is-me-I'm-going-to-lose-my-vote.
Interesting that she told Jonathan he was never on her radar; I really think that there must be a consensus that Jonathan cannot win the jury and that's why he is still there.
I thought she said he was never on "the" radar, not hers? Anyway, I think you're right about why he's still there.
I wanted Drea to win but it was a bad call to tell anyone about her advantage. Now I’m cheering for Omar, Lindsey or Maryanne in that order. Which means we will get Jonathan, Mike and Romeo final three. :lol:
I like Omar and Maryanne the most. I don't care for Romeo at all. And I like Jonathan in spite of some of his recent behavior and words. I would be happy if Omar, Maryanne, and Jonathan were the final three and either Omar or Maryanne won. She's a seminary student; I wonder what she'd do with the million if she were to win?


Fan of many, uber of none
That was the best tribal council ever! What a fun and gracious exit by Drea. Sad to see her go. I hope that Romeo doesn't make it to final 3 as a goat, whoever the final three may be.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Sigh, favorite #2 out of the game.

Masterful play by Omar, but seeing how the last 2 TCs have gone, I hope it doesn't bite him next time.

Two seasons of Do or Die, two players saved. Both times I was happy about it (at least until the subsequent vote), but I hope they retire that twist.

Mike and Drea were great at the end. In fact, Drea seemed lighter and freer than we've seen her all season. Watch us find out she's really this carefree, goofy person and editing decided to show every scowl and serious thinking-face to psych us out.

Maryanne in the voting booth was hilarious. I'm glad when they replayed the votes at the end you can see her mouthing "I love you!" as she held up her vote.

Romeo - excluded from the voting strategy once again.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
What a fantastic first-timer season after so many meh seasons in a row. 3 of the absolute most memorable tribal councils we've ever seen in a row and such a strong group (aside from Romeo..) and now I'm really rooting for Maryanne to win it all. I'm glad she got her point across with the men. She and Mike have to be in the final 4 with their Idols (or if one were to win immunity and give it up, there's three who are in and I'd think it's Romeo), so it's almost surely Lindsay or Jonathan going out next.

Even though we saw a preview of Romeo's fake idol (which could blow up in his face), I think he's still carried to the final 3 as the weakest link by far.

If there's another second chance season, there are so many players from this season that can easily be pulled right back into it.

ETA- Lindsay will kick herself for a long time for not playing that Idol. Even if it goes back into play, think about what could've happened next week. Three live Idols in play and an immunity necklace- it could've been the rare occurrence where everyone is protected except one person by default, which IIRC is how Cirie went out on her last try as everyone else had played some kind of advantage.
Last edited:


Rooting for that middle-aged team
Another great episode but now I’m down to two. Please let it be Jonathan next (Romeo would work too but he is guaranteed final 3 now).


Well-Known Member
Yes an enjoyable TC. Amazing that in season 42 we are having some of the best moments ever.
In general this has been a good group, lots of players, except Romeo.
Did you catch the moment when they showed Maryanne - she started smiling and in that moment I felt I saw her mature in front of our eyes. Regardless of whether she wins - this has been such a positive experience for her. I am happy for her.
If she does not win - I could see her being invited back.


Sugar Slut
Staff member
It's so interesting what they don't show on Survivor. Omar had an idol nullifier(from interview):

I had an immunity idol nullifier that nobody knew about. (Holds up parchment.)

Wait, what?!
So I was too focused on that. It became the ring to my Gollum. That’s why I was so okay with keeping the idol in the game with a particular person. Jonathan and I found that very early in the game together, and we were not going to tell Lindsay and Maryanne. And then he found out that I told Lindsay, and that was really the domino that let everything go. He told Mike about it, and then Mike turned on me. So it was like this perfect storm. In hindsight, what I should have probably done was, instead of focusing on playing that nullifier at five, I should have just let Drea take Mike’s idol, nullify her out of the game at seven, and then move forward having still having Jonathan and Mike’s trust. But, you know, hindsight is 20/20.

I know he didn't play it, so it didn't actually need to come up, but it definitely played a role in everyone's strategies.

There is also this tidbit for @Jenny, who wondered about the Canadian connection:

The other thing is Maryanne and I demographically are very similar. So we made a conscious effort to not be seen together. We live 10 minutes apart. We’re both minority religious virgins from Southern Ontario! [Laughs.] So we had a lot in common. We didn’t want to be seen together too much, because that could put a target on our back.

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