Tarasova/Morozov Cheer Thread


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'm intrigued. I could see this working for them, it sort of halfs the distance between what they want to do and what is expected of them.

Yes, I know it's halves. I think halfs looks catchier and more spunky.


Hmm, I'm intrigued. I could see this working for them, it sort of halfs the distance between what they want to do and what is expected of them.

Yes, I know it's halves. I think halfs looks catchier and more spunky.

I can picture it really suiting them and I'm sure it will be lovely, but I hate that it's going to draw comparisons to a popular program.


Well-Known Member

I don't like this music for T&M. It is boring. They are not lyrical skaters. They need something fast, powerful, passionate. I am disappointed.
But when did they ever skate to anything that is fast, powerful, and passionate...? For me, it's as far from their style as I can imagine. They had a decent fun SP in 2016/17 but their attempt to be what you describe ended them with a Candyman FS which was the absolute worst option for them and their worst FS.
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
But when did they ever skate to anything that is fast, powerful, and passionate...? For me, it's as far from their style as I can imagine. They had a decent fun SP in 2016/17 but their attempt to be what you describe ended them with a Candyman FS which was the absolute worse option for them and their worst FS.
Bolero (fast, powerful, great fit)
Rachmaninoff (classical, great fit)
Albinone (lot of passion and IMO good fit)
Ti Amo (not my fav but it had at least some ups and downs)

Actually Winter was their best LP, though it was not passionate.

This LP is going to hurt them. It is monotonous. They are not S/M.

I was never a fan of S/M but they had a couple of LPs that suited them despite Massot's so so talent. It doesn't mean it will suit T&M. Vladimir is so much more talented than Massot! Massot was there to mainly throw Aliona high and far. With T/M's talent they can do so much more! Unfortunately Zhenya does not have the mental toughness of Aliona.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
This LP is going to hurt them. It is monotonous.

I was never a fan of S/M but they had a couple of LPs that suited them despite Massot's so so talent. It doesn't mean it will suit T&M. Vladimir is so much more talented than Massot! Massot was there to mainly throw Aliona high and far.
We haven't even seen the program yet. :lol: The music is gorgeous and they are both extremely talented skaters. I'm excited to see what they do with it.

You watch a lot of skating when you have time, Vash. Not only did Savchenko/Massot use the music, but it's also been Aymoz's free skate for the last two seasons. I think you've certainly heard it before.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I can picture it really suiting them and I'm sure it will be lovely, but I hate that it's going to draw comparisons to a popular program.
I didn't ever remember that 'popular program' you mentioned.

I hate the tinkly music for the LP. I would rather have them skate to Nassun Dorma, despite possible comparisons with S/H.


Well-Known Member
Bolero (great fit)
Rachmaninoff (great fit)
Albinone (lot of passion and IMO good fit)
Ti Amo (not my fav but it had at least some ups and downs)

This LP is going to hurt them. It is monotonous.

I was never a fan of S/M but they had a couple of LPs that suited them despite Massot's so so talent. It doesn't mean it will suit T&M. Vladimir is so much more talented than Massot! Massot was there to mainly throw Aliona high and far.
In my opinion, none of the programs you mentioned fall under the category of fast or passionate. These music selections were mostly classical with Rachmaninoff also being dramatic. Ti Amo was criticized for being highly monotonous (I liked it) and Albinoni was nice but not a good fit for an Olympic season.
I disagree with calling Lighthouse boring, it's an emotional piece of music and both S/M and Kevin Aymoz had a lot of success with it and got good reviews for their programs. If T/M will be able to emote it well and commit to the music it can be a very emotional piece.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
In my opinion, none of the programs you mentioned fall under the category of fast or passionate. These music selections were mostly classical with Rachmaninoff also being dramatic. Ti Amo was criticized for being highly monotonous (I liked it) and Albinoni was nice but not a good fit for an Olympic season.
I disagree with calling Lighthouse boring, it's an emotional piece of music and both S/M and Kevin Aymoz had a lot of success with it and got good reviews for their programs. If T/M will be able to emote it well and commit to the music it can be a very emotional piece.
I don't think T/M can emote to This music, although Claire de lune works well, but it is for SP.

I disagree with you about Bolero and Rach. They were great music choices for them. Classical music Can be emotional. I personally hate vocal music in FS (a few exceptions as usual).

Agree that Albinone is not good for Olympics, but my opinion is based more on the bad memories of it, based on how the season ended for them.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with you about Bolero and Rach. They were great music choices for them. Classical music Can be emotional. I personally hate vocal music in FS (a few exceptions as usual).
I didn't say I think those weren't good choices for them - I think both were great. What I'm saying is that I think you are misrepresenting their style, they are not and were never a team that goes for fast, powerful, and passionate (Sui/Han fits this description way more). They are classical Russian skaters and while Lighthouse is out of the box for them they showed they are able to emote this type of music before so I think they will be OK. Plus, after Candyman, most people will probably just be happy that they are not going for anything too far from their style.


Let the skating begin
I didn't say I think those weren't good choices for them - I think both were great. What I'm saying is that I think you are misrepresenting their style, they are not and were never a team that goes for fast, powerful, and passionate (Sui/Han fits this description way more). They are classical Russian skaters and while Lighthouse is out of the box for them they showed they are able to emote this type of music before so I think they will be OK. Plus, after Candyman, most people will probably just be happy that they are not going for anything too far from their style.
It's going to be interesting to read fan comments given how some are annoyed with Savchenko's recent activities, but judges are professional enough that they won't care that this won the OGM 4 years ago. Interesting choice.


Well-Known Member
It's going to be interesting to read fan comments given how some are annoyed with Savchenko's recent activities, but judges are professional enough that they won't care that this won the OGM 4 years ago. Interesting choice.
It actually won silver at Worlds 2017, not the OGM (that was a different FS) :)


Well-Known Member
It's going to be interesting to read fan comments given how some are annoyed with Savchenko's recent activities, but judges are professional enough that they won't care that this won the OGM 4 years ago. Interesting choice.
It didn't. Savchenko/Massot used this music for their FS in 2016-17. They used 'Terre en vue du ciel' for the Olympic season.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Come to think of it, my favorite LP of T/M was Winter at the 2019 worlds. I had seen it live at the 2018 SA in Everest, WA. The only thing I didn't like about it was the weird black spot (eye?) on the back of her costume. The audience in Everest liked it (partial standing O. Even with a couple of mistakes). My current profile pic is from there.

My next fave LP is Albinone. I also liked their 2016 Chopin. They skated clean and should have won the bronze.


Well-Known Member
This was by far the best* FS they ever had, and they obviously connect with it so deeply they just did their first clean FS in years. Finally two good programs in an Olympic season. I hope they'll have the season of their lives.
(*The ending needs work)


Let the skating begin
This was by far the best* FS they ever had, and they obviously connect with it so deeply they just did their first clean FS in years. Finally two good programs in an Olympic season. I hope they'll have the season of their lives.
(*The ending needs work)
Tutberidze is a perfectionist. I'm betting they'll work on it quite a bit between now and Russian nationals.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I don't like the music but their skating was beautiful. The program will evolve over time. I think this is the first time they skated it in front of an audience, in a foreign country, and international judges. The LP score was massive. If they skate the SP clean, they could get 80-81 in it.

As expected, there are complaints on fsu of snooze, no connection, etc. They do have a connection with each other in this introverted program. As I said before, the music is slow and boring but the program is not, because of complex choreography and beautiful skating.

In 1999 when I first heard Concert for Coloratura for B&S's LP, I was so disappointed! Over time I developed a liking fir that music. Interestingly, B&S hated that music and still delivered beautiful skates.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
So far the only things I would change atm are Evgenia's dresses. The blue SP dress is beautiful, but the sack she unfurls is stupid stupid stupid. Why is there a gimmick in a pretty classical program? The LP dress is borderline frump.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Program is nice. Since Morozov is never going to be the most expressive skater (and when they give him something to try to show 'personality' it just doesn't work), I'd much rather have this softer, more introverted type of approach where they just hit all of their beautiful lines and more importantly like the program and nail their elements.

Of course, I always want a little bit more out of them but the fact that they have two programs for the Olympic season that actually fit them is a nice enough surprise ;)


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
So far the only things I would change atm are Evgenia's dresses. The blue SP dress is beautiful, but the sack she unfurls is stupid stupid stupid. Why is there a gimmick in a pretty classical program? The LP dress is borderline frump.
That change of costume in the SP needs to go. Totally unnecessary. I think the big change in costume from blue to red had worked very well for Anna Shcherbakova but that connected with the program. There is no reason for it in T/M's SP.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
That change of costume in the SP needs to go. Totally unnecessary. I think the big change in costume from blue to red had worked very well for Anna Shcherbakova but that connected with the program. There is no reason for it in T/M's SP.

I agree. Anna's dress change highlighted a dramatic change in music. T/M's SP is a straightforward program to Clair de Lune. It's not going anywhere else, it just looks pointlessly schlocky in an otherwise pretty program.
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Well-Known Member
I agree. Anna's dress change highlighted a dramatic change in music. T/M's SP is a straightforward program to Clair de Lune. It's not going anywhere else, it just looks pointlessly schlocky in an otherwise pretty program.

But these types of programs win, so we'll see lots of them this season.

As it pertains to T/M, if they press their hands together one more time I will scream. If the Chinese are clean and M/G switch to last years free and are also clean, T/M will max out at bronze. I never, I never. But as we are saying, if this is the programme they can manage, good on them.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
But these types of programs win, so we'll see lots of them this season.

As it pertains to T/M, if they press their hands together one more time I will scream. If the Chinese are clean and M/G switch to last years free and are also clean, T/M will max out at bronze. I never, I never. But as we are saying, if this is the programme they can manage, good on them.

if if if......

The only thing that matters is what actually happens in the competition.

BTW this is T/M Cheer thread.
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Just saw the protocols. Not a single negative GOE for T&M! WTG!

The twist got 5's and 4's

Skating skills 9.5,9.0, one 8.75.

It showed their first throw as throw 3Lz. Why didn't I recognize it? Must be the feed or the camera angle.
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Well-Known Member
I was there tonight to see their free skate & I must say it’s one of my peak experiences from seeing live skating over the years.

Maybe because it came out of nowhere. I was looking forward to seeing them at this event, but I wasn’t expecting much. Because it’s August, and they’ve just changed coaches. But they were magnificent! And I was so happy to see them skate so well after so many disappointing programs.

It’s the little things that really stood out about their skating, like their posture, how close they are in the side-by-side spins and other elements, and the loveliness of Evgenia’s extensions and hand movements when finishing elements. Their unison in stroking and parallel moves also seemed very very good. Those little extra details all add another layer of quality to their skating.

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