Anna Shcherbakova Fan Thread


I find 2019 Russian national champion Anna S. and her skating to be charming and expressive so this is a thread dedicated to her. :)

This was her exquisitely performed & haunting SP from Russian Nationals earlier today in Krasnoyarsk:

The official Channel 1 15-minute feature video from October 2019 before her Grand Prix debut at Skate America (linked and summarized in post #1 of this GSD thread here:
) no longer works for me but I found another copy that includes English subtitles -- it's well worth watching:

What do YOU like about Anna's skating?
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Ubering juniors against my will
She skates with a grace and serenity beyond her years.

And at the same time she is an adorable little pixie. :D


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I love Anna. So delicate in her appearance and yet so strong mentally.
I am so confused................but I think that is my general state of mind. Aren't we watching the 2019 Russian Nationals right now. How could she be the 2019 Russian Champ?


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I am so confused................but I think that is my general state of mind. Aren't we watching the 2019 Russian Nationals right now. How could she be the 2019 Russian Champ?

I think the current national champion (in progress) is for 2020, even though we are still in 2019.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
What a free skate from Shcherbakova.

With her sp and fs combined point total, she would have won the men's competition overall as well.


Brava, Anna! Here's her Nationals winning free skate (Russian broadcast with an excited TAT):

She scored 261.87 total, 181.94 in FS: 108.22 (TES) 73.72 (PCS) 9.07 9.04 9.36 9.32 9.29 0.00 #14

Jumps landed: 4Lz+3T (19.97 points), 4F step out (10.06), 2A, 4Lz (15.94) / 3Lz+3Lo (13.82), 3F-eu-3S (12.7), 3Lz; all L4 spins.
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Banned Member
Anna did an awesome job last year when it counted, and did it again this year. Much respect to her! :kickass: :cheer2: Congrats to the 2-time Russian National Champion! :rockstar:


Banned Member
I admit I like Alena's skating far more (but I enjoy Anna's far more than Alexandra's) but I have to hand it to her. She really brought it and won against all odds over someone who looked nearly unbeatable even without any quads. The best I have ever seen her skate. A true competitor.


Well-Known Member
Alena and Alexandra are usually the two who get the most attention from fans among the Eteri trio. Alena is the artist and Alexandra is the jumper while Anna is somewhere in between so sometimes it feels like she gets forgotten in the mix (which sounds strange I know). So I'm thrilled Anna was able to defend her title because I like her best :D

There's a calming gracefulness yet great exuberance all rolled into one which I find so charming that I can't help but smile whenever she skates.


Banned Member
Alena and Alexandra are usually the two who get the most attention from fans among the Eteri trio. Alena is the artist and Alexandra is the jumper while Anna is somewhere in between so sometimes it feels like she gets forgotten in the mix (which sounds strange I know). So I'm thrilled Anna was able to defend her title because I like her best :D

There's a calming gracefulness yet great exuberance all rolled into one which I find so charming that I can't help but smile whenever she skates.

I agree but it is also hilarious that a woman who does triple axels and triple-triples all over the place and does the most technically difficult short program ever by a woman and constantly skates it cleanly isn't regarded as a "jumper" or as the least athletic of the trio (Alena). We have an embarrassment of riches with the Russian woman today.

I agree Anna feels like the forgotten one of the trio often and I think she will probably continue to be the underdog, but I think she likes that role and thrives in it.


Banned Member
To put it into perspective Alena does far more jump content than Midori Ito in her prime did, and Ito is still regarded as the best jumper of all time; and yet in the current trio she is the "artist" or the non athlete. It is just mind boggling.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I kept wondering when others would recognize this achievement of Anna Scherbakova winning Russian Ladies Freakin’ Nationals two years in a row???!!! Especially tough now in the Hunger Games era.
Med In 16/17...Sotnikova - what? - four times?! Wasn’t she the one that FSU hated so much? Maybe time to re-evaluate her, too.
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Banned Member
I kept wondering when others would recognize this achievement of Anna Scherbakova winning Russian Ladies Freakin’ Nationals two years in a row???!!! Especially tough now in the Hunger Games era.
Med In 16/17...Sotnikova - what? - four times?! Wasn’t she the one that FSU hated so much? Maybe time to re-evaluate her, too.

People are probably too hard on Sotnikova, but lets be real, her Russian titles were all before the time of Russian depth. Russia had only 2 girls at the 2014 Olympic since they didn't even have good enough results at the 2009 worlds to qualify 3. Heck they didn't even come close to qualifying 3 girls for the 2014 Olympics, they were a whopping 6 spots away for managing it. The U.S even qualified 3 girls for Sochi and Russia came nowhere near. Russia had way more more depth in the days of Slutskaya/Butyrskaya/Sokolova and even the days of Vodorezova/Ivanova/Kondrashova than it did when Sotnikova competed. And once depth came she instantly unofficialy retired from the sport, almost immediately after Sochi, rather than face it.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
People are probably too hard on Sotnikova, but lets be real, her Russian titles were all before the time of Russian depth. Russia had only 2 girls at the 2014 Olympic since they didn't even have good enough results at the 2009 worlds to qualify 3. Heck they didn't even come close to qualifying 3 girls for the 2014 Olympics, they were a whopping 6 spots away for managing it. The U.S even qualified 3 girls for Sochi and Russia came nowhere near. Russia had way more more depth in the days of Slutskaya/Butyrskaya/Sokolova and even the days of Vodorezova/Ivanova/Kondrashova than it did when Sotnikova competed. And once depth came she instantly unofficialy retired from the sport, almost immediately after Sochi, rather than face it.

You’re absolutely correct, ruppertsurvive.

I was just surprised when I checked the Russian Natls Wiki and realized that Sotnikova had won Sr Nats four times. Time flies & I had forgotten.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I had to search for this thread because there were no recent posts. This beautiful skater has the best chance of winning the OGM, based on the mental toughness she has displayed the last three years. I don't understand why she is not as popular as some of her teammates, who are great skaters too.

I was very happy to see her land the quad flip recently in the Italian GP. I was hearing that she has lost the quads. She proved them wrong. From her interview it seems she will have the quad lutz next time or at her nationals. I am rooting for her to make the Olympic team.


Well-Known Member
I think she is so polite and lovely that she doesn't provoke a great deal of discussion, because there's not much controversy surrounding her. All in all I think that's a good thing. But also there's a whole Russian women thread that gets tons of posts so maybe that consumes all the talk about her.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
CONGRATULATIONS, Anya Shcherbakova!

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2022 OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST (THE traditional individual event, baby!!!! No phony team thingie here)



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