Ashley Wagner as Commentator - UGH!!!!


New Member
I watched the Grand Prix Ladies Short program in Japan last night. I watched it after introductions were made of who the commentators are. I was disappointed that Weir and Tara weren't commentating since they are great. I listened to the young, shrill voice that talked too much about herself and talked too much during performances, wondering who she was. I assumed it was one of the young skaters such as Polina or G. Gold since the voice was immature, young and trying too hard. I was amazed when the older female referred to the TALKER (mostly about herself) as "Ashley." She is a terrible commentator - very distracting. Hopefully others will comment so that this talks a lot about her self in "shrill" voice through the music of skaters' performances so we don't have to listen to it much longer if at all. What is Kwan doing these days, get her to fill in as long as she too doesn't make it all about herself. (And, frankly, she would.)


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I have not listened to Ashley's commentating but I saw the title of this thread and felt that this thread is not worth following, and I am not even a fan of Ashley. So this may be my last post in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I have not listened to Ashley's commentating but I saw the title of this thread and felt that this thread is not worth following, and I am not even a fan of Ashley. So this may be my last post in this thread.

Well AW is on my $#!t list after her attitude at Nat'ls! She skated poorly, but seemed to be more PO'd that the judges didn't select her over Marai for the Olympics just as they did 4 years before in 2014! The sense of entitlement was palpable; more nauseating really! She's obviously one of those people who feels she deserves anything and everything whether she earns it or not! I'll take Johnny & Tara anytime over her even when a comp. seems to be all about them! :rolleyes:

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I watched the Grand Prix Ladies Short program in Japan last night. I watched it after introductions were made of who the commentators are. I was disappointed that Weir and Tara weren't commentating since they are great. I listened to the young, shrill voice that talked too much about herself and talked too much during performances, wondering who she was. I assumed it was one of the young skaters such as Polina or G. Gold since the voice was immature, young and trying too hard. I was amazed when the older female referred to the TALKER (mostly about herself) as "Ashley." She is a terrible commentator - very distracting. Hopefully others will comment so that this talks a lot about her self in "shrill" voice through the music of skaters' performances so we don't have to listen to it much longer if at all. What is Kwan doing these days, get her to fill in as long as she too doesn't make it all about herself. (And, frankly, she would.)

Tiare, I totally agree but there is another thread (or two) about this subject. My biggest problem with Ashley’s commentating is the sing-song constant modulation of her voice, rather than shrillness.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I just have to say that Clippy enjoyed Ashley as a commentator, and so did I. It was like a breath of fresh air in a way, and Clippy still likes her. I do, too, actually. Tara and Johnny are okay, but I like Ashley's commentating and change is good sometimes.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
And what is this?

Tiare said:
What is Kwan doing these days, get her to fill in as long as she too doesn't make it all about herself. (And, frankly, she would.)

Question. Did you start this thread and mention the Kween, etc. so it would grab everyone's attention and make it all about yourself? IMO, the Kween would do an excellent job, and she definitely wouldn't make it about herself.


Well-Known Member
When Tara first started commentating she talked about herself alllll the time. It’s easy to relate to yourself so that’s probably why. As she gets more comfortable she will most likely branch out her opinions away from her experiences as a skater.


Well-Known Member
@UGG I was actually shocked how little she talked about herself. I thought it was rather hilarious when Ashley was talking about one of the men's skaters (Vincent or Kevin maybe?) and how disappointed/confused they must be to see their scores drop from all the URs in the K&C. She didn't bring up her own struggles with that - not even a "I know how frustrated they must be"!


Well-Known Member
@UGG I was actually shocked how little she talked about herself. I thought it was rather hilarious when Ashley was talking about one of the men's skaters (Vincent or Kevin maybe?) and how disappointed/confused they must be to see their scores drop from all the URs in the K&C. She didn't bring up her own struggles with that - not even a "I know how frustrated they must be"!

I think you're finding out AW's ego is about as huge as anyone's and she isn't going to do that unless producers tell her that very thing! I always seem to be disappointed when athletes actually speak! They are usually totally disingenuous giving all the "canned answers" and being humble, then there's the time they're free wheeling and we find out how obnoxious and selfish they truly are IRL! :rolleyes: :COP: :duh: :kickass: :oksana1: :shizuka1: :yawn:


Well-Known Member
@Fiero425 That's not the point I was making at all. The point I was making was that while some people say she's talking too much about herself, I found she's not bringing herself up at all - even in the most obvious of situations. She's very aware of her own technical issues and has said so in the past.
I found Ashley not to be giving "canned answers" or being kind to all the competitors: she kept it real with the US skaters and called them out on stupid mistakes. As for her not being humble, since she talked so little about her own skating, I don't think she was given a chance to seem overly humble about herself.


Banned Member
I do not under stand why someone would start a discussion on this sight just to mean about a former skating women unless that person is Tonia whom should of been in the slammer year's ago.

I do not think any one should post in this thread. I know my wife and I would never do that. Just as when we need to pick up some Accent Salt and do not need ammo or other thing's from Wall Mart so we go to the store three blocks from our house we will drive not walk.

I think that I will consider not or probably not saying more nor coming back to this thread page.


Well-Known Member
I do not under stand why someone would start a discussion on this sight just to mean about a former skating women unless that person is Tonia whom should of been in the slammer year's ago.

I do not think any one should post in this thread. I know my wife and I would never do that. Just as when we need to pick up some Accent Salt and do not need ammo or other thing's from Wall Mart so we go to the store three blocks from our house we will drive not walk.

I think that I will consider not or probably not saying more nor coming back to this thread page.

You guys should appreciate anyone posting on this site; so few do! I just try to keep it active! Hating on Tonia is misplaced since she brought the sport "back from the brink!" I had stopped watching and if not for her drama, skaters never would have gotten the $$ and fame she brought to figure skating! The TV exposure for those few years was unmatched with some events being played simultaneously on different channels there was so much going on! Now we almost have to hunt down the results of events with little making it to the networks! :rolleyes: :COP: :plush: :sasha1: :yikes:


Well-Known Member
I’m watching the ladies’ short program from IdF, and I’m really enjoying Ashley as a commentator. She talks some during the programs but keeps most of the critical analysis for the replays. I also like the snarky comments about mistakes on easy elements (especially her criticism of the U.S. pairs at NHK) and her assessments of the overall programs. She seems to be settling in more for this event, and Tanith is certainly doing a much better job guiding Ashley along than Andrea did. This may be my first, last, and only statement in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I didn't watch via the Olympic Channel, but she is new to the scene so may improve over time with experience.


Well-Known Member
I find her snarky comments slightly annoying. Especially when she snarks on things she has screwed up in the past. But she’s still dramatically better than the sideshow act NBC puts on the NBC broadcasts


Ubering juniors against my will
I mostly like what she's doing, but it surprises me a little when she does the "no excuses for that kind of mistake" bit. Sometimes I wonder if she picked it up from Raf. :lol:


Well-Known Member
It was really interesting to hear her insight into Romain Ponsart's skating, particularly about the parts of him being hyperaware about where he stacks up. That's something I think a lot of Raf's skaters have talked about. I think skaters who can own it like Adam can do well, but in Romain's case it seems to be affecting his ability to perform.

"I've never seen [Rafael] so relaxed. Maybe it's because he's not coaching me every day." - Ashley quote of the week so far. She's been really self-deprecating this week in a good way.

One thing I think Ashley's getting better at conveying is the coaching-type comments. I didn't get to see the Ladies SP, but in Pairs last night I remembered her talking about catch problems in the twists being related to the lady not getting enough height. She also talks about which side someone is over, body orientation, and the jump rotation when a jump goes wrong so the audience can understand it. She's also the first commentator I've heard in 10+ years of watching skating regularly to mention travelling in a spin and how that's bad. It's really interesting to hear those coaching-type critiques about technique rather than just the good 'ol "that's underrotated" or "that was rough."


Active Member
I agree with much of what Willin said. I'm enjoying her analysis of why something went wrong or how someone could improve themselves. Her vocab still needs to improve and I find sometimes she gets lost in using the same terms but nothing that can't improve with experience. I also liked her and Tanith together, as Tanith would sometimes ask Ashley her opinion to help give her a conversation topic.


Well-Known Member
I was able to catch some of Ashley’s commentary this week (most of the men and part of the pairs). As had been mentioned, I enjoyed her technical comments and liked her and Tanith together. In addition, I didn’t feel like she was talking too much over the skater’s performances.


Banned Member
I believe that only old white "liberal's" would enjoy what Ashley has to say, it is out of touch with my and my wife values and I know many think the same way. So I say a big Oh No to having her on the T.V. Bring back Dick and keep Johnny Weir far away from any where aside from the slammer sell next to Tonia's!

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