The Skating Lesson


Retired by Frank Carroll
The comments this week regarding Tuktamysheva were gross. Yeah just casually tell someone to drop 8-10 lbs like it’s as easy as changing your outfit. Plus if you’re gonna call out someone like Mary Lee Tracy then push an antiquated point of view elsewhere. Then your ass deserves to be called out.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a Monday! :lol: Thank goodness for antiquated points of view… Sometimes your elders are an untapped gold mine of information and wisdom. :respec: Plus, Liza is one of the most respected skaters competing right now. She’s lovely, so therefore, she shouldn’t pay much mind to the blathering ramblings by her detractors or faux fair-weathered fans.

ETA: What a waste a time to keep up with a guy you can't stand (Dave), his FB page or his latest recap. He is what he is, and so are his guests when they're doing the TSL thing - and not likely to change. Puzzling, really, unless people just want to stay angry about someone or something - season, after season, after season, after... Maybe you should take this hostility and anger elsewhere? Otherwise, your ass deserves to be called out. :saint:
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like a Monday! :lol: Thank goodness for antiquated points of view… Sometimes your elders are an untapped gold mine of information and wisdom. :respec: Plus, Liza is one of the most respected skaters competing right now. She’s lovely, so therefore, she shouldn’t pay much mind to the blathering ramblings by her detractors or faux fair-weathered fans.

ETA: What a waste a time to keep up with a guy you can't stand (Dave), his FB page or his latest recap. He is what he is, and so are his guests when they're doing the TSL thing - and not likely to change. Puzzling, really, unless people just want to stay angry about someone or something - season, after season, after season, after... Maybe you should take this hostility and anger elsewhere? Otherwise, your ass deserves to be called out. :saint:

I honestly rarely listen to them (unless Meghan is on) and did today because I’m having a slow work day. If you only want cheerleader comments, that’s what Dave’s twitter timeline is for.

If old fashioned comments are criticizing a healthy, athletic skater because she doesn’t conform to an old man’s creepy ideal...then consider me glad that those ideals are dying out because that opinion is trash. It’s not just about Liza, in case you haven’t picked up on it.


Retired by Frank Carroll
Sounds like a Monday! :lol: Thank goodness for antiquated points of view… Sometimes your elders are an untapped gold mine of information and wisdom. :respec: Plus, Liza is one of the most respected skaters competing right now. She’s lovely, so therefore, she shouldn’t pay much mind to the blathering ramblings by her detractors or faux fair-weathered fans.

ETA: What a waste a time to keep up with a guy you can't stand (Dave), his FB page or his latest recap. He is what he is, and so are his guests when they're doing the TSL thing - and not likely to change. Puzzling, really, unless people just want to stay angry about someone or something - season, after season, after season, after... Maybe you should take this hostility and anger elsewhere? Otherwise, your ass deserves to be called out. :saint:

I deserve the right to be angry :angryfire

I understand what you’re saying though. It’s just puzzling that after the Olympic cycle Liza has had, she’s landing 3axels again but her weight is what is being noticed. So @Weve3 im calling your ass out :p


Well-Known Member
If old fashioned comments are criticizing a healthy, athletic skater because she doesn’t conform to an old man’s creepy ideal...
My comment was not addressing that particular exchange, or whatever it was. @DimaToe appeared to have generalized his/her "antiquated point of view" statement as if every antiquated point of view or opinion is invalid or invaluable. Creepy old man's ideal, maybe so, but not every "antiquated" opinion should be thought of that way or illicit such a defensive response. :summer:

I deserve the right to be angry :angryfire
Yes, of course! OWN that anger!! :rollin: However, if TSL angers you that much, upsets you, or hurts feelings (you didn’t say that someone else did) or their feelings/sympathies on behalf of a skater, then why continue to watch the recaps, read the tweets, follow their FB page and basically invest or hang on every word they say? :confused: Especially if what they are saying or how they are saying it appears to be so irritating, aggravating or upsetting? To keep them honest? :lol: Yeah, that’ll happen. :shuffle: So, don't watch or invest any personal time into it, and eventually they might go away, or is it a guilty “pleasure” to do so? :EVILLE: To each his own...

So @Weve3 im calling your ass out :p
:drama: I'm quite fond of my own ass, thank you very much! :2faced:


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
If Tuktamysheva needs to lose weight, then Dave needs a nose job

They are on drugs if they are suggesting she is remotely overweight?

Jerkass pricks like that think that any woman who isn't in the "anorexic waif" category is overweight. Same thinking as all those Russian coaches that make their students weigh in every day and punish them if they gain any weight.

And the reason that disordered thinking about eating and weight is so prevalent in this sport. Gorgeous healthy beautiful Liza, who can land a 3A, has to lose weight? God, what that sort of statement must do to vulnerable young people.


Well-Known Member
Liza is objectively in the best shape of her life and it is proven by the fact she is doing the best jumping she has done in years.

I mean just look at the definition in her legs here:

I think that people are so used to watching minuscule pre-pubescent children skate for Russia that they have actually forgotten what a woman looks like. And let's be real, Liza would be so tiny in real life.

But when TSL hate skaters, and they hate Liza, they will find something to criticise them for. Liza skated probably the best out of all the ladies and did a triple axel (which would be a huge celebration in any other country) ... but they obviously had to find something to pick at.

It honestly is just so boring and predictable.

And this is Liza's position on everything:

It's moments like this where you wonder why Duhamel, who is outspoken on these things, still endorses TSL. This is literally the kind of thing her recent article about diet and body image relates to.
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Well-Known Member
The comments this week regarding Tuktamysheva were gross. Yeah just casually tell someone to drop 8-10 lbs like it’s as easy as changing your outfit. Plus if you’re gonna call out someone like Mary Lee Tracy then push an antiquated point of view elsewhere. Then your ass deserves to be called out.

Dave was a Marta cheerleader for years, I get the sense that he's wildly jealous of Gymcastic and wants in on the gymnastics stuff for the sake of drama or something. :rolleyes:

I did not listen to this episode, but I'm not surprised that these comments came from Doug. He said some wild stuff on the Olympic recap, and seemed all about promoting skaters that he had tangential relationships to while putting out conspiracy theories about others. I understand wanting to promote your faves, and Dave and Jonathan saying something like this would be bad enough, but I think that people in Doug's position have additional responsibility in their position when they put out comments like this.


Retired by Frank Carroll
Dave was a Marta cheerleader for years, I get the sense that he's wildly jealous of Gymcastic and wants in on the gymnastics stuff for the sake of drama or something. :rolleyes:

I did not listen to this episode, but I'm not surprised that these comments came from Doug. He said some wild stuff on the Olympic recap, and seemed all about promoting skaters that he had tangential relationships to while putting out conspiracy theories about others. I understand wanting to promote your faves, and Dave and Jonathan saying something like this would be bad enough, but I think that people in Doug's position have additional responsibility in their position when they put out comments like this.

I’d agree with that. While Jessica, Spencer and CO. Do have some sass at least they also keep some common sense.


New Member
I guess you missed the point, guys. TSL talked about weight in the aspect of components. Judges give a skater component score not for what she does but for how she looks. TSL are always cheers for eating healthy if you listen them.


Banned Member
I guess you missed the point, guys. TSL talked about weight in the aspect of components. Judges give a skater component score not for what she does but for how she looks. TSL are always cheers for eating healthy if you listen them.
Amen! Hallelujah!

My wife and me have been weighting for some-one to finally tell the truth, even if it is not "politically right" it must be said. The one, only reason the 6 point scoring was changed was to insure no more ugly or obese skaters would keep on winning gold metals after what happened in 88, 84, 92, and 98.

If I wanted to see bad looking people I would just visit a senior citizen home not watch skating. "Dave" speaks the truth even though I still not under-stand the "eye brow look."

MK's Winter

Well-Known Member
I guess you missed the point, guys. TSL talked about weight in the aspect of components. Judges give a skater component score not for what she does but for how she looks. TSL are always cheers for eating healthy if you listen them.

I agree with you. Dave and Jonathan did look uncomfortable when Doug made the weight comment. I do agree that appearance plays a part in the judging. Many of the judges are older- it would be nice to get some new young blood in judging.

I was blown away by Eteri’s reaction to Medvedeva- “you are finished” and “go have babies”. Evegenia was with her a long time- that is a cold response to an Olympic silver(won on an injury). Here- I really enjoyed Medvedeva’s short. Her line looks stronger, positions are held, and holy double axle Batman. She looks to be extremely happy and engaged in her new surroundings. I am also glad she is involved in the decision making process. It’s unfortunate that she forgot her long program a bit, excited to see her programs at autumn classic.

Deleted member 53443

I like that coach but it's so silly with his pro-Canadianism, gushing over Medvedeva because...everything with her is now absolutely wonderful since she changed from Eteri to his buddy. That she is eating more is fantastic but Tuktamysheva should lose weigh. I would argue T. is the one in better, more toned shape even. And the idea that some international committee should sit and decide who can skate to what music is absurd.

Deleted member 53443

Wait what did Eteri say? In respect of PCS Tuktamysheva just needs to get consistent. If she has a few good competitions in a row the PCS will follow.

"Go have babies" to Medvedeva after Olympics LOL. If she wanted to give the girl motivation to win she could not have done it better, although it was most probably not her intention.

MK's Winter

Well-Known Member
What was the context of these remarks? Who are we hearing these from? TSL?

Eteri told Medvedeva that she was done after the Olympics. Eteri acted poorly when Medvedeva announced the coaching change to begin with. She basically blamed her leaving on being jealous of Zagitova and being a poor sport. I feel it was the opposite. Eteri has nothing more to offer Evgenia- so she sought Orser out. I appreciate Medvedeva wanting to make improvements and taking charge of her skating. It shows after a month and a half.


Well-Known Member
I agree; but I think that there is something fundamentally misogynistic about the Skating Lesson. The way they discuss women's skating in comparison to men's, and discuss women in comparison to men is obviously different and much more objectifying and insistent upon them confirming to an external ideal. The discussions of body by Douglas Haw (in particular discussing perfect bodies in relation to Yuna Kim and Avonley Nguyen- a fifteen year old) and the previous discussions of Sataoko with Tom Dickson where she is being praised as a good girl who does what she is told by three much older men were really creepy.

I think you are cherry picking and taking things out of context.


Active Member
I was blown away by Eteri’s reaction to Medvedeva- “you are finished” and “go have babies”. Evegenia was with her a long time- that is a cold response to an Olympic silver(won on an injury). Here- I really enjoyed Medvedeva’s short. Her line looks stronger, positions are held, and holy double axle Batman. She looks to be extremely happy and engaged in her new surroundings. I am also glad she is involved in the decision making process. It’s unfortunate that she forgot her long program a bit, excited to see her programs at autumn classic.
Holy crap, I knew Eteri did not handle the split well, but did not hear about this. She really said that??

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