Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Well-Known Member
Thank you! So more than one ski gold medallist did not attend, I guess.


Well-Known Member
According to a :sekret: , some of the skaters tried really hard to avoid this meeting, but were forced to go. Scherbakova pulled some very strong strings to get away, and being from a "good" family she kind of has more administrative resources to do so.
Come on, really, and then those poor souls were also forced to kiss a$$ tell how delighted they are to sit near Great Vozhd and how grateful they are for ALL the good he is doing for them day and night.

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
Come on, really, and then those poor souls were also forced to tell how delighted they are to sit near Great Vozhd and how grateful they are for ALL the good he is doing for them day and night.
I got the info, I passed the info.

Personally I have zero doubt they weren't given any choice, and I also have very little doubt they were given the text of their speech. However, of course, I can't really know what each of them really thinks, and each one is entitled to one's opinion.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I got the info, I passed the info.

Personally I have zero doubt they weren't given any choice, and I also have very little doubt they were given the text of their speech. However, of course, I can't really know what each of them really thinks, and each one is entitled to one's opinion.
Yes, they might not have had a choice in going or not, but they surely could have made comments that were more generically thankful to Russia for the support of their skating and helping them achieve such great success.


Well-Known Member
I got the info, I passed the info.

Personally I have zero doubt they weren't given any choice, and I also have very little doubt they were given the text of their speech. However, of course, I can't really know what each of them really thinks, and each one is entitled to one's opinion.
There was always a choice to buy some good "spravka" that they suddenly got terribly ill (and, yes, it's very easy to do with not that much money).
And they definitely had a choice of what they say or not.
Also, there are enough photos which show they didn't suffer that they were so mercilessly forced to be there and actually they were quite having fun.

But, of course, poor poor souls. I don't know how they'll recover from today's event... They will probably require some psychological help after this. Oh wait, no, I think it's some other children and young adults who need this help more.


Ubering juniors against my will
Dude, we've had this conversation forty thousand times by now. No one is happy about the skaters meeting Putin and everyone is wishing they had pulled out. We're just talking about what might have been going down behind the scenes, that's all.


Well-Known Member
There was always a choice to buy some good "spravka" that they suddenly got terribly ill (and, yes, it's very easy to do with not that much money).
And they definitely had a choice of what they say or not.
Also, there are enough photos which show they didn't suffer that they were so mercilessly forced to be there and they were having fun.

But, of course, poor poor souls. I don't know how they'll recover from today's event.
What surprised me was not that they appeared there, but what they said there.
I do not believe that they were forced to personally thank Putin.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
What surprised me was not that they appeared there, but what they said there.
I do not believe that they were forced to personally thank Putin.
I dunno, they might have gone full Dear Leader North Korea-style by now, but I agree it’s unlikely they didn’t have some leeway.

And plenty of US athletes boycotted the White House in Trump’s years. I imagine there’s some who don’t want to meet Biden. It is indeed easier when the government isn’t paying your bills.

Still I can’t imagine applauding any of them there today in the future, if they’re ever back to international competition.


Well-Known Member
We're just talking about what might have been going down behind the scenes, that's all.
Behind the scenes:

Oh, and some brilliant quotes from Katsalapov that he was most definitely forced to write (well, let's be fair, at least he is not kissing putin's a$$ directly, he is just happy beyond words in general):

The fact that they all got there as Olympic gold medallists while none of them got this gold in individual event and this gold was team gold while one of the members of this team doped and basically nobody except russia even perceives this as Olympic gold makes all this farce even more fascinating.


Ubering juniors against my will
Yes, thank you, I've seen all those. I said behind the scenes, not in front of the camera. And again, I'm not excusing any of this. @Andrey aka Pushkin didn't name the skaters who tried to pull out; I'm guessing (though I may be wrong) that they weren't the ones horsing around for the cameras.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
With the exception of Valieva, they're all legal adults. They are making a choice and should be held accountable for their words and actions. And I'm not sure how much leeway I give a 16-year old who has been accused of doping...

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
I dunno, they might have gone full Dear Leader North Korea-style by now, but I agree it’s unlikely they didn’t have some leeway.

And plenty of US athletes boycotted the White House in Trump’s years. I imagine there’s some who don’t want to meet Biden. It is indeed easier when the government isn’t paying your bills.

Still I can’t imagine applauding any of them there today in the future, if they’re ever back to international competition.
You're not seriously comparing the refusal of meeting a president of USA vs. meeting Putin. Whoever that president is.

I understand that giving any benefit of the doubt to a Russian nowadays is an unpopular practice, but judging by the USSR times, the protocol in this case would have been pretty well defined. For one, there's absolutely zero chance no one from the relevant structures didn't check and correct the speeches, and it's absolutely sure the skaters were given the guidelines of how to structure the speech, with "thanking the President" being a mandatory point. I think that's also the reason why Valieva was the only one being "unofficial" - I think her being a minor once again saved her.

Regarding the mere meeting - that's the information I received. And once again, projecting the Soviet years - no, buying a doctor note wouldn't have helped, and in this case the Federation would most likely provide their own doctor with very well defined orders. Anyone who tried to get a sickness day in the army should know how it works.

I'm kind of surprised at some of you here, tbh (PRlady, looking at you). It's not a secret how the autocracies operate, especially during the war times. I don't know which skater supports what, but to be able to show an open protest in this situation, one must have a super strong back and administrative resources, such as a rich and important daddy or a foreign passport.


I dunno, they might have gone full Dear Leader North Korea-style by now, but I agree it’s unlikely they didn’t have some leeway.
There's a video of Mark at a pulpit (I hope this link is allowed here! Apologies if not): It had people wondering if they were all made to give speeches in front of Dear Leader.
I'm surprised the full thing isn't out by now. I think it aired on Russian TV?


Well-Known Member
In my humble opinion this is not a real place. Some are completely oblivious, some not very bright and caught up with the hype the grandiosity of it. Maybe for their sakes its better that way. If they were truly woke things could be a lot let's say ....different.

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
So, at what point are we allowing to hold the athletes accountable? It always seems that what person express disapproval, we're told they have no choice
You have the absolute right to hold anyone accountable for anything at any circumstances.
Other people are allowed to have a different experience, perspectives and opinion, and that should be fine too.

@Wyliefan I don't have the names, the :sekret: is usually well informed, but they specifically refused to give details. They said Scherbakova was forced into the quarantine originally, but then somehow found a way to get out; to quote "many others tried, but were forced". They also said getting a fake positive test was not option. No one is forced to believe it, of course :)

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
There's a video of Mark at a pulpit (I hope this link is allowed here! Apologies if not): It had people wondering if they were all made to give speeches in front of Dear Leader.
I'm surprised the full thing isn't out by now. I think it aired on Russian TV?
You failed to mention what Mark said “at a pulpit” - wishing Kamila a happy birthday. It’s not as if he were giving a political speech. ROTFL!


You failed to mention what Mark said “at a pulpit” - wishing Kamila a happy birthday. It’s not as if he were giving a political speech. ROTFL!
Yes...? That's written right there in the link I provided. This isn't the "gotcha" moment you seem to think it is.


Antique member
So, at what point are we allowing to hold the athletes accountable? It always seems that what person express disapproval, we're told they have no choice
There are choices. But they are limited. There is responsibility but it is not only on these skaters.

To argue against it, hate them and the whole Russian population and only argue with „but every person in Ukraine has it worse“ is not helping either.

Some are brainwashed. Some may honestly support the war. Others may be confused or try to save themselves.

First of all most people will try to save their own skins. We applaud those that are different but in every country they would be few and far between under such a regime

I dont want to watch any Russian skater for the forseeable future because I know how much sport is used in politics and how much the „we are better than everyone else“ propaganda bolsters this war (and such a rethoric is dangerous everywhere and by no means only used in Russia!)- but this broad condemnation of every Russian person that I am reading more and more here is making me uncomfortable and it will not help to end the war nor will it help in the years to come when hopefully the world will return to some order.
We must not forget that these are people. Maybe some weak, some misguided. Some afraid and so on. But most are not „naturally“ bad and brutal people

So can we please stop to paint every Russian (skater) as monster? It does not help Ukraine. On the contrary- this kind of talk will hurt it.


Well-Known Member
From my understanding things are quite uneven in Russian society.

I read in another thread that although conscription is technically compulsory for all men, middle class and upper class boys almost never join the army because their families are able to afford bribes. So it is the poor that have to go instead.

There seems to be a whole different set of rules for those with money and status.

Not surprising some are trying to cosy up to power. Probably not surprising that Scherbakova, who is from a wealthy family, managed to excuse herself. Likely it took a bit more than just a moral stand to get her out of it.


Let's suppose that the the athletes were forced to attend. Were they also forced to smile as they did in that photo? Putin was not smiling.


Well-Known Member
Were they also forced to smile as they did in that photo?


Goodness even in Australia when a prominent activist refused to smile in a photo with the Prime Minister she was heavily criticised from some quarters. Obviously in a free democracy that holds no consequences. But staging an obvious protest literally standing next to Putin would be insanity.


Well-Known Member
@Wyliefan I don't have the names, the :sekret: is usually well informed, but they specifically refused to give details. They said Scherbakova was forced into the quarantine originally, but then somehow found a way to get out; to quote "many others tried, but were forced". They also said getting a fake positive test was not option. No one is forced to believe it, of course :)

And how easy would it be for someone to circulate the story that the skaters didn't really want to be there, regardless of the actual truth (yes or no)? It's called covering your a**. Playing both sides.

Mishina didn't have to talk about how excited she was to sit close to Putin so she could get a better look at him. She could have just said, "Yes, honored to be here as a representative of my country" or something innocuous like that. Instead she's in full fangirl mode. But we're supposed to believe that she is potentially one of those who didn't want to go?
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