German Skating News - Part 3



And then a fall on the finish line for german fed: Kavita/Joti failed to get a spot. They will end up 19th and should have made 18th place to secure it here (without any miracles happening in the last groups)

Will be a tough thing with Coomes/Buckland, Muramoto/Reed, Min/Gamelin, finnish, slovak and czech teams to end up Top5 at Nebelhorn. I hope home soil advantage might help.

A drama german dance will be next season :watch:


RIP D-10
If whatever team the Fed's send to Nebelhorn doesn't earn one, if the German Olympic committee allows it, two dancers can skate the SD in the TE.

Also, at least one more spot should open, because FB/S said in an interview that she would never get Danish citizenship. And now that Bychenko has punched his ticket to the Olympics, and Chait's as well, will Chait care if Tkachenko gets citizenship?
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Well-Known Member
What I still don't get is, why were there only 19 spots allotted in Dance:
3 spots CAN, USA = 6
2 spots FRA, RUS, ITA = 6 (FRA 2 spots, because 2+18=20)
1 spot ISR, DEN, POL, UKR, CHN, TUR, ESP = 7


Active Member
Great job by the German Team at Worlds. Every discipline in the final and most of them got their Olympic spot except my favorite dance team Lorenz/Polizoakis.

I have to say I am a bit disappointed. I still think they're the best German team but they need a change. They have so much potential and they showed it last year too but they're packaging is wrong and I feel like they might don't get as much as attention as they deserve in their training group right now. For me they should make a change even if it's only one year before the Olympics. One more year like that and it's a waste of time and they won't be remembered as a strong couple with future... which they obviously have!!!


Yes, I also have the impression that they somehow stopped to develop since they're working with Shpilberg. Time for a change .. ?


What may help the most for Lorenz/Polizoakis is to stay together during the off-season and start the practice for the new season on regular schedule.
Blaming the coaches focus (@figureskatingforlife @lizafan ) for the result now seems rather odd to me, regarding the last off-season. As mentioned before: important time got lost. momentum got lost. and there is no one else to blame than themselves (and everyone involved in this bizarre split after last season).
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Well-Known Member
Even Polizoakis admitted that it was hard starting late and they lost progress because of their break. Igor put them together and got them outside choreography for both programs this year, so I don't think a lack of attention is the problem here. To me they looked like a new team again, they need to stay together and continue to progress, a coaching change won't help if they split up again.


Active Member
Even Polizoakis admitted that it was hard starting late and they lost progress because of their break. Igor put them together and got them outside choreography for both programs this year, so I don't think a lack of attention is the problem here. To me they looked like a new team again, they need to stay together and continue to progress, a coaching change won't help if they split up again.
Last year he left to be with his partner. When they broke up he went back to the partnership. Hopefully he knows what he wants and they will give it their all.


Well-Known Member
Shpilband came even to German Nats for L/P. So I think, it's not the lack of support by coaches.

I liked them the season before this better. I can't put a finger on what's missing. They are one my favourite German ID teams. So I really hope they keep their act together, train hard, work on awesome choreography ... make the team


Well-Known Member
Eispaar Hocke/Blommaert startet vor Olympia Crowdfunding
Oberstdorf (dpa) - Der deutsche Paarlauf-Meister Ruben Blommaert hat für ein Olympia-Ticket mit seiner neuen Partnerin Annika Hocke ein Crowdfunding-Projekt gestartet. Wie der Oberstdorfer Sportsoldat auf seiner Facebook-Seite bekanntgab, sammelt das Paar Spenden, um Trainer und Reisen finanzieren zu können. Von der Deutschen Eislauf-Union (DEU) können die beiden Läufer erst nach einer Leistungsüberprüfung im Sommer Zuschüsse erwarten.

Der gebürtige Belgier hatte sich vor der Europameisterschaft im Januar von Mari Vartmann getrennt und trainiert seit Januar in Berlin mit der 16 Jahre alten Schülerin Hocke. Das Ziel der Duos ist die Teilnahme an den Winterspielen im Februar 2018 in Pyeongchang, wo die DEU nach dem zweiten WM-Rang von Aljona Savchenko/Bruno Massot zwei Startplätze hat.

German news agency says that the new pair Hocke/ Blommaert have startet a crowdfunding project, because until summer they don't get any funding by German Federation. Their goal is to take part at the Olympic Games next winter in Pyeongchang.


Well-Known Member
German fed is the counterpart:

They speak of 3f3t of Nicole wonderful landed in practice and how important the finish of H/S was (to secure 2nd spot). That's hilarious too!
But in comparison with the press, I'll take the fed news by any time :p
Well, a Federation should support their skaters, so I`m glad they wrote a positive article about the German team. I`ve to say after seeing Nicole Schott live I understand why you are such a fan of her. I hope she will be the one to qualify for Korea and that we will one day see that 3f3t combo in competition. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh my, German press :yikes::, apparently an new agency article (sid):

"Weltmeister Scott Moir versucht den vierfachen Axel
"Wissenschaftlich betrachtet, sind fünf Umdrehungen in der Luft eine Möglichkeit. Im Training werde ich den vierfachen Axel auf jeden Fall probieren. Ob ich ihn irgendwann in einem Wettbewerb zeigen kann, weiß ich nicht", sagte der neue Weltmeister Scott Moir. Fentz war in Helsinki schon mit zwei gestandenen vierfachen Toe-Loops überglücklich. Das sagt fast alles."

World champion Scott Moir is trying 4A
"Scientifically, five revolutions in the air are possible. In training I will try 4A. Weather I can show 4A in competition or not, I can't tell," said new world champion Scott Moir. Fentz on the other hand has been full of joy when he landed two fully rotated 4T without a fall. Nothing more to add.

sid is the Sport Information Service (Dienst), the news agency for sports related news


Well-Known Member
Oh my, German press :yikes::, apparently an new agency article (sid):

"Weltmeister Scott Moir versucht den vierfachen Axel
"Wissenschaftlich betrachtet, sind fünf Umdrehungen in der Luft eine Möglichkeit. Im Training werde ich den vierfachen Axel auf jeden Fall probieren. Ob ich ihn irgendwann in einem Wettbewerb zeigen kann, weiß ich nicht", sagte der neue Weltmeister Scott Moir. Fentz war in Helsinki schon mit zwei gestandenen vierfachen Toe-Loops überglücklich. Das sagt fast alles."

World champion Scott Moir is trying 4A
"Scientifically, five revolutions in the air are possible. In training I will try 4A. Weather I can show 4A in competition or not, I can't tell," said new world champion Scott Moir. Fentz on the other hand has been full of joy when he landed two fully rotated 4T without a fall. Nothing more to add.

sid is the Sport Information Service (Dienst), the news agency for sports related news


Active Member
Lorenz/Polizoakis announced new Free Dance music on Facebook.

Trio Elegiaque No. 2, Piano Concerto No. 3 by Sergei Rachmaninoff

I think that's a very good choice for them. I just hope they're working hard to make a visible step in front. I heard that they're planning to do this program with a different choreographer, not Shpilband!


#teamgermany's olympic race next season will be so entertaining.
i cannot wait.
aliona seems the only one ensured.

ladies: schott vs. weinzierl vs. bock, wildcard dastich
men: fentz vs. liebers vs. streubel
pairs: v/l vs. h/b vs. h/s
dance: l/p vs. d/m vs. k/n

so open. i cannot wait for the drama to start.
i fear for dastich getting lucky with pcs at one challenger and suddenly being in the mix. german fed would not hesitate, would they? :D
in dance i would not be surprised with k/n suddenly pressuring really really hard to #1



Lorenz/Polizoakis announced new Free Dance music on Facebook.

Trio Elegiaque No. 2, Piano Concerto No. 3 by Sergei Rachmaninoff

I think that's a very good choice for them. I just hope they're working hard to make a visible step in front. I heard that they're planning to do this program with a different choreographer, not Shpilband!

I'm very curious about it. Can't wait to see them skate :cheer: Does anybody heard who will be the choreographer?


Well-Known Member
#teamgermany's olympic race next season will be so entertaining.
i cannot wait.
aliona seems the only one ensured.

ladies: schott vs. weinzierl vs. bock, wildcard dastich
men: fentz vs. liebers vs. streubel
pairs: v/l vs. h/b vs. h/s
dance: l/p vs. d/m vs. k/n

so open. i cannot wait for the drama to start.
i fear for dastich getting lucky with pcs at one challenger and suddenly being in the mix. german fed would not hesitate, would they? :D
in dance i would not be surprised with k/n suddenly pressuring really really hard to #1


From German dance teams I only guessed who l/p are, and from pairs h/b :lol:

I am in shock that Soldier Liebers is still marching on :eek::D I thought he retired long time ago, but Grandpa is still out there it seems. Both Liebers & Fentz are though :blah: for me so I don't really get excited over that rivalry.

German ladies:

#teamschott I am :D



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