The Dance Hall 12: Boston Tea Dance Party


Well-Known Member
This is a general discussion thread for all things ice dance. A place where fans of all ice dance teams can discuss their favorite heart-stopping moments, tear-inducing mistakes, WTH rule changes, costume malfunctions, getting your GED in GOE, and whatever else the ice dance world throws at us.

Here's to a season of :wuzrobbed ,:cheer2:, and I Like that Old Time Rock and RollšŸŽ¶.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
On the North American scene, weā€™ve got ongoing subplots around the identity of the #2 teams to carry over into this season.

In Canada, it was kind of a question in the first half of the season whether Marjorie & Zach could meaningfully close the gap with Laurence & Nikolaj. Marjorieā€™s injury put this on the back burner for most of the second half, but then at Worlds they actually managed it, with an assist from some bad RD twizzles. So, can they keep this going (assuming F-B/S come back at all)? You would think momentum is on their side at this point.

In the US, Caroline & Michael had appeared to have spent the last few seasons building a strong foundation to be the top dogs among the younger teams (relatively speaking, Michael isnā€™t especially young at this point). But that all crumbled this past season, and seemingly without much prompting, while Christina & Anthony rocketed to new heights that seemed out of reach for a while there. Does this stick? Feels like this might be make-or-break for G/P to turn things around or else be firmly third at best on the domestic standings.


In Canada, it was kind of a question in the first half of the season whether Marjorie & Zach could meaningfully close the gap with Laurence & Nikolaj. Marjorieā€™s injury put this on the back burner for most of the second half, but then at Worlds they actually managed it, with an assist from some bad RD twizzles. So, can they keep this going (assuming F-B/S come back at all)? You would think momentum is on their side at this point.
Lajoe/Lagha also outscored Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen in the free skate. I don't know if that means anything but it was more than just the error in the rhythm dance.


Skating season ends as baseball season begins
Lajoe/Lagha also outscored Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen in the free skate. I don't know if that means anything but it was more than just the error in the rhythm dance.

As a former FB&S stan, even I had to admit then their inconsistency and injuries really held them back. I guess it was a matter of time before Lajoie & Lagha passed them, as they're certainly consistent, energetic skaters comparatively. But, boy howdy, did they ever do it decisively with their worlds performances.

Knowing THAT came after Marjorie's injury? Even without current investigations, Skate Canada would be stupid not to stake L&L as clear #2, encroaching on #1.


I bite because I like it
And to start us off ... there's a new junior French team at Villard de Lans: Lou Koch and Lucas Chataignoux.
Lou Koch and Alex Buchholdt withdrew from both their international assignments for GB, so this new team should be eligible for JGP selection for France.
Curious to learn what the status of Cesanek/Yehorov is. Have they sat out the season for a country change or retired?
They havenā€™t made an announcement but theyā€™ve been removed from the world standings lists, which is usually the sign of a soft retirement. Country swap couples keep their WS points, e.g. Soucisse/Firusā€™ results for Canada still factor into their world standing.

Plus Molly is pretty active on instagram and it certainly looks like theyā€™ve moved on from competitive skating.

From the previous thread:

Inserting a Junior Ice Dance split here as Worlds competition begins... Brazilā€™s Catharina Guedes Tibau, 17, announced yesterday that her and (Canadian-born 18-year-old) Cayden Dawson's "... goals are no longer aligned and our careers together ends here. Wishing Cayden all the best in whatever he decides to do in the future.":
Cat Guedes Tibau is on IPS, and it looks like sheā€™s left Carol Laneā€™s group and moved to IAM Ontario.


Well-Known Member
On the North American scene, weā€™ve got ongoing subplots around the identity of the #2 teams to carry over into this season.

In Canada, it was kind of a question in the first half of the season whether Marjorie & Zach could meaningfully close the gap with Laurence & Nikolaj. Marjorieā€™s injury put this on the back burner for most of the second half, but then at Worlds they actually managed it, with an assist from some bad RD twizzles. So, can they keep this going (assuming F-B/S come back at all)? You would think momentum is on their side at this point.

In the US, Caroline & Michael had appeared to have spent the last few seasons building a strong foundation to be the top dogs among the younger teams (relatively speaking, Michael isnā€™t especially young at this point). But that all crumbled this past season, and seemingly without much prompting, while Christina & Anthony rocketed to new heights that seemed out of reach for a while there. Does this stick? Feels like this might be make-or-break for G/P to turn things around or else be firmly third at best on the domestic standings.

For Canada, I would imagine recent events have made it easier to decide who to throw political weight behind. LaLa are young enough to be at the 2026 and 2030 Olympics (or even beyond, given that we're seeing more mid-30s ice dancers these days), health permitting, and they do have a ton of momentum as the future of Canadian ice dance. FB/S won't continue beyond 2026, if they even make it that far, and have a history of inconsistency and fluke errors. I was a fan of theirs before the news of the last few months, and watching their programs was always a stressful experience!

For the US, I do think it's very possible for G/P and C/P to wind up back on relatively even footing, in the way that C/B, the Shibs, and H/D used to be. But that will depend heavily on whether G/P's issues this season were truly temporary/injury-based, and how they and their team respond to this year's feedback. And then, as you point out, there's the matter of Michael's age. It's easy to forget, since he competed junior at the same time as C/P, that he will be 30 before the next Olympics. Again, we're seeing more teams continuing into their mid-30s, so that doesn't necessarily mean retirement looms, but combine that with the large age gap between him and Caroline, and the fact that C/P are 4-5 years younger, I could see a scenario where the US fed prefers to put their push behind the younger team too (and how well the even-younger teams, like Neset/Markelov, do in the senior transition).

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
One thing I noticed at Worlds was that the judging has somewhat returned to the earlier eras when maturity and polish were highly valued over technical prowess. Not saying it's bad thing, but now that the IJS system is over 20 years old, it's no longer the case that the younger ice dancers have huge technical advantages over the older dancers. However, the CarPoms, LopBris, and the LaLas wuz still robbed ;)


RIP D-10
The older dancers now came up under IJS, just like the younger ones. Coming up under the system, or, at first, training with coaches who jumped on it, like Belbin/Agosto under Shpilband and Zoueva, had been a great advantage over the younger teams, but that no longer exists. Itā€™s less of an either/or than both>just one.
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Hey, Kool-Aid!
Oh to be a fly on the wall when that decision was negotiated. Because Dave also implied a season or two ago that IAM turned them down.

Mind you they had a stronger stable when that happened and I don't expect to see some of their stronger teams return or P/C to come back.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Just going to put this here based on some of the comments I am seeing out there on social media that some people might want to check their misogyny at the door because MF isn't the only f****ng coach there but a lot of the nastier comments are about her and not any of the male coaches who clearly decide these things as a group...


Well-Known Member
if I were C/B or Madi Hubbell I would be furious. The daughter of the woman who denied them a Gold medal for years and a medal ceremony at the Olympics is now being coached by their coaches?

That has got to have a massive negative impact on the dynamic of the entire school.

(also yeah she's her own person and we shouldn't base our opinions on her based on who her mother is, but the fact is that her mother is who she is and you can't get away from that. This sport is in the business of politics and so yeah actually it really does matter)


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I mean I get that people have been endlessly in agony over this team and their sub-top 10 World status the last few seasons that they've competed, but what have Diana and Gleb done to deserve discrimination against them?

I would imagine a lot of people don't want to be connected with the actions of their parents, but that's me. I've also read ridiculously stupid (yes, stupid) proclamations about how this team would be on the World podium in 2022, how their score from a wildly overmarked event as a whole was a sign of the power Eteri has, and I heard all year how they would push right into the top 10 at Worlds. None of this is happening.


Well-Known Member
I mean I get that people have been endlessly in agony over this team and their sub-top 10 World status the last few seasons that they've competed, but what have Diana and Gleb done to deserve discrimination against them?

I would imagine a lot of people don't want to be connected with the actions of their parents, but that's me.
we all have things we don't want to deal with in life but have to due to our circumstances. If you don't want to be associated with your parent then don't allow them anywhere near your career, but that's me.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I would imagine a lot of people don't want to be connected with the actions of their parents, but that's me. I've also read ridiculously stupid (yes, stupid) proclamations about how this team would be on the World podium in 2022, how their score from a wildly overmarked event as a whole was a sign of the power Eteri has, and I heard all year how they would push right into the top 10 at Worlds. None of this is happening.
ok but it's for real this time Olympic podium here they come


Well-Known Member
He can train at IAM already? It's fine with me if they are training with IAM, but the news surprises me because it doesn't seem to jive with the estimates in the U.S. dance thread for how long it takes to get U.S. citizenship after marriage. Is it only one year?


Well-Known Member
He can train at IAM already? It's fine with me if they are training with IAM, but the news surprises me because it doesn't seem to jive with the estimates in the U.S. dance thread for how long it takes to get U.S. citizenship after marriage. Is it only one year?
they represent Georgia


Well-Known Member
Yes, but I've been assuming he was still trying to acquire U.S. citizenship. Is he not?


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I am curious what they think they'll get out of a move to iam. They are very mid, but they don't have the charm and charisma of fear/gibson to really make a move with like entertainment value. It might take some work to get them some kind of personality.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I am curious what they think they'll get out of a move to iam. They are very mid, but they don't have the charm and charisma of fear/gibson to really make a move with like entertainment value. It might take some work to get them some kind of personality.
I think IAM can do for them the same thing they did for Chock/Bates. I can see similarities in that the male is much stronger skater, female quite small boned and lifts being their strength. At IAM they will get better programs, well in the Olympic season. In the first season they will get generic FD while they teach Diana proper skating technique.

It's all quite depressing BUT for those who wanted more drama back into ice dance here it is on a silver platter.

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