Ashley Wagner Cheer Thread #3: The Subject of Tonight's Lecture...


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I would say that Ashley perked it up a bit and added a little sparkle and shine. I'd compare it to how Michelle would do her same programs. She added a little more sparkle and shine in her programs where it wouldn't be the same every time.

I give Ashley 5 gold stars. It never hurts to use a same program again especially when you add a little polish to it! Good for you, Ashley. Both Clippy and I are very happy! ;) :biggrinbo


Well-Known Member
HHCC with Moulin Rouge were such a package. I'm imagining Ashley asking herself what do I need to win? Well, maybe not much more she can do with jumps. She's done a lot. She can continue to improve spins which she worked on last year. A big improvement would to take her SS up a level. Those youngsters can twist, turn, switch foot, direction every 1.5 seconds. The B.ESP guys have pointed out that her footwork is comparatively simple. Why not surprise everyone with a dazzling SS? Lot's of one foot, sharp positions and detail, etc. As long as it makes musical sense.
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Well-Known Member
I compiled the Q&A for easy reading and so it doesn't get lost in the future. Original AMA link as listed above:

Q: How do you not get dizzy from all the spins?? And also, I hope you get gold! That's awesome!

A: So I've been spinning for 21 years at this point, I wish I could explain the inner workings of your ear canal and balance and all that fun stuff, but I am no doctor I'm going to stick to skating. Basically I'm used to it by now and practice practice practice.

Q: Hi Ashley! Love these Olympic AMA's. very cool to see you on the Body Issue. OMG, what was that like to photograph? So many jumps.

A: I was FREEZING and it was drafty! Lol I have wanted to shoot the Body Issue for a long time because I think it is really important for people to understand the athleticism of figure skating. I was fresh off the plane from Japan and hadn't had water in like two days, I was dreaming of drinking water! Anyway, the magazine went out of their way to make me super comfortable and I was in total control of who was allowed to be in the rink. I really worked with the photographer to get the perfect shot and I am so proud of what we came up with!

Q: Tell your fans what it was like to shoot this [the Game of Thrones inspired promos]?

A: YESSSS my Khaleesi moment. I wanted to look way more intense on the Iron Throne but honestly couldn't contain my nerdy excitement. This was awesome and I literally screamed when I saw it. One of the coolest thing Team USA has done for a promo shoot ever!

Q: Hi Ashley, I'm a huge fan of yours! I've loved watching your journey of overcoming your obstacles and blossoming into your hard working talent. Can't wait to see you in the Olympics! What kind of advice can you give to others who feel like they're constantly the "almost girl" and how can they overcome that to become the "it girl" like you?

A: Thats so nice to hear:) Honestly the only way I got over being the "Almost Girl" was by putting my head down and getting to work. I put a lot on the line and I gave myself one year to become national champ or I would retire bc I was so sick of feeling like I just barely missed out on things. I made myself uncomfortable and thats where I made the most improvement and pushed through!

Q: Would it be possible to grab some "ice flakes" left after doing let's say sit spin, and throw them in the air as it was snow?
A: Are you choreographing a program RIGHT NOW!? Lol its possible and not a bad idea. Cue dramatic ice throw
Q: Some Sheryl Crow... Tomorrow Never Dies... Ice snow thrown in the air at the very end in the spotlight... Oh I would love to see something outside of the box like that. And who else than the sassiest figure skater could do that :)
A: One single tear sliding down my face.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your friendship with Madison Chock and Marissa Castelli? Also, are their partners (Evan Bates and Mervin Tran) pretty awesome, too?

A: My girls!! Love them to death. Marissa is the fun hot mess of the group and Madi is the glamazon. Guess that makes me the mom I'm not quite sure but they keep me around so I must be worthy. Its so awesome having badass ladies who know what I'm going through bc they are going through the exact same thing. Evan and Mervin are hilarious I've known them both for years so its great that I like the work husbands too.

Q: Have you watched Yuri on Ice?

A: Victor Nikiforov heart eyes

Q: Hi Ashley, thanks for doing this AMA! Might be a generic question, but what was the moment you decided, "yes, I'm really going to be an Olympic level athlete?" Was it a slow progression or a definitive moment?

A: It was a slow progression. I watched Tara Lipinski in '98 win Olympic gold and knew I wanted to go to the Olympics. It wasn't until after 2010 when I was first Olympic alternate that I really felt my potential to get to the Olympics, ironic I know. I kind of redirected my focus towards that goal and did everything I could to make it happen.

Q: If you had to perform a pairs routine with someone, who would you pick?
A: Nope. I don't trust men enough. LOL jk but probably I would pick Jason Momoa, he look's strong and brave and I like looking at him so thats a perk as well.
Q: Awww, what about Max Aaron? Fun to see him lifting you at Skate For Hope and WTT.
A: Love Maxy, he is one of my favs in this sport we are really great friends!

Q: What program felt like your breakthrough? As a fan and former skater myself, I felt like the Black Swan program was a game changer and we really got to see fierce Ashley emerge #swagner :) I also loved the Moulin Rouge & Adagio LP's! Looking forward to seeing you live at nationals this year

A: Hi thank you!! I still get a lot of positive feedback on Black Swan and it is so funny looking back that program at Nationals these days would prob not even be top five! At the time though, I definitely think it was a turning point for me, it changed people's perspective of who I was as a skater and it really started developing me as a performer! Have waaaaayyyy more fun in San Jose than I'll be having this year!

Q: You are living my dream -- I couldn't ice skate at all but would pretend to be an ice skater as a kid. Who was your idol? Like who did you watch and say, I wanna do that?

A: MICHELLE KWAN (prayer hands for days I don't know how to do that on my computer) She is KWEEN and we are not worthy of her. She does her change edge spiral and I lose my mind every time. Sorry I just got overwhelmingly excited but thats what Michelle does to me!

Q: If you have a great short program at a competition (let's say top 5), how do you maintain focus in the hours/days until the freeskate program to ensure you do as well or better? How do you keep fear/doubt/nerves from getting to you?

A: Even though it is a combined event, I take the short and the long as two separate things. As soon as the short is finished I kind of cut ties with it mentally and prep for the long. Obviously it creeps into your mind a bit but its about resetting and focusing on what you really have in front of you.

Q: As the men are doing more and more difficult jumps, do you think it is important for the ladies to keep up and start adding 3A's and even quads to their programs? If so, do you plan on bringing any of those jumps to your programs for the Olympic season? Or are you going to focus mainly on doing elements which you know you can to get good GOE's on?

A: Hey, here is the thing. At a certain point physics comes into play with what the human body is capable of doing. I think with the younger women coming up in the sport, triple axels and quads are definitely something that is on the horizon. We all know what happens when someone matures and physically that just makes it very very tough on the body, but you see awesome chicks like Mirai Nagasu going for the triple axel so it is definitely possible! My recipe for success this time around is clean and secure. I am going for intricate entrances and exits into my main elements to help boost my GOE and mentally it will help me feel more secure competing.

Q: What's your favorite breed of cat and your favorite coffee from a fast food joint?

A: My fav cat breed is my cat. He is a Desert Lynx aka a cat dog and I'm obsessed with him. Also don't hate my but my guilty pleasure is Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I know I know it is terrible but I LOVE it!!

Q: As an athlete who is under immense pressure to perform by one's self, in front of the crowd, what tips/tricks/advice do you have for dealing with nerves?

A: For me, the moment I stop caring about what other people think is the moment I get control of my nerves. I also remind myself that the nerves are there for a reason, because I care and am invested in what I'm doing. I train way too hard every day and at one point you just have to quiet your mind and believe in the work you've put into everything.

Q: What's the craziest thing that you've experienced at the Olympics?

A: Quite honestly, the craziest thing I experienced at the Olympics was the cafeteria. It was this GINORMOUS tent with all these different food selections from around the world and an in-house McDonalds. All of the athletes would meet up there and it was just this crazy intense environment with athletes from pretty much everywhere and every sport.

Q: How do you differentiate between different jumps, and how is each jump scored? Good luck!

A: Oh god, we would need years and a lot of coffee to go over all of this. Basically there are six different jumps, entering on different edges and going forward or backwards. We alway land on the same foot though. Each jump has a set value. Thats the quick version!

Q: I was just wondering that moment when you land a jump, where do you feel the impact the most (and does it hurt)? Is it the knee?

A: Wow great question I never really think of that these days. I guess your feet since thats the moment of impact? IDK it happens so fast its hard to say where you feel it most. Everywhere these days for me lol.

Q: Hi Ashley! I'm gonna ask a very common figure skating question: how old is too old to skate in qualifying competitions? Do you think it's silly to skate as a 23 year old novice at regionals?

A: Nope. Answer one question. Do you love it? The rest doesn't matter. Seriously. Do you and forget what anyone else says.

Q: Your style of skating seems so different from other figure skaters at your level. You also seem to use music with lyrics far more often than your peers. I personally think it makes your skating way more fun to watch, so why are you the only one (that I have noticed) who tries to "change the game" a little?

A: Aw yay thank you!! I personally think skating to music with lyrics makes it way more fun to watch as an audience! Maybe it can be a little intimidating for someone who is not as comfortable with expression yet because you really have to be way more literal, thats my only guess!

Q: What countries had the wildest people you hung out with during the Olympics? Any stories?

A: In skating, the Russians love to have the most fun! Them and the Italians I think are they wild ones in skating!

Q: I loved watching your Facebook live from the promo shoot. Do you like to "host" shows?

A: I think thats the career path I want to go down after skating. I think its super fun!

Q: How do you like your eggs?

A: Scrambled with cheddar cheese

Q: You have a day to yourself. No plans are made. What do you watch on Netflix?

A: Narcos!!!!

Q: Do you ever read negative comments about yourself online and how do you deal with them? Love you and wish you the best in this upcoming season!

A: I don't go out of my way to find them, but I see them every now and then. Obviously not everyone will love me and I'm not here to be everyone's best friend. I feel like to make everyone happy you would have to be so vanilla bland and boring. I'm just myself take it or leave it and if you don't like it thats totally fine! If you feel like you need to go out of your way to let me know you don't like it, well, idk, go get a life!

Q: What happened to the cat (that isn't your cat) that kept on invading your home? He was adorable

A: He is my neighbors cat and he stops by every day to play with Dex. I just find it hilarious that he chills in my house all day.

Q: How many times have you watched Blades of Glory?

A: Too many times to admit.

Q: You're my inspiration as a figure skater. I'm 18 and sometimes I feel too old to skate, especially for the level i'm at ( i started late and am barely learning axel and doubles). How do you get past seeing younger people being as good as you or even better (even though there's no one really better than you)?
Also does the media play up your relationship with fellow olympians like Gracie and Polina or are you guys actually that super close?

A: Gracie and I are actually good friends now! It took us a while to get there but I think we are both super strong willed type A personality ladies so once we realized we are actually the same person it was easy for us to let our guard down around each other. Polina is a lot younger than I am but I adore her.
As for your age. I get on the ice and most of the women I compete against were not even born when I started skating, how is that for feeling super old? You just have to really only think about yourself, that you love to do this and the rest seriously does not matter.

Q: Do you work on your lutz? Any plans to change the technic/entry? Are you gonna start the program with 2A again? Any changes on your layout, new element or more/less jumps in the 2nd half of the program? And a quick wish: i hope you have enough time for the final spin this time!

A: OH MY GOD I AM STRESSED. Mom, is this you!?!?
Worked on the lutz all summer, axel is still first you can't teach an old dog new tricks and yes I have time for my spins YAY!

Q: In a Lip-Sync For Your Life, what would your go-to song be?

A: Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident) by John Michael Montgomery. I am an country girl I was raised on it and no one likes it but oh my god I SLAY this song. That or Partition by Beyonce.

Q: I was wondering how your diet fluctuates and changes thought the skating season into the off season? Also what is your favorite jump to preform?

A: Nothing changes too much, lucky for me I love nothing more than chicken veggies and rice!

Q: Not judging/criticizing you at all ... I know you have declined Four Continents in recent years. Did the Olympic test event make you think twice before declining in 2017? Or for you, does familiarity with a venue not really make a difference? Just wondering. I know each athlete is different, and only you knows what is the best decision for you. Wishing you a great season.

A: To me, it makes no difference. I went to the test event for Sochi and it felt like a totally different venue the next time. 4CC is a really tough event because it is so close to nationals and I like having a break!

Ashley: Thanks for the questions everyone! Stay sassy, classy and a little bad assy, idk thats the best I've got right now! Byeeeeee


Well-Known Member
Q: Do you work on your lutz? Any plans to change the technic/entry? Are you gonna start the program with 2A again? Any changes on your layout, new element or more/less jumps in the 2nd half of the program? And a quick wish: i hope you have enough time for the final spin this time!

A: OH MY GOD I AM STRESSED. Mom, is this you!?!?
Worked on the lutz all summer, axel is still first you can't teach an old dog new tricks and yes I have time for my spins YAY!



Not Impressed.
:rofl: not going to lie, I thought of @Marco right away when that question came up. :p

She needed to hear it though, just don't ground her for two weeks if she's not perfect right away! She's working too hard this season to be doing any extra chores or losing her TV privileges.


Well-Known Member
:rofl: not going to lie, I thought of @Marco right away when that question came up. :p

She needed to hear it though, just don't ground her for two weeks if she's not perfect right away! She's working too hard this season to be doing any extra chores or losing her TV privileges.

LOL! I thought it might have been me as well. Good to know she has time for them this season. Ha!

I wish she would say a little about new jump combos. I feel like her layout is quick maxed out.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
cgirl8 said:
A: MICHELLE KWAN (prayer hands for days I don't know how to do that on my computer) She is KWEEN and we are not worthy of her. She does her change edge spiral and I lose my mind every time. Sorry I just got overwhelmingly excited but thats what Michelle does to me!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to post the question & answer!

Way to go, Ashley! I also get overwhelmingly excited when the KWEEN would do her change edge spiral. A lot of FSU members here have also been excited when Michelle did that change edge spiral!

I always knew that Ashley was very wise especially when it came to Michelle (the KWEEN). Sharing a video where I believe Michelle does one of the most spectacular change edge spirals I've ever seen.

Michelle Kwan at 2003 Worlds Championships

I've watched Michelle's LP more times than I can count and never tire of it. I wish more skaters would do a spiral instead of the Biellmann.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the visible deceleration changing from the sit to the catch camel. Is there a 4th feature aside from the difficult entrance and 2 difficult variations?

(sorry @Karpenko)


Not Impressed.
I don't like the visible deceleration changing from the sit to the catch camel. Is there a 4th feature aside from the difficult entrance and 2 difficult variations?

(sorry @Karpenko)

I posted that clip because of :glamor: Maé-Bérénice Méité, so don't be sorry unless you're also keeping it real about her! :p

I love Ashley but spinning isn't her forte, even if the spin looks jank I love her anyways.


Well-Known Member
The sit to camel variation could be considered a difficult change of position.

Thanks RFOS. I thought so, but I wonder if that could count given how much slower she was right after the change of position.


Well-Known Member
Thanks RFOS. I thought so, but I wonder if that could count given how much slower she was right after the change of position.

I don't think speed of the spin affects the level for attaining a difficult position. Some difficult variations are more compact allowing a skater to accelerate (which is a different level bullet for some spins, and possibly one for GOE but I can't recall immediately) I'm pretty sure that the laws of physics make it extremely difficult to even keep the speed when going from a sit position to a camel let alone increase the spinning speed.

@RFOS do you get a level feature for doing all three positions after a change of foot? Also did they scrap the feature for doing back-forward changes?


Rotating while Russian!
First foot - Difficult entrance, twisted intermediate
second foot - catchfoot camel, all three positions on 2nd foot(isn't that still a feature?)

Deleted member 19433

I don't think speed of the spin affects the level for attaining a difficult position. Some difficult variations are more compact allowing a skater to accelerate (which is a different level bullet for some spins, and possibly one for GOE but I can't recall immediately) I'm pretty sure that the laws of physics make it extremely difficult to even keep the speed when going from a sit position to a camel let alone increase the spinning speed.

@RFOS do you get a level feature for doing all three positions after a change of foot? Also did they scrap the feature for doing back-forward changes?

Yes, agreed on the first count about it being very difficult to maintain speed when going from sit to camel, and that it wouldn't affect the feature. Features aren't really about quality, but about fulfilling the definition.

The increase of speed is a feature in sit, camel, or layback/Biellmann but not a regular upright (other than layback or Biellmann) or when changing positions (though I personally wish they'd allow for that to be awarded because it's cool when a skater really speeds up when changing positions, and of course those super fast scratch spins are impressive).

And you're correct that all 3 basic positions on the second foot is still a feature. The sit forward variation on the first foot could also be considered difficult, which would give her 3 features on each foot (of which only 2 can actually be awarded). A "regular" backward entry into a spin isn't a feature anymore, but all 3 positions on the second foot is a feature regardless of which foot it is.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much @cgirl8 for transcribing that Reddit interview with Ashley! Really appreciate it, and it was a great interview! I love Ashley's personality, she's so real, tells like it is, and funny too. :)


Not Impressed.
I'm pretty sure Ashley really is doing "Moulin Rouge" and not coming up with a new LP based on social media. She's liked a lot of Moulin Rouge referenced tweets lately and her fans are getting excited to see it again. So.. :cheer2: for a third season of her best program!

It'll definitely need to be reworked again, I wonder if they might even change the music edit this time? (I would maybe change it up a bit this time, but keep the opening and ending)


Rotating while Russian!
I think the music edit was one of the best things about the program! The music cut was that good, which is no small feat with lyrics.


Well-Known Member
I think the music edit was one of the best things about the program! The music cut was that good, which is no small feat with lyrics.

Absolutely. That program worked so well because the music was done perfectly to build up a 4 minute program. It gave you everything Shae and Ashley intended and was able to successfully tell the story while also allowing the audience some breathing space to take it in and process it while providing all the highs required to make it larger-than-life. It might be the perfect constructed program in terms of music edit.


Well-Known Member
I wish though she would spend a few more seconds on the choreographic sequence. I love the drama that the back Charlotte brought but that's basically the whole sequence. Another SE or split (that she sometimes did but sometimes didn't do) would have been nice.


Well-Known Member
Yes, agreed on the first count about it being very difficult to maintain speed when going from sit to camel, and that it wouldn't affect the feature. Features aren't really about quality, but about fulfilling the definition.

I have seen skaters lose levels when they lose speed/ centering on a position or change in position, but then of course I could never be sure whether that's the exact reason why the level was lost.

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