Russian Ladies news & discussion

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Well-Known Member
I feel like people are forgetting that we’re in the middle of a pan-demic. Skating with a fever is dangerous for Anna and, based on what the research out of Ohio State is saying, it’s very possible that athletes returning to competition soon after having YKW could be risking serious damage. But none of that is the critical point. We’re not talking about a decision that affects only Anna.

In the middle of a pan-demic, anyone with a fever has been told absolutely stay home, do not leave the house, do not expose other people to you. And here Anna is at a skating competition full of people. If I went to work with a fever, it wouldn’t be “brave.” I’d very rightly be chastised for potentially exposing everyone I work with to the crud.
But Anna never had 'OVID, it was pneumonia

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Little bit of non-competitive skating for fun:

Maya Khromykh is skating at an open rink (her rink is closed for holidays). Message "not a day without skating"... :).

Elena Ilinykh in the show "Swan Lake", her role is Black Swan, few gimps of Konstantinova as White Swan.

Evgeniya Medvedeva, 2 programmes, in Avebuch' show in Sochi.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what she had, those around her boasting that she managed to skate through a high fever and then refused a fever test before the free skate isn't reading the room at the moment. A year ago, it would have been heroic, these days, not so much.

But, honestly, I wouldn't really expect anything less. I never thought (anywhere really) that when it came to crunch events skaters would adhere to guidelines about staying at home when sick. If worlds goes ahead, skaters from all around the world will probably try to skate sick if they can get away with it. As if they would withdraw unless completely forced by strict written protocols. The 'rona testing would need to be done with the strict protocols of doping tests to ensure that they were being done accurately and honestly.
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Well-Known Member
Regardless of what she had, those around her boasting that she managed to skate through a high fever and then refused a fever test before the free skate isn't reading the room at the moment.

But, honestly, I wouldn't really expect anything less. I never thought (anywhere really) that when it came to crunch events skaters would adhere to guidelines about staying at home when sick. If worlds goes ahead, skaters from all around the world will probably try to skate sick if they can get away with it. As if they would withdraw unless completely forced. The 'rona testing would need to be done with the strict protocols of doping tests to ensure that they were being done accurately and honestly.
Well, Anna explained a lot in her interview afterwards. Her heavy breathing in the short was nothing special. It happens all the time she said, "as we train these programs one after another all the time. I was just exhausted that day from lots of training".

The "refusal" of a temperature check before the free skate was just - Why? I feel fine! And we could clearly see that she didn't have a fever that day. She wouldn't have been able to skate the way she did.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
But Anna never had 'OVID, it was pneumonia
and there is no proof that she had 38C temperature, which is higher than normal 36-37C but not exactly a "fever" either... :) She said clearly in her interview "her condition after the SP is normal, she feels this way often during practice", and not just her... :)


Well-Known Member
There’s always the chance that Trusova might be anticipating an arms race where after 2022 all the girls will be doing many many quads?

It reminds me a bit of how all Patrick Chan needed was a quad toe to win worlds and then all of a sudden that was redundant.
True, it might be so in the future. Although we see no sign of it now we know things can change in the blink of an eye.

But I don't think Trusova is doing it in anticipation of the future. She's doing it because she wants to set records and most importantly right now she frankly has no choice. She lags behind in two extremely important COP catagories, GOE and PCS. She has to increase her BV to give herself a coushin, and room for mistakes, of some sort.

We can rag on her about her stubborness on the quads/3A all we want but when all is said and done to an extent she does need it if she wants gold. Otherwise she doesn't control her own destiny.


Ubering juniors against my will
The "refusal" of a temperature check before the free skate was just - Why? I feel fine! And we could clearly see that she didn't have a fever that day. She wouldn't have been able to skate the way she did.
Gene Kelly shot the title number from Singin' in the Rain with a temperature of 103 F. Being able to perform proves nothing.


Well-Known Member
True, it might be so in the future. Although we see no sign of it now we know things can change in the blink of an eye.

But I don't think Trusova is doing it in anticipation of the future. She's doing it because she wants to set records and most importantly right now she frankly has no choice. She lags behind in two extremely important COP catagories, GOE and PCS. She has to increase her BV to give herself a coushin, and room for mistakes, of some sort.

We can rag on her about her stubborness on the quads/3A all we want but when all is said and done to an extent she does need it if she wants gold. Otherwise she doesn't control her own destiny.

I'm warming way more to Trusova these days because I feel I can see that she has the potential to be a real long term skater (just not yet another one who disappears after a couple of years). But maybe I am wrong. Who knows. But she is developing a very clearly definable personality, which is important to stand out in ladies skating. Trusova is turning into her own person and she's not just the coach's 'product' these days. Good stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Gene Kelly shot the title number from Singin' in the Rain with a temperature of 103 F. Being able to perform proves nothing.
LOL! Well he didn't have to do it while figure skating, which is a sport that is the 2nd most (after 400 m running I believe) draining sport.
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Ubering juniors against my will
And dancing ain't exactly sitting around in a Barcalounger. Especially at that level. The point is, you can't say someone didn't have a fever because that person could perform strenuous activity. The only way to be sure is to take the temperature.


Well-Known Member
True, it might be so in the future. Although we see no sign of it now we know things can change in the blink of an eye.

But I don't think Trusova is doing it in anticipation of the future. She's doing it because she wants to set records and most importantly right now she frankly has no choice. She lags behind in two extremely important COP catagories, GOE and PCS. She has to increase her BV to give herself a coushin, and room for mistakes, of some sort.

We can rag on her about her stubborness on the quads/3A all we want but when all is said and done to an extent she does need it if she wants gold. Otherwise she doesn't control her own destiny.
I agree, but at the same time disagree. I think that she proved at Nationals that less is more. For now, what she needs is consistency and CLEAN skates. Then her GOEs and PCS will magically go up. After that she can add more tech, and yes I agree, she needs more tech.


Well-Known Member
I'm warming way more to Trusova these days because I feel I can see that she has the potential to be a real long term skater (just not yet another one who disappears after a couple of years). But maybe I am wrong. Who knows. But she is developing a very clearly definable personality, which is important to stand out in ladies skating.
I'm with you on that. I can see Trusova competing for years to come. Unfortunately I feel the danger of injury might be against her.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on that. I can see Trusova competing for years to come. Unfortunately I feel the danger of injury might be against her.

Yes that's the problem. Just like in my mind how as soon as Medvedeva got interesting (for me that Geisha program), she got chronically injured. Same goes for Zagitova. Really liked that Cleopatra program and then it's all over.

That's the problem with really short careers. Children are never going to be especially interesting artistically. And then it's so disappointing that once they grow into having an artistic perspective (and not just a conduit for whatever their coaches are impressing on them), their careers are over. It's like this permanent cycle of going back to square one in the ladies discipline.

The idea of an adult Trusova intrigues me. I hope we get to see that.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Alina Zagitova in "IG stories" show many clips from her performance in "Sleeping Beauty".
funny ending

more clips and fotos from the Navka's show.

Kamila Valieva, spending holiday learning to land-ski.

Eteri Tutberdize is in Miami with her daughter Diana and friends.

Daria Usacheva wishing all a Happy New Year.

Elizaveta Tursynbaeva, little performance at an open rink arena.


Well-Known Member
I think debating the fever issue is now only relevant as far as it affects the rules around the staging of Worlds and international protocols about illness and competitions. It does highlight that skaters will always push themselves to skate sick unless there's actually a rule in place that prevents it.

But personally I think it's a bit redundant, because Worlds is looking less and less likely this year. Then hopefully the world might be in a better position before the next season. Although, I expect some kind of illness protocol may need to be developed at some point for these competitions.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The funny thing is that some of you who were hellbent on blaming Eteri/listening to Rocker Skating or whatever other source you got it from and/or even slightly tried to suggest that Eteri and team MADE her skate are now moving on to the next set of reasons why Anna maybe shouldn't have competed. Anna herself has shut you all down in your quest to show the torture Eteri supposedly puts her students through.

I've asked before, but why are you not all hellbent on questioning endlessly why Tuktamysheva, who was nearly ready to withdraw, stuck it out through the competition? We don't even know exactly what Anna was going through, what her temperature actually was and how she was feeling, and Tinami has repeatedly tried to stress this. You can come back with your 'but Elizaveta is an adult!!' arguments, but you either think that anyone with a fever/any sign of anything is stupid to compete, or your fixate on the one with the coach you love to hate. That's all I'm getting at this point.

And RE: injuries. There's a damn skater who competed at the 2002 Olympics with a broken foot and still tried to land on that foot in the throw jumps. She didn't want to give up the opportunity, and you better believe the top Russian skaters want to actually show up to the few competitions there are this year if they can. Endless other skaters have competed with injuries, and whether doctors advised against it or not- we don't know. Just because social media has blown up and now everyone wants to know every last detail of the skaters doesn't mean their drive to compete has changed one bit.

ETA- Tutberidze in Miami again? Just lovely!


Well-Known Member
Yes that's the problem. Just like in my mind how as soon as Medvedeva got interesting (for me that Geisha program), she got chronically injured. Same goes for Zagitova. Really liked that Cleopatra program and then it's all over.

That's the problem with really short careers. Children are never going to be especially interesting artistically. And then it's so disappointing that once they grow into having an artistic perspective (and not just a conduit for whatever their coaches are impressing on them), their careers are over. It's like this permanent cycle of going back to square one in the ladies discipline.

The idea of an adult Trusova intrigues me. I hope we get to see that.
Yes, mature skaters are always more interesting artistically. So, just like that, I just have to repost Talalaikina's free program from Russian Nationals. Maria is 18 years old and her interpretation of Angelina Jolie's Maleficent is magnificent IMO.


Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
So, just like that, I just have to repost Talalaikina's free program from Russian Nationals. Maria is 18 years old and her interpretation of Angelina Jolie's Maleficent is magnificent IMO.

Not questioning anyone's taste, but (strictly for me) Talalaikina's body movements and gestures were not dramatic enough for me, plus i though she "smiled incorrectly" (too friendly, instead of vicious grinning). Her arm gestures needed to be sharper/snappier and "bigger", and few more details such as hand and leg positions that could have been more abstract instead of "too gentle". But it is a matter of taste, i know.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, mature skaters are always more interesting artistically. So, just like that, I just have to repost Talalaikina's free program from Russian Nationals. Maria is 18 years old and her interpretation of Angelina Jolie's Maleficent is magnificent IMO.

Great skate. I enjoyed that theatrical laugh included in part of the choreography. But gosh that little box of the coaches in the corner is distracting. I don't want to see them I want to watch the program.


Well-Known Member
Not questioning anyone's taste, but (strictly for me) Talalaikina's body movements and gestures were not dramatic enough for me, plus i though she "smiled incorrectly" (too friendly, instead of vicious grinning). He arm gestures needed to be sharper/snappier and "bigger", and few more details such as hand and leg positions that could have been more abstract instead of "too gentle". But it is a matter of taste, i know.
Fair enough. It's a reason that she only placed 9th (although the fall in the short was largely at fault here).

But, although I agree that Talalaikina could have done better, she had a wonderful program and she made the most of it. I just loved it from start to end despite her limitations. The mature artistic investment she had kind of made up for the technical issues. And I am saying that as mostly a technical figure skating fan.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there's always things to be found in the lower ranked skaters to admire.

For example, Mariah Bell's 2019 Worlds free is one of my favourite things. Even though the technical could be better, it's still great to watch.

Another great example is Sinead Kerr/John Kerr. Some of the technical is a bit sloppy (especially by modern ice dance standards) but the programs are still very enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Yes that's the problem. Just like in my mind how as soon as Medvedeva got interesting (for me that Geisha program), she got chronically injured. Same goes for Zagitova. Really liked that Cleopatra program and then it's all over.

That's the problem with really short careers. Children are never going to be especially interesting artistically. And then it's so disappointing that once they grow into having an artistic perspective (and not just a conduit for whatever their coaches are impressing on them), their careers are over. It's like this permanent cycle of going back to square one in the ladies discipline.

The idea of an adult Trusova intrigues me. I hope we get to see that.

I agree with all this except I don't think Trusova will be pushed out as easily as Medvedeva and Zagitova if she wants to continue after the Olympics. Career ending injuries are always a possibility but the younger skaters coming up seem to be following in her footsteps as opposed to surpassing her jump-wise. I so hope we get to see her and Scherbakova have longer careers than till age 18, they'll only get more interesting and individualistic.


Well-Known Member
I agree with all this except I don't think Trusova will be pushed out as easily as Medvedeva and Zagitova if she wants to continue after the Olympics. Career ending injuries are always a possibility but the younger skaters coming up seem to be following in her footsteps as opposed to surpassing her jump-wise. I so hope we get to see her and Scherbakova have longer careers than till age 18, they'll only get more interesting and individualistic.
Yes! Shcherbakova and Trusova at Olympics 2026 - wouldn't that be just awesome!


Well-Known Member
Yes, there's always things to be found in the lower ranked skaters to admire.

For example, Mariah Bell's 2019 Worlds free is one of my favourite things. Even though the technical could be better, it's still great to watch.

Another great example is Sinead Kerr/John Kerr. Some of the technical is a bit sloppy (especially by modern ice dance standards) but the programs are still very enjoyable.
Yes, Bell is one of my fave skaters. That is only a 6 triple program though, so she fails on technical. But she is lovely, I agree.


Question everything
The funny thing is that some of you who were hellbent on blaming Eteri/listening to Rocker Skating or whatever other source you got it from and/or even slightly tried to suggest that Eteri and team MADE her skate are now moving on to the next set of reasons why Anna maybe shouldn't have competed. Anna herself has shut you all down in your quest to show the torture Eteri supposedly puts her students through.

I've asked before, but why are you not all hellbent on questioning endlessly why Tuktamysheva, who was nearly ready to withdraw, stuck it out through the competition? We don't even know exactly what Anna was going through, what her temperature actually was and how she was feeling, and Tinami has repeatedly tried to stress this. You can come back with your 'but Elizaveta is an adult!!' arguments, but you either think that anyone with a fever/any sign of anything is stupid to compete, or your fixate on the one with the coach you love to hate. That's all I'm getting at this point.

And RE: injuries. There's a damn skater who competed at the 2002 Olympics with a broken foot and still tried to land on that foot in the throw jumps. She didn't want to give up the opportunity, and you better believe the top Russian skaters want to actually show up to the few competitions there are this year if they can. Endless other skaters have competed with injuries, and whether doctors advised against it or not- we don't know. Just because social media has blown up and now everyone wants to know every last detail of the skaters doesn't mean their drive to compete has changed one bit.

ETA- Tutberidze in Miami again? Just lovely!
I certainly didn't want to pinpoint Anna, and I repeatedly said I didn't know Anna's situation for certain; but considering how many top Russian skaters got ****, I think there is something amiss, and I don't trust what the Russian fed says about protocols.

There are many protocols everywhere I go as far as fever is concerned, even if it is an innocent fever (like I was told to stay at home until I can prove I'm ok to go). I don't know if Anna has fever for certain, but fever-induced protocols are not unreasonable and not an unreasonable discussion in this environment. Not related to injuries at all.

THat applies to all Russian skaters who competed.
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