Royalty thread #15: A New Era

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Bunny mama
Something that is not been mentioned and because it hasn’t it makes me wonder about is the impact on the kids.

Katherine has a very close relationship with her kids and I’m thinking Will has had to step in now with the emotional needs of the kids and mitigate how having a sick mom can impact their lives and emotions.

I can totally see them not wanting to say anything about Katherine’s recovery to protect the impact on the children.

I know if I was sick my kid would be losing the plot big time and it wouldn’t matter if dad or grandma was around to help. He would be completely thrown off.


Well-Known Member
It is interesting that Meghan is on a panel discussing toxic social media at a time that Catherine has cruelly been targeted. I don't dumpster dive but from what I read some of it is horrific - including doctored pictures featuring her in a coma, etc. What really is the world coming to?


Whippet Good
It is interesting that Meghan is on a panel discussing toxic social media at a time that Catherine has cruelly been targeted. I don't dumpster dive but from what I read some of it is horrific - including doctored pictures featuring her in a coma, etc. What really is the world coming to?
Is it a problem that Meghan is on the panel? I’m not sure I get your point. Both women got/are getting shit from social media. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory for those in the spotlight. And I just can’t with the last question (too much other worse shit is going on in the world).


Well-Known Member
Is it a problem that Meghan is on the panel? I’m not sure I get your point. Both women got/are getting shit from social media. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory for those in the spotlight. And I just can’t with the last question (too much other worse shit is going on in the world).

But Kate is WHITE so therefore her feelings are more important than Meghan's.


Well-Known Member
Is it a problem that Meghan is on the panel? I’m not sure I get your point. Both women got/are getting shit from social media. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory for those in the spotlight. And I just can’t with the last question (too much other worse shit is going on in the world).
Sorry - I could have expressed that better. I think my point is that both women, at vulnerable times, have been targeted. Very cruelly targeted. I am deeply concerned about the negative impact of social media, something I thought was the message of the panel with Meghan and other well spoken women of note. I am frankly horrified by how few controls there seem to be that allow almost anything to be said. I am no happier that it happens to Meghan than that it happens to Catherine or anyone else and fail to see this as a competition as to who has had to endure the worst. I am not saying this is the most awful thing going on in the world but so many people on a daily basis are injured by this and it greatly saddens me.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Something that is not been mentioned and because it hasn’t it makes me wonder about is the impact on the kids.

Katherine has a very close relationship with her kids and I’m thinking Will has had to step in now with the emotional needs of the kids and mitigate how having a sick mom can impact their lives and emotions.

I can totally see them not wanting to say anything about Katherine’s recovery to protect the impact on the children.

I know if I was sick my kid would be losing the plot big time and it wouldn’t matter if dad or grandma was around to help. He would be completely thrown off.
Agree. When my mother was pregnant with my youngest brother she looked like death warmed over for months. She lost a lot of weight instead of gaining so her face was sunk in & her arms & legs were sticks. I was worried she was going to die & actually the birth nearly killed her. So yes, kids worry.
Is it a problem that Meghan is on the panel? I’m not sure I get your point. Both women got/are getting shit from social media. Unfortunately, it comes with the territory for those in the spotlight. And I just can’t with the last question (too much other worse shit is going on in the world).
I took it as maybe defending Kate. No matter what has gone down in the past I can't imagine that their disagreement was ever so serious to them that either of them hate the other.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Color me cynical, I don't think that is a recent picture.
How do you figure?

The photo credit says William 2024. Presuming that much is at least true that would mean it's been taken sometime in the last 3.5 months. So, are you of the belief that it was taken pre-surgery? If so, that would put the photo date as sometime in early January. But there's a budding tree in the background which would point to spring or summer as the tree would have been bare in the fall or winter. I see no reason to believe the photo wasn't taken last week as reported.


Better off than 2020
I have no horse in this race. From all the dire reports earlier, I thought she looked much more healthy and not as pale/weight loss I expected from a prolonged illness. So I just expressed my opinion.


ETA: I don't study Royals pictures, memorize growth and development of children. I just look at how well/healthy she looks and the various comments here and elsewhere that she was on death's door.
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Hey, Kool-Aid!
Louis and Charlotte looked like they have grown since pics from Christmas.

But Louis doing weird things with his fingers again will make the conspiracy theorists happy :lol:


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
But Louis doing weird things with his fingers again will make the conspiracy theorists happy :lol:
That's going to become as much of an internet meme thing as his mischievous nature/behavior at public events already is, lol.


Well-Known Member
So weird. I thought this morning when I first saw the photo that it wasn’t going to do anything to tamp down the conspiracy theories … any one of the things could be explained (she doesn’t wear her engagement ring around the house/she took all her rings off before the surgery due to swelling, the tight fitting jeans were only on for five minutes for the photo, etc) but all together it just seemed weird. I also was suspicious that it seemed too professional and polished a photo for William to have taken … they’ve established Kate as a keen photographer and often release photos she’s taken of the children, but not William. The obvious photoshopping errors could just be overzealous editing (and I do believe it’s a real, recent photo, the kids have clearly grown since Christmas), but knowing how scrutinized this photo would be it seems a pretty amateur mistake.

I tend to err on the side of liking/supporting the royals, although I see their flaws/have my concerns. I definitely think she did really have surgery and is recovering and is entitled to privacy and time for both. But this just gets weirder and weirder.

Amy L

Well-Known Member

ETA - "Princess of Wales: Kate image withdrawn by three news agencies amid 'manipulation' concerns":
Her hand around Louis is super blurry and the one around Charlotte makes her hand look like it's morphed into her sweater. Online sleuths say there's weird stuff going on with the patterns in the clothing but I noticed the hand thing right away, way before the picture was pulled from the media.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t look too closely, but noticed her abdomen was completely hidden by shadows in the pic and the way she held the kids on each side looked like they were supporting her weight.


Bunny mama
There is no way a kill notice went out for someone being heavy handed with the photoshopping.

The photo is either fake or it’s not authorized by Kate to be released and she’s fighting back.

My initial thought was that Kate didn’t look the same as she did in the car photo but thought she was touched up in photoshop or the photo was taken pre-surgery.

Now I have no idea what is happening.

What a mess.


Well-Known Member
I obviously need to pay more attention to possible photoshopping clues. All of you are good sleuths. I did notice that her smile doesn't quite extend to her eyes and that she's the only one seated. That's understandable. She's still recovering. I did think the photo looked too professional for William, but perhaps Catherine is an excellent coach.

I do wonder how her children will perceive this event later. I was in fifth grade when my mom had a major illness. It was difficult and that school year is one of the few that I have trouble remembering clearly.


Rotating while Russian!
I would think that publicity photos like this, vs a photo of a news event, are manipulated all the time. It was released by her family so it is the image they wanted to release.

So it seems odd to me that news agencies are making such a public thing of the photo being removed from "wires" and discussing that it was manipulated.
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