Big Brother 21


Banned Member
If Tommy stays now I will be super pissed. I am super pumped for his eviction. I have been waiting for this all season, not delusionally predicting it when it was never going to happen 20 times like Tony, but salivating for when it might really happen.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
There is going to be a house meeting soon. Jackson is going to be called out. :watch:

Yeah. I think he and Holly pushed just a little too much/are getting a little too aggressive and even Tommy is tired of it. Of course I never know anything, but I think Tommy truly may aim to get Jackson out of the house with the other two if he does stay.

Of course we aren’t likely to see the meeting until the first half of Sunday’s show.


Banned Member
Gawd if Tommy somehow stays now I will be so annoyed. And anyone who cheers for Nicole/Cliff the feeble idiots after the last 15 hours and roots against Jackson to win the whole game has no respect for the game. They truly look like idiots and clown Nicole was yet again having her lame panic/anxiety attacks since she is overthinking a decision she had set before last night, LMAO! I hope Cliff doesn't somehow stumble into a Final 2 with Nicole since he will win that super easily, which is the only Final 2 either can win in at this point regardless which of Tommy or Nicole stay.

I hope this clownery gives Jackson, Tommy, or Kat America's Favorite Player which was presumed to be a lock for Cliff before (with Nicole the distant 2nd most likely). Neither of them deserve it but atleast no way Nicole wins it now, and Cliff atleast isn't being as dumb as Nicole.
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Banned Member
This actually benefits Cliff in a way even if annoying Tommy blissfully goes tonight, even if he is sort of being dumb bigtime now too. Jackson and Holly both choose him over Nicole now for sure, despite that Nicole is a way bigger goat. Cliff is climbing up Jackson's ass this morning (and probably will be again when the fish leave) and is clearly over Nicole for them now despite being more of a threat. The only downside is he is dumb enough to believe Jackson's story he would pick him over Holly. How dumb, as if Jackson would be fighting so hard for Holly to stay in that case.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I'm glued to the feeds. Of course CBS went to fish to block us from seeing all the juicy stuff.

At least it adds a little bit of excitement prior to the vote. The only annoying thing is that I doubt we see any of it tonight as opposed to Julie saying ‘to see what flipped (caused) the vote, tune in Sunday’.

If Michie pinned enough stuff on Tommy during the meeting, maybe Tommy really would collectively work with the other two to get him out.

@Sparks or @TanithandBenFan - I didn’t read this anywhere, but was Tommy actually scheming at all with Michie?


Well-Known Member
No he wasn't. Jackson eavesdropped on T, N, and C last night and heard T say he would throw the HoH. Later he told that lie to C and N.
When N and C met with T this morning, it looked like they believed him...thus the house meeting was called.
As Tommy pointed out, Jackson has many reasons to lie and Tommy has none.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
No he wasn't. Jackson eavesdropped on T, N, and C last night and heard T say he would throw the HoH. Later he told that lie to C and N.
When N and C met with T this morning, it looked like they believed him...thus the house meeting was called.
As Tommy pointed out, Jackson has many reasons to lie and Tommy has none.

I knew Jackson overheard that, but I had just wondered in the last few days if he spent any time with Tommy to try to pull him in. But up until yesterday, they really didn't think Holly had a chance of leaving anyways so I suppose why would he bother?

So, in your opinion IF Holly goes tonight, who of the three would Michie target with a veto win, assuming none of them are safe? To me, it seems like Tommy might be best off to just gun for the HOH and then let the other three battle it out and do all the dirty work to get into the F3.


Banned Member
I knew Jackson overheard that, but I had just wondered in the last few days if he spent any time with Tommy to try to pull him in. But up until yesterday, they really didn't think Holly had a chance of leaving anyways so I suppose why would he bother?

So, in your opinion IF Holly goes tonight, who of the three would Michie target with a veto win, assuming none of them are safe? To me, it seems like Tommy might be best off to just gun for the HOH and then let the other three battle it out and do all the dirty work to get into the F3.

I honestly don't know who he WILL target but it is pretty obvious who he should.

Nicole can not beat Jackson in a jury vote ever. Nicole can't beat anyone left in the house in a jury vote ever in fact, especialy if Holly goes.
Cliff is very unlikely to beat Jackson in a jury vote.
Tommy has a pretty good chance to beat Jackson in a jury vote.

Of the three Tommy is most likely to beat Jackson the final HOH and he probably does not take him to F2 over taking the easy win in Cliff or Nicole.

The only possible logic to targetting Nicole or Cliff over Tommy is to split up the pair but if Tommy isn't taking you to F2 if he wins F3 HOH either, does that really make a difference.

And for Tommy the same logic should probably apply, flipping names. The only difference for him is Jackson is stupid enough to bring Tommy to F2 if he makes a fake F2 deal with him, so maybe in his case it isn't a horrible idea to target say Nicole. Better Nicole than Cliff since Nicole is just too easy and tempting a goat in the F3 to be sure Jackson would honor the supposed F2 deal if they make one.


Throwing the (rule)book at them

Nicole won HOH. In the 3 minutes the feeds were off, the whole competition was finished.

ETA- Holly threw it to Nicole once Cliff dropped apparently. She said she made a deal and she was going to stick to it.
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Throwing the (rule)book at them
ALSO- Jackson said that apparently during the blowup earlier, Tommy told him that he didn’t deserve the money (and that’s now 4 people who have been pissed at him when leaving). So you know if he makes the finals now with Nicole or Cliff that his chances are probably out the door seeing Tommy’s whole group is waiting in jury to hear about this.

But the only way that this happens is if Holly goes this week, and she’s probably the least likely.


Banned Member
WOOHOO the fakest houseguest ever is gone. I literally had some friends over for some wine to celebrate, and some of us are still here. And contrary to what Tony Wheeler thinks Tommy would have WRECKED everyone left in a jury vote, the HGs were even crying to evict him and none were even close to his best friends in the house, so anyone who thinks he doesn't win at the end is idiotic. So thank goodness for the sake of humanity that little troll is out of there and the BB franchise is saved from the ultimate nightmare.

Jackson really deserves to win. He is playing such an awesome game. That was one of the best flips ever. And he did it all on his own while useless Holly slept through it. It sucks there is a very good chance Holly will fall ass backwards into winning since if Jackson is somehow taken out she almost certainly beats both Cliff and Nicole (although Cliff might have a shot vs her, no way Nicole does) with the mostly all Gr8tful jury. She is a clueless player based on her last few weeks.


Banned Member
Tommy told him that he didn’t deserve the money

He is a bitter baby. He got outplayed, and he won't own it. The fact Cliff/Nicole were so set on sending Jackson home and he managed to flip it with no help from Holly shows what a bad and useless player Tommy is, especialy without his Mama figure Christie carrying her like she has all game. Like I said though he wins easy over anyone left if he gets to Final 2 which was decently likely if he survived this week. Thank goodness he is gone.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Usually I'd be angry that the HOH only lasted thirty seconds after the feeds came back, but my transformer blew two minutes later, sending me into darkness, so it worked out perfectly lol.

I wanted Tommy gone all season until tonight. I didn't want another week of whiny Holly and The Snacksons bickering at each other, but here we are. I loved the raw emotional version of Tommy that we saw in the clip of the house meeting. Wish we would have seen more of that realness throughout the season.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Usually I'd be angry that the HOH only lasted thirty seconds after the feeds came back, but my transformer blew two minutes later, sending me into darkness, so it worked out perfectly lol.

I wanted Tommy gone all season until tonight. I didn't want another week of whiny Holly and The Snacksons bickering at each other, but here we are. I loved the raw emotional version of Tommy that we saw in the clip of the house meeting. Wish we would have seen more of that realness throughout the season.

Agree. I couldn’t get over how manufactured all of his deliveries were all season. I get it, he’s an actor to begin with and he probably feels like he needed to play a part as most houseguests do, but it was so cheesy all year. And then for the last week he’s been vulnerable and more the person I think everyone would’ve loved outside as fans. To his credit though, I don’t think anyone disliked him in the house.

Cliff’s somewhat sabotage of Nicole that was shown tonight sets her up to potentially run away with favorite houseguest. I can’t see anyone catching her at this point. The people that only watch the show and nothing else seem to really like Sam.


Banned Member
Usually I'd be angry that the HOH only lasted thirty seconds after the feeds came back, but my transformer blew two minutes later, sending me into darkness, so it worked out perfectly lol.

I wanted Tommy gone all season until tonight. I didn't want another week of whiny Holly and The Snacksons bickering at each other, but here we are. I loved the raw emotional version of Tommy that we saw in the clip of the house meeting. Wish we would have seen more of that realness throughout the season.

If Tommy had survived tonight he would have won the season. Jackson said in his DR he was targetting Cliff/Nicole regardless who stayed. Cliff/Nicole would have to commit to their F3 deal with Tommy now. So he was certain to be in F3. And the F3 HOH is something he would have a very good chance in, and if 1 of Cliff/Nicole are booted he is pretty much a lock for F2 too even if he doesnt win it. And he wouldn't have lost a jury vote to anyone left.

So it was better Tommy went. He was the inevitable winner otherwise and it would have been a horrible outcome. It is worth another week or two of Jolly's grossmance.


Headcase Addict
Cliff’s somewhat sabotage of Nicole that was shown tonight sets her up to potentially run away with favorite houseguest. I can’t see anyone catching her at this point. The people that only watch the show and nothing else seem to really like Sam.

Sam lives 5-6 miles from me. He's from Mountain Top, PA. A friend has met him before but i never have.

Plus Rockstar is making an appearance at a local gay bar called "Heat" this weekend in Wilkes-Barre, PA.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Reading that in his Cliff notes last night, Cliff mentioned that the deal of Holly throwing HOH AND Michie taking Nicole and Cliff to final 3 (if he wins veto) was the better deal—- but come on, does he really think that is going to happen? Please.

Michie also told Cliff that he would be his F2, so watch Cliff win veto and send Holly home.

What I kind of hope happens now is that Michie wins the veto and sends Cliff home since he actually believes Michie really would vote Holly out over him. Michie’s already made everyone else mad, what’s another number?


Banned Member
Cliff is brain dead. The ironic thing is voting out Tommy was probably the better move since like I said he wins easily if he makes the end and he wasn't the F4 target of anyone if Holly went (well maybe Cliff since he is so far up Jackson's ass), but the logistics to Cliff doing it are moronic. Everything about Cliff is moronic. I hope if he makes F2 it is with Jackson so he for sure doesn't win.

Cliff thinking Jackson would vote out his own showmance who might be a bigger goat than Nicole at this point, LOL, yeah right.


Banned Member
I also hope Jackson wins and boots Cliff's delusional ass. It will be what he deserves. He is such a feeble weak minded player. He is the new Karen from Big Brother Canada, enabling the power players to win.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I swear Jackson and to an extent Holly are playing this so well and not sticking around each other today, that both Nicole and Cliff now think that they will take Cliff over each other with the veto win. If they didn’t want each other in the game, Michie wouldn’t have blown up Tommy’s game 24 hours ago to save Holly!

That said, I really find myself rooting for Michie to win the veto and send Cliff packing. Cliff’s popularity tanked since his throwing Nicole under the bus, and I’d love to see his face when Michie or Holly is the one getting rid of him.

Makes Nicole’s end game much harder and it will make just about everyone say the game was handed to Jackson and Holly weeks ago, but it could still be exciting if Nicole gets herself into F2.

Getting rid of Michie would be the smartest move, but Cliff is so stuck in his ways and thinking both Michie and Nicole would take him to the end that I don’t see how he would ever vote him out.
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Banned Member
I also think Jackson is winning the veto and booting Cliff. Then I hope Jackson wins final HOH and boots Nicole. Nicole and Cliff are such bad and brain dead players, they don't even deserve 50k as a F2 loser. Keeping a showmance together going into the F4, LOL!


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Nicole and Cliff seriously believe Holly winning the veto means she will vote Michie out. What world are they living in? If these two didn’t want to work together anymore, Michie sure as hell wouldn’t have fought to keep Holly just TWO DAYS AGO.

If Nicole and Cliff both throw the veto, they don’t deserve to win. I still think it would be wonderful to see one of them give Cliff the boot after all of his scheming these last few days, but I still want to believe in Nicole fighting for it and keeping Cliff safe just so her chances of F2 are higher.


Banned Member
Nicole and Cliff seriously believe Holly winning the veto means she will vote Michie out. What world are they living in? If these two didn’t want to work together anymore, Michie sure as hell wouldn’t have fought to keep Holly just TWO DAYS AGO.

If Nicole and Cliff both throw the veto, they don’t deserve to win. I still think it would be wonderful to see one of them give Cliff the boot after all of his scheming these last few days, but I still want to believe in Nicole fighting for it and keeping Cliff safe just so her chances of F2 are higher.

Nicole's best Final 2 is against Holly, not Cliff. She loses to both Jackson and Cliff. I guess in your fantasy world Tommy was her easiest win (LOL) but that is gone now, so her best chance remaining is Holly.


Banned Member
Haha bye bye Cliff! While I am super glad you gave Tommy the vote since Tommy is a vile creature, it was a super dumb move for your game. You are now getting exactly what you deserve, and believing Jackson would keep you over Holly, bitch please. Your delusions are about to blow up in your face.

Now unless Nicole wins Final 3 HOH which is probably 20% odds at best we are getting the first all showmance Final 3 in Big Brother history. I wonder if Nicole wins if she would ever be dumb enough to take Jackson. She probably loses to Holly too, but atleast she has a fighting shot. I think she loses 8-1 to Jackson, only getting Cliff's vote. Maybe Nick's, but I think Nick would vote for the stronger player, clearly Jackson.

And Jackson-Holly? Holly should stand no shot but I think it might end up closer than it should be. Holly gets Jess, Kat, probably Christie easy, but hopefully that is it. If Tommy is super bitter he could vote Holly or even Nicole over Jackson, and influence Sis (and Christie, and even Jack or Nick) so he is Jackson's biggest problem if he is bitter. If he is not, it is all over if Jackson reaches Final 2.

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