Survivor S41


From the Bloc
No kidding on Heather! Either she's going to be a big force later, or she's so boring the only time we'll hear from her is the episode where she's voted out.

Thanks also for the background re Ricard's motivations, didn't realize this was coming mostly from the trans community.


Fan of many, uber of none
Good move last night, by Shan, getting the extra vote and getting rid of J.D. I liked him, but he was playing really hard, and it was wise of them to get rid of him. Although, we'll see if they win any challenges with who is left on the team. I really like Danny from the blue team. Poor Heather, now we know why she's been sitting out of challenges so much.


From the Bloc
I was amazed that a self-professed student of the game, with the odds being 1 in 4, gave up anything like that. Then I wondered what would happen if she tried to play it and he said "I didn't give it to you, I said you could hold it as a proof of my loyalty!" But anyway, dumb move. He's been too erratic, if not now, soon enough.

I do wonder though why he got so much air time when he's not even on the jury. And speaking of, maybe they are already missing the family visit because that felt like at least a quarter of the show on someone who until now has barely existed. A viewer could feel bad in principle for anyone going through that, but for her personally? I don't know her, didn't feel it.

I like Danny too, but he's lucky he's had time to build relationships because if they had gone to TC by now he'd likely be out. I had to laugh though that Deshawn chooses a pro football player of all things to suggest throwing a challenge! And seriously, has that ever worked? In the long run?

:cheer2:Xander for living to see another day. They didn't show that tribe much in the challenges, but every time they did, it was Xander doing all the heavy lifting for the team.

love skating

Clueless American
Oh JD 🤦‍♀️ What an idiot! And he could have been saved from this embarrassment if the idiots on team blue who wanted to throw the challenge (I disagree with ever throwing challenges) could have successfully thrown it!


From the Bloc
I think it was JD who said "this is not the game I was planning to play." Reminds me of Pat Sajak saying "it's always your turn to spin the wheel at home." :lol:


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Maybe it's because I haven't watched for a few seasons, but I really like the majority of the players this time.

Congrats to Yellow team for finally coming in first in something!
:cheer2:Xander for living to see another day. They didn't show that tribe much in the challenges, but every time they did, it was Xander doing all the heavy lifting for the team.
Not all - Tiffany was a big part of both the immunity (got the first ring) and especially the reward challenge. And even though she is still cockier than her play warrants, we actually got to see a tiny bit of why her alliance seems to like her.

I love that Blue is just plain stuck with all those people. Heather's epic fail in immunity shows why she hasn't been allowed to participate in any challenges up to now, but also was not the heartwarming story that Jeff should be living for. Heather should be total cannon fodder, but she's lasting long enough to be an excellent goat to take to the end because no one would ever vote her the winner. I love Danny and DeShawn - poor DeShawn tried so damned hard to throw it but he could not outdo the early fail of Yellow, nor could he keep Naseer from giving it his all. I even like Sydney, although she seems to be trying a bit to hard - like maybe she's going for a Parvati but is in danger of ending up a Noura? Ericka just went from 0 to 100 which was a mistake.

I'll miss JD - he's brash and takes too much space (did you see Shan the last time he interrupted her at TC when the question was directed to her? I knew for sure then that he was going home), but he seems like a genuinely nice kid. Genie has no strategy so it was right to keep her, and I'm glad we got to see more of her.

Re: JD's advantage - was it active this TC? It's hard to keep track of what advantages are usable when.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
I do wonder though why he got so much air time when he's not even on the jury.
Because he constantly talked about how Survivor changed his life. Jeff et al eat that crap up.
It's interesting how these self-professed "students of the game" don't often do well. I think the superfans just overthink things a LOT.
I think they all want to be "legends," which makes them try too hard.
I love Danny and DeShawn - poor DeShawn tried so damned hard to throw it but he could not outdo the early fail of Yellow, nor could he keep Naseer from giving it his all.
Love the Ds and also Naseer, who just keeps chugging along getting things done while everyone is plotting and scheming around him.
I even like Sydney

I love Shan's little I-am-evil song :lol:.


I think you lose your vote regardless and you are rolling for a 1 in 6 shot for immunity.

love skating

Clueless American
Were they playing Shan's little evil song as the background music during tonight's episode when she was scheming?! For a second I thought she might cut Ricard but then she'd have lost her advantage... guess he was smart to keep it! Liliana's advantage is kinda crazy, can she play it any time? Or doing tribal only? Poor Xander might lose his idol, but if they tribe switch which it looks like they are with perhaps some twist (?) he might escape being on her same tribe.


From the Bloc
So much fun! Genie seemed like a very nice person but not up to this level of game, so I'm not sorry to see her gone. I must say Ricard is really growing on me, especially seeing now that he is doing a lot of strategy and somehow getting Shan to execute. If they make it to the end, they'd both have quite a pitch to the jury. The whole time they're arguing about the extra vote, she aggressively trying to get it back and he refusing, I thought they were setting up for them to betray each other, but in the end it appears it's made them stronger than ever. I also particularly like the tactic of "let's just say the broccoli phrase and see what happens." :respec:

This is the thing about this one, everyone's hearing these phrases, so by now unless you're a complete idiot you know that Xander, Shan and Naseer each have an II. Which also makes Liana's advantage rather interesting - she can only ask one person one question, but she already knows of at least three people who have one, and if I've interpreted this correctly, it's now a MASSIVE advantage because she can simply get it any time, from whoever she chooses, no?

And Shan must be laughing because she in particular sure locked in that alliance, especially when she essentially gave her the opportunity to have an advantage - just wait till she finds out that Liana can steal an II, and hers will be safe. And how delicious of Shan to tell Liana not to trust her biggest ally. Dare I use this emoji right now? :drama:

Other tribes. I really like Evvie but I have to say those striped shorts are just awful. Perhaps the wardrobe people's intentions were good, but it's making me actually miss the days of baggy underwear. I'd be interested to know the tribe's logic for choosing Shan and sending Liana. The two seemed to connect immediately, even before with both saying they had been wanting to connect, so is it possible that Liana actually engineered this, saying pick her and then me and I'll get her onside with us? I'd love it if that was the case, but it's probably not. Tiffany is more offputting each episode, to me. I appreciate the game play and even the asides to the camera are fun, but she's just kinda mean about it all. But at least

:cheer2: Xander lives another day:cheer2:

As for the blue tribe, who knows what's going on there. Heather's lucky to be there at all. I don't like the continued talk of throwing challenges, but at this point I can maybe see since they have such a numbers advantage, and it's making sense that pro team player Danny is now worried that come merge he's not going to have the teammates he's hoping for. Sydney isn't coming off well so far (to me), Deshawn's gameplay is not my style (mostly because he wants to throw challenges) and it's just a heresay at this point, but Erika does seem shifty (which is a shame because I want to root for a hometown girl!). I'm on the fence with Naseer - one minute I don't like him at all, and then the next minute he's being so adorable about everything.

So this merge. Those of you who have seen every season, what's going on because it sounds like there's a catch? I remember way back in Thailand, season 4 I think, when there was a fake merge, so much fun, but they could never pull that now, everyone knows Jeff's script. I do like a merge rather than a tribe switch. Maybe they can merge yellow and green because then it will be 6 vs 6?

Can't wait to hear what y'all think!


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
yeah, I'm guessing it goes to 2 tribes.

It was the right thing to do to get Genie out. Some site used to do Survivor recaps in the early seasons that included analysis on game play based on all previous seasons, and one thing that has always stuck with me was to not make big moves too soon. Both Shan and Ricard looked in danger of betraying their biggest ally too soon - although TBH I don't think Ricard even considered voting Shan until she started getting shifty. That TC was as tense as a FTC. Ricard keeping the extra vote was brilliant - if he doesn't use it he leaves himself vulnerable, but Shan also has immunity, so even if he used it he would be going home unless he used it on Genie, and then Shan & Ricard would be left stuck together both feeling betrayed. Ricard holding the extra vote was actually a move of trust.

Of course, hearing Genie's confession in the opening minutes about how tight she is with her tribe now made her elimination a foregone conclusion. :shuffle:

Tiffany is coming across better but also...she's just a bit much, you know?

Heather has done exactly one challenge in this game. :blah:

I feel the same as Jenny about Naseer - and IIRC a lot of his tribe feels the same. One minute it's like, oh he's gotta go, and the next he's kicking ass and just being so earnest about everything that he's super likeable. Ok, his tribe is less about his likeability and more about his challenge prowess, but let's just say he's complex.


Well-Known Member
Season is going well, but the blue tribe -cant wait to learn more about those folks.
Tiffany - I just don't like her. She seems overbearing at times and I wanted to root for her due to her story.
Shan - I initially didn't like her, and last week found her annoying, but comments here made me think. Then this week - I am seeing her as a player and not some flip flopper. Probably her journey with Liliana - seemed real and a nice moment to see
Ricard is interesting as well.
I really appreciate at TC they brought up how much more they have played/gone through compared to the others - blue tribe in particular.
ITA about Genie - nice person, but not for this game.
Xander is another one that is growing on me. Hope he sticks around.
Next weeks' drop your buff - 2 tribes - or maybe a complete merge?


Well-Known Member
After the immunity challenge, the yellow team had to invite someone from the green team to join them. Genie was behind Shan and Ricard and wasn't even looking over to the yellow team. If I had been Genie, I would have walked in front of the other two, put up my hand high in the air and loudly said, "I'd like to go"! Genie knew she was in danger and going off on the excursion gives those people a shot at an idol/safety. Why she didn't jump at this golden opportunity, I don't know.

I think you roll a die and either get immunity or lose your vote.

Had Genie already used her chance for this and rolled the dice in an earlier tribal council? I was waiting for her to ask her for her dice last night.


From the Bloc
No one???

Helluvan ep! I'm still trying to :COP:all the complicated twists, but I'm certainly enjoying the ride. What will Erika do? The obvious would be to turn on her 4 former teammates and take away their immunity, no? Such an opportunity to give the rest of them (including lucky-she's-still-here Heather) a massive gift, and it would be quite the Erinnn from Brazil move. At the same time, it's also an opportunity to stick with the original 6, vote out someone else and then it's blue 6, others 5. Either way, someone's not going to be happy with her choice.

Wait a sec though. If she flips it, she can explain to her original blue that she assumed that the four who are together can easily take out Ricard or Evvie, plus Heather is protected, so blue is still 6 either way. Ha! I hope she does it.

Still loving Danny and hoping his vision of the guys sticking together somehow saves Xander. Shan is playing so darn hard she'd best watch it though, especially now that Ricard is deep deep into an entirely new group of people who seem to have no problem telling him what's up. You just know Ricard has one eye on Shan the whole time, and will see her and Liana, her and the other women, her and the new Black alliance, and he's in good position to assure her she's safe so they can blindside her - which I'm sure he won't have any trouble rounding up enough votes for either.

Wondering now too on this are you merged or not thing. Seems like a technicality if they are all going to be together and compete individually, but maybe it's something to do with advantages and disadvantages? For example IIRC Xander has not been able to use his extra vote advantage yet, so now can he, or does he need to wait until he's officially merged? There's also Ricard's extra vote, and then the immunity idol that Shan, Xander and Naseer also have, and Liana's crazy advantage. Am I missing anything?

And how crazy was Shan to tell Tiffany all about Liana's advantage? That's got to make Liana nervous, and if she and Ricard ever get a chance to compare notes, hmmm. Liana might have a pretty good idea now of who's got everything, but the more people know the more they might pass these things around to throw her off.


From the Bloc
The only thing I can think of, because this is the first time Shan and Tiffany have been in contact, is that when Shan and Liana were at the summit Liana briefed Shan about her tribal alliances. Otherwise, it's Shan shooting off her mouth to someone she doesn't know at all.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of, because this is the first time Shan and Tiffany have been in contact, is that when Shan and Liana were at the summit Liana briefed Shan about her tribal alliances. Otherwise, it's Shan shooting off her mouth to someone she doesn't know at all.

Which is so unlike her. Shan seems so smart and so on the ball. This was such an obvious blunder.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The only thing I can think of, because this is the first time Shan and Tiffany have been in contact, is that when Shan and Liana were at the summit Liana briefed Shan about her tribal alliances. Otherwise, it's Shan shooting off her mouth to someone she doesn't know at all.
Remember there was also a clip shown specifically of Shan saying if she’s voted out that next tribal council, not to trust Ricard at all. I think some big blowup happens very soon between them and then the narrative of the season can move on to other players who’ve gotten next to nothing yet will still make jury at this point. But then again, I thought the Tony show of S40 meant he went out in some big fashion (final four fire, for example) and that clearly was off. ;)

The last episode was great, but I really think even the casual or even new ‘quarantine’ fans have got to be beyond lost with all the advantages and immunities and how they will work.
Last edited:


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
Uuuugh so frustrating to have this cliffhanger :wall:

Erika would be bonkers to not change the outcome when she has to be feeling the target on her back right now. Especially because she has to announce the opportunity and her decision to everyone. I'm bummed, because I fear it means Ricard or (most likely) Evvie will become the "easy" vote, and I'd like to see them both get the chance to play in a different way.

Shan blurting out about the advantage in front of Tiffany :duh: Clearly it didn't hurt her new alliance with Liana in the long run, but that was a total power move.

It's hard to go further into the new dynamics of the game, as Erika's decision could change everything. I do wonder about telling contestants one thing (these people are safe; these people are not) and then allowing the game to change. I'm sure someone will have gone back to parse out Jeff's words again because you know his script was carefully constructed to stay on the legal side of game play.

That challenge with the giant ball looked brutal.

Line o' the ep goes to Xander: "We're in merg-atory" :rofl:


From the Bloc
The dynamic between Shan and Liana has the potential for an interesting story. They are both listed as currently living in DC, with Liana originally from Chicago area, and Shan from Toronto (same as Erika). We've already seen the pastor used to leading the flock meeting her match in a battle of wills with Ricard, but what of Liana, who is in fact 14 years younger than Shan (34/20)? Liana has a look about her, might just be her RSF (resting suspicious face :lol:), but at what point will she take charge of her own game?

As for the :COP:, I usually have the Wiki page for the season bookmarked so I can double check votes (and at first, remember all the names and how to spell them :)) but does anyone know of a site that tracks advantages/disadvantages/idols/penalties etc? Seems nearly impossible given that viewers don't get to see all the fine print on these things.


Well-Known Member
Do we agree that Shan was NOT setting up Liana to be seen as untrustworthy to her fellow tribemates by withholding information? Which would make Liana a target and take the heat off Shan?


Well-Known Member
I was wow at the Shan Liana Tiffany conversation - was it an error of game play? And the way Tiffany with her pointing to Liana "I knew it" - I hate how she gets in peoples space - so annoying.
I think Ericka should flip the game. Part of me - you are there to play - why not.
I like Danny and Deshawn - so worried if things flip. Would love to go far with Liana and Shan??
The next few episodes should be good as we get to know the other players.
And yes I am confused about all the idosl/advantages etc.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
That challenge with the giant ball looked brutal.
I thought for sure that yellow's ball was going to roll right back in the hole on top of them and was :yikes:.
I think Ericka should flip the game.
She wants to make big moves--this is her chance.

I don't think I would do it, just because she has no reason at all to trust yellow to take her in. But it would certainly make the game more interesting.

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