Eva Pate/Logan Bye Cheer Thread


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
I am currently all in for Eva and Logan! Didn't find a cheer/discussion thread so here it is. Hope to have fellow fans stop by. If you have followed US Ice Dance for as many years as I have, you have seen Logan since he was a wee lad, I remember when he was in Novice with Chloe. Anyway, he has developed into a mature ice dancer and I love his partnership with Eva. They give me D/W vibes and to those who know me on here, you realize that's saying something as I was (and still am) a D/W uberfan.

I love their Hunger Games FD and I just rewatched it. What I love about them is their fire. Their spins are wonderful. Also unison is great considering they have only been together since 2019? What I hope is that they STAY TOGETHER. Longevity is the key, right? If the talent is there, take it as far as you can.

So I will be following their journey and wishing them great things. If they have half the work ethic of D/W, it bodes well. I think they will have that. If I have a criticism of their FD, it would be that I would like to see a little more angst. Hunger Games is powerful and not much to smile about. Eva has a beautiful smile and I feel she was reacting to their clean elements during the program. More angst there, Eva, you are a beautiful ice dancer! Logan reminds me a lot of Charlie White and he brings the emotion quite well. I felt like their score of 104 was pretty good for early season. The program is excellent and with more hard work, it will be on fire for Nationals! I will be cheering them on!

Cheers to a new season of skating!


Well-Known Member
I am currently all in for Eva and Logan! Didn't find a cheer/discussion thread so here it is. Hope to have fellow fans stop by. If you have followed US Ice Dance for as many years as I have, you have seen Logan since he was a wee lad, I remember when he was in Novice with Chloe. Anyway, he has developed into a mature ice dancer and I love his partnership with Eva. They give me D/W vibes and to those who know me on here, you realize that's saying something as I was (and still am) a D/W uberfan.

I love their Hunger Games FD and I just rewatched it. What I love about them is their fire. Their spins are wonderful. Also unison is great considering they have only been together since 2019? What I hope is that they STAY TOGETHER. Longevity is the key, right? If the talent is there, take it as far as you can.

So I will be following their journey and wishing them great things. If they have half the work ethic of D/W, it bodes well. I think they will have that. If I have a criticism of their FD, it would be that I would like to see a little more angst. Hunger Games is powerful and not much to smile about. Eva has a beautiful smile and I feel she was reacting to their clean elements during the program. More angst there, Eva, you are a beautiful ice dancer! Logan reminds me a lot of Charlie White and he brings the emotion quite well. I felt like their score of 104 was pretty good for early season. The program is excellent and with more hard work, it will be on fire for Nationals! I will be cheering them on!

Cheers to a new season of skating!
On the Team USA Bios page of the USFS website, Charlie White is listed as one of their coaches. Eva is a former Solo Dancer.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
They have announced their FD next season as Riverdance. Yay! I love that music. Excited to see their development over the next quad. Would love to see them go to MIDA.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Love the first part! I feel like the composition of the program overall could be better, but I have a feeling fast song-slow song-fast song is going to be pretty typical this season. Anyway, they have a lot of good stuff to work with. Plus I am digging the hot pink fringe for real.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
Watched their programs from Lake Placid, loved them both! Great job, the FD was very good with a lot of potential, Irish dancing, great lifts, and love their twizzles. I really enjoyed the RD as well. I was a B/K fan back in the day and of course Riverdance made me think of them. Ice dance has come a long way since 25 years ago, as much as I loved B/K's Riverdance, watching Eva and Logan made me realize how much more ice dancers put on the ice and how much more interesting it is. imo. I thought their performances here were strong for beginning of season and I look forward to seeing them improve with their programs, they are definitely on my radar for US dance.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
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Re-posting here:
Eva Pate and Logan Bye will be guests on our podcast next week. We had scheduled them to be on our podcast before news of their engagement came out yesterday so it looks like we now have more things to talk about with them :)

We are asking fans to submit their questions for Eva and Logan -- whether it be about the season, their programs or even their recent engagement. You can post your questions here or you can email them to Daphne and me at [email protected]. We are talking with them this Sunday - so we need questions by then!


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
Silver medal for them at US Classic! Riverdance was great, skated well for early season, room for growth and I know by Nationals this will definitely slay! Costumes were beautiful. She even wore dark tights in a nod to the Riverdance costumes for the original show. Great lifts and spins, the choreo will get better with time but I loved the Irish dancing they had in there. So excited for this season for them!


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
I wasn't able to watch live but happy to see they got into the top 5 after RD for GP of France. I love their programs. And really, they are getting good marks for a team that is in the mix for US ice dance but isn't considered enough for that third spot. After C/B and H/B, I like them as the best of the rest. They just have that "it" for me.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
I thought I posted here already for Nats but guess I didn't! So, they were wonderful despite the fall in the FD. Looked like Logan caught his heel and bumped her skate. I know she was sad that they didn't go clean but otherwise it was a great skate. I loved their choreo step sequence. I still see so much potential for them. Our US ice dancers, the younger teams, are all packed in together in talent and it is exciting to see. Congrats to Eva and Logan for a good nationals and I continue to be excited for their future!

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