Maxim Kovtun Interview (Wining RN, losing 15 kg in 3 weeks, no comfort zone).

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Checks and balances of Maxim Kovtun. How he won the Russian Nationals.
By Andrey Shitihin. Sport-Express.

Maxim Kovtun: to return to figure skating lost 15 kg (32 lbs) in 3 weeks.
Maxim Kovtun in Saransk became a 4-time Russian Figure Skating National Champion. A day after his triumph he came to talk to journalists and to shared with he had to go through to return to the top.

How to lose weight in 3 weeks.
When I returned to Elena Bouianova she set me a harsh condition – lose weight, approximately, in 3 weeks. But I was ready for it, and started to lose weight even before she stated it. At that time I have already lost approximately 3 kg, but the goal was to lose 11-12 kg more. I managed it. I hade a strict diet regiment, all was prescribed. If I failed to lose this weight, they would not allow me (take me) to the training camp.

My diet plan was developed by my friend, a dietician and a boxing coach. Besides loosing weight, a goal was also to keep the strength. Each day there was jogging, training, ideal diet, no food after 6 pm. Also every day there was a mandatory steam room (banya, hot sauna). The weight went up and down for some time, remained unstable, but then it all evened out. Fortunately I was able to lose it (weight) at the same rate as I gained it. But it was not easy.

One must fight for a place in life.
At one point I realized the realities of life. (prior to that) It was just sport, and my thought were that even if it does not work out, it’s not a big deal – I will be in demand, here or there, and in any case will not parish. But in reality it is not like this, one must fight for a place in life. Each man is for himself (on his own). I understood that a feeling of not succeeding will eat me alive, if I don’t attempt a comeback. At that point is when I had the clear picture of how the work should be structured. I received this chance, and don’t want to loose it.

Sleep-Skate. Skate-Sleep.
I looked with opened eyes at the (past) performances – very many aspects which require work. Now we will come back to Moscow and begin the skating. We will work with extra effort all the way until the Europeans. I’ve already processed (in my mind) that I am back on the team. Need to consider all the mistakes made here at Nationals, find the reasons why they happened and fix them. To increase difficulty in the programme is not considered. Work must be done on what is in already, but each element must be executed well.

I realized that I should not spread myself thin. If you’re in figure skating, then you should not distract yourself with secondary, like social media and socializing. For some it may not be destructive, but not in my case. During last 7-8 months, from the time I returned to Elena Germanovna (Buianova), my life cardinally changed. (now it is) Sleep-train, train-sleep (sleep-ice, ice-sleep). I was ready and now am used to it. This kind of rhythm (routine) in some ways is better, for your life, makes it easier. At least while I am in sports.

Checks and Balances.
More than half a year I keep a diary of my training regime, write in all that I do or don’t do during practices. (and put check marks next to them): there are only 3 options, Fall is X, Pop is 0, Laded is I. Besides that I write commentary on the practice, what went well and what not. Every morning I write down my weight, to have a full picture for analysis.

Together with Sasha Uspensky we evaluate (each) training session, to understand where and what can be improved. He (SU) is Elena Germanovna’s assistant (coach) and (he) invests a lot of effort into me. Each warm up has the same routine (mechanism). He (SU) is in charge of stroking and edge work. Each training process we spend with 100% maximum.

Maximum Stabilization.
I am trying to stabilize all my elements to the maximum. During last week before Nationals, from Monday to Friday, I have not made a single mistake on the 4S and 4T. To reach this (goal) took the longest time. This type of process (approach) leads you to remain in the “training state of mind” during competitions. It was very important for me to make the team. No secret, in figure skating support is important including the material contribution (given to a team member). When not on the team, all is hard.

No-comfort Zone, I am not expecting it (comfort).
Before I skated on emotions and the results could be anything (random). But there was no predictability. Sometimes I did great, sometimes I flopped. Now everything is different, the work is more productive, and does not depend on my mood (feelings). (my coaches) Keep me constantly out of a comfort zone, so that nothing would stun me. Here is an example. One day I am told today is a test skate (with officials present), I come to the rink and it’s only Elena Germanovna. Then unexpectedly (I come for a regular practice) and the whole Federation is there, Gorshkov, Kogan, Tarasova. And I must learn not to react, who is or is not present. No-comfort Zone, and I do not expect it.

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Handy Emergency Backup Mode
How to loose weight in 3 weeks.
When I returned to Elena Bouianova she set me a harsh condition – loose weight, approximately, in 3 weeks. But I was ready for it, and started to loose weight even before she stated it. At that time I have already lost approximately 3 kg, but the goal was to loose 11-12 kg more. I managed it. I hade a strict diet regiment, all was prescribed. If I failed to loose this weight, they would not allow me (take me) to the training camp.

What the actual fcuk. 15kgs from WHERE?! The guy's a fcuking rake. And 15kg in 3 weeks?!?!?!!?!? Congrats folks you just wasted a fcukton of muscle mass because that's not healthy one bit.

Jesus Christ some of these coaches are incredibly fcuked up and should not be allowed to have students ever. And the worst part is that skaters like Kovtun have been so brainwashed by the system that he probably thinks this is perfectly normal and acceptable. (Actually, one of the worst parts is that there will be people on this very forum who will then lecture us about how wonderful it is and how this is fine and healthy and it's us fat Westerners who don't understand.)


Well-Known Member
Jesus. 15 kg in three weeks is not healthy. It is even unhealthier for a coach to set this kind of guideline that "lose it or get out." Coaches have to deal with fluctuating weight. I would hope that many of them are wiser than to do this. You have to wonder if Sotnikova's sudden injuries were also due to these methods. Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
The YouTube video from 11/29/2018, about 4 weeks ago, of Kovtun at Tallinn does not show him to have 30 extra pounds on him. When did he supposedly lose this weight?


Well-Known Member
The YouTube video from 11/29/2018, about 4 weeks ago, of Kovtun at Tallinn does not show him to have 30 extra pounds on him. When did he supposedly lose this weight?

Kovtun lost weight earlier this year after he had left Goncharenko. After Nationals last year, he was in Ilia Averbukh's shows and gain a lot of weight (15kg) since he had 'retired'. He stated this in another interview.
After an unsuccessful performance at the Russian Championships, figure skater Maxim Kovtun made the decision for himself to end his career. However, after a while resumed training. According to the athlete himself, with a new attitude.

- Maxim, after the championship of Russia you said that you want to take a pause.

- Yes, I spoke about it absolutely openly. I wanted to let go of the situation, not to think about anything. He participated in the show of Ilya Averbukh, spent time with his family, doing what I want.

At that moment, I mentally decided for myself that I finished everything with sports. Gained weight.


He decided to come back to competive skating because he realized he hasn't met his potential and thus had to lose the extra weight he had gained. So by Tallinn, he had already lost the weight months ago.

Plus there is more info about him losing weight with the help of a dietitian.

EV: You lost a lot of weight, or does it seem to me?
MK: For a while I have been eating right. I gained about 15kg which I had to get rid of when I returned to the sports. I was quite fat. Frankly, it was a hard thing to do.

EV: Who helped you with the diet?
MK: A friend from Cheliabinsk. He is a certified fitness coach, coaching boxing and makes eating programmes for his athletes. I like how he works. He made a full list for me for every day, which products I have to eat and which vitamins I would digest. I do exactly what he says. I don't hunger myself, there is just no redundant food. Every time I finish the meal feeling slightly hungry and feel just fine a couple of minutes later. It's not as if I were only chewing the salad leaves and was suffering all the time. Just that if someone uses souse with their meat I eat it plain. I can eat some grains with mushrooms, a fish steak, vegetables and if am still hungry I can always put an avocado in my rice. A bug mug of tea. I feel great. Much better than after a day I allow myself to eat whatever.

EV: I.e. it's something negative?
MK: Well, yeah. When you always eat right you have an urge to eat something horrible like fastfood. I always feel bad after. I.e. I was able to feel the difference and like the way I live now - simply and without redundant things.

EV: Did you have to regrow your muscles?
MK: Absolutely. From the scratch. Not only the muscles but some other things as well.


Along with diet, he did resume more intense physical training to get back into competitive shape.
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Well-Known Member
Deleted as the poster above was faster and had more details about Kovtun‘s diet


Well-Known Member
I think it’s close to impossible for a non- obese person to lose 30 pounds in 3 weeks. Seriously, do the math.

I think these stories aren’t accurate or he is “rounding” the numbers in some way.
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Let the skating begin
I think it’s close to impossible for a non- obese person to lose 30 pounds in 3 weeks. Seriously, do the math.

I think these stories aren’t accurate or he is “rounding” the numbers in some way.
I suspect it took longer than three weeks, but Buianova may have challenged him to get into shape before she would consider taking him back as a skater. He's been working on this for quite a while.


Well-Known Member
30 sounds like an exaggeration -- but I can drop 6 pounds in 3-4 days after returning from vacation where I ate lots of salty food in restaurants. I get home, drink lots of water and tea, and the numbers on the scale drop quickly.

When Mr. Barbk was Kovtun's age, he could drop weight quite quickly just from stopping the afternoon Cokes and cookies -- and he was a skinny dude to start. It was frustrating to watch, that's for sure.

So, not buying 30 pounds in 3 weeks -- but 15? Yeah, I can imagine it, especially if half of it was water weight.


Well-Known Member
It very well took him longer than 3 weeks. He stated that he had to lose weight before camp otherwise they would not have taken him to Italy. Well camp didn't even start until the middle of June (June 13th) and Buianova took him back at the beginning of April. He admitted in the interview posted in the OP that he started to lose weight before she, Buianova, told him to, which could have started prior to the beginning of April. So he had more than 10 weeks, after she took him back, to drop the weight prior to camp, otherwise he would have been left. And it very well could have taken that long as he admitted to some challenges. Three weeks could be an exaggeration. Hell the 15 kg could be as well although he did visibly gained weight. Honestly, I thought he was still trying to lose weight during camp :shuffle:

Like it was stated, Buianova's ultimatum just could have been to test his motivation, to see whether he was serious about his comback, otherwise she probably wouldn't have taken him back.


Well-Known Member
It’s really hard to know. However in fairness I do think their is a place for the coach to tell someone they are out of shape if they are truly out of shape. The fact that he is saying he was losing weight before she asked him tells me that he knew she was right. He does mention to a dietician.


What the actual fcuk. 15kgs from WHERE?! The guy's a fcuking rake.
Do we have footage of Kovtun earlier this year? (besides some random IG shots) I guess (and hope) he did not look like today before losing weight.
(I won't comment on how much in which time, as enough is already said in that regard)

(Actually, one of the worst parts is that there will be people on this very forum who will then lecture us about how wonderful it is and how this is fine and healthy and it's us fat Westerners who don't understand.)
Can we just not ignore the fact that weight does matter in this sport?

For the record:
1) I did not imply you are one of those ignoring @misskarne.
2) I do not go conform with some questionable methods and 'bullying' to lose weight.
3) I do hate outcomes like Antipova, Ilyushechkina & Co. after point#2.
4) I do want to point out, that this is not a russian phenomenon only (Gold, Dalemam & Co.).
5) Western speaking.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
If you'd like to correct your thread title, it's "losing" (not loosing/loose weight)... thanks for translating, @Tinami Amori.
Thank you, Sylvia! i corrected the text. not sure how to correct the title. If you or admins can help, that would be great.

It very well took him longer than 3 weeks. He stated that he had to lose weight before camp otherwise they would not have taken him to Italy.
Like it was stated, Buianova's ultimatum just could have been to test his motivation, to see whether he was serious about his comback, otherwise she probably wouldn't have taken him back.
I too think Kovtun was bragging about 12 kg in 3 weeks, and that Buianova's team is putting him through "tough love" to test his determination. Given all the efforts invested, i doubt Buianova would have dismissed him if he lost 8 kg instead of 12.
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Well-Known Member
Do we have footage of Kovtun earlier this year? (besides some random IG shots) I guess (and hope) he did not look like today before losing weight.
(I won't comment on how much in which time, as enough is already said in that regard)

I only have pictures.

January, during Averbukh's show

February, off ice photoshoot

March, during Plushenko's show

May, he was in sweats most of the time

June, during camp, plenty of photos of Max
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Do we have footage of Kovtun earlier this year?
There is of course footage from previous years' nationals
2017 -
2018 -
2019 -

My observation is that Kovtun does have a "wide butt" naturally and if gains few pounds it becomes noticeable. His coaches are aware of it, and i can make a case that many of his costumes designs try to balance out the "top" and "bottom" with visual effects to make top look wider than the bottom. But in theory, the issue is not worth "15 kg in 3 weeks" approach, slower would be better.
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Well-Known Member
He lost weight and looks great. (And it seems his jumps became more stabil. I really believe the light weight makes the jumps easier and less injury in the landing.) But I don't believe this happened during the 3 weeks. Unbelievable! It would have weakened him.
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Banned Member
Kovtun: "... It was just sport, and my thought were that even if it does not work out, it’s not a big deal – I will be in demand, here or there, and in any case I will not perish. But in reality it is not like this, one must fight for a place in life. ... I understood that a feeling of not succeeding will eat me alive, if I don’t attempt a comeback. At that point is when I had the clear picture... I received this chance, and I don’t want to lose it."

:cheer2: :respec:


Banned Member
Kovtun's keys to training success which can lead to achieving goals:

"To increase difficulty in the programme is not considered. Work must be done on what is in already, but each element must be executed well...

If you’re in figure skating, then you should not distract yourself with secondary [pursuits], like social media and socializing...

Sleep-train, train-sleep (sleep-ice, ice-sleep)... This kind of rhythm (routine) in some ways is better for your life, makes it easier. At least ... in sports.

... there are only 3 options, Fall is X, Pop is 0, Landed is I. Besides that I write commentary on the practice, what went well and what not...

... remain in the “training state of mind” during competitions. It's very important ... to make the team. No secret, in figure skating support is important including the material contribution (given to a team member). When not on the team, all is hard...

Before I skated on emotions and the results could be anything (random). There was no predictability. Sometimes I did great, sometimes I flopped. Now everything is different, the work is more productive, and does not depend on my mood ... (My coaches) keep me constantly out of a comfort zone, so that nothing [will] stun me...

No comfort zone, and I do not expect it."

:COP: Methinks Kolyada, Aliev and many other skaters, no matter their nationality, should be taking notes...


Well-Known Member
I'm excited for what Kovtun is achieving but Kolyada and Aliev don't necessarily have the same issues as he does, so what is working for him at the moment may not be the same as what they need.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should at least see how he does at Euros and (maybe) Worlds before acting like he has discovered some great new way of training that's so superior to all the other men. Talk is cheap.


Banned Member
Kolyada and Aliev don't necessarily have the same issues as he does

Sure every skater is different and has a different career arc and variant personal challenges. What works for one may not work for another in every aspect. It's important to develop a program that works for individual skaters' needs. But the key points that Kovtun outlines that I highlight I think is good advice for any skater, any athlete, and indeed any human who wishes to get things done and achieve particular goals.

Work on what is in front of you first; perfect the skills you already have some mastery over before tackling other difficult skills; IOW, don't get ahead of yourself and try to do too much; be strategic and simplify

Try to avoid distractions; don't fritter time away on social media

Stay in the moment; keep your mind focused on developing a daily routine that can then become automatic under more stressful conditions

Discipline can foster desired results; giving into distractions and emotions can lead to inconsistency and uncertainty under pressure

Don't fall into the mode of relying on a comfort zone because anything can happen, and often does

It's surely unclear what Kolyada's and Aliev's problems happen to be. But I personally think they both need to take stock and figure it out. Maybe it's something to do with their approach to training or something mental that happens during competition. Only they can try to get to the bottom of it. But definitely Kolyada's results do seem random. unpredictable and sloppy for someone with as much talent as he possesses. Kolyada is clearly the most talented among the Russian men. If he could get it together, Kolyada could slay everyone, including Hanyu, Nathan, and Shoma. The question is whether or not Kolyada believes that he can? He doesn't appear to have a lot of confidence. Maybe Kolyada needs to leave the comfort zone of his current coach.

Neither Kovtun nor Samarin are as aesthetically talented as Kolyada and Aliev, yet Kovtun and Samarin appear to be more determined competitors.

Happy New Year! :40beers:

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
I only have pictures.

January, during Averbukh's show

February, off ice photoshoot

March, during Plushenko's show

May, he was in sweats most of the time

June, during camp, plenty of photos of Max

Thank you!

To me he’s always looked like a skinny guy, ever since juniors. In the pics here he looks a little heavier, but nowhere near 32 pounds heavier. Nothing more than the usual off season weight gain imo.

I do really hope it was a mistranslation or typo. Maybe 15 pounds, not 15 kg?


Banned Member
Maybe you should at least see how he does at Euros and (maybe) Worlds before acting like he has discovered some great new way of training that's so superior to all the other men. Talk is cheap.

:lol: Kovtun is only talking about his own journey, not telling others what they need to do.

As far as my suggestion re other skaters needing to take notes, well, it certainly seems that something different needs to happen for Aliev and Kolyada to improve their confidence and their performance results! :COP:

Plus, skaters who understand the battle and who are in the arena have been inspired by Kovtun's infectious intensity, and his exciting, unexpected victory at Russian Nationals. It's one competition of course, but yep, it is inspiring. No need to puke in the pudding/ rain on the parade re the expressions of deserved respect for Kovtun's efforts.

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