Julia Lipnitskaya announces retirement

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Best wishes to Julia in her post-competitions life. I admire her courage in being up-front about the anorexia and seeking treatment (leading to her departure). For her courage and choice of a future happy life, please join me in shouting one final "LIP LIP, HOORAY!!!"

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Few notes on Julia’s situation from reliable sources.

- It is at present a fact that Julia has not submitted an official Letter of Resignation to the Russian Figure Skating Federation. RFSF’s position “we heard this from her mother, we realize she is not practicing or participating in amateur events, but to officially confirm, we need an official letter”.

- Julia is said to have enrolled into MGU (Moscow State University), subjects of studies are unknown.

- She, as an Olympic Gold Medal winner (in the Team Event), is currently receiving (and will continue to receive) from the Russian Sports Federation a life-term stipend in the amount of R32,000 Rbles per month (560 USD). Pres. Putin in 2015 has submitted a proposal to increase such stipends in current years to 50,000 rubles, with adjustment for inflation in future years.

- Julia was recently gifted an apartment (fully paid for), so 560 Rubles/month is tight but livable. No luxuries or trips abroad, but food and basics will be covered.
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I knew about the apartment but not the stipend. That's good news indeed, and she should also have the car they gave her, unless she sold it. Is it free to attend MGU?


Retired by Frank Carroll
I remember when I first saw Julia competing as a junior and was :eek::D:encore: about her crazy flexibility and her competitive grit. That moment she created in Sochi will carry her far, Im excited to see what opportunities come her way after her skating life.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Is it free to attend MGU?
:D it's a trick question, only because there is not short answer....

MGU (aka Lomonosov University or Moscow Allstate University) is considered to be the best and most prestigious university since 1940 in USSR and now in Russia. Its tuition system after the fall of USSR is very complicated, so is the admission process and criteria for acceptance. To my best abilities in a nut-shell (as it may relate to Julia).

- The competition for admissions is very high and varies by department.

- Majority of applicants have to pay tuition and they are called "contract students" (contract - because such arrangement is viewed as a business exchange -they pay tuition and get the service of education).

- But there is a small quota for “tuition free” education which sort of works like “scholar-ship”. Such students are called “budzhetniki” – “budgeted”.

- To be accepted as a “budzhetnik” (tuition free) one must either be exceptional beyond good grades in high-school, or to come highly recommended by a titled supervisor from the current place of employment in a Government Sector job. There must also be a valid justification how this type of education will benefit future work at that job.

- There are 3 tiers of attendance: regular/day-time, second session/evening attendance, and “off-campus”/"zaochnik" (studying at your own pace off campus, presence required only to take tests).

- Also, each department/type of major is priced differently. The most lucrative (law, business, mathematics, journalism, medical, tech/comp/electronics, etc.) cost more.
- The minimum tuition per year runs as following.

Regular daytime : 310,000 rubles per year ~ $ 5,400 USD

2nd Session/Evening: 190,000 rubles per year ~ $ 3,300 USD

Off-campus/”zhaochnik”: 110,000 rubles per year ~ $ 1,900 USD

The tuition changes every year, depending on currency fluctuations, and rarely decreases.

In Julia’s cases, it is possible she can be “recommended for budgeted admission quota” by a Sports Federation or other Government entity with a justification of her later pursuing a career in government sector related to athletics. That’s her only hope, since she was not an “outstanding student” in high-school, like Medvedeva for example was (and recently graduated).

Or if Putin tells the MGU staff to accept her, naturally they will…. :lol:. Otherwise she pays the tuition based on her selection of programme/major and form of attendance.
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Well-Known Member
Or if Putin tells the MGU staff to accept her, naturally they will…. :lol:. Otherwise she pays the tuition based on her selection of programme/major and form of attendance.

Is it not also true that "budgeted" is also very prestigious, so some will bribe officials with more money than the cost of "contract-student" rates in order to get a "budgeted" position for the prestige?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Is it not also true that "budgeted" is also very prestigious, so some will bribe officials with more money than the cost of "contract-student" rates in order to get a "budgeted" position for the prestige?
:D That's also a trick question or issue.... Why? because back in the Soviet days "budgeted" admissions were considered a "quota for the out-of-towners" and for those who were not admitted on "merit of high-school education", a Soviet form of "affirmative action".. :lol:. Also, now days it is not prestigious to show you don't have money and have to seek a special treatment to get something for free. So it depends how one looks at "budgeted quotas", as a reward for exceptional talent, or "looser who can not pay a regular fee"...... "he got in on a budget-quota, he is poor but very talented".... well, some people note "talented" and some note "poor"....

To demonstrate, an old post-Soviet joke: Two business men meet for a drink, accidentally wearing identical Tom Ford jackets. They exchange compliments laughing "nice jacket"! yes, says first guy, i got mine at GUM Store for 6,000 USD. Oh! frowns the second guy, very proud and feeling good about himself, I got mine at ZUM for 7,500....

Either way, i am not sure Julia has the money for bribes. And... one has to do the bribing way back in high-school, to change the scores on exit exams, because MGU has high requirements at what score levels they will even consider such applications.
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Well-Known Member
I doubt she needs to bribe the school to get in with all of those other perks she gets for the Olympic medal. I bet she's gotten good schooling to go along with her skating - as brutal as the Russian system of training skaters is, it seems they take good care of the ones who succeed. Once she graduates, I bet she'll get a good job through the connections and prestige she's gained through her skating.

I'm more curious as to what she'll do - it seems like a lot of skaters in Russia go on to coach or do ice shows, but at this point she'll be going to college. I hope we learn what she studies. I would love to see her become a psychologist or psychiatrist to help other young men and women who have struggles, but I've always had this idea (maybe because of her intensity/work ethic) that she would make a good lawyer.


Away (Workload)
Irina Rodnina on Lipnitskaya

Lipnitskaya has a weak muscular structure, whilst figure skating is tough on the body. When you land a jump, the spine takes a blow weighing from 600kg to 800kg. We land on one leg, and the whole body is warped. And we do this for years. Skaters who are 18-19 years old, have hip joints that are the equivalent of 80-year-olds.....It was immediately clear that Lipnitskaya had a weak muscular structure, a light weight, a very small leap from nature. In addition, it has long been known that those who start early, finish early. But there is no tragedy here. In 19 years she has achieved a lot, and become an olympic champion


New Member
Irina Rodnina on Lipnitskaya
It's sort of funny to compare this with what she said back in 2014:
-Yulia Lipnitskaya has charmed everyone. You too?
-Absolutely! The girl's a genius! I think that she has been kissed by God. She is not just technically immaculate but with a very good, clear head. She controls her actions very well and manages the pressure, amazingly, at 15 yrs old!
Now that there is a new discipline in figure skating, a team trophy, skaters have more chances to medal. Already in Sochi Yulia has opportunity to win her second gold. No doubt, she will continue skating until the next Olympics, so Yulia can become not just three times Olympic Champion, like me, but she can overpass me.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I feel like contrasting the two statements should be used as an example in journalism school or as an illustration of getting away with contradicting yourself if the readership doesn't pay attention/care.


No, thanks for posting the link!

Google translation:

Figure skater Julia Lipnitskaya has officially completed her sports career

09 September 2017

Olympic champion in team competitions Julia Lipnitskaya met today in Sochi with the leaders of the Federation of figure skating of Russia, reported on the completion of an amateur career in sports, talked about her future plans and wrote a statement on her withdrawal from the national team.

Federation of figure skating Russia thanks Julia for her work, dedication to figure skating, her achievements in sports. Performances of our figure skater at the team Olympic tournament at the Games in Sochi, wins and medals of the world championships and Europe have become bright pages not only in the history of domestic, but also world figure skating.

We wish Julia success in her studies, in the implementation of all her life plans!

We will support it in all future endeavors!


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
I think it's horrible Yulia was used and abused by her country at such a young age. To be sure, this is a problem that happens in many or all countries, not just Russia, but it's definitely a shame.

I hope she will be able to move on now and find peace in the rest of her long life to come.


Well-Known Member
I think it's horrible Yulia was used and abused by her country at such a young age. To be sure, this is a problem that happens in many or all countries, not just Russia, but it's definitely a shame.

I hope she will be able to move on now and find peace in the rest of her long life to come.
What would we call the case of Tara Lipninski then? Child abuse as well?


Well-Known Member
I think it's horrible Yulia was used and abused by her country at such a young age. To be sure, this is a problem that happens in many or all countries, not just Russia, but it's definitely a shame.

I hope she will be able to move on now and find peace in the rest of her long life to come.

Umm... what?
The country didn't make her go into sport. No one from the fs federation pressured her to continue after Olympics (plenty of other girls waiting their turn). They paid her training, she got a free apartment, stipend, fame. How was she "used and abused"?? I dont know many places in the world where a girl of her family's financial situation would get so many opportunities.
That yellow press are a bunch of jerks has nothing to do with anything. Frankly, Julia, talented as she is, is not a personality that can hadle fame. She is super private. Sotnikova, on the other hand, did just fine in comparison.
So spare me the poor "victim" bs.

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