Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Well-Known Member
Well, the 2toe let her repeat the 3a, that was something, too.
Double toe loops carry a base value of 1.30 points. That is hardly "worth nothing".
In trying to beat yuna she needed thinks like triple lutzes and triple flips in addition to triple axels. Filling in her program with double toes and solo triple toes wasn’t going to get her near yuna and she was closer to rochette and almost lost silver to rochette than winning gold.


Cats and garlic lover
The new question.all the coachea are being asked - are any of your pupils plan to switch countries? So far Tatiana Mishina said no, Pluschenko said probably no, but since most of his pupils.are underage it's their parents' decision


Well-Known Member
The Wall Street Journal has a new article (behind a paywall) on the Davis/Smolkin situation as to whether they will skate for the USA or Russia, as well as a discussion of her Mom Eteri Tutberidze. The WSJ article confirms via official records that Diana and Gleb married in Las Vegas on March 18, going one step beyond Dave Lease (mentioned in the article) who confirmed the marriage license on The Skating Lesson.

I admit to being surprised that the WSJ of all newspapers would confirm the marriage and write such an extensive article in its limited sports pages!


Well-Known Member
The Wall Street Journal has a new article (behind a paywall) on the Davis/Smolkin situation as to whether they will skate for the USA or Russia, as well as a discussion of her Mom Eteri Tutberidze. The WSJ article confirms via official records that Diana and Gleb married in Las Vegas on March 18
Even if we can't quite call them the lovebirds, can we at least call them the likebirds? :unsure:


Well-Known Member
The new question.all the coachea are being asked - are any of your pupils plan to switch countries? So far Tatiana Mishina said no, Pluschenko said probably no, but since most of his pupils.are underage it's their parents' decision
Wonder if the Wall Street Journal article and the RFSF being contacted for the story prompted that question. As if any of them are going to admit their skaters are thinking about switching countries before they actually do it.


Excerpt from Louise Radnofsky's WSJ article (Aug. 7), linked above:
The Russian Olympic Committee's gold medal in the team event remains in limbo during an inquiry into the Valieva affair, which is being handled by the Russian antidoping agency [RUSADA] under World Anti-Doping Agency [WADA] rules, and will include a look at Valieva's entourage because of her age. The Russian proceedings are expected to continue through August.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I was thinking about Doctor Gas.

Courtesy of TSL: the new Team Tutberidze HQs being built in Moscow:

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Well-Known Member
Sports are for competition of the best with the best. Whatever figure skating will be in 2022-2023, it won't be sport. It will be something else.
You’re right, so not allowing the Russians to compete while cheating will make it sport again. It’s not a sport if some of your competitors aren’t playing by the rules because they’re special. What we’ve been watching for the last few years has not been sport it’s been cheating.

Not to mention child abuse and genocide. Is it really a sport if you have to abuse children to win? Is it really sport if you’re killing your competitors with bombs?

So I think we will be watching sports this year. Your idea of the best with the best was some of the best have advantages because they’re allowed to cheat? For most of us that’s not really how it works.

And if we lose a few fans who can’t take it if cheaters and abusers aren’t winning, it’s not a big loss.


Navka's "Swan Lake" will run in Sochi from August 9 to September 18, 2022, and Drobiazko/Vanagas are listed as performing.

Lithuanian news article (August 8):

Machine translation:
Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis says that he would be in favor of stripping ice dancer Margarita Drobiazko of her citizenship if such a question were to be considered.
"I would participate in the discussion and probably say yes," said the head of Lithuanian diplomacy in an interview with LRT on Monday.
He also said that he would support the decision to withdraw Lithuanian state awards from these athletes.
Last week, former Russian ice dancer Tatjana Navka's announcement on social networks that her project "Swan Lake" will be shown in the Sochi Arena on August 9 caused a stir in Lithuania.
It is announced that, among others, Povilas Vanagas and M. Drobiazko will participate in it. T. Navka is the wife of Dmitry Peskov, the representative of the Russian President.
According to the Lithuanian minister, the intentions of M. Drobiazko and P. Vanagas to participate in the event in Russia are a "betrayal of the actions" of the Ukrainian struggle, the European Union, and Lithuania. "I think the lines have to be drawn very clearly," he said.
The presidency told BNS on Monday that it will decide on the awards given to the ice dancers if they participate in the performance in the Russian city of Sochi.
M. Drobiazko was granted Lithuanian citizenship in 1992. In 2000, together with Mr. Vanagas, she was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Gediminas.
M. Drobiazko and P. Vanagas live in Russia, which began its invasion of Ukraine at the end of February.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
You’re right, so not allowing the Russians to compete while cheating will make it sport again. It’s not a sport if some of your competitors aren’t playing by the rules because they’re special. What we’ve been watching for the last few years has not been sport it’s been cheating.

Not to mention child abuse and genocide. Is it really a sport if you have to abuse children to win? Is it really sport if you’re killing your competitors with bombs?

So I think we will be watching sports this year. Your idea of the best with the best was some of the best have advantages because they’re allowed to cheat? For most of us that’s not really how it works.

And if we lose a few fans who can’t take it if cheaters and abusers aren’t winning, it’s not a big loss.

While I agree with your point, you are making it sound like skating is a utopia without the Russians. Laura Baquero failed a drug test, she is not Russian. Sappenfield and Nyman are abusive, they are not Russians. Didn't the very iffy Gailhaguet install a new leader for the French fed? Not Russians. I feel like making the Russians 100% the villains makes it easier to ignore systemic problems that the whole of the ISU should be focusing on. Instead they get to say, "No more problems, Russia is banned! Keep looking over there, don't worry about over here..."


Thank you, I thought today was the deadline for RUSADA to issue a ruling on Valieva.
RUSADA says Valieva investigation in "final stage" with six months elapsed (August 8):
RUSADA was given six months to investigate the case and reach a decision under the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) International Standard for Results Management, although this window serves only as a "guideline" and cases involving "complex issues" or "delays not in control of the anti-doping organisation" may go beyond that period.
The national body has insisted that the investigation is nearing its conclusion, with a decision expected in the near future.
"At this stage, the investigation into this case is at its final stage," it said in a statement reported by Russian state news agency TASS.
"The RUSADA Investigation Department is doing a lot of work to collect information and interview the athlete’s environment.
"The case of a protected person (in this case, an athlete who has not reached the age of 16 on point of possible anti-doping rule violation) requires a thorough investigation involving Athlete Support Personnel.
"In the coming weeks, the results of the investigation will be transferred to the RUSADA results processing department."


Well-Known Member
While I agree with your point, you are making it sound like skating is a utopia without the Russians. Laura Baquero failed a drug test, she is not Russian. Sappenfield and Nyman are abusive, they are not Russians. Didn't the very iffy Gailhaguet install a new leader for the French fed? Not Russians. I feel like making the Russians 100% the villains makes it easier to ignore systemic problems that the whole of the ISU should be focusing on. Instead they get to say, "No more problems, Russia is banned! Keep looking over there, don't worry about over here..."
Russian sports have been in the thrall of state-sponsored doping for years and of a sports-industrial complex for decades. Spanish and American sports have not and are not.

I trust you don't need to have Carolla's point about genocide spelled out for you.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Russian sports have been in the thrall of state-sponsored doping for years and of a sports-industrial complex for decades. Spanish and American sports have not and are not.

I trust you don't need to have Carolla's point about genocide spelled out for you.

I literally said "I agree with you BUT". So yeah, I got the part that genocide is bad. I also have no argument that state sponsored doping is a huge problem with the Russians. My argument was with the phrase "You’re right, so not allowing the Russians to compete while cheating will make it sport again." As if 100% of the problem has been excised from the sport and it's all fine now. You can be against doping, cheating, and abuse whether it comes from a government entity or if it's a singular Federation run by a sociopath, or a few a-hole coaches in the US.

But please tell me again how what I said supports genocide :rolleyes:


Values her privacy
But please tell me again how what I said supports genocide :rolleyes:
When Tinami wrote in the past that the cold war has never really ended, I thought she was paranaoid. But watching this thread, it doesn’t seem to be about clean sport, it is about ‘at least now we can get the bloody medals’ thinking. I don’t support the war, and I don’t particularly love Russia as such, after all, they occupied my country for over 20 years. But I still feel I want to vomit when I read this thread. The hypocrisy when everyone is pretending that their motive is clean sport, when the only things they seem to care is about the medals their skaters can get, in any way, including getting rid of their competitors if they are unable to beat them in competition. I will be watching the Russian cups/Russian GP, because at least there will be some decent skating. Unlike at the ISU GP events. And no, I don’t support the war. But I love skating, and I am not willing to lie to myself that watching ISU GP will be as satisfying for me.


English version of a new interview with the new pair team of Jasmina [spelled Iasmina in her ISU bio] Kadyrova and Valeri Kolesov [who] "teamed up last February [2022] and train in the school of Tamara Moskvina under the tutelage of the coaching legend and Artur Minchuk":

Kadyrova/Balchenko's ISU bio (2 senior international seasons together, including 2021 GP RUS bronze):
Akhanteva/Kolesov's ISU bio (6 junior international seasons together, including silver at the 2020 World Junior Championships):
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Amy L

Well-Known Member
When Tinami wrote in the past that the cold war has never really ended, I thought she was paranaoid. But watching this thread, it doesn’t seem to be about clean sport, it is about ‘at least now we can get the bloody medals’ thinking. I don’t support the war, and I don’t particularly love Russia as such, after all, they occupied my country for over 20 years. But I still feel I want to vomit when I read this thread. The hypocrisy when everyone is pretending that their motive is clean sport, when the only things they seem to care is about the medals their skaters can get, in any way, including getting rid of their competitors if they are unable to beat them in competition. I will be watching the Russian cups/Russian GP, because at least there will be some decent skating. Unlike at the ISU GP events. And no, I don’t support the war. But I love skating, and I am not willing to lie to myself that watching ISU GP will be as satisfying for me.

I am against the war and I support the Russian Fed ban, and I would support Russia not being allowed to return as long as the Putin regime still stands... But this thread is indeed a one-upmanship contest for declaring who hates Russia more, and apparently not pretending that the sport is all fair now is declaring my love for genocide.

I have never cared for ladies skating at all except for a few individuals. Russian men are headcases and most of the dancers are nothing special. Russian pairs are the only ones I will truly miss. I don't know if I have the self-discipline to bar myself from watching pairs on the Russian GP. OTOH, I'm lazy and if I need a VPN to watch I'll skip it.
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Well-Known Member
I literally said "I agree with you BUT". So yeah, I got the part that genocide is bad. I also have no argument that state sponsored doping is a huge problem with the Russians. My argument was with the phrase "You’re right, so not allowing the Russians to compete while cheating will make it sport again." As if 100% of the problem has been excised from the sport and it's all fine now. You can be against doping, cheating, and abuse whether it comes from a government entity or if it's a singular Federation run by a sociopath, or a few a-hole coaches in the US.

But please tell me again how what I said supports genocide :rolleyes:
You are reading things into posts that simply aren't there.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of propaganda…so only Russia produces skaters who are capable of “some decent skating” unlike what we’ll see in the ISU GP series this upcoming season where the rest of world will be competing…those other feds just produce…”indecent skating”. :lol:

I don’t support the war; I just ignore it and the truth inconveniences me.
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