Doctor Who Season 9


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Staring this thread in anticipation of the new season starting on Saturday. :cheer2:

And also as an opportunity to post this story. She'd get my vote!


Well-Known Member
I think she would be a fine Doctor. I liked her work in "Agent Carter." I don't usually watch these shows but this was fun and I liked the time period.


Well-Known Member
I don't think switching sexes fits who the doctor has been in the past. Unlike with the Master where I find it totally believable. I think changing the doctor's Gender would just be for surprise factor. I love Hayley so much that I would 1000% watch . It would just feel like a remake instead of a continued story.

Here's a prologue to the first s9 episode:

Here's s9 episode synopses from show runner Moffat:


Corgi Wrangler
Yeah, really, I could see a black Doctor (I can think of a lot of British actors of a variety of races, actually, who'd work) but a woman, not so much. HE is the Doctor.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I've never thought that there was anything remotely gender-specific about The Doctor, other than the fact that he's always been played by male actors.


Corgi Wrangler
*shrug* The Doctor is a man. And, again, I'm wondering why the bright idea is "cast a very conventionally-pretty young actress". Heck, now I'm tallying up the non-White Anglo Saxon British actors who could do it, and really, if it's going to be a woman, how about one who's over 40?


Between the click of the light
I want the first female Doctor to be Olivia Colman. She can do comedy and drama equally well and she's amazing. I would also like Amanda Tapping to play the Doctor (she's said at conventions that she would like to play the Doctor too) but she's English born Canadian raised and while she can do the accent it would probably still bother people.


Well-Known Member
I don't want them to cast a female doctor due to outside political, societal, or fan pressure. If they do cast an actress, I want them to cast the actress because she is the best person for the role at that time, NOT because of her sex/gender. All that matters to me about who plays the doctor is that they are right for the role, not if they are male or female. Casting a female because she's female or a male because he's male undermines that process of finding the right person.


Well-Known Member
I don't want them to cast a female doctor due to outside political, societal, or fan pressure. If they do cast an actress, I want them to cast the actress because she is the best person for the role at that time, NOT because of her sex/gender. All that matters to me about who plays the doctor is that they are right for the role, not if they are male or female. Casting a female because she's female or a male because he's male undermines that process of finding the right person.

Absolutely. And the same applies to skin colour.

However "the best" is of course highly subjective. There are dozens and dozens of actors I could picture in the role, and each one would bring her or his own unique spin -- but I'd be hard pressed to say which one is "best."


Well-Known Member
Honestly,I am not in favor of a female Doctor.And the person who wrote that article should know HIS name isn't Doctor Who,it's The Doctor.Doctor Who? is the question,the oldest question in the universe.
Anyway...I am super super super super super excited about Season 9!!!!
In other Doctor Who new,I read today that they are expecting Jenna Coleman to leave before the Christmas Special and River Song will likely be making an appearance this season.I would LOVE to see River interact with this Doctor. It'd be hilarious!


Well-Known Member
last I had read it was a maybe not a definite for having her on the Christmas special.


Well-Known Member
Ah River and this doctor will work just fine !

ITA! Matt Smith's Doctor always seemed a bit deer caught in the headlights with River. Capaldi will be able to give as good as he takes. And I expect he will be taking lots -- the only question being whether her first jibes toward him will be about his aged appearance or about his Scottishness.
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Well-Known Member
BTW, I re-watched "Dark Water / Death in Heaven" yesterday, at least in part to revisit my original (negative) feelings toward Missy, in light of discussions about the possibility of a female Doctor. And I still didn't like her. Not because she was a Mistress instead of a Master, it was her specifically I didn't like -- though I'm not sure if that was due to Michelle Gomez's acting or the way they wrote her. Plus of course it would be very difficult for anyone to follow the absolute perfection that was John Simm's Master.

But I still think it could work with the Doctor.


Well-Known Member

Good! I can't wait!

I agree that Capaldi will be able to go toe to toe with River.

What is all of your opinions of the Christmas Special and where the Doctor was when he woke up from the Dream Crab? It's quite interesting that where he woke looked a lot like the lava place where Clara dreamed she threw his keys in. Could Death in Heaven possibly have been a big dream? Just a thought.


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Ok. What the hell happened? I am sure that episode isn't as long as the others. It was just starting and poof it ended.
No no no no no and no. I want it back. I want it more. I need to know how it ends.

Garden Kitty

I hate two parters - especially when I don't know they're two parters. I like to record them and watch them together.


Well-Known Member


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
I am going to die all season long then. Hate Moffat. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY ?!


Well-Known Member
I've loved the idea of a female doctor since I first saw The Doctor's Wife and the embodiment of The Tardis. I felt that episode was sort of an early test run of a Female Doctor, given how much she acted like Matt Smith and how eccentric she was.

I'm personally not sad to see Clara go, I personally have never felt her connect or fit with Smith or Capaldi.

I am however, hugely excited for the return of River Song, I am hoping it is even before the Christmas episode and we see more than just that, but I'll take it.

I really enjoyed this episode though, they have far and away improved the Missy character from last season. It will be interesting to see how it progresses.

I don't remember The Doctor and The Master ever actually having been friends or saying they were, and all of a sudden its a more love/hate relationship between the Doctor and the Master/Mistress. Am I missing something or forgetting something?


Well-Known Member
I don't remember The Doctor and The Master ever actually having been friends or saying they were, and all of a sudden its a more love/hate relationship between the Doctor and the Master/Mistress. Am I missing something or forgetting something?

There have been a lot of references to them having been childhood friends, growing up together and going through their Timelord training together. Then when they looked into the Untempered Schism as their initiation, it drove The Master insane. But no, not friends as adults.

I haven't watched the season opener yet -- so thanks for the heads up that it's a 2-parter, I'll wait til next weekend and watch both.


I feel like with all this stuff about whether the Doctor is a good man and whether his compassion is his weakness, they are setting up an appearance of the Valeyard.

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