Work woes


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
I have heard the overwork stories so many times. Bosses are only TOO happy to exploit you, it seems--even when it's NOT in their best interest. After all, who puts out decent work when they're completely exhausted and drained? Stick to your guns, keep saying NO when it needs to be said, keep documenting everything, and enjoy your life!


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
I just re-found a note I'd taken two years ago, upon hearing a slam poet speak at a conference. He wrote an awesome haiku about work. Seemed pretty relevant to this discussion.

Work all the damn time
Boss works less, makes three times more

--Kane Smego (has some really great material on a lot of topics, look for him on youtube)


Well-Known Member
I'm late to this thread - but found it interesting as I was in the same situation as you a few years ago. It seems that the 'expectation' is that employees will 'do more with less' whether that be people, hours, resources. As a former union job steward, I second those who recommended you keep documentation of conversations/reports/emails. And asking your manager to prioritize tasks when there isn't time to do them all is a great solution.

Sounds like you are managing the situation well - I wish you the best. It's a tough situation to be in - especially if you aren't sure of your options. Your health is so important - don't let it slide too far, because it's harder and harder to regain as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
Even with her poor performance, poor customer service skills, multiple mistakes due to drug use and excessive absences for miscellaneous reasons leaving her department and supervisor in a bad situation, she was given raises and promotions.

When the CEO had to apologize to a customer for mistreating him, management dismissed her behavior as having a bad day. Her supervisor told the CEO that she repeatedly receives complaints about that employee's demeanor to customers. They brushed off the documented complaints.

That employee's supervisor feels like the employee is protected because she is Caucasian.

Taking time off is an issue when it comes to work. Our company let a couple of people go recently for that reason. And poor performance too is a justifiable reason to let someone go.

However the reason for it should not be subject to judgement or condemnation. Your comments about this woman's abortion are judgmental and unacceptable, regardless of what you think. If that was given as a reason for termination of her employment, I would think she would have reason to sue for discrimination.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Even with her poor performance, poor customer service skills, multiple mistakes due to drug use and excessive absences for miscellaneous reasons leaving her department and supervisor in a bad situation, she was given raises and promotions.

When the CEO had to apologize to a customer for mistreating him, management dismissed her behavior as having a bad day. Her supervisor told the CEO that she repeatedly receives complaints about that employee's demeanor to customers. They brushed off the documented complaints.

That employee's supervisor feels like the employee is protected because she is Caucasian.
Hmmmm I left my previous employment due to bullying. The bully got away with her behaviour because she was a single mother with a son who had a condition that was eventually going to make him disabled. Regardless of her mental health issues and personal situation, her behaviour and reputation was appalling.

What I am saying is that regardless of your perception of the situation, others are going look on the situation differently.


Well-Known Member
What happened to you was unfair as well.

The former supervisor of that employee had all the documentation was in that employee's file (errors that cost the company money, complaints from customers, excessive absences, counseling sessions, write-ups), yet her supervisor was forced to give that employee a raise, then promote her because that employee was liked by management despite her poor performance. Yes, she was Caucasian.

I myself had an underperforming employee who was always late to work, late on completing projects, behavior that was considered sexual harassment, and insubordinate. I documented all of that behavior and I was also forced to give him a raise, because he too was a favorite. And yes, he looked Caucasian but people didn't know his mother was Asian.

Hmmmm I left my previous employment due to bullying. The bully got away with her behaviour because she was a single mother with a son who had a condition that was eventually going to make him disabled. Regardless of her mental health issues and personal situation, her behaviour and reputation was appalling.

What I am saying is that regardless of your perception of the situation, others are going look on the situation differently.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
What happened to you was unfair as well.

The former supervisor of that employee had all the documentation was in that employee's file (errors that cost the company money, complaints from customers, excessive absences, counseling sessions, write-ups), yet her supervisor was forced to give that employee a raise, then promote her because that employee was liked by management despite her poor performance. Yes, she was Caucasian.

I myself had an underperforming employee who was always late to work, late on completing projects, behavior that was considered sexual harassment, and insubordinate. I documented all of that behavior and I was also forced to give him a raise, because he too was a favorite. And yes, he looked Caucasian but people didn't know his mother was Asian.
You know what stuff like this happens all the time. If you have a problem with the culture of the organisation, then go and find another job. You will not change it but there is no point complaining about it. How you respond is actually up to you.


Well-Known Member
I did leave.
It made me realize that not all workplaces are so messed up and dysfunctional.

You know what stuff like this happens all the time. If you have a problem with the culture of the organisation, then go and find another job. You will not change it but there is no point complaining about it. How you respond is actually up to you.

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