Natalia Zabiiako & Zachary Daleman to skate for Canada

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Well-Known Member
Oh really? I think they could ditch another element in the pairs LP, but I must be honest-- re-watching these 4:30 mens and pairs programs on youtube is a serious slog, in most cases. As attention spans get shorter, there is no reason for any long program to be more than 4 minutes.

I confess I completely forgot Stolbova/Klimov were coached by Mozer. Indeed, they had some spectacular programs, and I agree the Man & Shadow program is an IJS masterpiece. To this day, I refuse to believe Morozov had anything to do with the choreography.
Okay I don't remember Man and Shadow. Let me take a peek.
If they looked at each other or didn't look so rough when they did their lifts and pair elements I'd be blown away. The program itself though is great.
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“Information about Zabiyako’s plans was significantly ahead of the official information. At the time we got the call, it was an absolute surprise for us. If we talk about how events can develop, the skater’s statement is not enough. In order to talk about something, you need to get a request from the national federation where the athlete is going to move. We have not received such a request," [Alexander] Gorshkov said at a [May 25, 2022] press conference.
Usually the ISU Clearance Certificate needs to be filed with the ISU by July 1st, IIRC.

ISU Rule 109 - Participation in ISU Championships, ISU Events and International Competitions
3. Clearance Certificate
Skaters competing for the ISU Member of a country whose citizenship they do
not have (except for members of Synchronized Skating Teams under the 25%
quota according to paragraph 2.d) above), and Skaters who have competed
in any ISU Championships, ISU Event and/or International Competition before
and intend to compete in the future for another ISU Member may do so only
after obtaining, through the ISU Member for which they intend to compete, a
clearance certificate (CC) from the ISU Secretariat.


RIP D-10
If there is a request by Canada for a release, and the Russian Fed refuses, it would be an opportunity for the ISU Council to put its money where its mouth is and grant the release, particularly since she hasn't competed internationally since 2019 Worlds, and the only reason the pair stopped was because Enbert couldn't get a medical clearance for competition.
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