Survivor S42


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Is no one watching this season either?

The return of the twists from last season--I was meh, but I must say it was pretty funny to watch Mike lose his Beware Advantage and it looks like he does it again next week :lol:.

Maryanne--adorable or annoying? And PML that her taste in men runs to nerdy stringbean white guys, although I guess that fits with the seminary student who says "Fudge!" when she is frustrated.

Marya didn't get a chance to bury her necklace. OTOH, she knew she was on the chopping block or she wouldn't have played her Shot in the Dark, so I'm kinda :confused: that she didn't bury it just in case her gut was right.

Blindfold challenges are :lol: to watch, but one more reason to never consider going on the show.


A bitch from Canada
Is no one watching this season either?

Maryanne--adorable or annoying? And PML that her taste in men runs to nerdy stringbean white guys, although I guess that fits with the seminary student who says "Fudge!" when she is frustrated.

I'm watching! I think I might enjoy all of the twists a bit more this season now that it seems a little less WTF.

Also, Maryanne - annoying. For now. We'll see how the season goes.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
I’m watching but don’t really enjoy anyone yet. Maryanne is good for TV but I would want her out of my tribe immediately.


If I was on the island with Maryanne I can't say that she wouldn't end up with the machete in her head. I do think she has a charm but I can see where she would get on people's nerves. I think she's either going to flame out quickly or go the long haul and end up with the "Survivor changed me" story.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I've only seen ep 1. This season has started out weird - a player gets pulled from the game before the first challenge? It feels like they let him start the game only to milk his story. Super uncool to not disclose crucial medical info until the last minute though.

I'm a little over the whole blue team. We got to see Drea the most, but why on earth would she think tossing her alliance out for Tori of all people? I wish that Zach had been stronger in making his case, because I literally don't want to see or hear Tori for even one more episode.

I dislocated my shoulder in January and I am still nowhere near full strength and mobility. I can't imagine having to play survivor with that injury. I was totally :huh: that they didn't sit Daniel out for such a physical challenge, but he and Jenny worked well on the puzzle, and he did a great job of doing what he could with carrying chests. Still - if that arm doesn't improve quickly, he will be a liability for sure.

I like the exotic animal vet


Well-Known Member
I've only seen ep 1. This season has started out weird - a player gets pulled from the game before the first challenge? It feels like they let him start the game only to milk his story. Super uncool to not disclose crucial medical info until the last minute though.
I thought that after the first episode too, but there wasn't a thread to comment in yet and I don't pay attention enough to start one with people's names and stuff. Knowing his issues and still going on the show cheated the next person in line who might have been chosen to join the show.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Got caught up on ep 2 - having a hard time getting into the season. I kinda wish they'd just had 2 tribes of 8 - green tribe going to their first TC and already being down to 4 was a drag. From what we were shown, there was no questions tat it would come down to Marya vs Marianne - but we didn't hear anything about how there is already a majority alliance controlling the vote.

The immunity challenge was the highlight of the ep, with a sprinkling of Mike not being able to keep track of his advantage.


Well-Known Member
I haven't taken the time to figure out anyone's name yet - but so far am liking most of the players. Like others, I find Maryanne (ok, I know one name!) entertaining but if I was hungry, tired and stuck with her 24/7 I'd want to pelt her with coconuts. I could never play Survivor - I'm far too cranky when I'm hungry or tired. lol.

The blindfold challenges are always entertaining and this one didn't disappoint.


Well-Known Member
I am glad it is back, just will take a bit to keep everyone straight. The blond counselor on one tribe looks similar to a girl on another tribe. Can't keep it straight.
ITA the guy that got pulled - timing seemed off. Don't they have alternates in the wings - or may be it was too close to start.


Well-Known Member
I am actually loving the season and all the players and their stories. Maryanne would probably drive me crazy too but I also love her enthusiasm.

The guy that got pulled, his story got to me, too. He said, I think, that he thought he could ween himself off the lithium in time. I guess he miscalculated but then he should have come clean sooner. Still, he took the decision with more grace than I think I’ve ever seen on survivor.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
The guy that got pulled, his story got to me, too. He said, I think, that he thought he could ween himself off the lithium in time. I guess he miscalculated but then he should have come clean sooner. Still, he took the decision with more grace than I think I’ve ever seen on survivor.
I'm sure he got an earful when he told the producers (or doctors, perhaps), and they probably told him they were deciding what to do about it but would let him start. Probably he had not spoken to Jeff about it before what we saw, but Jackson had to know that getting pulled was a possibility. I'm interested in what we didn't see, because right before Jeff showed up we got a quick comment from one of the women about Jackson needing to drink more water, which seemed really random at first glance, but then fit in with the conversation of how the stresses of being on Survivor (like dehydration) could trigger an event that the lithium was meant to keep at bay.

Who was the woman who had a near meltdown several years ago - Wanda? I'm sure TPTB do not want a repeat of that or something worse with a player in real crisis.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I’m sure you’re right @genevieve about the earful he must have gotten. I really liked him and was sorry he had to go, but regardless of whether he had warning of the conversation he was to have with Jeff, I thought he handled himself with grace and dignity, and that was refreshing.


Well-Known Member
What are y'all talkin' about?! I LOVE Maryanne! I finally come to the thread so I could post "Maryanne for the win!!" and here y'all are hatin' on her. :rofl: :p

Imma say it anyway .... Maryanne for the win!! I LOVE her!!! She so funny. :cheer2: :cheer: :rofl: :p


Fan of many, uber of none
A little of Maryanne would go a LONG way for me. Although that holds true for most people! So far I'm not hating anyone, and people look like they are mostly playing smart.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
Jonathan is real life Maui from Moana. I was terrified someone was going to drown, glad they moved that challenge out of the water.

I finally have two players I like after this episode, Jonathan and Hai.
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Well-Known Member
The beauty part about the crazy line Maryanne has to repeat about the bunny is that she can ramble on continuing the fable about the bunny and no one will be any the wiser!! I was laughing so hard I was cryin' at her making that bunny stuff up. :rofl: :rofl:

I'm still all in for Maryanne. But if she can't win, I'll take Aquaman. :smokin::rockstar:


Well-Known Member
I was laughing at Hai’s reaction to the revelation that only 2 votes were cast in the re-vote and how confused he was. I laughed all the way through it. Really enjoying this season.


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Where did this Chanelle person come from and where has she been until now?

I assume that Daniel is not going to go into any legal career that involves negotiation.

I liked what little of Jenny I had seen so far, so I am sorry to see her go. Or I should say, there are people I would have been happier to see go.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Still having a hard time warming up to this season.

Chanelle...dang. I know we only got a tiny edited portion of her convo with the vet, but she DID say she couldn't possibly risk her vote, and then she somehow thought that meant she should risk her vote? And then Daniel tossed her wholesale under the bus, the boat, the truck and the semi. Wish that she had fought a little harder to say that Daniel told her how to vote as soon as she returned - although she was also caught out lying about risking her vote so maybe no one would listen to her anyway.

Hai was the star here - a 25% chance at rocks is larger than comfortable, but the others had way more to lose, so he was right to dig down and refuse to change his vote. I'm super sorry that Jenny left, though. If only the vote could have changed to Daniel. He's right that he won't win, but he may take a could people down before he goes, since Mike still can't vote (Was Chanelle's loss just for this TC?) so he's a valuable ally for a while.

Mariane's tribe sharing all info seems a bit premature - they are treating her extra vote and idol as a win for all of them, but that's only if the four of them make it to the merge.

I don't get motion-sick but the video of that challenge made me queasy - before they started the dramatik slo mo angles!

I feel like almost everyone last season was super likeable and I am struggling to find anyone to root for here. Or really root against - no one is a true villain. They're all just kind of there.


A bitch from Canada
I've actually changed my mind a bit about Maryanne. She's enthusiastic and funny. I might find her annoying if I lived with her, but as a viewer, I (now) think she's great.


Well-Known Member
ITA agree about Maryanne - she would be annoying - but she is perfect casting for this show. She could never play poker - her face is so expressive. Plus she is a very happy person. Bummed that Jonathan blabbed about how close they are. All the others may just target them at the merge. Jonathan is a dream team member, nice guy, hardworking, generous and a good shield.

Daniel - such an idiot - want him gone - and feel bad for Chenelle. But now I am intrigued with a Hai / Mike alliance.
Rocks - what an annoying person and does he know what game he is playing. I just don't like people like that - arrogant, yet ignorant of the social aspect of the game. I want the scheming.

yes after last season - so many likeable folks, this is harder to get into. Also there are still a few folks I don't think we seen much of.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I can't believe I was glad that Tori didn't get the boot. Swati way overplayed at camp, and then doubled down in the wrong direction in TC.

I would have enjoyed green team getting a chance to get rid of Daniel, but they all seemed so down I was glad that they help on for immunity.

The vibe of the whole season is how Drea described her team - not gelling. Still liking Hai, Romeo and Omar, both Drea and Chenelle have moments, and I keep changing my mind about Mike as well. I don't really want Jonathan to get voted out, but such lopsided results due to one individual are kind of a drag.


Well-Known Member
The look on Jonathan's face when he was sitting there listening to those two girls just yammering on about nothing had me in laughing tears. :rofl: :rofl:

Question: when the game was playing out in real time, does Jeff know about the crazy phrases they have to say and that it means they got Idols when all 3 are said? Or was he just standing there thinking WTF they talkin' about like everyone else was?

No big loss on Daniel. :blah:


Eating Rhetorical Apples
Staff member
Question: when the game was playing out in real time, does Jeff know about the crazy phrases they have to say and that it means they got Idols when all 3 are said? Or was he just standing there thinking WTF they talkin' about like everyone else was?
I don't know about this season, but last season he helped write them.

Given that it's basically his show, I doubt there are any twists and turns on the game side that he doesn't know about in great detail. What the players DO with those twists, well, that's another thing. Jeff always swears that he goes into Tribal Council cold and doesn't know what's going on at camp, but then there are those dailies.......

love skating

Clueless American
I always wonder about Jeff's knowledge too. Like on the first shows, he'll say something like "guy in the green hat" and I think doesn't he know all the names of the cast and their backstories etc.? Or does he honestly not want to prejudge and know anything about them until filming? Hmm...


Fan of many, uber of none
Daniel's no great loss. I'm glad that they've all said their phrases now, so we don't have to hear more about Maryanne's bunny rabbit in the mailbox. I wonder what prompted Chenelle to vote for Mike? If it was miscommunication or some kind of strategy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, why did she vote for Mike? Was there some kind of vote split strategy in case someone had an Idol that I missed hearing them talk about? I didn't get that Mike vote at all.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
I was surprised by both Chanel and Mike voting for each other. I had assumed that Hai and Lydia split votes for some sort of just in case thing, and couldn't figure out why Hai would have voted for Mike. Wacky. I'm just glad Daniel is gone.

One thing I will say for Daniel though - there are a lot of things I can do that someone would never know I have a shoulder injury. It's only when my arm moves a certain way or I'm required to use strength in a certain direction that I can't. I can buy that he can go snorkeling, I mean "catch fish", but also that his arm would be a liability in these strength-based challenges. I mean, it's Survivor, so weakness gets rooted out and all that, but of all his creative truths out there that one is actually believable to me.

Nice to see someone other than Jonathan dominate a challenge, and another individual player get kudos for their physical performance (go Drea!). Even though Jonathan single handedly saved their collective bacon.

I'm back to hating Tori.

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