Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I don’t think anyone expects it to be pristine, but this forum really became toxic. I didn’t bother even to renew membership this year because the level of hatred here is unhealthy.
There's no level of hatred in the Kiss 'n Cry sub-forums because there are very few times when Russian skaters are mentioned. Except in pairs. Because the absence is definitely felt there, every competition. It's a different tone than what you find in this thread and the other ones centered around Russian news here in GSD.


Well-Known Member
Additionally, it's doing them no favors in the long run. If you're truly the best then why aren't your judges the best too? There's no chance this season of a snap-back to the reality of what sort of scores they're likely to receive internationally for most of these skaters. That's going to be a harsh blow when they are allowed back in international competition and they're not being rewarded, especially if it's most egregious in ice dance where Russia isn't the dominant power.
Let's be optimistic. Maybe the current crop of Russian skaters will never be allowed back in international competition, and this won't be an issue. :)


Active Member
I have to say that the scoring for ice dance in those fake GPs is beyond hilarious. They are handing out level 4 step sequences like candy and giving scores that are about 20 points higher (and I'm not even exaggerating) than what the same program will score internationally. The scoring in general has been wild, but for ice dance, it's just ridiculous.
My eyes popped out when I saw the scores. Even if it is a so called grand prix, marks MUST be given accordingly.
Stop with the overscoring.


Active Member
I don’t think anyone expects it to be pristine, but this forum really became toxic. I didn’t bother even to renew membership this year because the level of hatred here is unhealthy.
I agree, it's not healthy. I think a lot of people are very angry post COVID, and it is expressed through intolerance in others, sadly.


Well-Known Member
Shcherbakova is a very smart and sensible young lady, and I respect her answers in this interview very much.
I'm so impressed with her maturity at her age. I guess it's what happens when an intelligent person is exposed to intense experiences, they learn quickly. She dodged those loaded questions about the ban and the shitshow after she won the Olys and her team was in meltdown like a pro.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I'm so impressed with her maturity at her age. I guess it's what happens when an intelligent person is exposed to intense experiences, they learn quickly. She dodged those loaded questions about the ban and the shitshow after she won the Olys and her team was in meltdown like a pro.
She really did. She is an impressive young woman.


Well-Known Member
No reason to pretend the war started this
Vlad Tarasenko (Lipnitskaya's husband) is now preparing to go and kill Ukrainians. Plushenko, for whom Vlad worked, fully and openly supports him. In this school, every child knows how honorable it is to kill others. The children trained by Tarasenko will grow up and want to tell from world pedestals how proud they are of their teacher.
russian figure skating community is so bright and healthy...
Vlad Tarasenko, just like many Russians now, does not have a choice.


Well-Known Member
I stumbled on another interview with Gurmenik- this one for his school. He says something interesting about skating-

"Do you see yourself as a trainer in the future, or would you like to focus on something else?
I hope that Russian ice skaters will have a chance to participate in the 2026 Winter Olympics. I think all athletes dream about participating in such a major tournament and I might achieve that: during the last Olympics, I was the first in reserve. I hope to grow in the next four years enough to join the main team.

However, as a professional ice skater, I’ll only be able to participate in competitions until I turn about 27 years old. After you turn 24, your physical development slows down and skating becomes harder. So I’ll have to start a new career. Perhaps as a trainer, but for now I’m more interested in computer science and bioinformatics." [bolding is mine- I think that it is interesting that he uses the age of 24 for men- I wonder how they arrived at that instead of 25 or another age.]


Well-Known Member
According to this his being drafted was some sort of administrative mistake and Plushenko and co. could have gotten him out of it but he decided to go anyway.
Plushenko: "He said that he would defend the Fatherland." Against what? Russia is not under any attack from any country so what could he possibly be defending?

"...voluntarily decided to take part in the hostilities in Ukraine." I have no words. Three days on the front line will give him a different perspective.


Well-Known Member
The bit where Shcherbakova says she weighed 25kg when she jumped her first quad (I assume at 13 or a bit older) is interesting. Those girls are very small indeed.

One can understand how when the senior age was 15, it encouraged coaches to teach a 25kg 12/13 year old to land a quad and then just stick to that technique and try to keep weight down for as long as possible to get to seniors.
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Well-Known Member
According to this his being drafted was some sort of administrative mistake and Plushenko and co. could have gotten him out of it but he decided to go anyway.
So what? He actively supports this war, so it is logical that he should go and fight. It is HIS choice to support this war.
It is much more cynical to act like Plushenko. He stands for ideas for which others must die. Not him, of course.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Rather eye-opening interview with Gleb Smolkin from FS Gossips.

Oh, this was a most unwise interview and it's going to be a big problem if it comes to the attention of the ICE officials handling his green card application. Smolkin makes it sound like their marriage very much was one of convenience and only for the purposes of obtaining a green card.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
Oh, this was a most unwise interview and it's going to be a big problem if it comes to the attention of the ICE officials handling his green card application. Smolkin makes it sound like their marriage very much was one of convenience and only for the purposes of obtaining a green card.
Here’s what you need to prove it’s not a Green Card marriage:

Joint mortgage, lease, bank account and/or credit card

Close friends vouching for “real” marriage

The ability to answer personal questions about each other in separate interviews

Proof of continual cohabitation

They went easy on us because we are old (less likely to fake a marriage) and because our relationship origin story made sense. D/S have the second attribute. But they do look suspiciously at marriages that enable professional advancement.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Here’s what you need to prove it’s not a Green Card marriage:

Joint mortgage, lease, bank account and/or credit card

Close friends vouching for “real” marriage

The ability to answer personal questions about each other in separate interviews

Proof of continual cohabitation

They went easy on us because we are old (less likely to fake a marriage) and because our relationship origin story made sense. D/S have the second attribute. But they do look suspiciously at marriages that enable professional advancement.
My guess would be they probably have 2, 3 & 4. I'm pretty sure they were living together while they were in Michigan, and given the length of their on-ice partnership, one would hope they'd be able to answer personal questions about each other. But #1 might be harder, especially if one or both of their parents were paying the bills.

ETA - at least they haven't announced a country switch and continue to insist they will be competing for Russia in the future...
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