Downtown Jason Brown - Let the Good Times Roll (uber thread #2)


Well-Known Member
Brief Jason practice clip from last weekend abt Sun Valley, to the whiny white guy song. Our first glimpse of Frank Carroll-ized Jason:

Do we detect any changes?

And from last May, a 3A-1L-3F practice clip:

And can I just say about the clips @Karpenko posted: (1) that's such a pretty quad! (2) in the TCC clip I love seeing the two people in the front row with insanely happy grins, the little white haired lady struggling to her feet to give him a standing o, and his crossed fingers while he waits his score. (3) I don't care what anyone says, I love Scott and Sandra's commentary to Riverdance. What kind of look do you think Scott gave Sabdra when she says, "a little two foot on that"?

Thx for posting those!


Banned Member
:lol: That was classic and memorable repartee between Sandra and Scott. :p I think Sandra was the more likely one to have given Scott a poke in the ribs and/or the evil eye for his obvious over-enthusiastic oversight re Jason's slight double-footed second 3-axel, which was a minor mistake in an otherwise brilliant, star-making performance. Sandra did soften her accurate correction of Scott's OTT utterance, with an immediate complimentary comment about Jason, as I recall. :)

And thanks for those links @Tavi!


Well-Known To Whom She Wonders
Does anyone know more details about Jason working with Frank Carroll?

el henry

#WeAllWeGot #WeAllWeNeed
Laissez les bons temps rouler, indeed! (which is horrible French, but who cares? Tis Jason!:40beers:)

1. Have always loved the little old lady at TCC, so glad you mentioned her @Tavi. Maybe because both of my folks in their later years needed to do that to stand in their later years, and I know what it took, and she is nevertheless determined to give her props to Jason:respec:

2. I looove Scott Hamilton's Riverdance commentary and the haterz can kiss it.....

3. The ubers figured out Jason was at TSC before he even hinted at it, and before J&D said anything, but Jason has been :sekret: about his work there. Hopefully at some point it will all be revealed....
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To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Laissez les bons temps rouler, indeed! (which is horrible French, but who cares? Tis Jason!:40beers:)

1. Have always loved the little old lady at TCC, so glad you mentioned her @Tavi. Maybe because both of my folks in their later years needed to do that to stand in their later years, and I know what it took, and she is nevertheless determined to give her props to Jason:respec:

2. I looove Scott Hamilton's Riverdance commentary and the haterz can kiss it.....

3. The ubers figured out Jason was at TSC before he even hinted at it, and before J&D said anything, but Jason has been :sekret: about his work there. Hopefully at some point it will all be revealed....
@el henry Fais Do Do! That's how it is when it comes to Jason! :rockstar:


Well-Known Member
I'm confused about the mention of Jason and Frank Carroll. Has he switched coaches? Moved training locations?


Well-Known Member
As far as we know, he is working with Frank this summer but has not changed coaches. When he was struggling with the 3A Kori had had him work with other coaches including Tom Z, so presumably it's something similar now. According to the most recent TSL, he will be working with Frank until Glacier Falls; Kori and the rest of her kids will join him there a few days before that.


Well-Known Member
That's probably a good move to work with a legendary coach at least for part of a season. Good for Kori that she can easily share the coaching with others. She seems to be all about what her skaters need. It seems common anyway, for top skaters to seek the advise of more than one coach


Well-Known Member
That's probably a good move to work with a legendary coach at least for part of a season. Good for Kori that she can easily share the coaching with others. She seems to be all about what her skaters need. It seems common anyway, for top skaters to seek the advise of more than one coach .


Banned Member
^^ Thanks for the closer, unobstructed view @skatesindreams. Jason looks well-trained and sharp for this point in the off-season. Great job and wishing Jason lots of luck and success for remainder of summer and for the new season!

I am not that enamored of Jason's costume, but I do like that it seems they made some slight changes from what the outfit looked like on Jason at TCC. The adjustments they made give his body longer lines and make his limbs not as cut-off looking/ out of proportion. I'm not sure about the different shades of blue. I liked Jason's Liebstraume light blue outfit better than this one. But at least the more streamlined look here is better than at TCC.

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