Snake Programs Throughout the Years


Well-Known Member
We're in the thick of the off-season, and, for no reason whatsoever, I decided to re-watch Denkova/Staviski's 2003 European FD, which made me wonder how many "snake" programs have we've all seen. Here's what I've come up with so far:

  1. Can't get enough of Albena's head isolations.

  2. Probably the most famous one for modern fans.

  3. I don't know if he was portraying a snake, but there are snakes on his "costume", :lol:

  4. She was supposed to be a snake, right?

  5. I don't think she was supposed to be a snake, but her costume is kind of snake-like and she's slinky here.
Any other ones?
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Best ever was Kurt's exhibition program from way back, choreo by Zhulin, probably in the 2nd half of the 80's. Can't remember what it was called (or even if it had a name), and can't find it on YT

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