Tell Us About Your Pet(s)


Well-Known Member
Your wonderful companion animals: Who are they? WHAT are they? Why do you love them? Personality type? Do they ever surprise you? I know they are a godsend especially in tough times.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
I now have three kitties. My old diabetic B&W cat Joubert who is about 14. I also have two kittens that I recently fostered and were failures. Pearl is a tabby (torbie) who is pretty smart with a strong personality. When I got her as a foster with her brother Possum they were timid as anything. Now she is a very loving kitty. Jasmine is a little ginger girl who is very sweet and doesn't mind anyone. Joubert couldn't care less for the kittens. The kittens have become pretty good buddies and get on very well with each other.

Joubert is in my profile photo. Pearl and Jasmine are in the link below.



Let the skating begin
I have two black Standard Poodles who are too smart for their own good. Or mine. Bella and Draco. Standard Poodles truly have a well developed sense of humor. Mine keep me entertained all the time.


Fan of many, uber of none
I have three kitties of unique personalities (Ethel, Lucy and Junebug; Lucy is alpha cat, Buggy is the whiney baby, Ethel is wonderfully chill); an atomic Pomeranian (he's a throwback Pom, so is tall and long and 20 pounds, perfectly healthy) named Charley; and an old and decrepit, nearly bald ferret named Weezie. She is at old age for a ferret, and still plays, but definitely tires out a lot sooner and then wants to sleep and be left alone.


Well-Known Member
My avatar is my Bandit! I post about him a lot.

He isn't the smartest dog I've ever had, or else he is smart enough to convince everyone that he's not smart. I haven't been able to teach him much of anything. My previous golden learned 'over, over' in just two repetitions. Bandit never got it and thinks 'over, over' means come. He's got funny wiring, this dog.

He's a very exuberant, friendly and noisy dog. His sole purpose in life is to be happy and share happiness.

We've also got Leo, a beautiful gray cat with a ton of laments. Among them, having to live with a dog. Leo and Bandit were kitten and puppy together. In a way they are like brothers from a different mother, but Leo does get very annoyed with the dog, who loves to hump him. He likes to sit on to of the recycling box in the kitchen and swipe his paws at Bandit or the humans, should we be within reach. Bandit retaliates by maneuvering him into a corner.

Here's some photos of the pets I have and a few I've had in the past:
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Well-Known Member
<<< Sunny Sunshine!!! Someone on my neighborhood boards found some poor kittens alone (they think the mama got in a coyote fight) and took care of them til they could find them homes. When I saw the pictures of them I said, "dat kitty looks like a little ball of sunny sunshine!", so dat be kitty's name. :cat:

He's a little monster sometimes as he likes to 'attack' and gets a little rough when he plays and might bite and scratch a little too hard. Totally makes a mess of his food ... scoops the water out of his bowl with this paws and same with his food, so there's always food and water scattered on the floor. He messy. Not a big cuddler but comes to sleep with me at night a lot ... unless mommy antagonizes him too much then he huffs away and sleeps in the other room. Such :drama:. But he my big ole baby fluffball. :cat:


Well-Known Member
My cats, Jake is the ginger and Blue is the gray. I adopted them two years ago. Jake is very cuddly, loves to sit on me and wakes me up every morning. Blue is more cautious, allows me to pet him but doesn’t allow me to pick him up.


Well-Known Member
Our indoor cat managed to escape last night when my husband was putting out the recycling. He didn't notice at the time, so a couple of hours probably passed before we went looking (in the dark). We couldn't find her, but she was sitting outside the front door when I went to check the locks before bed. A bit sticky, but otherwise fine. :) My husband, however, is in the dog house. ;)


A bitch from Canada
<<<< This is Puppy Habs; her name is Molly.
She was a rescue from the Humane Society. We don't know anything about her background, what breed she is, or how old she is, but we've had her for almost 9 years and she's perfect. She's definitely part Shih Tzu and maybe part Maltese. We think she was still a puppy when we got her so she's around 9 years old. She's not the smartest, but she's wonderfully sweet, loves to cuddle, and is the world's best lap dog. She adjusted wonderfully when our kids were born and is a good dog sister. Her favourite things, in order, are the furry blanket on the bed, treats, and walks (but only when there's no snow or ice).


Well-Known Member
Thank you for posting...I need to get a companion soon---it is nice to read about yours.


Well-Known Member
I have three kitties of unique personalities (Ethel, Lucy and Junebug; Lucy is alpha cat, Buggy is the whiney baby, Ethel is wonderfully chill); an atomic Pomeranian (he's a throwback Pom, so is tall and long and 20 pounds, perfectly healthy) named Charley; and an old and decrepit, nearly bald ferret named Weezie. She is at old age for a ferret, and still plays, but definitely tires out a lot sooner and then wants to sleep and be left alone.

How do you care for a ferret?


Well-Known Member
My long term foster kitty, BradLeo, has been with me for 2 months. He will stay with me as a foster so the shelter pays for his medical care and food. He was dumped, fell in with a feral colony and was near death when he was trapped. After 2 months in the hospital they started looking for a home for him. He is sweet, talkative, and affectionate. He is sleeping on my lap as I type, half snoring and half purring.

He has his own Instagram: Bradley_the_cute_cat


Doing all the things
We have two kitties and one dog who might as well be a kitty.

Tabitha was part of a family -- mom and siblings -- living under a dumpster at 7 weeks. Her sibs were all adopted very fast but she hated the adoption showcase and was 6-7 months when we clicked and I took her home. I thought her name was unimaginative but she'd had it long enough that I kept it.

Purr$ace (rhymes with Versace) was one of several kittens found in a car in the High School Auto Shop. The student who found them took them home and passed them around until they all found homes. Purr$ace was 3-4 weeks old when we took her and we had to bottlefeed her a bit though she was ready to be weaned so it wasn't too bad. She doesn't get along with anyone but my husband.

Sparky was 13 when his family took him to the pound at Christmas Time. Because he was so old, he was put on the kill list right away. I saw him on Facebook and had to save him. It turned out that in addition to needing dental work and having a chronic wheeze, he was deaf and had bad arthritis and a heart condition. He was (and is) the sweetest thing though and just loves life. He's only all sorts of meds to control his conditions and is still puttering away at 15-16 years old.


Well-Known Member
<--- This is Pumpkin. About 15 years ago I saw a tiny kitty crying. She was abandoned in the parking lot of my apartment building (I was liviing in Cincinnati at that time.) It took a week for her to get into the trap so I could finally take her home. Pumpkin loves ice cream, spicy meats and couches.


Fan of many, uber of none
How do you care for a ferret?
She's pretty low maintenance really. They love to play, and should be allowed an hour (at least) a day as playtime. She gets out of her cage and plays in my room with the door shut, or one of the cats would have ferret stew. She eats special ferret food (they are strict carnivores, so no grain) and uses a water bottle. They can be box trained, and can be trained to do tricks. Weezie isn't box trained, but she will go back into her cage if she needs to go potty while playing. She will fetch a cat toy and bring it back, multiple times before she gets tired of it, and will do a spin around ("Weezie, dance!") but no other tricks. They are sweet creatures with very cute personalities, but they ARE stinky!

Peaches LaTour

Well-Known Member
Luna is our tuxedo cat. We adopted her six years ago. She had been in a kill shelter in California. The Oregon Humane Society goes to kill shelters & rescues those animals scheduled for death. The time they rescued Luna, she was one of 1,000 cats & dogs brought to Oregon for adoption. She was a year old at the time & already had one litter.

She is very sweet & timid but not very affectionate. She recently had dental surgery & after all was said & done, her vet Bill has topped $1,600 this month! Yikes.

We would love to adopt a dog, too, but our lease limits us to one pet.

Garden Kitty

At the moment I just have the garden kitty (not the one pictured in my avatar). He was a stray that would come around the back yard, but was too feral to get close. Over the course of the year I started feeding him and he'd get closer but still wouldn't come in. He eventually would enter my home to be fed, but would get frantic to leave shortly after. One day he showed up pretty cut up, likely having lost a fight with a squirrel or some other wildlife. I took him to the vet and then kept him inside while he recovered and I gave him his antibiotics. By the time he was healed, he was enjoying the good indoor life and was content to stay inside. He's been with me for 19 years this past Valentine's Day.


Cat Servant
We have two cats. One is eight years old (Misha, my avatar) and Trouble is fifteen years old. Both were sort of rescues. We got Trouble as a kitten from a local animal rescue group. Misha we got when one of my co-workers said her grandfather (who had just lost his wife, who was the cat lover in the family) had said to take the feral kittens to the shelter since he didn't want to deal with them so she was trying to find homes for the kittens. We took Misha. Misha is very docile and sweet. She runs to greet me in the morning, and she'll either spend her time perched on the tub surround watching me get ready for work (with required interruptions every few minutes for petting, of course), or if it's a weekend, or like now, when I'm not working, she'll come back to bed with me and perch on my chest while I pet her.

Trouble, on the other hand, was aptly named. She is cranky (even as a kitten she was cranky, lol) and very vocal. And she wants what she wants when she wants it. And you better hop to it, or there will be trouble to pay. She's the figure skating fan of the two and will always settle next to me on the couch while I watch skating on TV.

I love them both dearly. :)

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