From Russia With Love [#39]: Into Winter 2021

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Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
So there is gonna be a pair called Belly and Beardless? Do I have my translations right FSU Russkies????

eta: no, Brukhanov was the Belly name, right? But doesn't Vislobokova also mean something funny?
According to Google translate, ummmmm "Hanging Side" which I would translate as love handles... So there we go!


May 31st interview with Artur Minchuk (who began working with Tamara Moskvina in 2016):
Reigning world champions Anastasia Mishin and Aleksandr Galliamov and reigning European champions Aleksandra Boikova and Dmitrii Kozlovskii will begin preparations for the Olympic season at the training camp in Sochi, where Tamara Moskvina's group will go in the coming days. Artur Minchuk told RIA Novosti correspondent Boris Khodorovsky about the plans for the season, as well as about joint work with the coach who prepared four gold Olympic pairs, whom Moskvina herself calls her equal partner in working with the current championship pairs.
Q: What are the three main qualities that help Moskvina to remain a coach of champions for decades?
AM: Reliability, stability and a sense of humor. Sometimes, with one joke, she defuses the tense atmosphere that arises in training.
Q: Have you already decided on the programs for the Olympic season for your couples?
AM: There is clarity, there is no specifics yet. We understand that Olympic programs need to be tailored to the established style of skaters. I can say for sure that we will change both the short and free programs for both Boikova and Kozlovskii and Mishina and Galliamov. It's impossible to skate the same thing for the third season.
From May 3rd:
Two new pairs (Ekaterina Geynish / Ilya Mironov and Diana Mukhametzianova / Vladislav Antonyshev) appeared in the Mozer group:

... the couple Diana Mukhametzianova / Ilya Mironov [] ceased to exist. Together they became silver medalists in the finals of the Junior Grand Prix and the Youth Olympic Games, as well as the winners of the Russian Cup final, but they had a bad last season.

Mironov's [new] partner is the promising 15-year-old Ekaterina Geynish, who, together with Andrey Sachkov, took places in the top 5 stages of the Russian Cup in CCM.

With Mukhmatzianova, 19-year-old Vladislav Antonyshev will continue his career, who in the last season with Alexandra Finokhina won one of the stages of the Russian Junior Cup and the Moscow Championship.

Both couples have been training for several weeks now.
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Article today on Nina Mozer's new pairs:

From the Google translation, Elizaveta Osokina, 14, and Andrei Rud, 16, appear to be a new junior pair team:
“There are a lot of talented girls with complex content in Russian single skating now, and not all of them have a real chance of great victories. We have a talented 16-year-old boy Andrei Rud in our group, a student of Natalia Dubinskaya, whom we were looking for a partner for. turned to Lena Vodorezova (Buyanova), with her we look at the development of figure skating in the same way. Having weighed all the pros and cons, we settled on Liza Osokina. This is a very interesting girl who, I think, with the proper desire, is able to realize herself in a pair skating, "said Mozer.
"We also created two couples with our own special look, from which, if we do everything right and we are a little lucky, strong duets can grow. This is Anastasia Kostyuk / Dmitriy Chigirev [previously skated with Ekaterina Belova]. A very charismatic partner who came to us from the two-time Olympic champion Artur Dmitriev, and a bright partner, superbly trained by Svetlana Panova, "the coach said.
Another couple is Ekaterina Geynish / Ilya Mironov. Ilya finished training with his former partner Diana Mukhametzyanova, as she has grown a lot, she now has a new partner. And Katya Geynisch came to our school by herself, even without her parents. She said:" I want to to you in pair skating. "When asked what she can do, she listed us all the triple jumps and cascades 3-3. When she was asked why then you leave singles, Katya admitted:" Because I will not beat the group Tutberidze, "Mozer summed up.
From May 3rd:
Two new pairs (Ekaterina Geynish / Ilya Mironov and Diana Mukhametzianova / Vladislav Antonyshev) appeared in the Mozer group:

... the couple Diana Mukhametzianova / Ilya Mironov [] ceased to exist. Together they became silver medalists in the finals of the Junior Grand Prix and the Youth Olympic Games, as well as the winners of the Russian Cup final, but they had a bad last season.

Mironov's [new] partner is the promising 15-year-old Ekaterina Geynish, who, together with Andrey Sachkov, took places in the top 5 stages of the Russian Cup in CCM.

With Mukhmatzianova, 19-year-old Vladislav Antonyshev will continue his career, who in the last season with Alexandra Finokhina won one of the stages of the Russian Junior Cup and the Moscow Championship.

Both couples have been training for several weeks now.


(Betina) Popova and (Denis) Khodykin revealed that they were married last August – something they had kept private until now.
Olga Ermolina's Pavliuchenko/Khodykin interview was published on the RuFed website on May 30:

Ermolina/Flade's Sinitsina/Katsalapov interview before their Maldives vacation (June 1):


Cats and garlic lover
Emma Gadzieva's interview with Sergey Rozanov

Juicy stuff:
  • his main coaching secret came from Vera Arutyunian who gave him some technical advice
  • he claims to have switched to Pluschenko because generally he was thinking about going working elsewhere and then Trusova switched and her parents offered him to come and work with Trusova under Pluschenko. He offered them to talk to Buyanova, but Trusova & her parents were determined it has to be Pluschenko
  • he confirmed he stopped working with Trusova because she refused to share the ice/coach with Kostornaya
  • Kostornaya called in July and asked to switch to Pluschenko and she gave a list of reasons that she disliked in her old rink.
  • He ended up working with Pluschenko's group - Litvintsev called and asked for help before the Worlds
  • Kostornaya's new programme with Bourne was his idea.
  • Samokhvalov's telegram message about Buyanova not wanting to work with Rozanov because he can not be trusted - according to Rozanov he did not contact her at that time frame, he was working hard with Litvintsev towards the Worlds.
  • He refused to comment on a possibility of going back to Tutberidze's group. For now his plan are the training camps with Pluschenko's group in Italy and then somewhere else.
  • He is now working together with Lipnitskaya who helps him a lot with the girls. The next goal is to get to the Olympics with Litvintsev.
  • He believes a 5 revolutions jump is possible and he things Kagyama might be the one to land it
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Well-Known Member
Olga Ermolina's Pavliuchenko/Khodykin interview was published on the RuFed website on May 30:

Ermolina/Flade's Sinitsina/Katsalapov interview before their Maldives vacation (June 1):

Great interviews.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, @TAHbKA!

After listening to Rozanov, general impressions:

Rozanov seems very private, composed and diplomatic. It was a pleasant interview but not much was said, and Rozanov does not show emotion. Says he dislikes interviews and journalists.
He says that currently he prefers to work alone than in a group (though he teams up with Lipnitskaya); he is mostly interested in technical side of skating; he praised Nathan Chen and said it was highly instructive to watch him train at Worlds (and that Nathan easily does two clean complete run-throughs of his programs in one training session). Rozanov repeats Rafael's words about Nathan "being tuned like a Swiss watch". Rozanov says he has no long-term goals but is learning from everything and everybody. Acknowledged that "mistakes were made" last year without elaborating on what they were. Says that he thinks Trusova and Kostornaya went back at least in part because they missed "power of Eteri's personality".

...would be interesting to see how he develops. He projects closed-off and smart... he managed not to reveal much.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, @TAHbKA!

After listening to Rozanov, general impressions:

...would be interesting to see how he develops. He projects closed-off and smart... he managed not to reveal much.

Is it really smart to publicly say that you wouldn't rule out going back to your previous employer, while still apparently working for the current one that you left the previous one for last year?


Well-Known Member
Is it really smart to publicly say that you wouldn't rule out going back to your previous employer, while still apparently working for the current one that you left the previous one for last year?
... if you prefer to fly solo anyway, want to keep all options open and are not particularly attached to the current position? Possibly. He was so non-committal, he did not rule out anything at all.


Values her privacy
To be fair, no coach stays too long in Pluschenko’s school, so he can’t really know what will be in a year or two.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm looking at it from the point of view of the employers. Who wants someone working for them who is always ready to leave at the drop of a hat if he thinks it will benefit him? It's no wonder Buyanova didn't want him.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
See Rozanov getting the boot from Angels of Plushenko soon.
He really is not trustworthy.

Also that he didn't say anything about the Zhilina sisters...


Well-Known Member
Soon enough he'll step out on his own. Just a feeling that he's very ambitious and likes to work on his own. He is friends with Katsalapov, maybe when the latter retires they'll work together?
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