When Nicky and Simon misstep, they misstep.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I’m finding it very funny that just about everywhere discussing this, even God bless them skating Twitter, there is a subgroup of people saying that Duhamel deserved what was said about her. 😂 I know people find every little thing to dislike about her, but I don’t see the problem in her voicing the problematic stuff in their commentary, which is what (supposedly) started this whole thing.

Had it been about a skater competing in the event, I think those posters would’ve changed their tunes real quick. Oh wait.. fans already had that evidence too with skaters such as Cain-Gribble and the comments made there.

I expected the two to lose their jobs quickly as it is on par with what has happened in other sports. I brought up the baseball example when a long-time commentator made a gay slur after he didn’t know he was on the air, either.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
There is no excuse for the incompetence and complete unwillingness to learn the basics of the sport by Simon Reed (or Nicky Slater for that matter). Covering the sport for 40 years as the lead "man on the street" he should be like Terry Gannon, who is nothing if not respectful of all of the athletes. Terry has gained a fair bit of knowledge over the years and while he certainly relies on Johnny, Tara and Tanith to do the heavy lifting of explaining, especially during the replay, the technical nuances of why a jump failed or the twizzle went wrong, or knowing that the deduction rises to 2 points on the 3rd fall of a program (which Johnny explained when Keegan's marks came up), he is intelligent and knowledgeable enough about the sport and his co-commentators to draw the important information out of them without making disparaging remarks about the field of competitors in general. Simon does NONE of that and it's really unacceptable.

As someone who used to watch and listen a ton of San Francisco Giants baseball, I had the pleasure of hearing Ted Robinson work in the same role that Gannon and Reed fill. He knew the sport as well as the former players who had turned broadcasters (Joe Morgan, Mike Krukow, Duane Kuiper, etc) and worked well with them to give the fans good calling of each and every game. I don't watch much baseball nowadays, but Robinson has moved on to other things and is routinely heard during the Olympics working with the diving commentators at the Summer Games and I can't recall which sport he usually does during the Winter, but this guy is a professional who, like Gannon, has a basic respect for the athletes, the sport and his JOB, which is to ask insightful questions of the color experts that give the average viewer a reasonable understanding of how the sport is scored and what goes right or wrong in any particular race/performance.

I don't expect the Simon Reeds, Terry Gannons or Ted Robinsons of the broadcast world to be walking encyclopedias of every sport, but I do expect them to be professional both on air and in their event preparation. Neither Simon nor Nicky were that on Wednesday, and they deserved to lose their jobs.

Ted Barton did a fine job commentating solo on less than 12 hours notice beginning Thursday. He was more chatty than he is during the JGP, that could be because, as Meagan was noting during the IG Live she did with Adam Rippon's mom Friday or Saturday, TV usually has a producer in your ear asking you to speak even during the skates. Ted stepped it down a couple of notches between Thursday and Saturday, and I noticed he was talking less during the programs, but I also suspect he was at least a little nervous on Thursday, especially since it sounded like he was working remotely.

Also, Johnny and Tara are fine. They are certainly constrained by NBC/producer requirements. I noticed during the 3 broadcasts I've watched so far from Worlds, that every time, first skater on the ice, Tara is pointing out the tech tracker. We all know what it is but that's certainly meant for the occasional viewer who isn't on FSU, GoldenSkate, etc. When given the chance, Johnny and Tara are both very capable of explaining how a jump went wrong, but they also are trying to use analogies that a non-skater can understand, and they're not bad at that. Neither of them have any formal education in broadcasting and sometimes that shows, especially in comparison to Tanith, who actually DOES have a college degree in the field, but they're not anywhere close to as atrocious as what we got from Simon & Nicky on Wednesday.


Well-Known Member
Who normally does British commentary for figure skating these days? I was a big fan of Susie Wynne and have respect for Tanith now on our American broadcasts.


Well-Known Member
I personally really enjoy some of the new commentators for CBC, especially Meagan Duhamel and Kevin Reynolds. i find they strike a good balance between the general information aimed at those who don't really follow the sport and detailed insight appreciated by the more ardent fans who are really trying to understand the finer points of the judging for that discipline. I greatly admire Ted Barton who has amazing stamina to go for hours and hours and find a positive remark to make on every single skater. He gives constructive criticism but gently and respectful of the feelings of these young people who really put themselves out there. I never knew much, if anything, about juniors coming up and I believe Ted is the one to thank for all the coverage we have had now these last years. Who we like and don't care for is obviously a very personal choice. I was talking to a friend from the US who doesn't follow skating but also not totally in the dark either. She was raving about Tara and Johnny and how entertaining they are and such a gift in their abilities to make a somewhat boring sport more watchable.
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Rotating while Russian!
Loads of baseball detail in this article.

And here is the actual on air apology,, interrupted by action as sports wait for no man. My favorite is the "judgement free zone" billboard.

This commentator is 'back' ...calling high school sports.


Verne Lundquist is an endearing commentator. He did a fine job when he used to do skating and has given a few iconic calls in his time. Since I'm a golf fan "In your life, have you ever seen anything like that!?"

Al Trautwig, not so much, at least in his gymnastics work. While we're on the topic, gymnastics would do well to change their main team again, because Tim Daggett used up his 2 catch phrases a long, long time ago. John Rothlisberger, who does NCAA gymnastics and various other events, is great, and hopefully NBC will take note and give him a promotion.

The color commentator is the expert who actually did the sport and the main commentator is the one who is the trained broadcasting person but not necessarily the expert in the sport (although often they become one even though not from the sport, like Al Michaels or Jim Nantz). Main commentators typically do pbp like, here is so and so, they need 2.5 points to win, they get the first down, 3 pointer goes down and they lead by 2. Color points out what went wrong in the swing, who came in for the great tackle, etc. Classic main and color commentator combos: Dan Hicks/Rowdy Gaines or Nick Faldo, Jim McKay/Dick Button, Al Michaels/Chris Hollingsworth.

In contrast to football and basketball, some sports like gymnastics and skating (and half pipe, with their super-duper McTwists and whatnot), the pbp is often done more by the color person, since calling a qual lutz versus a quad flip or a yurchenko with 2 twists is often not within the purview of the main commentator, compared to calling made putts, baskets or first downs. In these sports, the main commentator is the one that tracks the scoring, who's up next, what place they move into, whether they met their season's best, how nervous their parents are, when there's a commercial break, etc.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I think this is an especially grievous comment. The word "bitch", although frequently used, has several very derogatory meanings and has long been used against women, those who make waves in particular. It was used against one person, easily identifiable, and not in the heat of the moment and there was no real reason to mention her at all. I am not sure of the context but this did not sound like the first time they had used this term as they both recognized who they were taking about.


All we are saying, is give peace a chance
I'd just like to see Tara and Johnny concentrate more on accurate and insightful commentary and less on being "LOOK AT MEEEEEEE!!" attention-seeking. But then again, that's pretty much a description of Johnny's entire career, and at least Tara isn't always reminding us that she won the OGM (and no-one can take it away from her, you know...) anymore.

Thank God for Terry Gannon in the US.


Well-Known Member
Putting the offensive and derogatory comments aside, commentary almost never distracts me from the performances. Sometimes they can enhance it. I never understand why it bothers people. And don’t get me started on people who prefer networks due to commentary but you get fewer skating performances. Why in the world are Americans nostalgic for ABC when you get everything on Peacock or Olympic Channel or whatever? You miss Peggy Fleming that much?


Well-Known Member
Most of my friends and co-workers know I’m an uber figure skating fan. I can’t tell you how many who watch Nationals or Olympics on occasion tell me how much they like Tara and Johnny’s commentary. So many mentioned specifically to me how much they enjoyed them during the Olympics. To me they were the best commentators for NBC at this year’s Olympics. And I watched many of the other sports. They have chemistry, add color and excitement to the event. Johnny in particular gives us memorable and funny descriptions. To me they make it fun. Are they the most cerebral commentators? No. For me Dick Button was the best. His passion, knowledge and strong opinions about figure skating really helped make me a figure skating Uber. And I still miss him. Tanith too is excellent, though not as fun and colorful.

I seem to be a lot more tolerant of most of the commentators than a lot of the posters here. These people are, after all, just expressing their own opinions in a sport that is based on a vast array of differing opinions. I don’t really get offended when a commentator says something I disagree with like others seem to. I did think Johnny and Tara got over the top with their gushing over Russian women and Valieva in particular. This came back to bite them after the doping was revealed. And they appropriately ate some crow and did the right thing. Ted was guilty of the same thing with Russia and the Eteri group. I don’t know if he has shown any contrition.

For the first time I can ever recall I started muting the commentary during Worlds when Nicky was blathering on during the replays with totally inaccurate, inane and uninformed comments. Frankly I was shocked at how bad it really was, even mentioning it to Mr. Mtnskater. If it took the hot mic incident to have them removed then I consider it karma.


Well-Known Member
lol point taken but in skating isn’t the color commentator, the one who doesn’t do ‘the play by play’ and doesn’t call the jumps.
The "play-by-play commentator" is someone like Terry Gannon, and the "color commentator" is someone like Johnny Weir or Tara Lipiniski. The former introduces the skaters, mentions scores and standings, and asks the "color commentators" questions such as whether a skater who struggles on jumps when she raises one arm would be able to switch over easily to doing the jump not raising her arm. The color commentators will say whether a jump is a flip or a lutz and tell the viewers more about the skater's technical abilities, etc.

Many broadcasters seem to have concluded that with trackers and TSS/Placement announcements, figure skating doesn't need a play-by-play announcer any more. Hence, we wind up with Ted Barton commentating without a partner.

If I am not mistaken, and I may be, Simon Reed was always a special case because he is a former compettive skater who did play-by-play for British Eurosport in other fields.

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void beast
Simon Reed was always a special case because he is a former compettive skater who did play-by-play for British Eurosport in other fields.
Is he? Really? He's never said anything that's made me think he'd even worn a pair of skates in his life.

Knowing him, I'm sure he'd have brought it up endlessly, if he had something to talk about in that area.


Well-Known Member
What I liked about the world championships recap show on NBC on March 26th? Because we had so many American medalists they concentrated on showing the medal winning routines, not some frivilous up close and personal profiles that ABC previously and NBC like to do. True they snipped some of the Kiss and Cry scores time but it was all programs (and commercials ugh). Since I don't have cable and I can't stream very well I rely on NBC and you tube mostly. So I was happy. And NBC had to show Knierim/Frazier's winningin pairs. For all those awesome programs I didn't mind hearing Tara and Johnny, who don't bother me as much as they bother other posters.


Well-Known Member
Is he? Really? He's never said anything that's made me think he'd even worn a pair of skates in his life.

Knowing him, I'm sure he'd have brought it up endlessly, if he had something to talk about in that area.
I thought that Chris, Nicky, and Simon had all skated competitively at one point, albeit with varying degrees of success. I freely concede that I may be wrong.

On another note, someone needs to take a cue from Simon and make a movie called "The Master and the Margarita," which would be all about cocktails and kinky sex.


void beast
I thought that Chris, Nicky, and Simon had all skated competitively at one point, albeit with varying degrees of success. I freely concede that I may be wrong.

Chris and Nicky are ex-skaters, yes. Chris did singles, and Nicky ice dance.

On another note, someone needs to take a cue from Simon and make a movie called "The Master and the Margarita," which would be all about cocktails and kinky sex.

Why did you make me read those words together in the same sentence? :yikes:

I Luv Bulldogs

Well-Known Member
I personally really enjoy some of the new commentators for CBC, especially Meagan Duhamel and Kevin Reynolds. i find they strike a good balance between the general information aimed at those who don't really follow the sport and detailed insight appreciated by the more ardent fans who are really trying to understand the finer points of the judging for that discipline. I greatly admire Ted Barton who has amazing stamina to go for hours and hours and find a positive remark to make on every single skater. He gives constructive criticism but gently and respectful of the feelings of these young people who really put themselves out there. I never knew much, if anything, about juniors coming up and I believe Ted is the one to thank for all the coverage we have had now these last years. Who we like and don't care for is obviously a very personal choice. I was talking to a friend from the US who doesn't follow skating but also not totally in the dark either. She was raving about Tara and Johnny and how entertaining they are and such a gift in their abilities to make a somewhat boring sport more watchable.
I enjoyed Kevin Reynolds commentating as well. Whatever happened to PJ Kwong?

Who's missing Rod Black, lol? I know he was OTP, but I didn't mind him.


Well-Known Member
There were plenty of people who were so happy when Skate Canada and Canadians switched to CTV/TSN from CBC (and BOLD) because Brenda Irving is so terrible. We get complete coverage of Skate Canada generally as there are like 7 competitors in grand prixs these days, but ugh, Canadians. But no Brenda Irving!!!


Well-Known Member
PJ also does a number of podcasts/ skater interviews - I think mostly Ontario centric, or that is just who I have caught. I love hearing her introduce the skaters at the Olympics and she goes out of her way to use correct pronunciation of names. She seems super well connected within the sport and her interviewees relaxed and like they are chatting with an old friend during her interviews.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
PJ Kwong was the English-language arena announcer in Beijing. She was great when Bold showed every skater, and she did the whole thing solo, like Barton usually does. Wasn't she part of the CBC team for a while post-Bold?
PJ, for a while (like 2009-2013 or so?) was doing was Barton basically did during this Worlds. Some of the biggest fields ever were in those Worlds and she sat through all of them, every last skater.

Having worked with her weekly on my own project a few years ago, she really knows her stuff, is super prepared, and is always super positive about all of the skating.


Is he? Really? He's never said anything that's made me think he'd even worn a pair of skates in his life.

Knowing him, I'm sure he'd have brought it up endlessly, if he had something to talk about in that area.
He wasn't, although there is a pic of him in ice skates for a photo op with Nicky Slater and someone else years ago at Richmond. Maybe that's where that started? Simon's only claim to fame other than his commentating career is being the brother of movie star and infamous chat show guest, Oliver Reed.


RIP D-10
That was on the BOLD channel, and she was awesome. CBC sold the channel in 2013. I think she did some commentary after that, but not alone.

She's spoken about getting started in sports where they'd assign her to something obscure (by TV standards), and she'd have to learn about it, stat. And she would. She and Paul Dore had a podcast in which they'd interview a load of people across all subjects, and you could see from her questions and engagement how she learns and absorbs things. Respecting people is one of her superpowers.
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void beast
He wasn't, although there is a pic of him in ice skates for a photo op with Nicky Slater and someone else years ago at Richmond. Maybe that's where that started? Simon's only claim to fame other than his commentating career is being the brother of movie star and infamous chat show guest, Oliver Reed.
I take it back, then: Simon HAS, in fact, worn a pair of skates in his life. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't disagree on his comments on Meaghan. I am Canadian, and literally could never stand her. She almost makes Jamie Sale appear likeable. And he thought his mike was off, but I guess this is a lesson to everyone, wait until you are completely off job and in private before you let those kinds of thoughts slip.


Well-Known Member
There is no excuse for the incompetence and complete unwillingness to learn the basics of the sport by Simon Reed (or Nicky Slater for that matter).
I totally agree on this, and that bothers me far more about Simon and Nicky than their faux pas that was accidentally caught. So I am happy they are being replaced, for whatever reason it came about.

Plus Simon covers other sports like tennis, and it is evident he has done far more homework on them than he does on figure skating, which makes it even more inexcusable, when skating is the sport he probably covers most.

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