Fans are really getting out of hand


Well-Known Member
4,366 reading the last three or so pages here is bringing back memories. I remember those days on skate forums. Folks really took this stuff seriously back then, that's for sure (and to be honest, I was no exception). I remember there were big fan projects put together for both Tara Lipinski and Michelle Kwan. And yes, their most rabid fans were constantly at each other's throats...although I came in at the tail end of that mess, for the most part (early 2002). There was also some animosity between Kwan's fans and fans of Sasha Cohen through the mid-2000s. As bad as the Yuna Kim/Mao Asada flame wars got at times, I honestly think what I saw of them paled in comparison to some of the stuff I'd seen back in the day when I came on. I mean, there were entire EZBoards dedicated to venting frustration at the skater of your choice...particularly, some of the stuff said about the male skaters was...intense.

As for the original post in this thread, as unfortunate as it is, this is nothing new. And a handwritten letter is about as "old-school" as it gets, so I'm not going to blame social media for this one. Crazed fans have ALWAYS been an issue in the sports/entertainment world. What social media HAS done, IMO, is make it harder for public figures to avoid crazed fans. It has become almost a necessary evil these days (if you'd like to call it that) for brand-building, growing business, and PSA/outreach efforts. And because anyone can interact with your account, it is much easier to come across "negative" or "offensive" content, especially when you're checking it regularly to post messages, etc. Whereas before, the chatter was confined to online boards, private groups, and clubs - and you could focus on whatever you were doing, for the most part (managing regular press coverage was the dominating concern). Public figures regularly communicating with fans directly is something that's really only been a thing the past 10-12 years. And, tying into the paragraph above, a lot of these flame wars that used to be confined (mostly) to private boards are now carried out in the open on social media, in direct view of the target. When the person gets tagged, it's hard to escape that...

The main thing - as a person with an elevated profile, people are going to say things about you. Some of those things will be negative. That's part of the gig. A thick skin must be developed. That said, lines should certainly be drawn when folks start making harm/death threats or stalking - everyone's safety should always be paramount.


Throwing the (rule)book at them


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
Skating Twitter is mostly about trolls whining about PCS and especially Yuzuru. They felt he wasn't treated fairly.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
"Yuzuru risked his life just to be underscored again!"
"Yuzu is the king of underscoring!"
etc. etc.
Fanyu Twitter is a group of embarassing losers, mental idiots and disturbing clowns.


The weird thing for me is that the skaters do nothing to encourage or inspire this behavior; it's all projection by the fans. Hanyu (AFAIK) has been a class act throughout his career, and you'd think people would want to emulate that. But no.

I agree! He seems gracious in defeat, and kind to other skaters? I mean maybe he is an ass in private, but his public persona seems pretty mellow and well managed.

I'm also always so puzzled about the Yuzu wuzrobbed sentiment - the man has two OGM? what do these people want? anointment as champion before the competition even starts?

I generally love watching him skate, and the way he moves on the ice. But that doesn't mean he will be the best at every comp.


Anti-quad activist
I'm also always so puzzled about the Yuzu wuzrobbed sentiment - the man has two OGM? what do these people want? anointment as champion before the competition even starts?
That seems to be what they want. From what I've read they seem to be focusing their ire on the scoring of the SP this time. They think the GOE should have been higher, and that he should have been silver.


Well-Known Member
So have the crazy fans been attacking Yuma too since he surpassed Yuzuru?
I doubt it since he's Japanese. I shudder to think how much worse it would be if Nathan was Korean instead of Chinese. :scream:
The hate he already gets would look like :cat:


Well-Known Member
I doubt it since he's Japanese. I shudder to think how much worse it would be if Nathan was Korean instead of Chinese. :scream:
The hate he already gets would look like :cat:
Oh, you wish! They have been attacking Daisuke Takahashi for years and they are not kind to Shoma either. I'm sure they are not very happy with what Yuma did.

Also, some of this kind of dangerous Fanyus are not even Japanese


Oh, you wish! They have been attacking Daisuke Takahashi for years and they are not kind to Shoma either. I'm sure they are not very happy with what Yuma did.

Also, some of this kind of dangerous Fanyus are not even Japanese

On the contrary, it's Dai fans who have been harassing, bullying Yuzu since he dared to win against Dai at Nationals 2012 and then he went and become Japan's no. 1 skater after that. Some of them are still sending Yuzu death threats until today. :(

Fans have been respectful about Yuma's success, and Japanese Yuzu fans - who are mostly older - are the most respectful fans I've ever met.


Well-Known Member
On the contrary, it's Dai fans who have been harassing, bullying Yuzu since he dared to win against Dai at Nationals 2012 and then he went and become Japan's no. 1 skater after that. Some of them are still sending Yuzu death threats until today. :(

Fans have been respectful about Yuma's success, and Japanese Yuzu fans - who are mostly older - are the most respectful fans I've ever met.

And there you have it! :rofl:

@ShuPa Because of course Dai's fans were so envious of Hanyu, right?
The attitude of the Fanyu: if you don't like him then you must be envious of him. Because not liking him is not contemplated.

It was actually Hanyu himself who said that Dai's fans were so nasty to him and that they were sending him life threats, and that because of that he even thought of taking his own life. :drama:

Sorry but I don't find Hanyu a class act at all!
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Codger level achieved
I see some people are determined to provide a demonstration of fans getting out of hand right here in this thread.
Took the words right of of my fingers.
The sport isn't decaying.
Too late - the quad-at-all-costs contortion fests judged by aggressively overcomplicated micro-quantification in scoring a la gymnastics has already provided that.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Took the words right of of my fingers.

Too late - the quad-at-all-costs contortion fests judged by aggressively overcomplicated micro-quantification in scoring a la gymnastics has already provided that.
How do you honestly believe the sport is decaying? We (the board) always get into these asides but it’s not difficult to see the amount of competitions, competitions, countries involved, level of skating, etc all having gone way up since whatever golden era we all started following/skating ourselves.

The amount of coverage on broadcast television? Gone down. Other posters have previously equated that to the sport dying, but broadcast television is not where the target audience has sought out content for a long time now. The amount of people seeking out streaming options around the world? Promise you it’s more than the few people trying to watch 2003 Worlds on Turkish TV. Lack of stars in the US? There are stars and kids with dreams all over the world.

But worldwide, there is zero competition. The sport is much bigger now.


Well-Known Member
Took the words right of of my fingers.

Too late - the quad-at-all-costs contortion fests judged by aggressively overcomplicated micro-quantification in scoring a la gymnastics has already provided that.
Some skaters complete quads w/o it becoming a contortion fest. It really is a large range of skaters, so you can't really generalize


I see the sea
I remember when I first start watching figure skating in the late 1990s, and then a few years later skating was doomed because of SLC. Then it was doomed because Speedy sucked (well, I can understand the sentiment), after which it was doomed because nobody understood the new scoring system. Then it was doomed because guys were winning without quads, after which it was doomed because guys were winning with messy quads, and also Canton was boring, and Sotnikova won in Sochi which was very very wrong and the guys were winning with more messy quads which was almost as wrong but not quite. Then the guys were winning with too many quads and Montreal was boring and ruining ice dance, except shady Russians were also ruining ice dance and how can anyone even care about ladies when it's just a bunch of Russian sonograms jumping. Not even sonograms, pregnancy tests! And the ISU keeps forcing Hanyu to do things he doesn't want to, because obviously a 26 year old with two OGMs has no personal agency at all.

I think that covers the decay of our sport since I became a fan.

Skating, and the earth, is definitely doomed.


Well-Known Member
On the contrary, it's Dai fans who have been harassing, bullying Yuzu since he dared to win against Dai at Nationals 2012 and then he went and become Japan's no. 1 skater after that. Some of them are still sending Yuzu death threats until today. :(

Fans have been respectful about Yuma's success, and Japanese Yuzu fans - who are mostly older - are the most respectful fans I've ever met.
Japanese athletes are fantastic people or so it seems the most well behaved nicest and courteous people in figure skating. I have to think they have to be embarrassed by some of their fans behavior. We all root for our faves and hurt when they lose. But Yuzu is late to goat.

Korean fans went crazy not all of them of course but some after the 2014 Winter Olympics basically ruining the life for Adelina.
Controversial decision aside that's going too far and her life was changed for the worse it was almost like it was a coordinated effort to stalk harasser insult or threaten her and scare her off every social media platform.

I'm sorry for any bullying Johnny got. Even if people don't like him and some dont like him he does not deserve that.

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