Media day for Lubov Ilyushechkina and Charlie Bilodeau (articles, interviews, video)


I'm starting a new thread for all news & articles/interviews generated from their media day on April 1 - here's a new one in English by @levineismine:
Excerpt from the Gauthier section:
FSO: Who is going to be in the coaching team?

RG: Marie-France Dubreuil and Guillaume Cizeron. I think he’s a genius; he and Marie-France will be doing their programs so we’ll see something different. They will go once a week to train with the ice dancers. The coaching team is me, Bruno, Sylvie Fullum to clean their programs — she used to teach to Patrice and Marie-France — and then Marlène Picard and Yvan Desjardins who are, to me, two of the best single coaches we have in Canada.

In French, copied over from the Canadian Pairs thread (thanks @Alvyne!):
TV news report with clips from their practice:
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Active Member
I can't wait to see what they will bring! I was a huge I/M fan, but S/B never excited me (they were a bit like white wonderbread...way to bland and faded into the background/easily forgotten FOR ME).
I'm very excited to see how they can set themselves apart and make a statement! It will be very exciting!!


Well-Known Member
Quite a lot of coverage and attention for this new team. I mean, it's not like Aljona Savchenko presents a new partner for mission gold in 2022. :D And there was nothing when Olympic silver medalist Ksenia Stolbova teamed up with Andrei Novoselov ... Sure, different situation. Skate Canada does a lot to promote their skaters. In this case, I hope this attention doesn't create too high expectations and pressure for the new team.
I wish them well.


Banned Member
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Well-Known Member
Considering that Lubov & Charlie have three top 8 or better finishes at Worlds between them, and both with medal success on the Grand Prix, I think that explains the interest in them. Both of them also have pretty large fan followings, Luba especially. That, plus there is every reason to think they may be immediately competitive in the currently small Canadian pairs field, whereas I’m not so sure about Stolbova/Novoselov in the deep Russian field (and with citizenship issues).


Banned Member
^^ Yep @clairecloutier, you said it succinctly. While below is my longer version of the same thing you have pointed out, taking into consideration the entire current pairs scene. Bottom line, Lubov & Charlie are talents who can go all the way with the right decisions and advantages flanking them. So clearly, SC and L&C themselves, are looking to put the best team on their side. I find it interesting that Cizeron is doing choreo with Dubreuil though. Gauthier seemed to think Cizeron's sp choreo for James/Cipres wasn't all that, even though I think it was quite good for a first effort, and Cizeron did J/C's sp for free. Maybe Dubreuil asked for Cizeron to work with her, or maybe Gauthier or Charlie asked? :p Just imagine what Cizeron might wrought for L&C with Dubreuil, when he's being paid. ;)

It's quite a team. I hope its not too many cooks in the kitchen, but I am very glad to Marie France and Guillaume doing the choreography. That will give them an edge right there, if they can handle it this early in their partnership.

Well, Lubov and Charlie are both veterans who need an edge with the goals they have of making a significant impact out-of-the-gate with their new partnership. I'm sure they will be working very hard during the entire off-season to be ready. Their comments make it clear they see an opportunity and they are going for it.

I wouldn't bet on Sui/Han not being ready for Beijing, but Sui has had some surgeries and a lot of rehab over the past few years. Maybe she will be turning a corner to the point of being healed and stronger. However, until Sui's health is fully proven to be stable, there is a sense of vulnerability usually overcome by fierce will, of course. But S/H haven't competed on the GP for the past two seasons, so we'll see if/how they will be pacing themselves this coming season. James/Cipres won everything this season except for Worlds, so they are a team to be reckoned with. IMO J/C have been pushing the excitement envelope in pairs since forever, but especially since their 2017 Euros breakthrough, despite reluctance in some quarters to give them full credit for how wonderful they are in so many ways.

It was obvious that the absence of retired and inactive teams this season had the judges quickly pushing up the scores of teams like Peng/Jin and M-T/M. IMO, both of those teams, while good, still have a bit of work to do before being given full credit for having that extra something that sets them apart. Both are still trying to discover and solidify their styles and enhance what makes them unique. So they are still works-in-progress despite the rise in their scores this season.

As for the Russians, I think T/M need to step it up and prove that they are more than just picture-perfect technicians coddled by the judges whether or not they skate with any excitement, and whether or not they skate clean. I don't see Z/E becoming more interesting or exciting as a team, ever. Just skating clean and technically pleasing but bland performances, IMO, is not enough. Perhaps Boikova/Koslovski will at least begin to surpass Z/E, fingers-crossed, next season. I can see B/K also surpassing T/M too, if politics don't get in the way.

Other teams in top and second tier have different levels of talent. Italy's Della-Monica/Guarise need to change things up with their approach if they desire to make headway. Yu/Zhang may be returning now that China will have 3 teams back for Worlds next year. But frankly, I have seen no evidence that Yu is fully committed in terms of her heart. Yu has just seemed to be gong through the motions, despite judges' tendency to shower Y/Z with PCS gifts on the basis of rep. Top U.S. teams will now have two spots available, and they can threaten for gaining three spots over the next few years due to the increasingly improving talent in their ranks.

So, with this current transitional pairs scene, there's plenty of opportunity for veteran pairs skaters like Lubov & Charlie to make a competitive splash, if they continue to gain significant strides with their new partnership. Skate Canada is fully aware of the need to jumpstart their pairs discipline and they aren't wasting any time getting down to business with that effort. I think it's obvious too that Canada has the edge of bringing more political clout and pairs rep to the table than the U.S., which has not always been fair to some very good U.S. teams. But that's the way of this sport. If you want to stand out, consistency, determined self-belief and unique impact are key, with politics and luck always crucial factors.

As far as I'm concerned, James/Cipres have been leading with the je ne sais quoi factor, with other teams being inspired and attempting to emulate either their moves, music, costumes, and/or ice dance edge factor. Everyone has been taking notice, so that's not a secret. L&C clearly want to make strides in that exciting direction, also traversed by diva Aliona and Bruno Massot. S/H simply didn't have the best fp vehicle at the 2018 Olympics, and Sui was a bit hampered by injury, so that's a couple of reasons why S/H didn't prevail for gold. Another reason is Aliona's will and destiny. :D Beijing 2022 may indeed be featuring Wenjing Sui's will and destiny. :kickass:
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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bet on Sui/Han not being ready for Beijing, but Sui has had some surgeries and a lot of rehab over the past few years. Maybe she will be turning a corner to the point of being healed and stronger. However, until Sui's health is fully proven to be stable, there is a sense of vulnerability usually overcome by fierce will, of course.

I haven't heard that Sui's injuries are continuing to hamper her, or will cause chronic problems.

Better for her to be injury plagued this last season, not in the Olympic season.

I'm sure that S/H's team will be doing everything possible to ensure she is in good form for 2022.

It was obvious that the absence of retired and inactive teams this season had the judges quickly pushing up the scores of teams like Peng/Jin and M-T/M. IMO, both of those teams, while good, still have a bit of work to do before being given full credit for having that extra something that sets them apart. Both are still trying to discover and solidify their styles and enhance what makes them unique. So they are still works-in-progress despite the rise in their scores this season.

I think 'La Vie En Rose' was a perfect vehicle for P/J that distinguished them - as shown by their making the GPF and winning silver there. They remind me a bit of P/T in terms of style. There is no shame in being China #2 after S/H and I expect them to just get better, as P/T did. Who ever expected them to win two world titles and Olympic silver?

China had two teams on the Olympic podium in 2010 and will be aiming for the same in 2022.

However, I do agree about MTM/M. I don't 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face' really suited them, it required a softness and connection that they do not have IMO. They aren't athletic like J/C, dramatic and powerful like S/H, or soft and lyrical like P/J. However, I thought Pink Floyd was a good choice for them and think they should further explore edgy, contemporary programs.
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@Japanfan, would you mind fixing the quotes in your reply above? Unless you are planning to reply further, the last 4 paragraphs are from aftershocks' post above yours.

In case anyone missed it, @clairecloutier cross-posted the link to her detailed 2019 Worlds pairs review in the Pairs discussion thread:

Another article in French (April 3) - headline translates to Charlie Bilodeau excited about his partnership with Lubov Ilyushechkina:
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Lubov posted an IG story yesterday that mentioned Valerie Saurette helped them with an exhibition number to "Ain't No Sunshine" that she and Charlie will perform next weekend in Goose Bay (Labrador).


Lubov & Charlie are skating their 2nd show together tonight:
Gala Annuel 2019 Hosted by Club de Patinage Artistique de Rimouski
Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM
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Banned Member
It's interesting that Luba & Charlie have already decided on their sp music. I would imagine their actual choreo has yet to be completed. Are Dubreuil & Cizeron going to work together on both of L&C's programs? Maybe it was implied but not specifically stated in the FSO article.

I go back to Richard Gauthier's comment in his interview with @clairecloutier re how he felt James/Cipres' sp was commonplace and not very unique. I wonder whether Gauthier mixed up the fact that Cizeron choreogaphed J/C's sp, not their masterful fp (choreographed by Charlie White). :p I'm wondering because of the contrast in the way Gauthier recently referenced Cizeron as 'a genius,' while saying about the sp Cizeron choreographed for J/C: "Their short program, to me, it’s like almost everybody else. But their long program is something special..."

In any case, J/C certainly have had wonderful things to say about Cizeron's confident taking of command in how he choreographed their sp and created their costumes. I wonder how much input Cizeron will have in creating choreo for Luba & Charlie, and again, whether or not Dubreuil & Cizeron will be working on both of L&C's programs for next season? Cizeron does have his own ice dance traiining and his programs with Gabby to think about and concentrate on.

Other questions are whether or not Cizeron has been receiving requests from other skaters to work on choreo, which he's had to turn down? And, will Cizeron be working with J/C again? I guess that remains to be seen. J/C have seemed eager to explore creative relationships with more than one choreographer. They could work with Charlie White again, or with John Kerr again too, since they've had success with both of these skilled choreographers/ former competitive ice dancers. I wonder whether Christopher Dean might match well with J/C? I don't recall whether Dean has ever choreographed for pairs.

Dubreuil/ Lauzon and Sam Chouinard have previously worked on choreo for Charlie and his former partner, Julianne Seguin:
Therefore, it's not new or surprising that Charlie and his new partner, Luba, are seeking assistance from Gadbois crew. It's a continuing association.

Cizeron is the new factor in the mix, but I do wonder whether it's more Cizeron's creativity, artistic vision and superb ice dance skills that Gauthier is enthralled by when he calls Cizeron 'a genius.' Isn't Gauthier at least a little bit impressed by Cizeron's first choreographic foray into pairs for his friends, Vanessa & Morgan? Once again, Cizeron choreographed J/C's sp, and Charlie White did the choreography for J/C's wonderfully constructed Wicked Games fp.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Lubov posted an IG story yesterday that mentioned Valerie Saurette helped them with an exhibition number to "Ain't No Sunshine" that she and Charlie will perform next weekend in Goose Bay (Labrador).


Lubov & Charlie are skating their 2nd show together tonight:
Gala Annuel 2019 Hosted by Club de Patinage Artistique de Rimouski
Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM

So cool! It’s nice to see this team right off the bat, instead of having to wait months and months for their competitive debut.

Quite a lot of coverage and attention for this new team. I mean, it's not like Aljona Savchenko presents a new partner for mission gold in 2022. :D And there was nothing when Olympic silver medalist Ksenia Stolbova teamed up with Andrei Novoselov ... Sure, different situation. Skate Canada does a lot to promote their skaters. In this case, I hope this attention doesn't create too high expectations and pressure for the new team.
I wish them well.

TBH, I don’t think Savchenko intends on coming back. She is incredible, but I highly doubt she would switch partners again, and Bruno seems happy as a dad, so I think we said goodbye to them at 2018 Worlds. But what a way to go out!

With Stolbova/Novoselov, I think they are keeping it low key for a reason. With all the turmoil they (especially she) have had in the past year, it’s best to stay under the radar until they are released to skate, get assigned to some events, and show some good skating. They don’t want a big hullabaloo unless they know they can deliver. Not to mention, they both seem like private people IMO. I’m sure we’ll see more media coverage if they perform at test skates in September.

It's quite a team. I hope its not too many cooks in the kitchen, but I am very glad to Marie France and Guillaume doing the choreography. That will give them an edge right there, if they can handle it this early in their partnership.

I think this is going to be great! Marie-France did I/M’s Tango Jalousie SP a few years back, which I loved. And judging from his work with James/Cipres, Guillaume has a good eye for choreography. It should be good.

Considering that Lubov & Charlie have three top 8 or better finishes at Worlds between them, and both with medal success on the Grand Prix, I think that explains the interest in them. Both of them also have pretty large fan followings, Luba especially. That, plus there is every reason to think they may be immediately competitive in the currently small Canadian pairs field, whereas I’m not so sure about Stolbova/Novoselov in the deep Russian field (and with citizenship issues).

Exactly. I think people forget how good I/M and S/B really were. They are both excellent skaters who could challenge for that number 1 spot in Canada (depending upon how well MT/M skate this year). And it’s impossible not to love Luba!

(I’m all for Operation Stolbova 2022, and it’s not impossible, but it’s not going to be easy).


This new article in French (May 20) says Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon have choreographed I/B's new SP:
Google translated excerpt:
"We have work to do on both sides jumps in general, said Bilodeau. These are elements that are less acquired. We will focus our energies on this to develop a solid foundation for side-by-side jumps. "
With the help of choreographers Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon, with whom Bilodeau and Ilyushechkina have already worked in the past, the new duo already has the choreography of their short program. He will now tackle the free program.
Bilodeau and Ilyushechkina will take part in their first competition together in August at the Quebec Summer Championships.
"We have to prove ourselves," said Bilodeau.
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