From Russia with Love [#30]: If There Are Test Skate Videos, It Must Be Fall 2018

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Values her privacy
Winning every competition is not necessary? Well, Brian obviously never competed as a Russian lady. He might have had one or two direct competitors in his country, but not as many as Medvedeva has. Anyone can take her place, if they place higher at the nationals.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind that Med can't land her jumps now. I would like to see a little improvement in other areas. So far I've seen none and I don't believe Orser is right for her. What's the point of doing 2a3lo? Does Orser really think her BV deficiency is in a loop versus a toeloop? Someone is doing 2 3As. She doesn't have a BV advantage and will never. Those programs are not believable and certainly not "expressive" like Med said she wanted. She can't sell it to no one and she used to sell the hell out of screaming 911 calls. Canadian coaches get no criticism ever for not managing their skaters well (even American coaches don't have that kind of luxury), but what he has done with Medvedeva isn't the handling of a champion. Orser hasn't had a successful lady since Yuna Kim and that was 9 years ago. Maybe he lost touch with the ladies discipline.


Well-Known Member
Tinami is spot on with the observation that many on fsu suddenly like Med now that she is "Canadian" .There really is a Russian bias going on here. I just never paid attention to it before.

For me, it's less about Evgenia and more about the fact that the thought of supporting Eteri and her methods makes me feel very uncomfortable. I don't think I will ever like the concept of children being treated vaguely like performing animals for the entertainment of adults. It matters squat what country they are from - they could represent Swaziland for all that it matters to me. I'm not North American (and am too young), so the old 'cold war' schtick means absolutely nothing to me.


Well-Known Member
Tinami is spot on with the observation that many on fsu suddenly like Med now that she is "Canadian" .There really is a Russian bias going on here. I just never paid attention to it before.

She is not competing for Canada. She is still 100% Russian and proud of it. More like people are anti-Eteri and anti-Averbukh. Sure, there are some Russophobes around, but I don't believe they would suddenly support Evgenia just because she is training abroad now. Maybe it's easier for people to support an independent young woman who is clearly making her own decisions and not just a trained monkey from the factory doing what she's told in an environment that isn't necessarily healthy, mentally or physically. I don't hate Eteri, but I thoroughly understand why skaters leave her, and will continue to leave her.

Look how popular Liza is now...she also represents Russia, lives in Russia and "Westerners" love her. It's her personality that attracts people, that's all. These girls speak English so of course it becomes easier for non-Russians to appreciate them.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, that's what you find offensive? Because of course I meant it literally :rofl: Eteri herself is the one who boasted about her "factory" - is that not distasteful to you? I'd rather be a circus monkey than something put together on a conveyor belt and easily replaced.


Not going to get into a whole debate but there are even television shows called Star Factory so no, I don't think that carries the same connotation.


Well-Known Member
I really find it incredibly distasteful referring to talented athletes such as Zagitova, Trusova, etc as trained animals/monkeys. I hope people will reconsider using that type of language.

It's more of a case of adults treating them like that.

There's a certain kind of adult that really seems to get enjoyment out of watching children making sacrifices, being pushed and being disciplined.


Well-Known Member
Winning every competition is not necessary? Well, Brian obviously never competed as a Russian lady. He might have had one or two direct competitors in his country, but not as many as Medvedeva has. Anyone can take her place, if they place higher at the nationals.

I don't think she's currently in any real danger of being replaced just yet but she certainly doesn't want to give the fed. any reason to start thinking it when they see her name. She definitely doesn't have to win everything but she definitely has to start performing better. Or at least start to show in competition the progress that's shown in practice even just a little.

Has Brian ever had a Russian skater full time like he does with her? Not just working here and there as a helper but as a primary coach? He speaks like he doesn't fully understand the inner workings in Russia and such and speaks like it's the same as in the US or Canada.


Well-Known Member
I find Medvedeva a more appealing athlete to root for, since she has shown some personality and values that I can really relate to and appreciate. The story of leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of ‘home’ to seek out a better lot for oneself in a foreign land is one most North Americans can relate to; the accompanying struggles, homesickness, misunderstanding by your compatriots, frustration and discomfort with a new and unfamiliar way of doing things, the doubts, the struggle, the sense of displacement, the courage... these are all very relatable human qualities and experiences for people who are immigrants themselves or have parents/grandparents who went through it.

I don’t think there’s anything necessarily anti-Russian in this.


Well-Known Member
Yes, their is nothing anti- Russian in that. But that is obvious Zhenya left Russia and lives in Canada brought her extra popularity. This is natural. I remember many posters thought how annoying is she with her mimic, she was slow, overscored, she had bad SS, etc. But now everybody is rooting for her! I don't know why some posters deny it what is obvious.
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her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
I'm amused by so many people changing their opinions of Medvedeva either favorably or unfavorably based on her training location/coach. My opinion of her as a person is essentially unchanged. When she was a junior, I prefered Sotskova and Sakhanovich to her. As a new senior, I thought she was overscored. By 2017, I think she had become an incredible artist and her performances were compelling while still having a few overlooked technical problems (non-existent edge calls). Now her 2a looks improved, but the rest of the jumps are weaker and I don't particularly care for her choreography. But I think the SP could work for her if she performed it happily. She still seems to be a lovely, grounded person, and I wish her the best whether she stays with Orser or returns to Russia.

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
This thread is a dumpster fire. Why do I even bother?

I understand that Medvedeva is more flattering now to the "Westerners".

As a "Westerner", I have clearly always been more of a fan of the the European/Russian school of skating, especially in ladies, going back to Butyrskaya. Please don't disregard any viewpoint that doesn't bow down to yours simply because I'm American. This has nothing to do with Med moving to Canada or training with Orser.

The whole Eteri's Team is undergoing very bad trolling, including the young skaters.
Here is just one out of 1000's example, the NICER ones... :lol:

Sorry, but you have NO idea what you're talking about here. This picture is not trolling Eteri's team, it's glorifying and celebrating Eteri's team. This meme was posted by "Trusobot" on twitter:

Hail to The Mother of Dragons and Khaleesi of the Russian Figure Skating!!!

This entire twitter feed celebrates the genius of Eteri. Try again. :lol:

She is a) not attacked any more than Zagitova, b) attacks against Zagitova started from Olympics, when "Medvedeva's side" could not accept her not winning Gold.

I'm not saying that Zagitova has her share of Russian haters and trolls. And obviously I don't live in Russia or speak Russian, but other Russian posters here have remarked that the vitriol and hate is definitely more pronounced for Medvedeva right now. And anecdotally, comments I've seem from Russians on youtube and twitter are undeniably anti-Med

Medvedeva is doing damage control, on several levels, by introducing the "nationalism and negativity" issues against her, to take attention off her skating, and to get sympathy.

She made one remark about it; that's not damage control or asking for sympathy.

Proof, articles, videos, material is available to confirm practically everything i said.

Let's hope you do better than the first example of "proof" you provided. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
I'm amused by so many people changing their opinions of Medvedeva either favorably or unfavorably based on her training location/coach. My opinion of her as a person is essentially unchanged. When she was a junior, I prefered Sotskova and Sakhanovich to her. As a new senior, I thought she was overscored. By 2017, I think she had become an incredible artist and her performances were compelling while still having a few overlooked technical problems (non-existent edge calls). Now her 2a looks improved, but the rest of the jumps are weaker and I don't particularly care for her choreography. But I think the SP could work for her if she performed it happily. She still seems to be a lovely, grounded person, and I wish her the best whether she stays with Orser or returns to Russia.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I picked Med out of her junior “class” as a favorite and have rooted for her ever since. I even liked the Averbukh programs. None of my uberness came with her move to Orser - I think he’s a great coach technically and psychologically for elite skaters but I find his taste hokey.

I think she’s a better skater than Zagitova and apparently, according to Russian-speaking friends, a much better educated and sophisticated person, but I have a lot of respect for Zags as well. It’s neither political nor nationalist for an American to prefer one to the other.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
As a "Westerner", I have clearly always been more of a fan of the the European/Russian school of skating, especially in ladies, going back to Butyrskaya. Please don't disregard any viewpoint that doesn't bow down to yours simply because I'm American. This has nothing to do with Med moving to Canada or training with Orser.
“You” were not mentioned… :lol: Glad to hear you’re a fan of Russian school. The issue with Med and “western” is wider and would take too long and too many links to attach.

Prior to Canada, Medvedeva was on a ridiculous exaggerated promotional image building campaign “I am the biggest Patriot! Russia uber alles”. She went oberboard and many actions, activities, and speeches that followed, some which overboard, too obvious, and frankly unnecessary, all though she benefited from that segment of her image with many Russian fans.

Her video of removing the white scarf from the team jacket where a Russian flag was hidden in secret, which warmed her heart, and she just could not wait to get out of Korea to remove it, and the unspoken message was “silly MOC, we fooled you, we had the Russian flag on us all alone” is just a tip of the ice-berg.. (too much to list… pages).

... or making sure she is photographed with Putin at every opportunity at the reception and giving him praises and compliments..

Once she switched to train in Canada, her following actions, activities and speeches contradicted the previous. Once she a) left Eteri, b) switched to Canada/Orser, c) start to flirt on social media with “north american crowd” her support and number of fans in North America grew, the standard critique she received for her skating “while skating in Russia” decreased. At the same time many Russian fans were disappointed that she was saying that she “only writing in English”, saying “home is where my rink is, and it is now in Canada”, “I don’t speak Russian anymore with anyone but my parents and few friends”, “how much happier, free, renewed and expanded she feels now that she is in Canada”.. Given her “rah, rah! Russia uber alles!” 3-year media campaign, many find her two-faced, even when she does damage control showing Russian Flag at Cricket or saying “I will only skate for Russia” (which many don’t buy as patriotism because they know it is her only choice if she wants to go to 2022).

Sorry, but you have NO idea what you're talking about here. This picture is not trolling Eteri's team, it's glorifying and celebrating Eteri's team. This meme was posted by "Trusobot" on twitter:
:lol: I am aware of the source and artist’s intent. The point is that so called “haters” are using this picture to make comments, for example, about the future bodies and spines of “Eteri’s girls”, and other nasty insinuations..

She made one remark about it; that's not damage control or asking for sympathy.
It's not what she did, it's WHY AND HOW AND WHEN and that IS the biggest problem that former Med-fans have with her now, in many things she did and does.

Acute negativity against Zagitova and Medvedeva started right after Med/Eteri split (for Zag it started after the Olympics).

The negatives against Med are THE SAME since May, same objections, sames comments: skating, Eteri, Canada, IG posts. Medvedeva chose to bring attention to it NOW, when she is out of GP, and to highlight only the "patriotic" issues, not any other issues rightfully addressing her skating and reasons for the switch. It was done a) for sympathy, b) to divert attention from set backs in skating.

Let's hope you do better than the first example of "proof" you provided. :rolleyes:
Let's hope not... because if i do post all i have on Med over the last 8 months in a flow-chart of events occurred, it will not be pretty. She won 2 Olympic Silver medals and 2 World Golds for Russia, and i respect and appreciate that. I still have hope she recovers and realizes her mistakes and fixes them. I want to be a fan again.

This entire twitter feed celebrates the genius of Eteri. Try again. :lol:
You ask and you shall receive.... :D

Eteri Tutberdize is awarded another Medal of Honor yesterday for the "National Accomplishments", at the Kremlin... :p
The dogs are barking, the camel-caravan is moving..
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Well-Known Member
Also I started rooting for Medvedeva at the Olympics. Because I found her performance really compelling and authentic for the first time.

That was before anyone knew she would seek training abroad.

Her personality was starting to mature and shine through. And her struggles seemed really human for the first time — before that she was a title winning machine, as though she came from another planet. She would do an extra, illegal triple in competition just for the fun of it!

I always root for the underdogs somehow, especially if I feel like they’re being maligned unfairly by either the judges or fans. I just can’t help it. It makes for a lot of nerve racking and disappointing viewing, since underdogs don’t typically win...

(Seeing Jason Brown getting a silver last week was super sweet though!)

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
As has been posted in other threads, Anna Pogorilaya has withdrawn from Golden Spin of Zagreb.

Sadly predictable. :fragile: It's too bad she didn't recover from her injuries in time/wasn't in competition shape, because this season would be a great opportunity for her to come back, especially with the struggles of many of the other senior ladies.

I mean, I'd love to see Pogorilaya and Tuktamysheva together on a Worlds team again.

Do we think she'll attempt any kind of comeback next season? Since she's a 2016 World medalist, could she come back to the Grand Prix next season as a comeback skater?


Do we think she'll attempt any kind of comeback next season? Since she's a 2016 World medalist, could she come back to the Grand Prix next season as a comeback skater?
She qualifies under that criterion but I think her fed. has to submit her name?


Well-Known Member
Tinami is spot on with the observation that many on fsu suddenly like Med now that she is "Canadian" .There really is a Russian bias going on here. I just never paid attention to it before.
i thought she was great since I saw her during her first junior year. Don't care that she's Russian. Love the Russian skaters. I'm not Russian.


Well-Known Member
I'm amused by so many people changing their opinions of Medvedeva either favorably or unfavorably based on her training location/coach. My opinion of her as a person is essentially unchanged. When she was a junior, I prefered Sotskova and Sakhanovich to her. As a new senior, I thought she was overscored. By 2017, I think she had become an incredible artist and her performances were compelling while still having a few overlooked technical problems (non-existent edge calls). Now her 2a looks improved, but the rest of the jumps are weaker and I don't particularly care for her choreography. But I think the SP could work for her if she performed it happily. She still seems to be a lovely, grounded person, and I wish her the best whether she stays with Orser or returns to Russia.

I am pretty much with you on this. In 2016 I liked her program but felt her arms and lines were very overscored. Med mixed with other countries a lot that year in shows etc. and she liked the well-rounded skaters and starting to work hard on other aspects of her skating. I found a big difference last yr and felt she was growing into those PCS. Talking to others she liked what she heard about the training at TCC. It is also very private there with a closeknit team and closed mouths as opposed to daily hunger games. I adopt all foreign skaters coming to Canada and cheer for them to do really well. They will always love their countries and want to win medals for them but you sort of feel a little piece of them is yours. Is that a reason for people's hate? I say no. I hope everything works out for her and the improvements she wants to make work out. "GO MED"


Banned Member

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
Tinami Amori, if you don't want to end this, I will answer.

I don't think I may say: "Plushenko is a jerk, because he threw cucumbers at people and envied Yagudin". I don't even say: "Mishin is a jerk, because Mishin kicked Plushenko, when Mishin had said that Plushenko and Yagudin should have stopped playing football, but they hadn't obeyed". Even though Mishin wasn't a kid at that time, even though Mishin broke Evgeni's finger. I know, that people are not perfect. I'm OK with this fact. :)

I wasn't the only child in the family, so I know, that not every push between kids is a serious fight. I didn't pretend, that I didn't notice the word "beating on teeth", right? Why do I suppose, that Evgeni doesn't mean literally serious beating on teeth? When Evgeni compares Yagudin to those older guys who were cruel indeed, Evgeni says, that they did beat with a knee, for example. It should mean, that Yagudin didn't do things as serious as that. "Direct beating on teeth" is odd next to such words as "he did it secretly", "esli on menya i bil", next to the story about football. I already noted, that Evgeni even couldn't say "yes", when he was asked: "Was Yagudin one of your offenders?"

I agree, that Plushenko mostly means skating, when he says: "First I was making circles around him (around Yagudin), later I started to bite - first I did it slightly, then my bites became more and more painful". Yet it is obvious, that Evgeni thinks he attacked Yagudin, if Evgeni chooses such words. You've ruined this feature in your translation, Tinami Amori. Evgeni tells directly, that he wasn't just skating, he wanted to outrival Yagudin (no one else. Yagudin.) - to win Mishin's attention.
One who keeps trying to "bite" day by day, isn't a friend. Evgeni attacked not because of something what Yagudin did or didn't do, but because of Evgeni's own envy. When Evgeni speaks about the reason, he says, that he didn't get enough attention from Mishin - just because he was younger.

given it is a known fact that "Yags bullied and hit Plushenko while at Mishin's"
I don't say, that Yagudin never hurt Plushenko. Yet don't tell me, that Yagudin "bullying" Plushenko is a fact, when Plushenko tells, that HE had been "biting" Yagudin day by day and month by month. (even if he never literally bit Yagudin)
Tinami Amori, you marked the story about football with bold letters, right? OK, I can say, that this story wouldn't really impress me even if we knew for sure, that Yagudin kicked Plushenko's legs on purpose. Even if they were not Mishin's students, if Mishin couldn't kick his student on purpose.

Even Lala hears my opinion on their childhood for the first time, though Lala has been biting Yagudin for years. So you can see I'm able not to discuss their childhood.

I don't say, that Evgeni was a nasty kid or that Mishin is a jerk.

:) I think my position is fair.
Maybe you think, that all the people are jerks, but if it is so, it is your problem - not mine.
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