Papadakis/Cizeron #9 - People Will See Them And Cry

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Well-Known Member
I could probably take a stab at translating (thought haven't read it in detail to see if it's worth it) unless someone else wants to do it..


Well-Known Member
Their gala is more interesting and difficult than all the other FDs we've probably seen this season. Wow.


Well-Known Member
Isn’t that exhibition number just kind of a “greatest hits” routine? I’m glad they could fit all the moves to a new song and it shows off a different side of their chemistry but it’s a pretty simple program.


Well-Known Member
For anyone who can understand Russian someone wrote a short analysis /interpretation of the FD:

I personally don't care to get into details like that but thought someone might find it interesting

EDIT - actually it seems very short post, so maybe not much of an analysis

Thank you@muffinplus! It is a longer interpretation of the dance and very well done. Everybody should read it (I used Google Translate). Michael really gets it!


Well-Known Member
Isn’t that exhibition number just kind of a “greatest hits” routine? I’m glad they could fit all the moves to a new song and it shows off a different side of their chemistry but it’s a pretty simple program.

Is there a video of it visible in the US ?


Well-Known Member
Can I ask you a favor ? If you speak Russian, would you mind telling us what Tarasova says after GG free dance ? Thank you.

So the main part where she talked:

"You don’t see elements and don’t watch for them.

The only element I really noticed and was amazed by was the bracket… nobody has really been able to cleanly do them at high speed, because usually it’s performed at medium speed in order to be able to do it cleanly.. that’s the only thing I noticed

The rest… is just music. How can one teach someone to skate like this without lifts with legs in twisted positions, without aesthetically ugly entries into lifts and ugly exits that are required for Level 4 . How can one teach to skate like this?

These are the questions we ask when looking at this couple."


Active Member
So the main part where she talked:

"You don’t see elements and don’t watch for them.

The only element I really noticed and was amazed by was the bracket… nobody has really been able to cleanly do them at high speed, because usually it’s performed at medium speed in order to be able to do it cleanly.. that’s the only thing I noticed

The rest… is just music. How can one teach someone to skate like this without lifts with legs in twisted positions, without aesthetically ugly entries into lifts and ugly exits that are required for Level 4 . How can one teach to skate like this?

These are the questions we ask when looking at this couple."
Thank you so much for the translation, I really appreciate it. So true, what she says...


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
They did change up some things this time around, especially in the layout after the pattern. But those camera works made it so difficult to enjoy it. Can't wait for Euros.


Well-Known Member
They made the midline steps diagonal (and moved the back-to-back low spread eagles toward the center of the rink to accommodate the change), and added a couple Ina Bauer ish moves, and a mini-lift to it. I think they could still fill it up more. Gabi again showed some unsteadiness on her twizzles, the one in the second half of the partial steps sequence and the second set (the forward outside) of the main twizzles.

Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
this may have been the best they've skated this rd but the camerawork was all over the place :duh:

The camerawork is always dire at Nationals. It's weird because it's always decent at Masters, if pedestrian. Don't they hire the same people?


Active Member
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Lilah Fear gave us a podcast with Guillaume:

She has an interesting list of podcasts (Nathan Chen and others) and she also said in a previous interview that she also did a podcast with Gabriella!

Nice interview and I found his relationship with the moonligt sonata really incredible since his childhood (lullaby from one of his sisters, kind of)


Active Member
It seems that this link corresponds to below text translated in English:
Memories of dance: «Find me» by Papadakis – Cizeron

For anyone who can understand Russian someone wrote a short analysis /interpretation of the FD:

I personally don't care to get into details like that but thought someone might find it interesting

EDIT - actually it seems very short post, so maybe not much of an analysis
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Well-Known Member
I'm going to improve my French reading this... the sentences are not very simple in construction...

The gist of it... is she speaking about depression?

Yep, the same here... could anyone speaking fully this beautiful language summarise the post?

As this concerns mainly Gabi: I still remember the particular message she posted on her account years ago. It was about the attacks in Paris and, more importantly, the social issues/hysteria and debates it sparked... She was so young back then and yet so mature at the same time to write such powerful and moving words.
I've been a fan of theirs since I saw them skating to Mozart, but having read that made me admire and respect her even more. I do wish her all the best and I hope she realises how amazing and inspiring woman she is to many of us around the world.


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
I firstly want to apologize to Gaby for this sorry attempt at translating what is clearly a very personal text. But I feel people in this thread would want to read it.

"J’ai toujours trouvé ridicule de penser les années comme des choses séparées. Séparées de quoi au juste, par quoi...? Mais je ne peux m’empêcher, ce 1er Janvier 2020, d’avoir un besoin, un devoir peut être même, de cristalliser le flot d’épiphanies dans lequel je me sens submergée aujourd’hui.
Tout d’abord, 2019, je te laisse aller. Tu m’as plongé dans les ténèbres, des nouvelles ténèbres, plus noires et profondes encore que celles que j’eusse jamais visitées. Une destruction massive et nécessaire de qui je pensais être, des remises en questions constantes et sans réponses. Aveuglée par le chaos, je n’avais pour me raccrocher que l’unique certitude de ne pas être authentique. Il m’a fallu beaucoup de courage pour faire confiance au temps, et attendre que la lumière revienne quand j’étais prête à la recevoir. Et en effet, au travers de tous les débris, la lumière s’est forgée un chemin, me présentant au travers de l’amour un grand, beau, et splendide miroir. Des personnes déconcertantes de similarités avec moi sont apparues, ou se sont implantées dans ma vie, avec une telle force que je n’ai pu éviter de confronter cette grande absurdité : si je les aime autant, si ils m’aiment autant, comment puis-je ne pas m’aimer moi-même ?

Il y a 7 ans, je découvrais Sartre : autrui comme miroir, source d’enfer. Mais aujourd’hui je vois qu’autrui est certes un miroir, mais est surtout, si on le choisit, source d’amour de soi. Voilà où se trouvait ma guérison.
J’ai aussi découvert qu’il me manquait une compréhension cruciale du verset « tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même ». Que j’avais besoin de le rephraser : tu t’aimeras comme tu aimes ton prochain.
A l’aube de cette nouvelle décennie, je me et nous souhaite de guérir notre relation avec le temps. Que nous nous souvenons qu’il n’existe que quand nous ne le prenons pas. Que nous fassions plus confiance en l’invisible, que nous sachions être réceptifs à ses signes et ses messages. Que nous continuions d’apprendre à s’abandonner à l’inexplicable. Que nous tombions amoureux tous les jours.
A tous, bonne année. "

"I've always found preposterous how years were thought as separate entities. Separate of what really, from what...? But, this 1st of January, I cannot but have a need, a duty even, to crystallize all the revelations overwhelming me today.
First of all, 2019, I let you go. You made me dive into darkness, new darkness, darker and deeper than I have ever encountered. A necessary massive destruction of who I thought I was, constant questioning of myself without answers. Blinded by this chaos, I could only hang on to the sole conviction of not being authentic. It took a lot of courage to trust time, and wait for the light to come back when I was ready to receive it. And indeed, in the mist of all the broken pieces, light did find a path, showing me, through love, a big, beautiful and splendid mirror. People presenting unsettling similarities with me appeared, or took a place in my life, with such a force I couldn't but have to face this great absurd thought: if I love them so much, if they love me so much, how come I can't love myself ?
7 years ago, I discovered Sartre: others like a mirror, source of hell. But today, I see that others are indeed a mirror, but are above all, if one chooses it, source of self love. This was my cure.
I also realized I hadn't fully grasped the fundamental verse "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" which I needed to rephrase as : you should love yourself as you love your neighbor.
At the dawn of a new decade, I wish myself and all of us to heal our relation with time. May we remember time only exists when we don't take it. (not sure about this translation sorry) May we trust more often in the invisible, may we be more aware to its signs and messages. May we keep on learning to let go of the inexplicable. May we fall in love every day.
To all a great year. "

If someone want to correct any of it, please don't hesitate.
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Skating season ends as baseball season begins
Thank you for the translation! I really, really love this (and how you put it):

I also realized I hadn't fully grasped the fundamental verse "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" which I needed to rephrase as : you should love yourself as you love your neighbor.

Something worth considering, and sharing. :)
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