Skate Canada 2023 Rhythm Dance - Sweet Dreams Are Made of Fleece


Simply looking
To add, US Judge had Gilles & Poirier only 1.15 points ahead of Fear & Gibson, closer than the British judge.

Missing the gene that allows you to feel shame is one of the prerequisites to be a big fed ice dance judge.

Hmmmm. Gilles/Poirier often get huge scores and all level 4s at Skate Canada they never get most of the rest of the season. I mean, I'm not an ISU judge but 87+ seems pretty high this early in the season. 🤷‍♂️


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Paul and Piper looked like they were dressed for different programs. And neither was the one they were skating. Piper was obviously going for a stereotypical '80s look but to do Robert Palmer, she needs to be wearing solid black.
The first song was a new wave song from an English band, she was dressed appropriately for that.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
At the end of the competition, Kaitlyn Weaver, on behalf of Skate Canada Productions, interviewed the Chair of the ISU Ice Dance Technical Committee (who was also the RD Referee), Shawn RETTSTATT. It was quite an interesting interview and worth watching if you get a chance.
do you have a link?


Skating season ends as baseball season begins
Wrong thread, legit have no clue how that turned around.


Ubering juniors against my will
Zingas has a visible (muscular) butt and thighs even in black. She reminds me too much of Samuelson, and look at what her fate was under Spilband, for whom his female dancers can't be too thin. I think IS is showing off Kolesnik until he finds a Chock substitute.
But isn't Kolesnik one of those "I can't skate with anyone but my girlfriend" boys? So he probably wouldn't stand for it.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else think Piper and Paul fell for a second during their roll on the ice moment?
I audibly gasped bc he started going down just a split second before her. Then as she went down I realized what was happening!

My 10 year old daughter, who came with me to watch SA last weekend, enjoyed F/G the most. She knew all the words from their music! She did not like Piper’s outfit (or Lilah’s for that matter). She knows nothing about ice dance but did remember that she saw the Brown’s last weekend.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
L/R really fun, I enjoyed that. Very 80s vibe. It was like my juniors from last year--very pleasant to teach and I forgot them the second after the year ended.

Z/K. I would love to go to a club with her. I'd like to see her and Loena skate together. Maybe not the best ice dancers, but man, she can shake it. Not sure about the choice of music of Liberian Girl--who thought that was a good idea? If I were H/B, G/P, or C-Poms, I'd be sleeping with one eye open. They get those twizzles in order, they are podium-bound. While it was not BY FAR the best FD I've seen, it has some of the best dancing I've seen.

F/A. If Glee could be translated to ice dance, that's what it would look like.

W/L. This was SUCH a fantastic choice of music--Rock Me Amadeus is one of the few songs from the 80s that could really, really work with the Silver Samba, but it needed a better skilled team. H/B could have done something really amazing with this music. I like W/L but I'm actually angry that this fabulous idea was wasted on a team that will never have the skill level to do it justice. I mean, I could watch her shoulder shimmy to anything, but man, what could have been...

JvR/S. They look like a parody of a German team, like they should be in the background of Blades of Glory. They should have just leaned into it and skated to Scorpions.

Back for my very informative thoughts and opinions on the second group after the men's.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
P/B, I honestly forgot that as soon as the music ended. I think this is one of those teams that will spend a decade in fifth place.

Browns in first deservedly among the Americans in the RD but would not be surprised if some shuffling happened in the FD, or not, considering the Browns got a deduction and were still in first.

Saulius was meant to be Axl Rose's Eurotrash cousin and Allison his groupie.

P/G. This whole RD has a couples skate at the rolling skating rink circa 1982 vibe and I'm HERE FOR IT. Some impressive individual moves but I'm not sure how it holds together as a program. I do love Piper's shiny butt. If I had a butt like that I'd plaster it in iridescent mermaid short pants too. I am also over ice dancers flopping about the ice. I'm not sure what they did, but they did it very well.

F/G, I'm over them. Sorry. Two years ago I really loved them and last year I loved their RD, but I feel like their scores have gone up but not their progression. And that score was way too high. I think the Browns showed more skill and R/A were more 80s. That being said, I don't have a problem with F/G being in second, but their score should be closer, a lot to closer, than R/A than P/G.

All in all, a fun event. Not as stacked as SKAM, but a lot of fun.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
L/R really fun, I enjoyed that. Very 80s vibe. It was like my juniors from last year--very pleasant to teach and I forgot them the second after the year ended.

Z/K. I would love to go to a club with her. I'd like to see her and Loena skate together. Maybe not the best ice dancers, but man, she can shake it. Not sure about the choice of music of Liberian Girl--who thought that was a good idea? If I were H/B, G/P, or C-Poms, I'd be sleeping with one eye open. They get those twizzles in order, they are podium-bound. While it was not BY FAR the best FD I've seen, it has some of the best dancing I've seen.

F/A. If Glee could be translated to ice dance, that's what it would look like.

W/L. This was SUCH a fantastic choice of music--Rock Me Amadeus is one of the few songs from the 80s that could really, really work with the Silver Samba, but it needed a better skilled team. H/B could have done something really amazing with this music. I like W/L but I'm actually angry that this fabulous idea was wasted on a team that will never have the skill level to do it justice. I mean, I could watch her shoulder shimmy to anything, but man, what could have been...

JvR/S. They look like a parody of a German team, like they should be in the background of Blades of Glory. They should have just leaned into it and skated to Scorpions.

Back for my very informative thoughts and opinions on the second group after the men's.
I am going to have to go back and watch any couple who skates to Amadeus.


Well-Known Member
I kind of wish Paul & Piper were doing an Addicted to Love/Power of Love combo. The current program is a good start & I was fine with the soft rock feel at the beginning; but I felt during the practice run-through like it should build more. The performance tonight felt better as the audience aided in the sense of the program's build (and the same will happen in Montreal); but I wanted to share my initial impression from the practice here because you never know how something will play elsewhere.


Also, another observation I think teams maybe haven't considered with all the posing at the boards for the choreographic step sequence. The live audience can't always see teams when they are close to the boards. And, of course, most of the audience can't see the mugging for the camera directly in front of the judges. Often in a rink, the latter would be on a big screen at the center of the rink; but there is no such center screen in this particular arena &, of course, not in various arenas for various smaller events. (This arena has a big screens at both ends of the ice, but that makes it impossible to glance up for viewing opening & ending poses and still manage to see the maximum amount of the programs live).

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
RIP compulsories.
Yeah, I don't know why they bothered. You could barely see Silver Samba in most of those programs.

I'd like to thank Piper Gilles for being the only skater so far to attempt a costume that might have actually come from the '80s, alhough I agree she needs some fluoro leg warmers to complete the look.

Enjoyed the Browns, Gilles/Poirier and Fear/Gibson, although I'm giving serious side eye to that Eurythmics re-mix from the latter, particularly as I don't understand why they couldn't have gone with the original (and done better music edits).

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
I am just currently watching the replay of the dance here in Australia.

Firstly I am horrified by the German's use of Beds are Burning. For me it is probably not as bad as Domnina/Shabalin's "Aboriginal" program. But I still think if you are going to use a piece of music that talks about Aboriginal disadvantage that has recently been highlighted by the referendum to the Voice to Parliament here in Australia, then you need to take it a bit more seriously than treating it like you are out then for sh*ts and giggles. I don't know if I am overreacting and I am probably the only one who is thinking this, but as a big Midnight Oil fan and have always taken the messages of their songs very seriously, I was sitting there using multiple expletives. And as for the program as a program, it was a pile of doo doo.

Secondly if you are going to AC/DC you need to have a six pack of VB and a pack of ciggies, use this costume and dance like this

After reading the Chinese were skating to Amadeus I had high expectations but was very let down.

Logan & Pate somehow reminded me of Blades of Glory when the Van Woldenbergs skated to Good Vibrations.

I actually liked Z&K. I think they had some really great dance moves and hit a lot of highlights of the music.

Browns - really likey. Original choice of music and skated very well to it.

F&G - very good. However I think they are one team that could have used Blue Monday or a New Order medley and killed it.
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Firstly I am horrified by the German's use of Beds are Burning. For me it is probably not as bad as Domnina/Shabalin's "Aboriginal" program. But I still think if you are going to use a piece of music that talks about Aboriginal disadvantage that has recently been highlighted by the referendum to the Voice to Parliament here in Australia, then you need to take it a bit more seriously than treating it like you are out then for sh*ts and giggles. I don't know if I am overreacting and I am probably the only one who is thinking this, but as a big Midnight Oil fan and have always taken the messages of their songs very seriously, I was sitting there using multiple expletives.
I have to say I had no idea what that song was about. Thanks for the information, and I'm not reading more about the song, and re-reading the lyrics.


Simply looking
I have to say, especially since they can mechanically alter tempos and such these days, I can't believe a team has missed out on "Smooth Operator" for the silver samba. It could have been paired with maybe a Lionel Richie tune... Would fit the 80s theme perfectly, and both were fab singers. :swoon:


Well-Known Member
I am late at watching, had to sleep after travelling quite a long time yesterday:
After I saw the free dance practice clips of my favourites Piper & Paul (which I found bland) and reading your mixed reaction to their rhythm dance, I was a bit worried. But I do love their rhythm dance, I think it is very innovative, intricate choreography (I love that belly slide or whatever you might call this), sharp performance and I love Piper‘s costume. But Paul needs a new one, maybe in the colour of her top. And of course: please new free dance costumes for botj, those pale shiny things are just so wrong for them and for „Wuthering Heughts“. Puper can sell hers to a Korean skater.
I still do not like the dance of Fear/Gibson, the music of Reed/Ambrulevicius (they probably will win bronze at Kaunas with it though) and find the program of Pate/Bye very wrong. The Browns were alright and i liked Wang/Liu more than most of you, but agree: They should have more Falco lyrics, maybe also should include „Der Kommissar“.
Also: I can watch the ISU channel on Youtube from Germany, no VPN needed. At least zoday (meaning not live)


Well-Known Member
I am just currently watching the replay of the dance here in Australia.

Firstly I am horrified by the German's use of Beds are Burning. For me it is probably not as bad as Domnina/Shabalin's "Aboriginal" program. But I still think if you are going to use a piece of music that talks about Aboriginal disadvantage that has recently been highlighted by the referendum to the Voice to Parliament here in Australia, then you need to take it a bit more seriously than treating it like you are out then for sh*ts and giggles. I don't know if I am overreacting and I am probably the only one who is thinking this, but as a big Midnight Oil fan and have always taken the messages of their songs very seriously, I was sitting there using multiple expletives. And as for the program as a program, it was a pile of doo doo.
I can understand your reaction. To give some context from a German perspective: The song was and is a huge radio hit here, a party song still used at university dance nights and such. Probably 99 percent of Germans do not know the context. It is a catchy tune and you can sing or shout along to it when you are drunk. I do not know who suggested the song to them and I was thinking about to tell them that people might be offended by the use of the song, but could not find the right moment at Nebelhorn.
I guess especially Jennifer could relate as she does not come from a typical German background (her mother is Philippinian)
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Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
I can understand your reaction. To give some context from a German perspective: The song was and is a huge radio hit here, a party song still used at university dance nights and such. Probably 99 percent of Germans do not know the context. It is a catchy tune and you can sing or shout along to it when you are drunk. I do not know who suggested the song to them and I was thinking about to tell them that people might be offended by the use of the song, but could not find the right moment at Nebelhorn.
I guess especially Jennifer could relate as she does not come from a typical German background (her mother is Philippinian)
Thank you for your post. I think someone does need to tell them and they should change it. It is not going to get the same outrage that Domnina/Shabalin did because of the costumes, but it is still a song with a message. Which with the current political climate over indigenous rights in Australia is overstepping the mark.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Belated impressions

Zingas/Kolesnik: Good performance. Very danceable from her and overall strong from him. Twizzles, of course, were a big problem so looking forward to seeing how they handle those in the FD.
Wang/Liu: They've taken several steps back unfortunately. Just not technically where they would need to be.
Janse van/Rensburg/Steffan: Some shaky moments and then I got distracted by a conversation with a friend about different technique for mohawks and choctaws.
Pate/Bye: Everything was adequate, smooth and well-trained. Think the depth of their edges could be improved.
Brown/Brown: Nice program with good musicality and crisp steps. She's skating the program a little "shy" so would like to see her perform with more confidence/panache to match her brother.
Reed/Ambrulevicious: I liked. Strong skating and carried the 80's theme well.
Gilles/Poirier: I want a different costume from him. Good concept and good performance. Nice change of pace for them, too, with a more fun program.
Fear/Gibson: I did not hate their skating in this program, which is high praise from me. :p


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Thank you for your post. I think someone does need to tell them and they should change it. It is not going to get the same outrage that Domnina/Shabalin did because of the costumes, but it is still a song with a message. Which with the current political climate over indigenous rights in Australia is overstepping the mark.
Oh, FFS. Why do you expect German ice dancers to have a clue about what is going on in Australian politics currently or the history of some pop song written 40 years ago?

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
Oh, FFS. Why do you expect German ice dancers to have a clue about what is going on in Australian politics currently or the history of some pop song written 40 years ago?
Really?! If a skater or skaters had indavertently (and clearly it IS inadvertent) used a piece which had a potential message around Native Americans, POC or a minority then people here would be screaming blue murder, regardless of how long ago it was written.

For full transparency I was never a fan of Midnight Oil and didn't realise there was a message to the song either (though probably should have, given the artist involved), but you just implied that just because Australia is a small political nation with no international clout that it doesn't matter, and that's a bit on the nose, in my opinion.

All that was suggested is that someone should clue the skaters in - whether they then decide to do something with that information is up to them.
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Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Really?! If a skater or skaters had indavertently (and clearly it IS inadvertent) used a piece which had a potential message around Native Americans, POC or a minority then people here would be screaming blue murder, regardless of how long ago it was written.

For full transparency I was never a fan of Midnight Oil and didn't realise there was a message to the song either (though probably should have, given the artist involved), but you just implied that just because Australia is a small political nation with no international clout that it doesn't matter, and that's a bit on the nose, in my opinion.

All that was suggested is that someone should clue te skaters in - whether they then decide to do something with that information is up to them.
Well I figure your reply is to a person who I have on ignore because of their usual denigrating comments when they don't agree with someone.

I don't doubt that the couple picked that music because they liked it and thought it would make a good program. But there was also a risk that because of the message of the song someone was going to draw attention to it not being appropriate given the context as to how they were performing it.

And with the recent referendum here in Australia on the Voice which the rejection of was a massive slap in the face to indigenous people, some us are feeling incredibly sensitive about the issue. And myself personally who witnessed so much racism that the No campaign brought out I find the experience very raw and upsetting.

If I had been judging that program I don't know how I would have felt. Just glad I wasn't.
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Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
Well I figure your reply is to a person who I have on ignore because of their usual denigrating comments when they don't agree with someone.
I quoted the post in question in my reply, so yes it must be someone you have on ignore.
And with the recent referendum here in Australia on the Voice which the rejection of was a massive slap in the face to indigenous people, some us are feeling incredibly sensitive about the issue.
Indeed. I don't expect anyone in another country to be aware of all of that though, and in this case the context given by sus2850 was particularly useful to know. So yes, skaters or their coach should perhaps be made aware that there's more to the song and they can then draw their own conclusion.

I personally feel that it's a bit different to the Domnina/Shabilin thing because I would have expected some research to be done into something which was meant to be a folk dance for a specific culture according to the brief for that year, but wouldn't necessarily expect people to look into the background of a specific song which was, by above accounts, popular on the radio in Germany.

There was some discussion last season around how appropriate it was for Carreira/Ponomarenko to use something from Porgy and Bess. That seems a better comparison to me, but YMMV.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I quoted the post in question in my reply, so yes it must be someone you have on ignore.

Indeed. I don't expect anyone in another country to be aware of all of that though, and in this case the context given by sus2850 was particularly useful to know. So yes, skaters or their coach should perhaps be made aware that there's more to the song and they can then draw their own conclusion.

I personally feel that it's a bit different to the Domnina/Shabilin thing because I would have expected some research to be done into something which was meant to be a folk dance for a specific culture according to the brief for that year, but wouldn't necessarily expect people to look into the background of a specific song which was, by above accounts, popular on the radio in Germany.

There was some discussion last season around how appropriate it was for Carreira/Ponomarenko to use something from Porgy and Bess. That seems a better comparison to me, but YMMV.
And yet there isn't any discussion about Maddie Schizas using "Summertime". Seems to me that people around here have certain skaters they're happy to use as punching bags for whatever "problematic" choices they make - music, social media likes, coaches, etc.

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