Papadakis/Cizeron #6 - Season's Over - Let's Get Drunk!

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Well-Known Member
I really don't like what's been happening to this thread in the last couple of days...

Guys, please, stop! It's over: the Games are over, the Worlds are over, the whole season is over. It's been a rollercoaster with many amazing moments as well as some heartbreaking ones. But it's over. Some of you don't want Gabi and Guillaume to stay in Montreal. Some of you do. Alright, that's perfectly fine. Now, as, hopefully, everyone's expressed his opinion (esp on this matter) let's leave it up to Gabriella and Guillaume themselves, shall we? ;)

I am sorry but this way to put pressure on people to dissuade them from expressing themselves freely is what I dislike the most. This is the way I see it. It's also for some people (I can't say about you) to try to prevent some opinions to be expressed... The height on a forum!

There are some topics I am not interested in but it would never come to my mind to tell anyone "we've enough with this, please debate about other things please".


Well-Known Member
Because of risk of cultural appropriation, I would be really really leary of doing this.

If a dance team was interested in skating to a piece of indigenous music, the team could approach the pertinent people to ask if it would be okay, and consult with them as to meaning/interpretation.

When the folk dance was the OD in 2010, plenty of dancers sought advice about their programs - the three Canadian teams did the flamenco and traveled to Spain to consult with experts.

The issue with D/S supposedly 'indigenous' FD was that a) they did not consult with any indigenous people and b) their dance was insulting (i.e. S pulling S's head with her ponytail). IIRC they retracted and said it was a 'cave people' dance. Canadian First Nations representatives were glad to sit down with them and set them straight.:)
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Well-Known Member
If a dance team was interested in skating to a piece of indigenous music, the team could approach the pertinent people to ask if it would be okay, and consult with them as to meaning/interpretation.

When the folk dance was the OD in 2010, plenty of dancers sought advise about their programs - the three Canadian teams did the flamenco and traveled to Spain to consult with experts.

The issue with D/S supposedly 'indigenous' FD was that a) they did not consult with any indigenous people and b) their dance was insulting (i.e. S pulling S's head with her ponytail). IIRC they retracted and said it was a 'cave people' dance. Canadian First Nations representatives were glad to sit down with them and set them straight.:)

True. They would need to also select the music with them as well. It wouldn't just be a matter of going to them with a musical selection and ask for interpretation. There are so many cultures within that it would not be in any way an easy task (but would be incredibly rewarding)

D&S were the very reason I said what I said. That program was a nasty mess.
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Well-Known Member
No disrespect to Grease fans. I like it. It’s a fun musical. But honestly I think it’s beneath P and C.
They’re a much deeper team then Grease allows.
To me Grease is for a junior team or ex.


Well-Known Member
Whether one likes the whole plot line and musical styles of Grease or not, it's still a masterpiece in terms of choreography and physical movement. Watch any musical number and you will see individuated character driven movement throughout that drives individual narratives or illustrates individual concerns. One of the reasons also the musical numbers work is the amount of thought out and planned movement that occurs prior to the beginning of any musical number such that there is never that rift between song and dance sequence and that which runs prior to it. Yes it's fun and casually performed, but it's highly thoughtout fun: sometimes it's not so much about the music per se, but the ideas one brings.
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Well-Known Member
I do like Grease music in a non-ironic way *shame*.

If we are doing our Christmas wishes, on this music I would like to see skaters with speed (ideally P/C) :

Has this been done before (or on this kind of music) ? This is an example of music that seems un-danceable on the floor, but on the ice... I would like to see it !


Well-Known Member
No disrespect to Grease fans. I like it. It’s a fun musical. But honestly I think it’s beneath P and C.
They’re a much deeper team then Grease allows.
To me Grease is for a junior team or ex.

I loved the movie and the musical but I don’t like it for skating music choices.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
There are some topics I am not interested in but it would never come to my mind to tell anyone "we've enough with this, please debate about other things please".
I'm not sure what's quoted here below is any better but maybe that's just me ;)

The rest of what you say here sounds like banalities without any interest.
Obviously, you have no idea of what coaching or managing means and implies!
Is that clear enough? And you have no clue about what happened at Olys, so...
Which equals to STFU :lol: . At least Isabelle G. was polite and asked nicely. I went back up thread and since you were obviously in Pyeongchang and privy to what happens, could you enlighten us ? Except if I got it all wrong, it seems you are clearly in favor of P/C changing coaches. That cannot be motivated by the Olys wardrobe incident only, can it ? A12553 and I already asked you questions about this but you didn't answer. Isabelle G.'s request obviously got you very irritated and it seems you're taking P/C's future very much to heart so why not elaborating on what you said before ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what's quoted here below is any better but maybe that's just me ;)

If you can't tell the difference between statements which are part of a discussion, and in reference to specific points which are then elaborated far beyond the quotes you have cherry-picked, and statements which try to limit the nature of discussion, that is indeed on you.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
I'm at the French tour Courchevel gala and the rink is 100% packed with people queuing outside in hope to find a seat...

Edit : I hadn't realize it must still be Eastern school holidays.
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Well-Known Member
I am sorry but this way to put pressure on people to dissuade them from expressing themselves freely is what I dislike the most. This is the way I see it. It's also for some people (I can't say about you) to try to prevent some opinions to be expressed... The height on a forum!

There are some topics I am not interested in but it would never come to my mind to tell anyone "we've enough with this, please debate about other things please".

That's all true and I think we both agree on that. :) However, what I don't like and what I tried to express in my previous message was the unnecessary negativity that hasn't been on this thread before (not at least to such extent). My hope was to put an end to endless quarrelling, not to limit the freedom of speech. I wouldn't dare do such a thing even if I were in a position allowing that.


Well-Known Member
That's all true and I think we both agree on that. :) However, what I don't like and what I tried to express in my previous message was the unnecessary negativity that hasn't been on this thread before (not at least to such extent). My hope was to put an end to endless quarrelling, not to limit the freedom of speech. I wouldn't dare do such a thing even if I were in a position allowing that.

In the end of the day, if one expresses any kind of critical opinion on anything, you will get an unnecessary, negative reaction from people who think only positivity is valid, and whose negativity is repressed and uninformed and therefore manifests it in an uncontrolled and unintelligent way (and I'm not referring to you here). That's just part of life. Limiting a discussion to avoid those people having those reactions is not something that interests me. If people can't deal with what I present or write, they should just block me. We should celebrate freedom of speech, but we should also celebrate the freedom of not having to listen to someone if we don't want to (and that option is available to you and everyone else on this site). I know I make a decision of whether a person is worth talking to or not, and if I think they aren't able to maintain a consistency of argument, gets in to silly fights, results to crude insults, or throws tantrums, I just block them. I don't deal with those sort of people in my real life, and I don't on here either.
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Well-Known Member
In the end of the day, if one expresses any kind of critical opinion on anything, you will get an unnecessary, negative reaction from people who think only positivity is valid, and whose negativity is repressed and uninformed and therefore manifests it in an uncontrolled and unintelligent way (and I'm not referring to you here). That's just part of life. Limiting a discussion to avoid those people having those reactions is not something that interests me. If people can't deal with what I present or write, they should just block me. We should celebrate freedom of speech, but we should also celebrate the freedom of not having to listen to someone if we don't want to (and that option is available to you and everyone else on this site).

Fair enough. :)


Well-Known Member
I could see K&S from Poland skate to Grease. In fact, I could see them do really well with a number of musical selections from the soundtrack.


Well-Known Member
I could see K&S from Poland skate to Grease. In fact, I could see them do really well with a number of musical selections from the soundtrack.
I could also see Hubbell & Donohue, Hawayek and Baker and Gilles and Poirier skate to Grease! But, I guess my real point is that I want PC to choose music that is out of their comfort zone and bring it to life.


Well-Known Member
The opening music from Labyrinth is good. I am not sure anyone has actually skated to the music soundtrack. I know Woetzel & Steuer skated to Neverending Story.

I think showing versatility is great but their lines should also still be on display. Being different just for the sake of being different isn't always a good thing. And picking music that doesn't display their best abilities also seems a poor decision in a competitive light.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I'm enjoying this thread. (Obviously I'm skipping the essays.) BTW I love Grease & know most of the lyrics but I don't want to see it used by ice dancers. I want P/C to skate to something beautiful.
I'm in total agreement here. I love P/C. While watching them competing at Pyeongchang, it just came over me because of their artistry and presentation.

I loved the movie, Doctor Zhivago. The music that I would love to see them perform to is Lara's Theme. To me, that could be a signature program of theirs. :love: (y)


Well-Known Member
This is Prokofiev's version of Romeo and Juliet ;) Tchaikovsky's version is older but less famous I think ( (I did confuse the two as well until not so long ago, because I thought there was only a Prokofiev version)

Sadly I can't fully enjoy an ice dance version of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet because I have watched MacMillian's choreography on it so many times, I juste cannot picture anything else on it (

(Confession : I have the same problem with D/W Sheherazade and ... P/C Parc *waits for the stones to be thrown*. I like those programs, I just don't like them as much as everyone else because I have watched the ballet versions too many times before)

Interestingly Kenneth MacMillian was inspired by olympics ice skating for some of his choerography, according to its wife. He was particularly envious of the speed the skater had (she didn't say if it was pair skating or ice dancing). This beautiful dance (in the ballet Manon) is a perfect example of this influence :, with the jumps very reminiscent of the pair throws. And David Wilson said it inspired him for the first version of this year's V/M FD ending, so it kinda went full circle.

I've gone completly off topic I know :biggrinbo If P/C want to look at the ballet world again for their choreography, I suggest MacMillian !
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