Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating


Mayor of Carrot City
Skate Safe is Skate Canada's online reporting site for allegations. It's run by a Vancouver company named Whistleblower Security.

The poster on X is right that the domain for the site is owned by Skate Canada. That information shows up when you put the address into Shopify's domain search. The person named as the registrant for the site is a Skate Canada employee who works in IT. So the site is not entirely independent of Skate Canada.

Whistleblower's speciality is providing ethics reporting for companies. The list of clients online includes a few other sports organizations, but it doesn't appear to be one of their major areas of business. I don't see any public record of a call for proposals from SC for this third-party work, so I don't know how Whistleblower was chosen.

When the online Skate Safe reporting first started, I heard complaints that Skate Canada, or Whistleblower, had apparently just taken a standard template for corporate reporting and put it online. Apparently the forms that complainants were supposed to fill out had instructions that mentioned "employers" and "employees" - which wouldn't be relevant e.g. if a skater wanted to complain about a coach's behavour. I don't know if that has been fixed now.

ETA: ITP Sport is a consulting company that specializes in Safe Sport. It's run by the guy who was responsible for Skate Canada's first version of a "safe sport" program. But I don't know if it currently has any connection to Skate Canada or Skate Safe, or where it stores its data.

Again, I don't know if this is still the case, but storing Canadian data in the US can be a security issue. It used to be, and maybe still is, a lot easier in the US than in Canada for law enforcement, investigators, etc to get full access to data, including information that identifies individuals. (Thank you, Homeland Security Act.) That could be a concern with a safe sport complaint.
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Skate Safe is Skate Canada's reporting system for allegations. It's run by a Vancouver company named Whistleblower Security.

The poster on X is right that the domain for the site is owned by Skate Canada. That information shows up when you put the address into Spotify's domain search). The person named as the registrant is a Skate Canada employee who works in IT. So the site is not entirely independent of Skate Canada.

Whistleblower's speciality is providing ethics reporting for companies. The list of clients online includes a few other sports organizations, but it doesn't appear to be one of their major areas of business. I don't see any public record of a call for proposals from SC for this third-party work, so I don't know how Whistleblower was chosen.

When the online Skate Safe reporting first started, I heard complaints that Skate Canada, or Whistleblower, had apparently just taken a standard template for corporate reporting and put it online. Apparently the forms that complainants were supposed to fill out had instructions that mentioned "employers" and "employees" - which wouldn't be relevant e.g. if a skater wanted to complain about a coach's behavour. I don't know if that has been fixed now.

ETA: ITP Sport is a consulting company that specializes in Safe Sport. It's run by the guy who was responsible for Skate Canada's first version of a "safe sport" program. But I don't know if it currently has any connection to Skate Canada or Skate Safe, or where it stores its data.

Again, I don't know if this is still the case, but storing Canadian data in the US can be a security issue because it used to be a lot easier in the US than in Canada for law enforcement, investigators, etc to get full access to data, including information that identifies individuals. That could be a concern with a safe sport complaint.
Thanks, @overedge. That was a lot more coherent :)


Bunny mama
His "pinnacle of our career" comment suggests that they are considering retirement after this season.

And the comment that "the damage is done and that was the point" was not a good look. Did his agents/coaches/SC really tell him to say that?
I’ve been expecting their retirement after Montreal Worlds since well before the allegations came out so I’m not surprised.

And yeah, they really shouldn’t let him speak. Sheesh.


Well-Known Member
When you stick your foot in your mouth often enough that even the "innocent until proven guilty" crowd has gone silent, someone needs to do it for you.

What the heck is SC's PR department doing here? Do they even have a PR department? Does IAM have PR people at least? Can someone at least lock him out of the press room?

I don't want to defend him - I'm fine with him digging his own grave - but stuff like this is just so gross I don't want to hear it.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
What the heck is SC's PR department doing here? Do they even have a PR department? Does IAM have PR people at least? Can someone at least lock him out of the press room?
If SC did any prep with him for this event, they failed miserably. IAM's mgmt co, which reps some of the skaters and may rep FB/S, should have brought in a crisis mgmt pro when the story broke. But I suspect that Nik's comment is the mindset at IAM, hence Nik feeling perfectly comfortable saying that on camera.

Yeah, gross.


Mayor of Carrot City
And Laurence nodding fervently the whole time isn't helping matters.

I was told, although I don't know if it's true, that part of SC athletes' media training is that when one member of a pair is speaking, the other member should look at them while they speak. (Clearly Piper Gillies isn't having any of that, judging by her actions earlier in this clip :lol:). It focuses attention on what the person is saying, and makes the team look supportive of each other.

That being said, there's a difference between looking at your partner neutrally and doing the Stepford Wife smile while they say their piece.

If Canadian sports media had more integrity and courage, one of the reporters at that press event should have asked Sorensen why his presence was apparently too distracting for Cdn Nationals, but apparently not distracting enough for Worlds, which is a much bigger and higher-profile event.
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Cowardly admin
Staff member
I’m sure he’s angry and feels betrayed because in his head he didn’t do anything wrong. But someone should have explained to him that the days of overtly blaming the victim are over and that he wouldn’t help himself with that kind of comment. Or maybe they did and he didn’t listen.


If Canadian sports media had more integrity and courage, one of the reporters at that press event should have asked Sorensen why his presence was apparently too distracting for Cdn Nationals, but apparently not distracting enough for Worlds, which is a much bigger and higher-profile event.
:confused: From the article, it appears as though someone did ask exactly that:
In that post, he stated the pair withdrew from nationals because they felt it would be a distraction, saying "sportsmanship must continue to be the focus of the event."

Asked what's changed since nationals to make it less of a distraction, Soerensen said the news was fresh at the time.

"[It was] really tough mentally for us to be there [at nationals]," he said. "We're following all the measures and the rules and believe that we should be here now."

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
I’m sure he’s angry and feels betrayed because in his head he didn’t do anything wrong. But someone should have explained to him that the days of overtly blaming the victim are over and that he wouldn’t help himself with that kind of comment. Or maybe they did and he didn’t listen.
I'm going to guess that NS has gaslit everyone around him and is encouraging them all to follow his line of thinking. 6 months ago, I was looking forward to cheering FB/S on at Worlds. Now, I'll likely be bathroom breaking when they take the ice.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I'm going to guess that NS has gaslit everyone around him and is encouraging them all to follow his line of thinking. 6 months ago, I was looking forward to cheering FB/S on at Worlds. Now, I'll likely be bathroom breaking when they take the ice.
My worry when the season started was that protocol judging would always put them ahead of Haw/Bak. Not happy with how things have turned out.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to guess that NS has gaslit everyone around him and is encouraging them all to follow his line of thinking.
To gaslight people is to to cause them to doubt their judgment, memory, or sanity through the use of psychological manipulation. How do you suppose he would be doing that instead of just telling people that he didn't do anything wrong?

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
So basically they withdrew from Canadians because he didn’t feel like competing but now he does. “Not being a distraction” just put some varnish on it.
I feel like his answer about the news being "fresh" is code for "we knew with the allegations just coming out, we'd get a lot of questions and a bad reception, but since it's been a few months, we figure everyone has forgotten and we won't have to answer questions or deal with backlash."


Well-Known Member
Based on what I've seen on reddit it seems people will be protesting and not letting anyone forget it for better or for worse...

In the future I wonder if we should re-examine IAM. Dirt will come out of them eventually - everywhere that big has skeletons in their closet - but I do wonder if this will be the first crack to show given IAM is supporting him.

pat c

Well-Known Member
To gaslight people is to to cause them to doubt their judgment, memory, or sanity through the use of psychological manipulation. How do you suppose he would be doing that instead of just telling people that he didn't do anything wrong?
He's going on the assumption that if he keeps saying he didn't do anything wrong, it'll be ok. Unfortunately, people remember for a long time.
I feel like his answer about the news being "fresh" is code for "we knew with the allegations just coming out, we'd get a lot of questions and a bad reception, but since it's been a few months, we figure everyone has forgotten and we won't have to answer questions or deal with backlash."
Agreed, but he's wrong. That question asked or unasked is always going to be there. Coaching in MTL? I dunno, right now I would guess unless they skate way beyond their present capabilities, they're off the podium. So, Laurence would be an asset, he would be a liability. tainted love, oh oh oh, tainted love...........;)


Mayor of Carrot City
According to this Reddit post, Mark Cockerell is coaching this weekend at USFS Pacific Coast Adult Sectionals.

I guess because the case against him is a court case, not a SafeSport case (although IIRC the plaintiffs filed the court case because SafeSport complaints went nowhere), USFS has no grounds to ban him from coaching at this event. Unfortunately.


Mayor of Carrot City
Most of the bans/suspensions posted on the USFS website involve bans on "participating in any capacity". Can anyone shed any light on whether this only means participating in an official role, such as coaching, competing, or judging/refereeing? Does "any capacity" include being a spectator?

I know that Cockerell isn't banned or suspended, but I'm wondering how much authority USFS has to keep someone away from an event entirely. If someone he had abused was also in the audience or was competing, and he was there watching, that could be very traumatic for them.
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Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Most of the bans/suspensions posted on the USFS website involve bans on "participating in any capacity". Can anyone shed any light on whether this means participating in an official role, such as coaching, competing, or judging/refereeing? Does "any capacity" include being a spectator?

I know that Cockerell isn't banned or suspended, but I'm wondering how much authority USFS has to keep someone away from an event entirely. If someone he had abused was also in the audience or was competing, and he was there watching, that could be very traumatic for them.
There is a list of people who have been banned from USFS (includes Tonya Harding) that USFS provides to clubs/LOCs in advance of comps. It basically says, here are people not allowed at USFS events. So obviously they can't be credentialed as coaches and they are not supposed to be spectators.

In reality, most club comps are open, no one is checking IDs of spectators, so someone who is banned could theoretically attend. If someone knows/recognizes a banned person, then the organizers are supposed to have them removed. How exactly that would work, I don't know. Luckily, my club hasn't had to deal with that yet at our comp.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
There is a list of people who have been banned from USFS (includes Tonya Harding) that USFS provides to clubs/LOCs in advance of comps. It basically says, here are people not allowed at USFS events. So obviously they can't be credentialed as coaches and they are not supposed to be spectators.

In reality, most club comps are open, no one is checking IDs of spectators, so someone who is banned could theoretically attend. If someone knows/recognizes a banned person, then the organizers are supposed to have them removed. How exactly that would work, I don't know. Luckily, my club hasn't had to deal with that yet at our comp.
I presume it would work like any "privately organized event" where the organizers and building owners/security escort someone who is banned from the premises and would even call the police to have a person removed if they resisted.


Simply looking
I think they took the G/P tweet down because it was a little garbled. Here's the new version:

And here's Zak Lagha's answer to the same question.

I realize it's a small community, but these "I know nothing; I see nothing" 🙈🙉🙊 comments are irritating to me. Please just someone have the balls to say what they really feel. Ugh.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
I presume it would work like any "privately organized event" where the organizers and building owners/security escort someone who is banned from the premises and would even call the police to have a person removed if they resisted.
Theoretically. In reality, most 'regular' rinks don't have "security" on the premises and comp organizers are not keen on causing a scene/disrupting the event/potentially creating a dangerous situation. I would assume they would go up to the person and politely ask them to leave but if they refuse, comp vols are in a tight spot. And police aren't going to come unless there is an active emergency going on. Which vols are going to try not to escalate to.

Also keep in mind that comp vols are mostly female and most individuals on the list are male....I suspect at my club's comp, our chair would try to find a male rink employee (or male vol if one is there, we have a few) to ask the person to leave and hope for the best.

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