Edited: Roseanne reboot - BOOTED


Well-Known Member
But perhaps, as was the case with House of Cards, they will be able to come up with a way to continue production.

House of Cards is continuing? Do you know the details - who replaces Spacey, and when the next season airs?

Artistic Skaters

Drawing Figures
There is even a precedent for continuing the show from the 1980s. They killed off Valerie Harper in her show (the one after Rhoda) due to a contract dispute & then made the show about the family. I don't know if it would even be considered a spin-off.


Well-Known Member
That's right. It was "Valerie" and then it became "Valerie's Family" and, was it Sandy Duncan (?) came and lived with them to be the "mom" figure. Wasn't she their aunt (the husbands sister)?

Artistic Skaters

Drawing Figures
Yes, & IIRC it ran for awhile after Valerie Harper left.

It looks like Roseanne posted a fake photo with incorrect comments of Whoopi but then deleted it after Whoopi called her out on The View.

*** Whoopi Goldberg Slams Roseanne Barr for Retweeting 'Horrific' Altered Photo of Her on Twitter :
Whoopi Goldberg hit back at Roseanne Barr on Wednesday, after Barr retweeted an altered image of Goldberg on Twitter, in which The View co-host appeared to wear a shirt depicting President Donald Trump shooting himself in the head.

The tweet Barr retweeted read, “Out of curiosity @ABC & @Disney this is okay with you? Hypocrisy on the Left is sickening! Your Pathetic! #BoycottABC #IStandWithRoseanne" alongside the photo. Barr has since deleted the retweet.

"In her Twitter rant following the cancellation, she also retweeted a false picture of me, so here we go again," Goldberg said. "Here is the truth about the shirt I was wearing at the Women's March in New York. It clearly says, "And you thought I was a nasty woman before? Buckle up, buttercup.' Now, some bonehead Photoshopped a horrific image on the shirt and she retweeted this."

"So this is what I'm gonna say. Roseanne, just because you were caught with your pants down, don't try to drag other people down with you, you understand?" she said. "Don't do that. Because there are times when you gotta suck it up because you stepped in doo."

"It's easy to do because it's red meat," Goldberg added. "I didn't fake my shirt. Someone else faked my shirt. But that's your tweet. That tweet came from you. So, that's yours. You did this to yourself."
Roseanne has gone from Pizzagate to Whoopigate.
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drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
You’re both right. It was renamed “Valerie’s Family”, and then later became “The Hogan Family”.

Valerie Harper wasn’t a producer on that show, even though it started with her name. Barris an executive producer. I would not be surprised if she has some sort of rights over the characters.


Well-Known Member
:rofl: Okay, that is the show Jason Bateman was in wasn't it? I really did watch that show when it was on.


Well-Known Member
Since it ended with Roseanne deciding to have the surgery, they have a story line right there already if they wanted to kill off 'Roseanne Conner'. Jackie could move in, everybody else carries on. It could work.


Reformed Manspreader
:rofl: Okay, that is the show Jason Bateman was in wasn't it? I really did watch that show when it was on.
Yes he was in that .He was the older brother. He was also in Silver Spoons much earlier in his career. They both used to be rerun all the time. I actually never knew it was called Valerie or Valerie's Family ,because the reruns on syndication always had it as The Hogan Family even during the episodes where Valerie's character was still alive .


Cowardly admin
Staff member
You made me read the comments :lynch:

Roseanne (the show) wasn't really as popular in Israel as it was in the US. Some on the right might enjoy the pro-Israel shtick, but quite a few Israelis either dislike it/her or simply don't care.

If Jerry Seinfeld ever got into a spat with a network, however...

Roseanne the person has done events for Stand With Us and other nationalistic Bibi cheerleaders. She’s publicly attacked J Street et al and has called left-wing Jews kapos. Publicly.

So it’s not her show, it’s her that is popular in some circles.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
I wonder what Sandy Duncan is doing these days? Maybe ABC could bring her in as Roseanne Connor's estranged sister to replace Barr and rename the show, "The Ambiens".


Well-Known Member
Since it ended with Roseanne deciding to have the surgery, they have a story line right there already if they wanted to kill off 'Roseanne Conner'. Jackie could move in, everybody else carries on. It could work.
Except Roseanne Barr is the creator of "Roseanne" and the Executive Producer. If she allowed it to go on without her, she would still benefit. Not much of a punishment.


Well-Known Member
I never got the impression of racist attitudes in the 1st series in the 1980s/90s

Yeah, I never got racist vibes from her first show. I think the internet has caused people to go off the deep end with conspiracy theories and tribalism.


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
That does not excuse what she has done.
Can she be compelled to get the treatment she needs?
Alas, unless she is a danger to herself or others, no, she cannot be forced into treatment.

I saw an "I support Roseanne" meme posted by a few uber-conservative Facebook friends. I wonder: If Roseanne had said the same thing about a black REPUBLICAN, say Ben Carson, would they/conservatives feel as compelled to support Roseanne? Would they feel the same "oh, it's the snowflake liberals not allowing Roseanne to say stuff because it hurts their feelings" or would they see the terrible racism inherent in comparing a black person to an ape?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Roseanne's said enough inappropriate things that a fan (such as me) can't really say much. But if this punishment for Roseanne as well as all those that worked on the show is the new norm, what can we expect to see happen to all the police officers in the past who have shot and killed unarmed African-Americans? It should be a lot more extreme, yes? Stupid, racist insults...versus murder?


Well-Known Member
I mean ABC isn’t in charge of the killing of unarmed black people by the police. Even with public outrage, those in charge of that have chosen to do nothing or justify it, generally.


Well-Known Member
I just think it's a good question for Americans to think about at this time. Land of the free and the home of the brave and all.


Well-Known Member
The only new question that was answered was to the question of whether we still had some standards of decency left. For a while, it felt like people truly were empowered to say and do whatever it is that they wanted. So this is not a "new" normal but going back to what life was like before this new environment. In the past, Roseanne would most likely never have been green lit for this revival in the first place, but ABC and others saw dollar signs and thought it was safe to have somebody as hateful and as much of a loose cannon as her on television. Now that this new incident happened, which really was a variation of posts she made for years, ABC realized that their long-term image will be damaged by keeping her on the air, and had to ask themselves if they wanted to be a network that openly attracted racist viewers.

The same people who were outraged by Roseanne and her tweets and public stances are most likely the same people who showed outrage and anger and actively protested at what they saw were unwarranted brutal killings of black people by police officers, and those who are mad at ABC and side with Roseanne after this incident are most likely the same people who quickly came to the defense of the police officers and did what they could to paint the victims as villains who got what was coming to them. The only thing that is different is the outcome in that ABC, a private and business-minded company that relies on public approval, actually fired her and canceled the show while those in charge of firing the police officers and prosecuting them for charges of murder/mainslaughter have generally chosen not to do so and chosen to protect the police officers. People had a bit more power in the Roseanne situation because people affect ABC's bottomline.

And I have to ask, what are you saying with your comment "Land of the free and the home of the brave and all"?
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Well-Known Member
Today Roseanne is claiming she didn't know Jarrett was black, she thought she was "Saudi, Persian and Jewish". After a fan suggested on twitter that she didn't know Jarrett was black as a defense.

It sounds to me like she has a substance abuse problem along the lines of Mel Gibson. She is alternately lashing out and grasping at straws.

Most celebrities pay publicists and agents big $$ to screen their interviews and appearances to avoid situations like this.


Well-Known Member
Because even Roseanne knows the racist history of African-Americans (and Africans in general) being portrayed as apes, monkeys, sub-human, animals, etc. and she thinks by saying she thought Jarrett was of another dark-skinned race, then her comment comparing Jarrett to an ape would not be seen in that same context.


Fan of many, uber of none
So then, she's racist, just not against black people, but against Saudi, Persian and Jewish people. Yeah, that's much better.

Fact is, most jobs are going to have some kind of code of conduct or morals clause in an employment contract. Repeated racist comments on a public forum are probably going to get most people fired; she just happens to be a much better known person.

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