Big Brother 21


It’s funny how in the first week I desperately wanted Kat to be off my screen with the 8392 “are you bitches conspiring against me?” and now she’s near the top of my (short) list of favorites :rofl:


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Kat can now run with the dumb blonde thing and lay low. I’m happy she stayed now. I’m not that happy Cliff won the Comeback. Everyone else would’ve probably offered some more dramatic gameplay but I think he will be back to just awkwardly walking around and not offering much strong strategy.

From the clips we saw ending the show, it looks like they are mad most at Jack, which is fine by me.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Cliff won HOH! And he is vowing to take down one of the Six Shooters. He, Jess, and Kat had a long talk about how they've been considered expendable by the power couples and it needs to end. Christie blabbed her power to him (everyone in the house knows now) so he knows he has to work around that. If he can get Jack booted, I will love him forever.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Well, I had hope for 24 hours that one of the Six Sh!tters would get the boot this week, but this season continues to be crap. Jackson won veto, so Christie may use her power for him to put up Bella. If she doesn't, Cliff has agreed to put up Bella. 🙄 I get that he would be a target if he puts up one of the six, but they already voted you out, man. At least go out firing if you're going to go down. It disgusts me that we'll be stuck with the arrogant, racist jerk Jack for at least another week and probably more.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Yeah, what a waste of a week really but Cliff was backed into a corner. What should happen is they should continue to tell him what to do, he should say he will put Bella up, Christie doesn’t use her power within the time needed (which is, I’m guessing, before the point that Jackson says ‘Cliff I’ve vetoed one of your nominations now you must name a replacement’), and he should promptly put up Christie.

He won’t do it because he then has the five remaining six shooters after him, but they are already mad at him for not listening to the ‘put Bella up initially’ thing. Watching them last night all try to schmooze him with compliments was 🙄 and at least he wasn’t playing into it. Until Christie dropped that bomb.

BTW- the vote can still be 5 to 5. All five eligible six shooters vote out Bella. Nicole, Jess, Kat, Sam, and Nick vote out Jack. Kat is the one who would probably still side with six shooters but come on- it’s obvious they are working together and people are afraid to ‘upset’ them. Why not dig into their numbers while you have the chance to have the majority numbers on your own side?


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Kat is as bad a rat as Tommy. She runs and tells the six everything that Cliff tells her. I thought she had promise, but she's just another one up the cook kids' butts.

And now Cliff has reverted to kissing their butts too, and they're going to revamp Gr8teful with Cliff and Kat replacing Nick and Bella. So gross.


Well-Known Member
Well, I had hope for 24 hours that one of the Six Sh!tters would get the boot this week, but this season continues to be crap. Jackson won veto, so Christie may use her power for him to put up Bella. If she doesn't, Cliff has agreed to put up Bella. 🙄 I get that he would be a target if he puts up one of the six, but they already voted you out, man. At least go out firing if you're going to go down. It disgusts me that we'll be stuck with the arrogant, racist jerk Jack for at least another week and probably more.
Um, all, you don't have to make it a hidden spoiler, just type spoiler at the top or "from the feeds" or "not on t.v. yet" or something for those of us who do not watch the feeds and want to see how it turns out. I know, don't read it, but I thought the posts would be about last night's show, not the veto comp we haven't seen yet. Now I won't be able to hope that Jack will be evicted. Thanks.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Um, all, you don't have to make it a hidden spoiler, just type spoiler at the top or "from the feeds" or "not on t.v. yet" or something for those of us who do not watch the feeds and want to see how it turns out. I know, don't read it, but I thought the posts would be about last night's show, not the veto comp we haven't seen yet. Now I won't be able to hope that Jack will be evicted. Thanks.

Sorry, I thought there was an agreement years ago in the annual BB thread that we didn't need to use the spoiler tags. Since I started watching the live feeds a few summers ago, I've posted spoilers here as have others and no one ever expressed an issue with it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I thought there was an agreement years ago in the annual BB thread that we didn't need to use the spoiler tags. Since I started watching the live feeds a few summers ago, I've posted spoilers here as have others and no one ever expressed an issue with it.
I said you didn't need to "tag" it. I thought today's comments would be about last night's show. I wouldn't be reading these comments again till after Wednesday night's show. Maybe mention that you watched the feeds at the beginning of the comment?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
From the feeds..

Seems like there are some small talks trying to figure out if Jack actually could be evicted. Christie seems to be playing this game by shifting every time she needs to, and while she’s come across as highly emotional and ridiculous on TV, she seems to have a set plan on how to get down to the final three.

Jackson has been caught eating in the shower several times even though he’s a havenot, and he probably won’t receive any kind of penalty anyways (as severe as a rescinded vote), which is ridiculous.

Holly was mad at Jackson yesterday or the day before but then they made up and everything is back to lovey dovey.

I still think Christie and Tommy might consider voting with a likely Jess, Nick, and Nicole save Bella campaign, and Cliff may redeem himself slightly if he were to cast the deciding vote in a tie and send Jack out the door. Christie as of now is trying hard to keep Jack, but you know how she is and she might put some thought into getting rid of him before jury.

Bella has been much more tolerable since she got sent back to Earth in the last few days, and Jack has been his same self.
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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Jackson's obvious chewing in the shower is totally ridiculous. He talks to others with his mouth full while he's in there! He's been called to the DR a lot, but so far there seem to be no consequences to his actions. If he wasn't such a jerk, I'd feel sorry for him because I think he has major food issues. He's also always policing what others eat and he hides food.


Well-Known Member
I was not a fan of Bella, but now the 6 have the numbers. It would have been great if Jack was out, since he is horrible.
The other side - will get picked off.
I wish Cliff had gotten Christie to use her power - the results would have been the same - but the power gone.
I do appreciate that Bella seems to have realized what she did wrong.
I saw her after interview with Julie online - I think her mother may not be happy about the showmance. Oops.
Holly won HOH - so insufferable week with the 6.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
It’s almost a given that Sam and Nick will go up. That way, one can’t win the veto and protect the other, and also Christie can once again keep her power safe. I think next week is the last week she can use it, and that side will have a big numbers advantage as long as something crazy doesn’t happen this week (in other words, it likely won’t matter if the other side wins HOH as long as one of her side wins veto).

I think Tommy and Christie are the only hope on the side of 6 of breaking it up early and making a big move.

ETA- it’s inevitable that the six are going to turn on each other, and after this week all of the people evicted will be in jury. They should have gotten at least one of their own out before that.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
So much has happened in the last few hours in the house. I know they barely have time to show anything on a live eviction show but expect a wild vote and fallout.


Banned Member
I hate this cast. Everyone is nasty or a total bore. The only likeable person in the whole cast is Tommy and with this homophobic bigoted racist cast he probably wont be allowed to make the end and win as he deserves to.


Well-Known Member
It was pre-empted here last night for the vigil after the shooting and CBS is not in the On Demand list. (Lots of AT&T customers don't even get CBS anymore at all.) I was hoping they would have a thing across the bottom that it would be on at midnight or something, but they didn't. I haven't checked my DVR to see if they ran something at the bottom during though............

What did I miss? You can put it in a spoiler if people haven't watched their recordings yet!


Banned Member
Jessica won veto too, and plans to keep the noms the same, although she is considering taking down Jackson and putting up Nick who she doesnt trust or even less likely Tommy to ensure Jack's easy probably unanimous boot rather than the chancey split vote with Jackson vs Jack. Jack is still the target.

Christie is also losing her shit some, she sees her game starting to fall apart. Jack is starting to sense the situation and almost looks live giving up. The vote is still potentially a fine line Thursday if the veto isnt used though. Could come down to Jessica's tiebreaking vote. Jessica is talking more game on the episode than she has all season.


Well-Known Member
The attached wasn't from last night's show (with the HOH comp) because you said "someone" won the veto TOO. That hasn't happened on t.v. yet. I read last night's recap on the CBS site though. Thanks.


Banned Member
The attached wasn't from last night's show (with the HOH comp) because you said "someone" won the veto TOO. That hasn't happened on t.v. yet. I read last night's recap on the CBS site though. Thanks.

Ooops sorry about that. I am following both the feeds and episodes constantly so I mix up the two sometimes.



I'm so glad that either Jack or Michie will go. The bullying in the house was unwatchable so I skipped a few shows. Happy for Jessica! She was a great HOH. And the Broadway performer, Tommy, is getting to act the fool announcing how fast he's going in that oh so phallic costume. They couldn't have a better house guest for the job.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Spoiler if you don't want to know anything before the 10 minutes (or less) of catch-up before tomorrow's show. By the way, there is heavy speculation from the houseguests that it might be a Double Eviction, but Julie didn't tease it (AFAIK?) so doubtful.

Jack is trying to campaign hard to stay. He thinks he's going to use blackmail with petty info (such as Kat knowing about the rogue vote, etc) and also offering Cliff a certain amount of weeks safety. But with him gone, the whole other side has to know it's basically Christie, Tommy, and Sis that have to fight their way back into a bigger group, and I hardly believe their first target would be Cliff anyways in the event Jack is sent to jury. If one of those three were to win HOH, I'm sure it would be two of Holly, Michie, and Kat on the block.

The game seems to be shifting into a lot of people thinking about who would get more votes in the end, and keeping the person that is least likely to be any kind of challenger in F2. I've seen some talks about how Tommy would be the perfect next person to go instead of someone like Christie, who was playing a great game, but now is probably out of luck in terms of having many people trust her.

Nicole, Cliff, and Holly should be guaranteed votes for Jack to leave. They need at least four for Jessica to break the tie, and she's made it obvious that she wants him out. Kat, even though she's always somewhere in the middle, should just go with the person in power this week and try to still work a secret little thing out with Holly and maybe even Michie for as long as she can. I suspect that Nick will know that they have the majority (or at least the tie) and will vote that way as well, leaving Christie, Tommy, and Sis out of luck.

I want to like Tommy, but EVERYTHING is so unnecessarily over the top in delivery and it's so fake to me. It's one thing to have to re-voice everything in the diary room for producer-suggested theatrics, but he carries that throughout everything else, too. Jonathan Bennett was a carbon copy in his short stay in the Celebrity season earlier this year.


Well-Known Member
Preseason football on CBS here tonight. Big Brother on at 12:30 p.m. I set the DVR for 12:30 - 2:30 just in case. "Check your local listings!"
I want to like Tommy, but EVERYTHING is so unnecessarily over the top in delivery and it's so fake to me.
I think that all the time. It's like he has to act and project for the cameras. So many times, he was only in one room or the other to "emote" while others were discussing something.
Happy for Jessica! She was a great HOH.
I know! The bad thing about that is she'll probably be next on the block.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I know! The bad thing about that is she'll probably be next on the block.

Actually not likely IMO. If Christie/Tommy/Sis win, they will probably go after Holly/Michie/Kat, and vice-versa.

The old group of 6 is probably going to take turns getting back at each other the next few weeks.


Banned Member
God I hate this whole cast. Everyone is either an ass or boring as sin. Kat is sort of the only decent one who isnt totally either, but even she is getting annoying.

And the gay guys being cast are seriously the worst. That stupid little pervert J.C last year, Tommy this year, Jozea the messiah, Frankie the vile famewhore, Jason, the only recent one who wasnt super annoying was Ramses who was boring as heck and didnt know how to play worth a darn. Is Grodner and Robyn Kass homophobic or something to keep scraping the bottom of barel for the gay entries. The women are going to start becoming nearly as bad if Christie is any indication.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The problem is that most people are now coming onto the show trying to make names for themselves rather than actually trying to play a hardcore game.

I think Jack and Michie, or at least one of them, was talking about how Nicole had to definitely apply to be on the show- meaning the majority of them were probably scouted out and I’m sure they think of themselves as ‘influencers’ or wannabes, and this as a stepping stone to be famous.

Also, Grodner and co. need to drop the lame theatrics in diary and during competitions. Britney was a breath of fresh air so many seasons ago because she was so bitter and straight-forward rather than coming up with cheesy lines and over-the-top deliveries. We’ve had 19 years of this, I can’t be the only one rolling my eyes at it.
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Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Yeah with the rise of social media, most of the cast are just on the show to boost their followers and make money shilling products on Instagram after they get out of the house. I would kill for a season full of just people who actually applied.

Regarding the diary room, one of the things that was so great about BBOTT (oh how I wish they'd do another season of it) was the live DR sessions where the HGs were given questions about the game and we got to see the unfiltered, unscripted answers. It was a breath of fresh air.


Banned Member
The problem is that most people are now coming onto the show trying to make names for themselves rather than actually trying to play a hardcore game.

I think Jack and Michie, or at least one of them, was talking about how Nicole had to definitely apply to be on the show- meaning the majority of them were probably scouted out and I’m sure they think of themselves as ‘influencers’ or wannabes, and this as a stepping stone to be famous.

Also, Grodner and co. need to drop the lame theatrics in diary and during competitions. Britney was a breath of fresh air so many seasons ago because she was so bitter and straight-forward rather than coming up with cheesy lines and over-the-top deliveries. We’ve had 19 years of this, I can’t be the only one rolling my eyes at it.

Grodner needs to go period. Maybe Robyn Kass too. I am pretty sure 5 people on this season (a a pair of 2, and a pair of 3) knowing each other wasnt planned. That is just lazy casting. And it shows in the quality of the casts in general.

Grodner and all her "twists" are becoming increasingly absurd. Camp comeback was horrible, and it backfired even worse in a season the 3 darker skinned contestants were the first 3 out, yet forced to wear those silly outfits all week or 2 weeks when they were already being ostracized. This whole field trip thing is bogus and the punishments this season are the worst, and with Tommy of all people coincidentally getting them all they are making him even more excrutiatingly irritating than he already was.

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