Royalty thread #15: A New Era

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I see the sea
There's a lot of discussion about the British royals in the RIP Queen Elizabeth thread and the Harry/Meghan thread; this is meant as a general royalty thread :)

In the Netherlands, the Princess of Orange started University (colleague who used to work there: "And not at Leiden!!"):

This seems shocking:

In Japan, Prince Hisahito recently turned 16:


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
Meanwhile in The Hague:
"The King, Queen Máxima and the Princess of Orange ride in the Glass Coach to the Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague. There the King delivers the Speech from the Throne. On arrival, the Royal Company salutes the banner of the Marine Corps."

And in Denmark, one of the royals who attended the funeral on Monday was diagnosed with COVID on Tuesday evening. This photo shows many of royals who attended and sat in close proximity:


Better off than 2020
I really have no horse in the race, being American and not in the least royalty, but I am a mother and grandmother so take it for what it's worth.

Children, even adult children, have expectations of what is "fair" and who is a favorite child. Those feelings trickle down to grandchildren. A change in status that one has had or expectations based upon past, causes strife in the most trivial of families. If for 40 years, you have believed you and your children will inherit something and it is taken away, I think there would/will be quite the family divide.

It is probably time for changes, but it is not going to be harmonious.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I read today that Prince George "won" an argument at school by bragging that ‘My dad will be king so you better watch out.' They wrote the article that he was oh so cute. It doesn't sound cute to me, it sounds bratty & like a bully.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I read today that Prince George "won" an argument at school by bragging that ‘My dad will be king so you better watch out.' They wrote the article that he was oh so cute. It doesn't sound cute to me, it sounds bratty & like a bully.
Link? I cast a huge side-eye at this sort of story for a variety of reasons, not the least of which, we don't have much context regarding what the argument was about.


Better off than 2020
A rumor I heard was William did a similar thing when he was around the same age.
Everyone single kid I know does some sort of boasting at that age. Not my dad will be king, but something.

Doesn't mean that every single kid will turn out to be a "bad kid". It just seems to me to be a normal kid behavior.


Well-Known Member
A rumor I heard was William did a similar thing when he was around the same age.
Everyone single kid I know does some sort of boasting at that age. Not my dad will be king, but something.

Doesn't mean that every single kid will turn out to be a "bad kid". It just seems to me to be a normal kid behavior.
It's just that if Archie or Lili ever said something similar, scorn about what a bad mother Meghan is would be heaped on her whereas William's and Catherine's children get a pass or are just called "spirited."


Well-Known Member
I am not sure that is true. I have seen many times a picture of a very, very young Charlotte in an adorable dress breaking down and crying on a tarmac somewhere and Kate trying to calm her - as well as her famous tongue out on the boat picture. I have also read a number of very critical comments on Louis's behaviour at the Jubilee celebrations. I think all children should be left alone and allowed to grow up.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
It's just that if Archie or Lili ever said something similar, scorn about what a bad mother Meghan is would be heaped on her whereas William's and Catherine's children get a pass or are just called "spirited."
So, I'm still waiting for the link to this article reporting this supposed interaction between George and a classmate. Until then, maybe let's stop hypothesizing on what the British tabloid press will or won't do with the Sussex kids' potential future bad behavior.

What's far more interesting today is that Prince Joachim has spoken to the French press (he, his 2nd wife Princess Marie, and their two children Prince Henrik & Princess Athena have been based in Paris for a couple years now - gossipy speculation amongst fans of the Danish royal family is that they were "exiled" there), and basically is throwing his mother under the bus. He said his mother spoke to him in May about removing the Prince/Princess titles back in May, but that the plan was to do so when each child turned 25, then 5 days ago she changed her mind and decided to take it away for all of them; he asked for a few days to formulate a response and talk to the kids, then yesterday or Tuesday he got a phone call from the Lord Chamberlain of his mother's court, letting him know the press release would be coming out within 24 hours. And, he hasn't spoken to his mother.

Prince Nikolai, Joachim's oldest son, has also spoken to the press today - pretty much echoes what his father said.

What an ugly mess this has turned into. Here's hoping Charles handles it better if/when he strips the HRH Prince/Princess titles from a bunch of his family members. The Swedish model is probably the best one for him to follow, though I'm not sure he'll get agreement from the Sussexes the way Carl XVI Gustaf got agreement from Carl Philip and Madeleine.


I see the sea
I mean there's this famous story about William and Harry as kids (sorry about the source, it's the first one I found):

Meanwhile, Prince Charles (the cute one in Luxembourg) will soon have a sibling:


Better off than 2020
I didn't get close to finishing the quiz, but it seemed answer skewed - but this is my opinion
Chic current gentle lady
Queen answers like corgi
Chic 1980's lady.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
That's probably the best-run royal house in Europe (past allegations notwithstanding). I wonder if Queen Silvia's got something to do with it.
Right now, I think you're probably right, lol. The Dutch royal house aren't too far behind, though Willem-Alexander & Maxima have made some PR blunders lately.


Well-Known Member
IMO, there is a huge difference between the title change for Prince Joachim's kids (the youngest of whom is in their teens) when they are used to the "HRH" and changing the title of couple of toddlers, who are completely unaware of the issue.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
IMO, there is a huge difference between the title change for Prince Joachim's kids (the youngest of whom is in their teens) when they are used to the "HRH" and changing the title of couple of toddlers, who are completely unaware of the issue.
Well, no, Joachim's youngest, Athena, turns 11 in January, so she's not quite in her teens. Also, they were styled as His/Her Highness, no "Royal" in there, as a way of differentiating between them and the children of the heir, Frederik.

I don't know as there is necessarily any good time to make this type of change, but I do agree that while they are too young to really understand or know what it means, is better, which is a big reason why I think the way Carl Gustaf handled it with the children of his two younger kids has been as good as it's going to get. They don't have the HRH or HH style, but while in Sweden, they are Prince/Princess and also retain their Duke/Duchess titles, but neither are hereditary for their descendants.


So, I'm still waiting for the link to this article reporting this supposed interaction between George and a classmate.
I saw a bunch of articles about this a couple of days ago. The "incident" is being used to publicize a new book:
"According to Katie Nicholl’s new book The New Royals: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown, which will be released October 4..., he once bragged about his dad being the future king."


From the Bloc
I read today that Prince George "won" an argument at school by bragging that ‘My dad will be king so you better watch out.' They wrote the article that he was oh so cute. It doesn't sound cute to me, it sounds bratty & like a bully.

A brand new thread and it only takes six posts before you're racing in here to further fuel the Wales vs Sussex :argue:

None of us were there, so unless there is a recording of some kind and we know more about what led up to this, then I suggest we all give the kid the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's a bratty child who runs around threatening to have his schoolmates heads chopped off, who knows. Or maybe the other kid was taunting him, perhaps repeatedly, until he felt the need to say something he thought would shut the other kid up. I can imagine that whatever school he's in is full of children whose parents are titled, famous, rich, and/or highly accomplished, which could lead to a lot of oneupmanship in the schoolyard.

Also, maybe it's nothing, but he's also likely going to be king eventually, so why didn't he say that? This suggests that the tussle might have been centred on whose father is better/stronger/smarter/cooler/more handsome/could beat the other one up, and if that's the case, why not play your ace?


Well-Known Member
So, I'm still waiting for the link to this article reporting this supposed interaction between George and a classmate. Until then, maybe let's stop hypothesizing on what the British tabloid press will or won't do with the Sussex kids' potential future bad behavior.

What's far more interesting today is that Prince Joachim has spoken to the French press (he, his 2nd wife Princess Marie, and their two children Prince Henrik & Princess Athena have been based in Paris for a couple years now - gossipy speculation amongst fans of the Danish royal family is that they were "exiled" there), and basically is throwing his mother under the bus. He said his mother spoke to him in May about removing the Prince/Princess titles back in May, but that the plan was to do so when each child turned 25, then 5 days ago she changed her mind and decided to take it away for all of them; he asked for a few days to formulate a response and talk to the kids, then yesterday or Tuesday he got a phone call from the Lord Chamberlain of his mother's court, letting him know the press release would be coming out within 24 hours. And, he hasn't spoken to his mother.
I was going to say, I assume the Queen talked to her son before doing so but I guess, I was wrong. :wideeyes:
What an ugly mess this has turned into. Here's hoping Charles handles it better if/when he strips the HRH Prince/Princess titles from a bunch of his family members. The Swedish model is probably the best one for him to follow, though I'm not sure he'll get agreement from the Sussexes the way Carl XVI Gustaf got agreement from Carl Philip and Madeleine.
I think the problem is that the Danish Queen didn't really communicate well. On the other hand, no one can say that they didn't know or didn't expect it to happen if/when it happens in the UK. It's been known that Charles wants to "slim down" the monarchy for years.

None of us were there, so unless there is a recording of some kind and we know more about what led up to this, then I suggest we all give the kid the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's a bratty child who runs around threatening to have his schoolmates heads chopped off, who knows. Or maybe the other kid was taunting him, perhaps repeatedly, until he felt the need to say something he thought would shut the other kid up.
Or maybe they were in a bragging contest, as kids sometimes are. Or maybe George felt too much like the new kid and that prompted the bragging.
There are a lot of reasons why kids brag and George not only started a new school this year, he also recently moved up a spot in the line of succession, as did his dad and grandfather. And he's likely at an age where he now starts to comprehend what it all means. Any nine-year-old has a lot to deal with and there's even more to deal with for George.


Well-Known Member
Have Harry and Meghan actually stated any time recently that they want HRH prince and princess titles for their children? I read it a lot but have not seen any direct quotes from them. I thought the original concern was about the kind of security their children would have in the UK without them, but with the Queen gone, I can't see them spending much time there. They will grow up as American children where titles are not a thing. For their day to day lives in the U.S., I would think Archie and Lily, children of very affluent parents, free to chart their own paths, would be the goal. I know they can never get away from the fact they are members of the royal family but titles emphasis that. Anne certainly believes not taking titles for her children was the right choice.
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