Japanese figure skating 2023-24 season news & updates


your faves are problematic
Yuzu has taken a secret bride, LOL

(Dudes can be brides BTW! I don't care if he marries a can of exploded beer! But a story with actual information would be nicer)
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your faves are problematic
Yuzuru does an impressive job of keeping what he wants to be private, private, and letting us know things when he wants us to know them.
So, a control freak. Or someone who wants the spotlight of fame but completely unwilling to be accountable with all it comes with. OK.


So, a control freak. Or someone who wants the spotlight of fame but completely unwilling to be accountable with all it comes with. OK.
These are the only two options? Maybe it has nothing to do with either being a control freak or being "completely unwilling to be accountable," but rather not wanting to live in a fish bowl? Someone should be able to have a public profession while still having a private life. Look to Miki Ando and Michelle Kwan as examples.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Can we not with these speculations about his sexuality? Not only is it his privacy, I will point out it's a hot button in Asia even now. There seem to be more Japanese female skaters who're out than men (no man comes to mind). Kind of disrespectful to throw that around so carelessly, as if the entire world as is as free as yours.


Well-Known Member
Can we not with these speculations about his sexuality? Not only is it his privacy, I will point out it's a hot button in Asia even now. There seem to be more Japanese female skaters who're out than men (no man comes to mind). Kind of disrespectful to throw that around so carelessly, as if the entire world as is as free as yours.
I just edited my post. I agree with your statement. Obviously, when you announce a marriage without revealing your spouse, why would would even announce it in the first place?


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I just edited my post. I agree with your statement. Obviously, when you announce a marriage without revealing your spouse, why would would even announce it in the first place?
Well it's possible it's about to become public information and you want to put out a statement before that happens, but you still want to maintain some privacy for your spouse for as long as possible.


Antique member
To say „she“ or „bride“ is a speculation in itself

How will it ever be normalized in Asian countries or other countries if even on the free internet people are censoring themselves? I think it is great that not immediately a „she“ is thought about when no gender is revealed and that the world is on a good path in that regard.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
How will it ever be normalized in Asian countries...
I think we can decide that for ourselves, wouldn't you say?

My opinion anyway. But I would advise not to say "what's his groom's name" about someone from China or Iran or some South Asian country, no matter how "free" you think the internet is.


Antique member
I think we can decide that for ourselves, wouldn't you say?
I dont think that you can speak for the whole of the Asian population and certainly not for the gay community there. But I see where the „concern“ is coming from. 🙄


AYS's snark-sponge
I dont think that you can speak for the whole of the Asian population and certainly not for the gay community there. But I see where the „concern“ is coming from. 🙄
I take seriously @On My Own opinion on this.

Obviously opinions will differ but its a serious matter.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I dont think that you can speak for the whole of the Asian population and certainly not for the gay community there.
On the flip side, I would say you certainly don't get to determine how something will "ever" be normalised here - at all.

Yes. Asians get to determine how it goes here. And I would say Japanese should go about it the way they would like to do it. Speaking as someone who absolutely dislikes this athlete, but has also felt awful for seeing him being referred to as "he" in quotation marks by some of his haters, just as a small example.

But I see where the „concern“ is coming from. 🙄
I'm very happy for you.


Needs a nap
So, a control freak. Or someone who wants the spotlight of fame but completely unwilling to be accountable with all it comes with. OK.

Does becoming a famous figure skater entitle the world to the details of someone's private life? Celebrity or not, the general public is not entitled to any details that a person does not choose to share. He's not required to be accountable for anything.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Only this man could create this much wank with a 2 sentence marriage announcement (I know there was more but it was mostly about his skating). Anyway I am begging any other Japanese skater to do anything for us to talk about and get this thread back on track truly no one suffers like skating fans in the mostly still off-season.


Well-Known Member
I think part of the silence on this is that he posted on X late Friday night in Japan, it’s what, almost 7:00 a.m. Saturday there now.


Well-Known Member
Only this man could create this much wank with a 2 sentence marriage announcement (I know there was more but it was mostly about his skating).
Lord knows why.

I couldn't be less interested in Hanyu's personal life if I tried.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Anyway I am begging any other Japanese skater to do anything for us to talk about and get this thread back on track truly no one suffers like skating fans in the mostly still off-season.
I like that Uno might be doing an EEAAO SP.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
So, a control freak.

Have you ever seen the cohorts of some of his demented fans? Even if he was a control freak, which he doesn't seem to be, he'd have every reason to.
Or someone who wants the spotlight of fame but completely unwilling to be accountable with all it comes with. OK.
No, not OK. Hanyu always made a really great job at keeping his private life out of the spotlight. In all the years we've listened to him @ press confs and talked to him in interviews, he never struck me once as someone big headed and a sucker for attention and fame. He was always a humble, easygoing and funny guy. He is also very clever and articulate. To me, considering he is such a huge star in Japan, having been able to keep his private life what it is = private, is a real feat. Anyway, being famous does not mean you have to share everything with the public. I wish a long life of happiness to the newlyweds.

Edited to add : some of his most delirious fans must be eating their... Pooh in despair 😈
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A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
This one needs to be the winner! I mean I haven't seen the other but this one is so good!! I've been wanting an EEAAO program since I saw it hahaha.

Side note I finally got to watch Suzume no Tojimari and aside from ugly crying the last like 20 minutes of that movie I thought the music was really good and would make a fab program so I'm manifesting that next.

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