Fun geography quiz - how many can you get?


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
My boss is to blame for this one, though it was quite funny to listen to our area in the fifteen minutes after she sent the quiz around - "That IS a country!" "That's NOT a country!" "Argh, I know this!"

Basically: you have fifteen minutes to name as many of the 196 countries as you can. How many can you do?

(I've found this is a pretty good memory exericse, too. I've been taking it once a day for probably a week and a half now and I'm up to 172.)


Fan of many, uber of none
Wow, that's a challenge. I'm a bit ashamed of my score! (although the world has broken up and come back together quite a bit in my years! :) I think I was putting some old names in!)


Well-Known Member
SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :respec::cheer2::biggrinbo:cool::rockstar::cheer::summer:

No seriously, I got 69, or 35%. But I didn't see the graph below the map until I was almost done, that might have helped a bit more. I like how they give percentages for correct guesses at the bottom once the test is done. I just sent an e-mail to my sister earlier today about her upcoming trip to
...but didn't guess this one in the quiz! :lol:

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I can name all 196 countries, but spelling got me, and on first try it was only 163.
I keep calling Srilanka "Ceylon", Moldova to me was always Moldavia, Belorus - Belorussia, Czeck - Chekia, Gayana, Gvineya, could not spell Azherbaizhan correctly.... I sort of resent not being able to spell former Soviet Republics the way they are pronounced originally, when it's really "my old land"... :D


Well-Known Member

Me too.

I'm annoyed with myself for not being able to remember the name of Libya. I knew I knew the name of that country but I couldn't remember it.

The others that I missed, mainly in Africa and various island nations, I'm not surprised about. My cyber friend from Mauritius would be glad I eventually remembered that one.


I need a new title
Wow...there are some real geography hotshots here! I haven't even looked at it yet and I know I'm going to be abysmal.

ETA: 108 -- my mind just drew a blank for most of the last 2 to 3 minutes. Duh.
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Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I got 120. I started with North and South America, then I did all the former Soviet republics, then most of Europe and northern Africa, and then I froze and forgot most of Asia (except the easy ones like China, Japan, the Koreas etc). I did quite poorly at Oceania, I only know AUS, NZ, and Papua New Guinea. Obviously I need to study more.
This was fun :)


Well-Known Member
Too ashamed to admit my score. I started running through Olympic site countries as far back as I could remember, then started running back through Worlds sites and picked up a few that way. And uhm ..... there be countries on that list that I ain't never heard of before. :shuffle:

When I was in 7th grade geography, we had to place all the countries on maps like that. It was really just memorizing the names/shapes when you are in the 7th grade, but I remember that when we did the Africa test, I got every country right and I was so proud of my 12 year old self. :lol: Today .... I got like 3. :eek:


Marquessa of Chartreuse
I can name all 196 countries, but spelling got me, and on first try it was only 163
Same. I got 164 and failed the others just because I couldn't spell them in English. Bosnie Herzégovine, Lituanie or Moldavie don't make it. But strangely enough Côte d'Ivoire instead of Ivory Coast does. And it took me several tries before remembering that Iraq takes a Q and not a K at the end :wall: I love this kind of quizz so I'm going to take it until I name them all :cheer2:


Well-Known Member
I only got 94. How did I miss Denmark? I missed most of West Africa and parts of the old Soviet Union. I think next time I should try to remember some of those beauty contests where they come out wearing sashes.


Well-Known Member
I've taken this quiz twice and both times, I got just a little over 170. I always seem to miss some of the countries in the south Pacific and when it comes to the Caribbean, I sometimes forget which islands are independent countries in themselves and which are European overseas territories.


Well-Known Member
135 before looking at a map, once I looked I recognized easily most I missed. The South Pacific is my worst area. I need to get better on middle Africa too.
I had problems with the South Pacific and Africa.Europe I did pretty well on.


Well-Known Member
Looked at it. Forget it. I wouldn't know any in Africa or South America (Peru, Chile, Argentina, I'm done............).


Well-Known Member
I tried it a second time and moved up to 125. Started thinking of countries that play hockey, countries I've visited, or want to visit, countries currently at war or in the news. North, East and South Africa were easy. Now I have to work on the little places.

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