"The Walking Dead": Any fans here?

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Well-Known Member
ETA: I had so much fun reading back through the thread for season 2! Only a little over 2 weeks until the premiere!! :D

Just wondering...

I started watching it back in June after a friend recommended it to me and I got hooked! I went through season one in about three days and watched all of season two that weekend. If you're into blood, gore and zombies (something I really didn't think I was all that into...) then it's a must. I got both of my sisters hooked on it and my brother is watching season one now. My mom was too squeamish to handle it! :lol: I haven't gotten around to getting my dad hooked but I think he'd like it too.

Any other fans here? :)
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Well-Known Member
I went back about 11 threads but I didn't see anything. I'm all late to the party but WOW! what an awesome show!

How do you change the title of thread? Hey mods, can we change this thread to "The Walking Dead - Season 3!!"

Thanks :)


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I'm going to give it about two episodes and if it's the same (let's all stand around and bicker), I'm done.

If it's more like the first few episodes of season one (and the first two of season two), I'm in. :)


Let the skating begin
I'm going to give it about two episodes and if it's the same (let's all stand around and bicker), I'm done.

If it's more like the first few episodes of season one (and the first two of season two), I'm in. :)

Based on the comic books, lots of stuff happens in this chapter. They don't exactly follow the books, but there are some critical events.


Well-Known Member
I'm thoroughly hooked on this show. The cliffhangers keep me. . .well, hanging. . .and I'm fascinated by a lot of the survivors and their development, particularly Hershel and Glen.

Yes, the pissing contest between Shane and Rick went on too long. And the show has some obvious continuity glitches. Half of the night scene on the final episode was shot in daylight and there is no way any of the guns would have as much ammo as the gums on the episode seem to. And there are some obvious 'duh' moments too. Like why did they start focusing on developing a stash of non-gun weapons that didn't make noise a long time ago?

Still, as I said, I'm hooked. Hooked enough to be getting excited the way I used to as a kid waiting for Walt Disney to air. And I always have to wait to Monday night to watch because Mr. Japanfan works on Sunday. The wait is always tough.


I am looking forward to tonight. Hopefully the promo is accurate and this year is more fast-paced and intense. Last year was often a snooze but apparently part of that was because of budget reasons. Its why one of the producers quit. He was mad that Mad Men got a huge amount of money and WD's was cut. AMC has had a Walking Dead marathon going on for two days now to get viewers ready.

My only complaint is I have to wait to watch Revenge later since they both air at the same time.


Let the skating begin
For those who've read the comics, there will be a significant difference in the Governor at least in the beginning. I'm not certain how I feel about this and will just have to wait and see what they do with the character.


Well-Known Member
Humans: 114. Zombies: 0. (Well, maybe one...can Herschel survive that...umm....surgery???)


Headcase Addict
Been a fan since the first episode and it's my #1 show.

But DishNetwork removed AMC. Now I have to find ways to catch up on episodes.


Well-Known Member
Man, these idiots :duh:

1. You do not risk someone as valuable as Herschel in your "Clean out the Prison" scheme. Come on. Not only is he old and slow (and thus not exactly up to Rick- or Daryl-level zombie killing), but he's the doctor. Come on now.

2. What was rule #2 (IIRC) in the movie Zombieland? Double-tap. Do not pass a prone zombie and just assume he's permanently dead. He could wake up and bite you in the leg. I would have had someone on pointy stick patrol, to finalize any "possibly not permanently deceased" bodies.

3. Hope Rick cleaned that hatchet of zombie blood before using it to slice off Herschel's leg. Otherwise, it'll still get infected. Unless he cauterizes it quick.


Well-Known Member
Excellent opening episode!

I love how at the beginning you can see how cohesive the group is. They move like a unit as they sweep the house...even Carl is clearing rooms by himself. Carl was on my nerves last season! Hopefully he'll make up for it a bit this season...

The tension with Rick and Lori is pretty bad, but what did you expect? I'm not a big fan of Lori so I think she deserves everything she gets. Remember in season two during a flashback where she was complaining to her friend that Rick was just too even tempered and never blew up at her or got angry? Well, it looks like she got her wish.

I love how Maggie is running with the boys now and is a part of the "strike team"...GIRL POWER!!

Speaking of girl power, Michonne is awesome! Nothing cooler than a chick with a katana blade! It looks like she and Andrea made it through the winter okay but Andrea's sick or something. I'm interested in seeing where their story goes...

Darryl is still Darryl which means he's awesome...anybody think something is going to happen b/w him and Carol this season? Hmmm...good to see she's contributing now. Except where she almost shot Rick! :D

I love how methodically they cleared the jail yard and then went in all Greek military style (according to Talking Dead) and cleared the courtyard. And the armored zombies were totally like something out of a video game! That's the first thing I thought when I saw them...

I was thinking the same thing about the double tap thing with the zombies in the hallway. Something told me the ankle biter wasn't all the way dead, but I was happy to see Rick take the hack-a-tibia routine. If you think about it like a snake bite, isolate the venom so it doesn't affect the whole body. Same thing with the bite; hack the leg, save the body...or I'm sure that was the thought. We have to see if Hershel survives...it would suck to lose the damn doctor!

I had the luxury of watching all of season 1 and 2 without having to wait...I'm going to go crazy waiting on this show every week!


Socialist Canada
Did not catch the season opening episode Sunday because it is on at the same time as copper and choose to watch that show instead. But I am still hoping to catch the show during one of it's many re-runs. :lol:


Well-Known Member
So there is a chance that AMC will repeat on episode of The Walking Dead??



Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe how graphic the final scene was.

Fun coincidence. Right when I was moving out of my old building, a new guy was moving in. We both work in entertainment and I was like, "oh, what do you do?"

Ended up he is the editor for "The Walking Dead" -- Jules Ramsay. I would've stayed just to be able to pick his brain, but I'm sure he has an airtight nda.


Skating + photography = my heaven :)
So...is Lori going to have a zombie baby? Because that would be awesome! ;)


Headcase Addict
Did not catch the season opening episode Sunday because it is on at the same time as copper and choose to watch that show instead. But I am still hoping to catch the show during one of it's many re-runs. :lol:

You can watch the Season 3 premiere of "The Walking Dead" here on AMCTV.com.:

You can watch "Talking Dead" too. The half-hour chat show after the premiere.:

The 4-part Webisodes are fun to watch too.


Socialist Canada
Haven't been able to see it so hopefully tomorrow when I'm off I will do just that. LOL


Well-Known Member
My favorite was when Carol came onto Daryl into a half joking way and then Daryl said "I'll go down first" while climbing down. I think Carol even made a funny remark about it but I was already too busy spitting out my drink.


Socialist Canada
Finally saw the season premier and I feel for Daryl.He look so uncomfortable! hehehehe That must have been the first time in his life a chick hit on him. :lol:


keeper of Rinka's isopod plushies
Liking the first two episodes this season. It seems like they're picking up the pace through the comic's story arcs - I think they packed maybe 2-3 comics worth of plot in the past episode. Even as a fan of the comics, I think they spent waaaay too much time on the farm last season, so for me this is an improvement.

It's interesting how they seem to be merging Hershel's comic story lines with Dale's now that the latter is RIP. Also interesting to see in the next episode preview that they may make Michonne/Andrea's storyline run in parallel with the prison story arc - another time-saving way to cover more source material in a shorter time.

Daryl is IMO the best change from the comic to the TV series. His character is gritty and likeable, and he's like a wild card thrown into the mix so he's a good reason for someone who's read the comics to watch and see how he changes the group dynamics and how things play out.

What do the fans who haven't read the comics think of this season so far?
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