Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir : Just For Us # 45


Well-Known Member
I know I said I'd stop, but as a fan, I feel like hitting the panic button. The music choices are cool and unique, but the choreography doesn't relate to them. It looks like choreography you could do to any music. There's nothing that really shows why these pieces of music were chosen as opposed to your ordinary choices.

I know. I need to step away, but I feel too invested as I know it's their last year. I want them to leave us with something to emulate, but this just isn't it.


Well-Known Member
I have read and liked so many posts here after the practice videos were posted, but haven't commented anything. I think the latter has to do with the former - I don't quite know what to say anymore as everything has already been said (regarding the FD) :D. If serious, I think I also want to wait until after the full performances in competition to form a more informed opinion even though what I have seen is great.

Still - what I can say is that I especially like the 'Tango de Roxanne' part of their FD despite that I wrote earlier (before seeing the practice clips from HPC) that it's too dramatic and pompous for them. The softer, more lyrical part is something that we are more used to seeing from them. Which is not a bad thing - just not as surprising. Of course, in the Olympic season they have to show also the side of themselves as performers that they are mostly known for. But the ending is terrific.

As for the lifts, I was hoping to see some absolutely new stunning lift from them, but the new variations on their older lifts are also great. I guess it's safer for the Olympic season to do something that they know they do really well at least when it comes to some elements rather than try an absolutely new difficult and risky lift that may or may not work out that well. But we may still see some changes in lifts later in the season.

And I like the dress even if it's only for practice - I hope in that case the real competiton dress is just as or even more stunning.

As for the SD, it's not quite what I expected either, but it doesn't mean that it's worse than what I expected. I get some people's complaints that it's too much like DWTS. But, from what I have seen, I think DWTS does not necessarily always mean bad either. There have been good performances in it as well. Tessa and Scott's SD is like one of those good performances. It's different (for them) and it's bold, and it has some really interesting moves/choreographic touches in it. I am not yet sure if I really like the 'eastern-like' hand movements, but it's something that also Jagger has done on stage (even if I don't remember right now whether he has done such arm movements during 'Sympathy for Devil' in particular), so I think it's okay. Tessa's dress is also different and very sexy without being too revealing. I can't blame Scott for finally trying something different too although I don't think this particular style is the way to go and wish for something a bit different.
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Well-Known Member
I know I said I'd stop, but as a fan, I feel like hitting the panic button. The music choices are cool and unique, but the choreography doesn't relate to them. It looks like choreography you could do to any music. There's nothing that really shows why these pieces of music were chosen as opposed to your ordinary choices.

I know. I need to step away, but I feel too invested as I know it's their last year. I want them to leave us with something to emulate, but this just isn't it.

The panic button? :rolleyes:

At worst, the SD is fine.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think we should just wait to see their skate and score this evening and reconvene here afterwards. Never forget that V/M's programs always grow and change. They take the feedback very seriously. One thing I know for sure is that they look happy and full of passion for these programs which bodes well. Also, never forget that they chose M-F and Patch in order to take their skating and performances in a different direction and that is exactly what I am seeing, even more so than last season.


Active Member
I haven't seen the practice yet (just holding myself back because I'll be waiting for the actual SD) but seeing the costumes so far I must say it's a lot bolder than what I was expecting. I haven't seen Scott wear something this flashy since forever LOL. It might be an unpopular opinion but I don't particularly like Tessa's dress, was hoping for something brighter but maybe seeing it in motion will change my mind.


Well-Known Member
I confess I don't get the criticism of the SD. Personally, I find it amazing. Yes, it's ballroom latin. Fantastically danced ballroom latin. Every movement is exciting. It exceeds by far the 2011 FD and the 2012 SD. Honestly, sometimes I think people are never satisfied, fans or no fans, with what Tessa and Scott do. A few days ago, there were complaints (here or on GS, I can't remember), that the music choices won't sound Latin enough and that the program will be a way of "getting around" the rules, for the sake of originality. (I am just paraphrasing what I read). Now that we've seen the SD, or parts of it, and it is obviously very Latin, we're complaining that it seems forced and it's too DWTS.
I mean... whatever. As a fan, of them and of ice dance, I am happy and proud that Tessa and Scott have two fantastic programs which will grow throughout the season. And I'm gonna enjoy the hell outta them.


I confess I don't get the criticism of the SD. Personally, I find it amazing. Yes, it's ballroom latin. Fantastically danced ballroom latin. Every movement is exciting. It exceeds by far the 2011 FD and the 2012 SD. Honestly, sometimes I think people are never satisfied, fans or no fans, with what Tessa and Scott do. A few days ago, there were complaints (here or on GS, I can't remember), that the music choices won't sound Latin enough and that the program will be a way of "getting around" the rules, for the sake of originality. (I am just paraphrasing what I read). Now that we've seen the SD, or parts of it, and it is obviously very Latin, we're complaining that it seems forced and it's too DWTS.
I mean... whatever. As a fan, of them and of ice dance, I am happy and proud that Tessa and Scott have two fantastic programs which will grow throughout the season. And I'm gonna enjoy the hell outta them.

This is my first time posting and I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. The criticism here is puzzling. Both programs are simply amazing.
I am so thrilled that they came back and feel honoured to be able to watch them compete for 2 more year. They are a Once in a Generation Team and have never skated a bad program, just different degrees of good to great (in my opinion). We have 6 months left of watching them compete and I for one am going to sit back and enjoy every second of them.


Well-Known Member
I think what makes V/M a great team is that people can actually have different visions of what they want to see from them. It's not like we all know they can only do certain things.
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Well-Known Member
I love this dance. People can have their opinions but with VM they're kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't. People are complaining it's "too much" yet if they had gone with something subtle people would also say it was boring. Sigh, I agree with the people above. Enjoy it if you do and if you don't yet hopefully they'll be able to change your mind by the end of the season :). Anyway was the groping a part of the choreography or what's going on there ;).


Well-Known Member
I love everything I have seen yet. The music isn't my taste but in combination with the choreography and their skating I really enjoy it.
I loved Tessa's outfit in the video because I thought it was a black dress with golden details. However I hate animal print with a passion so after seeing pictures I don't like the dress at all. Luckily you can't see the details during their skate, so I just ignore the animal pattern in the close ups ;)

When I think back to last season I remember how much I enjoyed the Prince SD at ACI, not knowing how much it would grow until Helsinki. I can't wait to see the progression of these year's programs from competition to competition. Being a VM fan is nerve-wracking but also so much fun!


Well-Known Member

OMG, but that new SD is terrific and more complex choreographically than their Prince program by at least half a mile. I enjoyed every second of it, love the energy and sensuality it exudes. Tessa's dress is plain gorgeous. I'm just amazed they could make Scott wear that flashy shirt with a low v cut but I'm glad they could. Scott, you rock in it. Perhaps he should just do something about his hair, gel it a little maybe? Other than that, everything works for me.


I think you are exaggerating, but I prefer the blue dress from yesterday.
This is my opinion based on my personal sense of esthetics. I do not like this kind of kitsch. When people do not like something they usually express it strongly.

Moreover Scott's silhouette change a lot. He is not so slender anymore like he use to be in the past. It is quite natural process for dancers and athletes because of gaining the muscle structure with age. But now then he is build up stronger it is not wise to dress him in such tight, ladylike clothes.


Well-Known Member
This is my opinion based on my personal sense of esthetics. I do not like this kind of kitsch. When people do not like something they usually express it strongly.

Moreover Scott's silhouette change a lot. He is not so slender anymore like he use to be in the past. It is quite natural process for dancers and athletes because of gaining the muscle structure with age. But now then he is build up stronger it is not wise to dress him in such tight, ladylike clothes.
There is nothing lady like about Scott in that dance.
I say this despite the fact I find that comment about "lady like " clothes slightly offensive
I thought they were fantastic. Sensual, playful and smooth.
Best music/music cuts of the day.
It needs more mileage.
I thought Tessa's costume was amazing and I actually liked Scott's much better in performance.
Scott had become quite hot IMO.
But yeah the hair needs to be fixed.
It's distracting.


Active Member
YEEESSS!! I love, LOVE the choreo, the body movements, they just take Latin into a whole another level. But the music cuts are a bit jarring. I really hope they revise it at some point because everything else about this program is great. I was initially iffy about the clothing but man, both of them rocked in it.
And their rhumba section....smooth like butter ;)


Well-Known Member
Great performance for this early in the season. The choreography is wonderful too, the only thing - I feel like their partial step sequence could use a little something extra. With the Prince SD, I liked the partial rhumba sequence instantly because of all the little nuances it had even though they were a bit slow in it at ACI (for their standards). This one feels a bit empty in comparison although it's definitely steamy. But it's certainly not impossible that they will add that a little something during the season.
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