Everything Facebook - Pros, Cons, Changes, Advice, Help Needed...It's All Here, Folks


scratching at the light
I have a few friends who's postings do not appear on my newsfeed at all. I have to keep going to their home pages to see what they are up to.
Is there are way to make their stuff appear for me?


Well-Known Member
You may have to check how you categorize them on your friends list. I had that issue. I had inadvertently had someone as an 'acquaintance'. Once I changed that person to a 'friend' I saw their stuff on my news feed.


Well-Known Member
I have a few friends who's postings do not appear on my newsfeed at all. I have to keep going to their home pages to see what they are up to.
Is there are way to make their stuff appear for me?

My suggestion is more basic than what Sparks has mentioned (which I didn't know about). But I'll mention it anyway just in case anybody else doesn't know. When you're on a friend's page, at the top of the screen to the right of their name are three buttons: Friends, Follow and Message. If you click on the "Follow" button, that will change it to "Following", which activates their posts to go not to your own wall. It's the default status of friends unless you unfollow someone. Perhaps it was clicked in error and if you click on it so you are "Following" them, you will see their posts again. :)


scratching at the light
Thanks! I don't intentionally categorize my friends. So I will check that first to see if something got accidentally clicked.
If not that, I will follow Peter's suggestion.


Well-Known Member
I wish my cousin would stop posting every meal she eats on Facebook. "Tuna today" or "I'm being wild and eating French Fries" or "Just having chicken and string beans tonight". And she takes pictures of what looks like cafeteria food. If it were a spectacular meal or at least a labor-intensive one, I could see posting it, but why post pics of your hash for people to see on Facebook?

One day (weeks ago) there were two different comics in the paper that were making fun of that.
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Well-Known Member
It was the Dayton Daily News and I can't even remember which comics or how long ago. I just thought it was funny that that there were 2 on the same day - about posting pictures of your food.
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From the Bloc
The mysteries of why some things appear on your news feed and other do are complex, but one thing I think is true is that if you "engage" with someone then you are more likely to see their future posts on your news feed. Ie, like their posts, click open their links, post to their wall, tag them in pictures and posts etc - and vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to use facebook to find out who has unfriended you? Or do you need an app to do that?

purple skates

Shadow Dancing
I wish my cousin would stop posting every meal she eats on Facebook. "Tuna today" or "I'm being wild and eating French Fries" or "Just having chicken and string beans tonight". And she takes pictures of what looks like cafeteria food. If it were a spectacular meal or at least a labor-intensive one, I could see posting it, but why post pics of your hash for people to see on Facebook?

Rex!!! :cheer2:

I have one of those on my feed too - and most of what she posts is food I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Is there a way of knowing who has looked at your facebook page? Or for others to know if I looked over their facebook page?


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
Is there a way of knowing who has looked at your facebook page? Or for others to know if I looked over their facebook page?

Not per se, but *I think* you can guess who has been looking at your FB page (and by the same token they can guess if you've been looking) by looking at the "people you may know." If you stalk someone's FB page, they will show up as someone you might now and you will show up for them. It depends on if that person pays attention to the people you may know and makes that connection.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
I wish my cousin would stop posting every meal she eats on Facebook. "Tuna today" or "I'm being wild and eating French Fries" or "Just having chicken and string beans tonight". And she takes pictures of what looks like cafeteria food. If it were a spectacular meal or at least a labor-intensive one, I could see posting it, but why post pics of your hash for people to see on Facebook?

Is she on a diet by any chance? I got to a point where I was so depressed about my job, my lack of a boyfriend, and other whiney, clichéd late 20s/early 30s crap that I ballooned to well over 200 lbs. WELL over. One of the things I was advised to do was to keep a log of my meals and make myself accountable, and the dietician suggested that I post it on social media, at least in the beginning. As stupid as it sounds, it actually worked. I think it reorients your thinking from "gross, broccoli" to being excited about arranging the plate to its best advantage and putting it on FB like, TA-DA! LOOK WHAT I GET TO EAT!

Now I only post food pictures if I want people to be amazingly jealous that I live in the food capital of the freaking world, or if I spent several hours on a meal.


scratching at the light
Lol....rest assured, I am not creeping you. I have standards, dahling. :drama:


scratching at the light
I do occasionally go through my recommendations, and have discovered a few FSUers, but about 95% of the people that come up, I've no clue who they are. :confused:


Doing all the things
Is there a way to use facebook to find out who has unfriended you? Or do you need an app to do that?

There used to be a website you could sign up with but it stopped working.
I just found out FB Purity will do it too. It's a browser extension. It does a good job too.

Not per se, but *I think* you can guess who has been looking at your FB page (and by the same token they can guess if you've been looking) by looking at the "people you may know." If you stalk someone's FB page, they will show up as someone you might now and you will show up for them. It depends on if that person pays attention to the people you may know and makes that connection.
That may work if the people looking at your FB feed aren't friends. But if they are friends, they won't be in "People You May Know" because that exists to get you to friend more people.


Well-Known Member
That may work if the people looking at your FB feed aren't friends. But if they are friends, they won't be in "People You May Know" because that exists to get you to friend more people.

The "people you may know" who show up in my feed are, as far as I can tell, all friends of friends. So it would be pretty hard to know who's being suggested because they've looked at my page and who are friends of friends, unless I click on each one. And that's just way too much work.

But if you're at all concerned about who's looking at your page, why not just make it private?


I need a new title
Kids are moving away from Facebook because their parents are on it. They use Snapchat, Instagram, Kik, Twitter...when the adults move in there, the kids will move on.

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