Big Brother 21


Throwing the (rule)book at them

Tommy has said that he doesn’t want to put any of the original 6 up and is leaning towards Kat and Cliff with Kat as his target. However, the field trip thing is revealed today and every single poll I’ve seen has Christie, Michie, and Analyse way ahead of the rest of the eligible houseguests so one of them will be competing to be safe this week (which they already would have been) and the person who finishes last will be a third nominee. That might be trouble for Tommy, as I can see people turning on Christie, given the chance (ahem.. Michie and Holly). Same thing for Michie if he were to be the 3rd nominee.

Tommy can’t be HOH next week obviously, and with the possibility of Christie gone he really would almost be on his own. I say if she does finish last in the field trip competition, she should be the one they try to evict.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
If Christie goes home on Tommy's HOH, this season may officially be redeemed.

If the field trip competition happens first, which I’m sure it will, Tommy might want to think about putting two of Cliff/Jess/Nicole up from the beginning. That way, there’s not a potential extra vote against whoever is the third nominee. If one wins gets taken down, just replace that person with the other of the three.

If Christie is up against Kat and Cliff, for example, Nicole and Jess are for sure votes to get Christie out. Kat is a wildcard and I’m not sure that she would stay loyal to Cliff’s Angels in the case that she’s not on the block and two of the others are, and I’m sure Christie would see her as the one most likely to be convinced to do what Tommy wants.

Then again, if Christie IS the third nominee, then Tommy might be desperate and either nominate Michie right away (of course, only if Analyse wins safety- which I doubt) or backdoor him when he senses that the house will go after Christie.

If Michie is the third nominee, I could see Tommy saying screw it and trying his best to make sure Michie goes without making it obvious.

Should be another exciting week.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I hope Cliff doesn't go on the field trip. I saw a poll that showed him with more votes than Anal-Lice.


Well-Known Member
Field trip results:

Christie - OTB. Sis - punishment. Jackson - safe


Author of the Ice and Edge Series

Christie is on the block because of the field trip bahaaaaa. Now I just need to "manifest" anyone but her, Tommy or Nick winning veto.


Throwing the (rule)book at them

As expected, Kat and Cliff are up and Christie is already paranoid and crying to the house. She can’t pick a player for veto and she thinks it’s unfair. I know Tommy is pressuring everyone into saving Christie from the block, but Nicole, Jess, Michie, and Holly would be stupid not to take this opportunity. After all, Christie was the one repeatedly saying ‘for me the 6 is dead’!


Banned Member

As expected, Kat and Cliff are up and Christie is already paranoid and crying to the house. She can’t pick a player for veto and she thinks it’s unfair. I know Tommy is pressuring everyone into saving Christie from the block, but Nicole, Jess, Michie, and Holly would be stupid not to take this opportunity. After all, Christie was the one repeatedly saying ‘for me the 6 is dead’!

I have to partly disagree. Holly and Michie would be stupid to not work with some of the remaining Shooters. Since if Christie, Tommie, and Sis are all taken out, they will be the next 2 out 100% guaranteed. Actually probably even before Sis given what a goat she is.


Throwing the (rule)book at them

Tommy won veto. Christie will for sure come off the block. Well, the excitement lasted for a while. Regardless of who goes up, I think Cliff is the one most in trouble now.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series

Tommy won veto. Christie will for sure come off the block. Well, the excitement lasted for a while. Regardless of who goes up, I think Cliff is the one most in trouble now.

There won't be a replacement nom for Christie so it'll be just Cliff and Kat. Right now it looks like Nicole could be the deciding vote, and Nick has been working her hard to join the dark side. Kat was Tommy's original target so I think his crew will vote her out.


Banned Member
I dont know why anyone is dissapointed with this. Dont get me wrong, I dont really like Tommy or Christie, but had Christie stayed up and gone the rest of the season (which is already godawful on every level to begin with) would have a been a boring steamroll of one side of the house. This keeps the sides more balanced, Holly and Jackson have a big decision which side to go with now or whether to play the middle, and it is very interesting now moving forward. That is what anyone should want. It is not like there is a single person in the house even that worth rooting for anyway, maybe Nicole since she is atleast nice but even she is boring.

Anyway I think Kat is the one in the most trouble, not Cliff. Christie, Tommy, Nick, Sis clearly want her out, especialy Tommy, and those others will be firmly team Tommy now (if they werent already) and will surely vote however he wants. Those woulds would already be enough with Tommy as the tiebreaking vote, but on top of that Nicole and Jess are probably more loyal to Cliff than to Kat too. Cliffs Angels (Jess, Cliff, Nicole, Kat) know Kat has an alliance with Jackson and Holly too, so guaranteed she is on the bottom with them. I dont know who the 3rd nominee is going to be, it has to be one of Jess, Nicole, or Holly as Jackson have safety, but if Kat stays I will be surprised. The only way she stays is if she convinces Tommy to keep her over Cliff. Sis, Christie, Nick will do exactly what Tommy wants this week.


Banned Member
There won't be a replacement nom for Christie so it'll be just Cliff and Kat. Right now it looks like Nicole could be the deciding vote, and Nick has been working her hard to join the dark side. Kat was Tommy's original target so I think his crew will vote her out.

My bad, I didnt realize there was no 3rd nominee. Anyway I think Kat is still gone. If Tommy still wants her Christie, Sis, Nick will vote that way, and I am pretty sure Jess would keep Cliff over Kat too. I doubt Nicoles vote will even matter, but I am sure she would side Cliff over Kat too. It has nothing to do with joining the dark side, Cliff is her #1 and has been almost all game. Cliff is the leader of the Angels 4, and Kat is probably the bottom of the 4, so I would be surprised if Jess or Nicole would save Kat over Cliff, let alone both. And Nicole and Jess know Kat has another alliance with Holly and Jackson, after making the risky move to keep Jackson last week, they wont want him to gain more power in the game by keeping the Holly/Jackson/ Kat trio intact while also losing an angel either way. Remember there are all kinds of sub alliances and split alliances forming now as we just start the home stretch of the game.


Banned Member
Despite that he is playing awful Nick is in an increasingly goot spot in the house. He is dead bottom of both alliances which is perfect since nobody in the house wants him out anytime soon. Jackson/Holly are all of a sudden in a bad spot if Kat goes as expected. They are dead bottom with Cliff's side of the house, and if they rejoin with Tommy's side they are dead bottom there too, but unlike Nick they would be a clear target of the other side anyway, atleast Jackson due to being a threat and pariah of sorts.

I see Christie/Jackson noms (possibly Christie/Sis or Christie/Tommy) for either Cliff or Jess. Nicole is also aligned with Nick so harder to tell, maybe Christie/Jackson or Jackson/Holly for her. Holly/Jackson are anyones guess. Christie, Nick, and Sis would all probably put up some combination of Cliff/Jess/Nicole next week. I dont think anyone nominates Nick though, except maybe Jackson.


Throwing the (rule)book at them

Sounds like they are propositioning Cliff into some kind of agreement if they keep him, and if he doesn’t want it they will actually pull the numbers to get him out of the house. Nick seems fully committed to Tommy and Christie now, and one of that group (plus Analyse) better hope they win the next HOH or I think Christie and/or Tommy are in big trouble.

Regardless of who goes this week, both sides are going to be begging for Nicole and Jess to join them to get the numbers.


Banned Member

Kat went as expected. Only Jess voted to keep her, and Jess has 100% turned against Cliff now which partly explains her vote to keep Kat. She even blew up Cliff's Angels in front of everyone.

Jackson won HOH. He is almost for sure putting up Christie, but surprisingly he isnt even considering Tommy and he is debating Cliff, Sis, or Nick as the 2nd nom. I think he isnt considering Tommy since he a)wants to work with him if Christie goes, b)is scared since he is an even bigger threat to win the game than Christie he might go over Christie and he badly wants Christie out. However his thinking is flawed, IMO Tommy is the only one who ensures Christie goes in fact. Sis, Nick, and Holly 100% keep Tommy over Christie which ensures worst case Jackson as a tiebreaking vote to send Christie home. Against anyone else Nick, Sis, and Tommy vote to keep Christie (maybe Nick votes to keep Sis over Christie) and Cliff, Jess, Nicole all have some degree of connection to Christie still. So as strange as it sounds Tommy/Christie noms are the only ones that would guarantee Christie went home, but Jackson unfortunately is too stupid to see that. Not to mention if Tommy wins veto he 100% takes Christie off now.

I see now the reason Jackson is not even considering Tommy, is that Tommy gave Jackson/Holly his word right when he won HOH he wouldnt put them up and he wants to honor that back. I guess that makes sense, but he is too dumb to see Tommy might be the only one Christie goes home over, and it will get harder to get her out in the future.
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Headcase Addict
Holly should talk some sense into Jackson. The only smart move is to put Christie/Tommy up, with Sis or Nick as replacement. Common sense, but Jackson really doesn't have any. I don't get a chance to watch the FEEDS often, but the Slip and Slide comp is one of my favorites and had to watch the whole thing. Nick got off to a fast start, but slowed down quick while Jackson and Holly kept up the pace. Jess and Cliff had a hard time....lmao.


Banned Member
Holly should talk some sense into Jackson. The only smart move is to put Christie/Tommy up, with Sis or Nick as replacement. Common sense, but Jackson really doesn't have any. I don't get a chance to watch the FEEDS often, but the Slip and Slide comp is one of my favorites and had to watch the whole thing. Nick got off to a fast start, but slowed down quick while Jackson and Holly kept up the pace. Jess and Cliff had a hard time....lmao.

Exactly. Like I said Christie is guaranteed to go over Tommy. Analyse, Sis, and Holly NEVER vote out Tommy over Christie, so worst case is a 3-3 tie (I dont think it even comes to that) and Jackson voting Christie out. Anyone else up with Christie and she might stay. I hope he puts up Analyse, she is the 2nd best bet to send Christie home. If he puts up Cliff as he is thinking Christie probably stays in fact.

Now he is thinking of Jess/Cliff noms would be hilarious, but still am pretty sure he puts Christie up atleast.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I think Christie still goes if it's her and Cliff up:

Votes to evict Christie: Nicole, Holly, Jess (she promised Jackson she'd vote how he wants)
Votes to evict Cliff: Sis, Tommy, Nick? (he wants to keep more guys in the house so not 100% he would vote out Cliff)

Jackson said he wants to be the "hero" and break the tie, so I think he's hoping for a tie.

The only catch in the plan is if Tommy wins veto. Then I guess either Sis or Nick would go up, which wouldn't be a total loss, but not as good as getting out either Christie or Tommy.


Banned Member
I think Christie still goes if it's her and Cliff up:

Votes to evict Christie: Nicole, Holly, Jess (she promised Jackson she'd vote how he wants)
Votes to evict Cliff: Sis, Tommy, Nick? (he wants to keep more guys in the house so not 100% he would vote out Cliff)

Jackson said he wants to be the "hero" and break the tie, so I think he's hoping for a tie.

The only catch in the plan is if Tommy wins veto. Then I guess either Sis or Nick would go up, which wouldn't be a total loss, but not as good as getting out either Christie or Tommy.

Jess and Cliff got in a big fight the other night, so not sure. The only way Jess really votes out Cliff who she is now on the outs with over Christie who she likes, is if she is REALLY being truthful to Jackson she votes how he wants.

I agree Holly and probably Nicole (although she also has a weird infatuation with Christie) probably vote out Christie over Cliff. Still you have to be sure Jess will keep her word, otherwise you are in big trouble.

I think Tommy is still safer. You know Sis, Nick, and Holly are never voting out Tommy, so absolute worst case is a tiebreaker and Jackson sending Christie home on that, even if Jess is BSing. Oh yeah and pretty sure Cliff keeps Tommy over Christie too anyway, while Jess and Nicole are the only iffy ones.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I haven't seen any evidence of Nicole having an infatuation with Christie. I've seen her comment that she's on to her "manifest" BS and knows she's not trustworthy. I don't see any situation where Nicole votes out Cliff over Christie.


Banned Member
I haven't seen any evidence of Nicole having an infatuation with Christie. I've seen her comment that she's on to her "manifest" BS and knows she's not trustworthy. I don't see any situation where Nicole votes out Cliff over Christie.

On the feeds Jess and Nicole have many private conversations where they talk how much they trust Christie or conversations with other people where they say that. Jess immediately ruled out even considering Christie on her own HOH and has gushed over Christie many times.

The only reason Nicole probably keeps Cliff over Christie is since she is so close with Cliff.


Throwing the (rule)book at them

It’s Sis and Christie on the block, and Michie and Holly are already planning to scare pretty much everyone (which reads to me as Christie and Nick) into not using the veto, because then Tommy will go up in the saved one’s place- so Michie says. Christie would obviously use it on herself still, but I think Nick would be afraid to see Tommy go. If Tommy wins veto, then I guess Nick goes on the block next to Sis, but I don’t think they’ve actually discussed it.

Jess continues to flat-out say that she’s never told what is going on, she never gets asked to be part of an alliance, and I think Michie understands he really needs her along with Cliff and Nicole, right NOW, to get further along in the game. But I think the three remaining players of Cliff’s Angels will continue to play right down the middle, choosing the side that needs the help for the week, and who knows- they might end up very successful.

I love Nicole’s innocence, but girl, you have to do something soon in order for me to root for you to the end...


Banned Member
Guesses on noms next week if Christie goes as expected. I think:

Tommy- Cliff/Jess (dumb ass) with Nicole as the replacement nom

Nick- Jackson/Holly with Cliff as the replacement nom. Although it could also be Cliff/Jess with Jackson as the replacement nom. Hard to tell with him.

Nicole- Jackson/Holly with Sis as the replacement nom? Nicole wants to work with Nick so she cant really nominate Tommy/Sis or she is screwed with him for good; but she also wont nominate Cliff obviously. If Jessica keeps being a bitch to her it could be her.

Holly- Sis/either Nick or Jess. Hers are hard to tell, I think she sort of wants to work with Nick, but she also sort of wants to work with the outsiders.

Sis- Jackson/Holly 100%. Replacement nom anyone but Tommy or Nick.

Jess- She could nominate anyone. She has been fighting and angry with her so called allies Cliff and Nicole all week, especialy since she is better Cliff stayed over Kat. She could nominate Jackson/Holly or Sis/Nick. She could literally nominate any of the other 7.

Cliff- Probably Sis/Nick, with Tommy or Jess as the replacement maybe? Hard to tell with him too, I dont think he is completely loyal to anyone but Nicole.

This pathetic low life cast are a bunch of beta pussies though. Dont know why everyone is so excited about Jack, Bella, and Christie (probably) being gone, they are vile people but atleast they play the game. Most of the ones left are wimps who throw comps and are vile people on top of that (or boring as sin like Nicole). Everyone on the BB forums wants Jackson gone next, which would officialy probably leave 0 people left who play the game seriously, and just 7 betas left in the house to the end, with everyone fighting to throw comps and jump off on HOHs and vetos first.

I predict Sis to win the next HOH since Sis and Jackson are the only two who feel they are in danger (rightly or wrongly) and Jackson cant play so that leaves only Sis. Atleast 4 of the other 6 will throw it and lose in the first 2 minutes as has been happening in more and more of the comps to anyone who like me watches the feeds and the comps when they dont blur them out for kittens or puppies, or a fish tank. I will be back when Sis wins the next HOH as I have already guaranteed happening.
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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Nick is all over the place, but the one thing he hasn't wavered on is that Jess is his target. He can't stand her.


Banned Member
Nick is all over the place, but the one thing he hasn't wavered on is that Jess is his target. He can't stand her.

So he would probably put up who Jess is most sure to go home against. I cant pinpoint exactly who that is though. And I am sure whoever it is, Nick is too dumb to figure it out and would use the wrong pawn.

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