All American Christmas


Like a small boat on the ocean...
There is a plaza outside the Fox building in New York. The plaza was decorated so beautifully - a gift to New York. 1211 Avenue of the Americas - . All kinds of decorations (including a Menorah - thank you) and a 50 foot Christmas tree that was decorated with a gazillion lights - all red-white and blue. Inspiring.

Well some lovely gentleman (also known as arsonist) burned it down. Charming. What is wrong with people?
Well a bazillion people - Fox News staffers, volunteers, businesses rebuilt the thing (and made it slightly higher) in less than 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
It is terrible what that arsonist did (and shame on NYC's policy of catch & release, etc.). Major kudos to the NYC Police Department & Fire Fighters, and FOX News staffers, volunteers, and business for responding so quickly. I also appreciated the rabbi's remarks in the spirit of ecumenism.


Socialist Canada
Vandals do what they do because they can. Off topic I know but someone or a group of someones is running around downtown Toronto breaking windows and doors etc of businesses. I stopped counting sometime ago. i overheard a business owner complain when asked about a broken window that “they” are always breaking window and stealing stuff. Always! “They broke that window and the door too not long ago.“ And I was on a parked bus some time ago (the subway was down) when some homeless person suddenly started throwing stones at the bus while yelling and cursing. Then there are instances like this:


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
From the title I thought this thread was going to be about all those family Christmas photos where everyone has an automatic rifle. :shuffle:
Well, it's not Christmas but I have pics somewhere on my FB of one Thanksgiving where my brother & dad took my nephew elk hunting and he got his first one, which they then butchered in the garage/workshop once they got back to my parents' house. I'd be happy to share them if you want... :D


Well-Known Member
Most vandalism doesn't have a point - it's like people who climb mountains - they did it because it was there.
I love the large Kentucky snowman that someone tried to mow down with their truck by running directly into it. The bottom of the snowman was a large tree stump covered in snow and that is what the truck hit. The snowman remained intact. Karma!


Well-Known Member
From the title I thought this thread was going to be about all those family Christmas photos where everyone has an automatic rifle. :shuffle:
Ah...awkward family photos is one of the great things about the season including the gun...uh...aficionados.


Banned Member
Why are anti-gun fanatics hijacking a discussion about the Christmas tree tragedy in New York City?

Some of you need to be reminded the reason for the season.



Why are anti-gun fanatics hijacking a discussion about the Christmas tree tragedy in New York City?

Some of you need to be reminded the reason for the season.

The winter solstice. Seems strange to continue to observe holidays based on astronomical phenomena.


Not even the pagans are buying that one,dear.

Buying what one? This is a common time of year to have festivals, and other celebrations because of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Um, it's the shortest day of the year. The days start getting longer after that. This is not some phenomena.
A day is 24 hours, and that doesn't really change. The winter solstice in the northern hemisphere is the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, and they occur as a result of the orbit, and tilt of the Earth. That sounds like an astronomical phenomena to me.
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Well-Known Member
So does anyone celebrate Festivus? :p I thought it was created on "Seinfeld" but it predates Seinfeld though they made it more known:

A holiday celebrated as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas holiday season.
CelebrationsAiring of Grievances, Feats of Strength, the aluminum pole, Festivus dinner, Festivus miracles
DateDecember 23


Doing all the things
Btw, I forgot to say that there was nothing particularly "All-American" about that "tree."

I hate how people try to make their stuff speak for the country. Like the Dallas Cowboys declaring they are "America's Team" even though more Americans root against them than for them. It was a tree. (Well "tree") It burned down. That's a shame. It's not the crime of the century and it's not a jab against America either. Or Christmas.

I will LMAO if it turns out that the tree caught fire because of faulty electrical wiring.

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