Just call me Harry. (Everything Harry & Meghan)

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It’s not even a question - I’m in England and end of life visits are generally allowed in private homes and some care homes (remember entering a third party home was banned full stop at the time hence the end of life exemption) but hospitals have been and still are incredibly strict as I described above. Prince Charles might have been allowed in as the end of life visitor but general feeling was he was getting special treatment. Visits were not allowed .
They still aren’t aside from pregnancy scans (partner has to do a COVID test), giving birth and some end of life situations in some hospitals.

On top of that, there is no way the Queen’s health would ever be put at risk by visiting a hospital in a pandemic.
Of all the criticisms of the BRF one might raise in a bid to paint H&M in a positive light, this one really isn’t valid.


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I think the hospital rules have been enforced in different ways depending on where you are in the country, and what staff are on on any given day. Our friend who has been in and out of hospital a lot in the last few months has had times where his partner has gone in with him and been able to deliver clothes and snacks to him in person and other times where he's not been allowed in.

I imagine in private hospitals where the patient has a room to themselves it would be less C19 risky than in an ordinary hospital ward so there would be more leeway, however, every time the royal family has flouted the lockdown rules that apply to rest of us there has (rightly) been a lot of criticism so I don't think you can make any inferences from who did or didn't visit prince Philip in hospital.


RIP D-10
I think the point was that people can and usually do come up with reasons to criticize anyone's behavior.

I'm glad Harry will have a friend near. (When friend isn't off doing dangerous things somewhere else.)


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William and Kate released this picture of Lili:

I am not seeing it? I am not a skilled instragram user but all I see are Kate and Will?


Ubering juniors against my will
William and Kate released this picture of Lili:

I think that's a picture of pregnant Meghan holding Archie.

So the girl cousins' nicknames are Lili and Lottie. Sounds like a German sister act. :)


Well-Known Member
I have to say I was floored by that name. I think it's the fact that Harry's relationship with his family is so very bad at the moment, and yet he names his child something that is holding up a mirror to the family he currently isn't talking to?

It does create an idyllic image of happy families, I suppose. But that couldn't be further from the truth in reality. As for Meghan, I would have thought the door was completely closed on this for her (particularly after what she says Harry's family did to her) and yet she would want this name? However, as celebrity baby names go, it's got everyone's attention.

I mean, good for them if this is a reconciliatory move. If so, a lot must have changed over the past couple of weeks.
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Well-Known Member
I have to say I was floored by that name. I think it's the fact that Harry's relationship with his family is so very bad at the moment, and yet he names his child something that is holding up a mirror to the family he currently isn't talking to?

It does create an idyllic image of happy families, I suppose. But that couldn't be further from the truth in reality. As for Meghan, I would have thought the door was completely closed on this for her (particularly after what she says Harry's family did to her) and yet she would want this name? However, as celebrity baby names go, it's got everyone's attention.

I mean, good for them if this is a reconciliatory move. If so, a lot must have changed over the past couple of weeks.

Or maybe they still have a good relationship with the Queen.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps they do have a better relationship with the Queen than the rest of the family? Although the Queen is a 'sacred cow' in that she is pretty much untouchable and directly criticising her would not go down well.

The one thing about this name is that no one will be able to forget that the daughter has close ties to royalty. That may be the intention. Although this girl will live her life as a private US citizen.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps they do have a better relationship with the Queen than the rest of the family? Although the Queen is a 'sacred cow' in that she is pretty much untouchable and directly criticising her would not go down well.

The one thing about this name is that no one will be able to forget that the daughter has close ties to royalty. That may be the intention. Although this girl will live her life as a private US citizen.

She'll go by Lily. Not really that royal of a name. A royal name would be like Elizabeth Diana Victoria.


Well-Known Member
I just think Harry and Meghan are confusing.

This sudden reversal of narrative is confusing.

It's gone from his family being so oppressive and terrible that they almost killed his wife and they had to flee the country ... to literally two weeks later... naming their daughter directly after the head of that family in a touching gesture to his family.


Well-Known Member
I wonder why Doria didn’t get any naming acknowledgment given that she is the grandparent who is actually hands on babysitting and doing the hard work day to day?
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